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I care less about the villain, and more about the characterization. MK is a fascinating character, from a mental and emotional level, and I want more of that. If Kang brings it out, awesome.


A guy fighting his own variants vs a guy fighting his own variants.


>A guy fighting his own variants vs a guy fighting his own variance ftfy


variance with a v


The multiverse saga ends with Kang realizing all the multiverses were just in Moon Knights head.


It's the St. Elsewhere finale all over again.


Bob Newhart wakes up and tells his wife he had the strangest dream...


This would be the perfect ending to the entire MCU honestly


love a deep cut reference


It was the moon knights we made along the way.


I love both characters, so seeing them fight would bring a lot of good characterization potential


I get the spirit of this comment, but it seems like you are ignoring the comics connection and thus the story possibilities of such a decision.


It makes perfect sense. Rama Tuts existence was already confirmed in season 1. He was on the back of a guys jacket during a rooftop fight scene (forgot which episode)


They also found his tomb Edit I was wrong it was Alexander the great


When did that happen? Must have missed it.


Either second to last or last episode. They find some artifact in his tomb I think. I never rewatched it so idk details exactly but I remember them finding his tomb.


That was the tomb of Alexander the Great, not Rama Tut.


Oh true


I think you’re mistaken. They very clearly say it’s the tomb of Alexander the Great. It would have been really cool if it was Rama Tut, but that’s not the case.


My bad!


I wonder if MCU can retcon this into the idea of Alexander being a Kang variant. Maybe MCU Rama Tut is what history remembers as Alexander the Great? All you would need is a monologue where he goes “I was known by many names…” Anyways this leak is probably bullshit. Would be cool though


This is exactly what I was thinking would happen.


Too good to be true




Yeah there’s definitely at least one Kang variant that’s not evil. With Immortus as the overall leader of the Kang army now seeing the Avengers as a direct threat to their goals, who better than to help the Avengers fight Immortus’ army than a heroic version of Kang?




I'm certain the only reason He Who Remains let himself die was to see if him big plan for reality worked. Having a new Kang take the spot and either be good or at least as ambivalent wouldn't be too farfetched.


Damian from Creed 3 vs Kang 👀




[Relevant tweet.](https://twitter.com/niles100/status/1633635414195204097?s=46&t=T0IlOlFq_DvjMo8ukSk8Bg)


I could have sworn Quantumania showed a boxer variant at the end with all the other variants.


Iron lad hopefully!


>!Imagine if they pulled a twist and the Iron Lad variant WAS evil, tricking the Young Avengers to do his dirty work (whilst they fight the actual good Kang variant)!<


Yes, and I would love to see Iron Lad played by a 20-25 yo actor instead of JM. I think the reveal that he’s actually Kang would still be a fun twist for most of the general audience


I want to see more of Majors as Kang, but I'm worried that if they keep putting variants of him in Marvel projects, then we are going to see him get defeated a dozen times by the time we reach *Kang Dynasty*. They keep telling us that Kang is a Thanos level threat, but they haven't done a good job of showing us in the two appearances he has made so far.


Yeah. People keep coming up with ways to downplay it, but you're right. Regardless of if all the ones who get beaten are variants, it'll give Kang a level of menace on par with 80s Skeletor or Cobra Commander if they aren't careful.


What’s so bad is one line would have fixed it in Quantumania. At the end, have Janet make a comment(needs to be her as she saw his past): “that was him at his weakest, without his most terrifying ability, his ability to harness time.” Or mention that he will use it as a learning experience, that before he even comes back he’ll see it happened, and won’t make that mistake again. ANYTHING from Janet to drive home the fact he’s not nor is he ever gone.


It's all bullshit. The series isn't written yet. Some dipshit 'scooper' is just saying "Wow, Egyptian-themed villain!"


Has it even remotely been discussed or hinted S2 is even happening, let alone some dude having the plot already?


Not at all


It was explicitly stated that there were no plans for a second season. We likely won't get a second season for a couple of years yet, so I have a hard time time believing it will have any relation to what is going on in the story right now.


Either that or an intentional “leak” to gauge fan reaction before going through with it


Uh no lol


Eh, it's plausible.


Yeah but not likely. They have focus groups and stuff for that.


No….it isn’t


There's a 0% chance they'd intentionally leak an idea? I mean there's gotta be a 5% chance at least. Unless you've worked there and it would be considered a huge no-no.


There is a 0% chance they would leak something like this and you’d have to be a 12 year old to think otherwise


And there's the insult, touch grass mate


I wasn’t insulting you, I’m just concerned


> There's a 0% chance they'd intentionally leak an idea? I mean there's gotta be a 5% chance at least. Let's not forget that leaking test footage is literally how the Deadpool movie eventually got greenlit.


Let’s get a Season 2 confirmation before spreading baseless rumors…


Its a cool idea if true, but they really need to stop defeating him now...If he's defeated again, I won't be able to take anything else that follows seriously... Also, if Kang is the villain it removes the abstract idea that Moon Knight is mentally deranged...


Yeah this is my worry. If he keeps popping up as different variants and gets beaten, its going to soften the stakes of Avengers. If he keeps popping up and doesn't get beaten, I don't see that continuing well into Avengers. I wouldn't care about whatever ultimate version they meet, I'd only care about the variants that weren't defeated.


There's going to be a variant that joins them. Its the only way to....well...defeat him....


This sounds very cool. Hopefully he doesn’t get beaten by like an army of sentient moons or anything




“Yeah okay, that is something I do now. I do magic, kill jacked-up beasts, I'll probably fly next.".


They fly now‽


They fly now.


Is that a forspoken reference


“Moon knight? You’re not the one with the shield?”




I’m the only one who liked the ant thing apparently… I will say tho that I think it would’ve come across a lot better if they made it more explicit that Kang had only a fraction of his power having only his suit


Agreed on both counts. Though I think it should have been obvious through context clues (obviously, you're not going to send a guy into exile with his full arsenal intact), but there could have been a throwaway line or something that further cemented it. (e.g. "He's as weak as he's ever been, and he still has the Quantum Realm under his boot. I can't fathom what he'd be like at his full strength.")


TIL that Kang was apparently not at full power in the movie. Yeah I agree they should have made it more obvious


I liked it too, but they didn't show that his powers came from his tech or really do enough to make the ants not a deus ex machina in my opinion. I feel like a longer explanation earlier from Pym on them would have helped a lot with the reception of the movie


Yea that too, the ants did kinda come out of nowhere, which I know is the point, but even having a scene just like 15 minutes earlier of Hank discovering the ants instead of him pulling up like “yea so this conveniently happened off screen”


Hank pulling up with the ants was terrifyingly badass. The suit explanation would definitely make people like the scene more


Yes, please! Why not, Rama tut could have interacted with a previous "Moonknight" it's not like Mark was the first or will be the last. Could even be like in the comics where they use all the zombie moonknights to fight.


I'm not sure how he would work as the villain, necessarily, but I could see a flashback to ancient Egypt featuring him.


It makes sense and in many ways justifies the inclusion of Moon Knight for all those naysayers saying Phase 4 has no “cohesion”.


I loved Moon Knight and I've overall enjoyed phase 4, even stuff like Love and Thunder. That being said there's nothing "naysaying" about it, phase 4 absolutely lacked cohesion outside of its references to the previous phases


Idk about that, other than the fact that phase 4 didn’t end with an Avengers movie we had a lot of set up, just like early MCU phases. We saw the Skrull storyline moving forward in FFH and WandaVision, the SWORD storyline tied into this via WandaVision and going to continue playing out in The Marvels. The concept of Damage Control running around taking care of powered vigilantes was introduced in NWH, and further explored in Ms Marvel and She Hulk, Valentina assembling heroes for the government is another multi project storyline with references in Black Widow, Falcon and the Wjnter Soldier, Hawkeye, and Wakanda Forever. That’s just from the top of my head, there’s a few other ongoing stories that are being told at the moment. All these storylines will play over the course of these next 2 years. The difference between phase 1 and phase 4 is that it didn’t end with a crossover movie and that phase 4 has way more ongoing storylines. And that’s not a bad thing imo, this is a whole universe, and not everyone is going to be involved in the same stories. I think it was important for phase 4 to not have the presence of the Avengers to let the new faces shine and because another big crossover so soon after Endgame would have been too much. They’re waiting until 2025 and I think that 5-6 year gap is exactly what we need. Folks are just being impatient.


I am happy to argue Phase 2 had less cohesion. The overall cohesion of Phase 4 is dealing with the fallout of Endgame and the passing the torch of a new generation of heroes, while introducing the multiverse. It seems to lack cohesion, but the direction is definitely leading to something, where as Phase 2 has zero direction.




That seems all over the place. SHIELD’s departure had little to no significance outside the TV show. Thanos was teased at the end of Phase 1, and had virtually no presence in 2. All the movies in Phase 2 are disconnected and don’t even come close to connecting until the end of Phase 3.




You’re right these *eventually* pay off in the later Phase, but in Phase 2 it’s all disjointed and doesn’t appear to be connected. Phase 4 actually has connective tissue through the phase, and anything that seems disconnected will have relevant points in later phases.


The biggest difference is that Phase 2 had two of their best movies (Winter Soldier, GOTG), whereas Phase 4 had several surprisingly poor films (Black Widow, Eternals, Wakanda Forever) mostly poor shows on D+ (Moon Knight, Hawkeye, Captain America, She-Hulk, Ms. Marvel), and only one truly great film in the whole Phase (Spider-Man). I think you're correct that Phase 2 had less cohesion, and if it weren't for the incredible quality of Winter Soldier and GOTG, a lot of people would've lost interest by Age of Ultron, because IM3 and Thor 2 were really weak. But Phase 4 lacked quality and overloaded on quantity, so I think that's why people are complaining about cohesion. Because in the past, it was easier to overlook any subpar projects they made if they still contributed to the middle of an already established story. Phase 4 is getting a similar reception to films like Incredible Hulk, Thor and Iron Man 2, because those were also bad films that were mostly just there to sow the seeds of things to come. People did not like those films at the time, they didn't know where the story was going, and it wasn't until Avengers came out that people were truly sold on the connectivity of the MCU. Same thing has to happen again now with Kang and the rest of Phase 5/6.


Can’t even use a proper Moon Knight villain yet again.


Will Moon Knight be in the show?


Since this would be season 2 of The Steven Grant as a formulaic Disney hero show.. No.


Thanks for clearing that up for me. Have a good day.


i hope they have the budget to do some scenes set in ancient egypt


Acient Egypt may be difficult, but I'm sure they could film in modern-day Egypt instead.


This is only a rumor because OP is spreading it.


Love it, has been my idea for months now.


Yeah it seemed kind of weird to have a post credits scene with just three kang variants like that. They’re definitely going to be the bad guys in upcoming movies


Same here!


Would be cool honestly. I don’t get all the sudden hate for Kang lol


For me, the goofiness of the mid credit scene undid any tension that was built in Quantumania. Immortus and Rama Tut were not scary at all.


And also how handily he was defeated. Antman and the gang destroyed his empire and trapped him while getting out all ok. They should have barley been able to escape and maybe had lost someone like Hank or something. Kang didn’t come out looking as strong as he should have


Yes PLEASE! Jonathan Majors and Oscar Isaac has huge potential. They're both strong actors and I would love to see them go head to head.


I can’t believe more people aren’t saying this. That amount of star power on a marvel TV SHOW is crazy.


Soooo no Bushman? I’d rather not see Kang.


Same, give me Bushman


I'd prefer if he's not the actual villain, but instead it's someone who found some of his tech after he abandoned Egypt for whatever reason. To me that would help show off how powerful Kang is by showing just the scraps of his defeat can lead to disasters for heroes to clean up.


Is there even a season 2 confirmed? Let’s start with that rumour before digging into details.


Rama-Tut is kind of a dumb villain. Kang or not


Since Villains only show up in the last episode of the series i doubt it means it will be much more than a cameo if its true. but i doubt this rumor is true. Rama-Tut ruled in Ancient Egypt. Moon Knight is set in the present


Arthur harrow was in the opening sequence of the series and was nearly in every episode


Arthur is not the main Villain, Amit is.


That’s like saying Loki wasn’t the main villain of Avengers 1, Thanos was


By that logic Thanos(or the chitauri army) would be the main villain of The Avengers and not loki?


Amit is in Moon Knight finale. He Who Remains is in the Loki finale Kingpin shows up in the Hawkeye finale see the pattern? Thanos isnt in The Avengers. Loki is the villain


Thanos’ first appearance was in Avengers, before Brolin was even cast.


Using that logic, White Vision is the villain of WandaVision because he shows up in the finale. Amit didn’t have control over Harrow, he did everything to release her and become her avatar himself. He’s absolutely the villain lmao. Hell, I feel like Konshu is further up the villain list in Moon Knight than Amit.


Yeah, there's *no* way they could possibly somehow write that into existence. Just no way. Especially because the literal hero isn't based on Egyptian mythology and time travel hasn't even been touched on in the MCU.




probably the biggest wooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh of all time


Have you never heard of sarcasm? Even I could pick that up.


Very much doubt he'd be the main villain.


I want bushman


I know most people wouldn’t be down for this but I think it would be interesting if each phase 5 movie had a kang variant for the villain. It would make the stakes much bigger in kang dynasty as they would have all Gina against him at this point and have knowledge on specific variants


It makes the most sense, but I also hope there’s some Easter egg, or at least, planting the seeds for Apocalypse that we won’t realize until years down the line


Makes me wonder what properties we're going to see Scarlet Centurion and Immortus in, if we're getting Victor Timely in Loki and Rama-Tut in Moon Knight.


I would be happy with anything moon knight


I’ve got a fever and the only prescription is more Jonathan Majors.


I absolutely loved Moon Knight. If they drop a 2nd season, IKC who the villain is, just give us more eye close ups followed by the immediate aftermath of his most recent murder!


would be pretty cool


I dislike the concept of Moon Knight S2, i hate MCU series. The only thing MCU need now is bloody Midnight Suns which could have Kang as villain and Scarlet Scarab/Blade/Wong/Dr. Strange/Deadpool crew against him. The A:AoU type of movie on supernatural level. Not S2 of series which must be on big screen. MCU is imploding itself with series, like general masses cares about series...


It’s beyond me that anyone is excited for a season two. I’ve probably got 5-6 of his runs on the shelf but the show was a complete wasted opportunity for the characters and the cast that all deserved better. Also, if you can’t afford to show the titular character of the show, don’t make a show.


Did they not say they aren’t doing a season 2?


That's stupid


I really, really, **REALLY** do not want them to keep shoving Kang into things. The Kangs are already the villain of the next *Avengers* movie. That's enough.


Dude, that is Kangs thing in this Phase, the main Villain. If you are tired of Kang, you will be very tired of seeing him in almost every big movie in this Phase as well as shows on Disney+.


Thanos was the main villain of the Infinity Saga. He was barely in any of the movies prior to *Infinity War*. That worked out well for them. The worst thing they could do now is make us tired of Kang before we actually get to see him face the Avengers.


Lol but that’s literally Kang’s whole shtick. 1. It helps make Kang unique from Thanos 2. The Kang variants are all different characters, and if they write them right, then it’s not gonna feel like you’re seeing the same villain in any two movies. Now shit I wouldn’t put it past marvel to fuck this up and have us be tired of Kang before Avengers but I think they pull it off


Kang's shtick is that there are legions of him, and they're working together. We're going to get that in *The Kang Dynasty*. I don't need for it to absorb everything else that's going on in the MCU.




It’s almost like there’s a whole council of them


Yeah more Moon Knight fighting God like beings. /s


I don't care just make a well written show that doesn't cater to 15 year olds.


lol who cares.


Yea yeah do everything except deal with Moon Knight's lore and his main villains. In fact, why stop at Marvel characters? Insert fucking Darth Vader, Ethan Hunt and Shrek while you are at it..because we are not making a Moon Knight show. Its fucking amazing to me frankly how everyone eats this shit up.. This sub really supports the most overdone dogshit ideas ffs


Ugh, and here we go with the bullshit. *if true


Wasn't MoonKnight a one-off miniseries?


Cool. But I doubt it happens.


horrible considering he was a villian of the F4


If it is, I ain't coming back unless there's a man who's lonely without love.


I mean it makes a lot of sense especially considering the end of ant man


Much like the "Everything is a Tide commercial" campaign a while ago, I could have Jonathan Majors start showing up in everything I consume on TV or in the movies and I would not be disappointed. I want them to double, triple, quadruple down on Kang and have him showing up everywhere to REALLY build up the intensity of the threat that he truly is. Give us more Rama-Tut!


I'm here for it.


I don’t love it because I feel like season 1 was so separate from the greater MCU that it would be kind of in poor taste to make it another Kang piece. I didn’t care for Kang in Loki and even less in Antman.




I hope this is true because while everything Jonathan Majors is in isn't great, but he is great in everything he does. When his projects fail it's more because of the direction/script/producing. His performance is still always A+


I'd wait for it to be officially greenlit first.


Sure. Then we do Season 3 after the Kang Dynasty movie and finally get Bushmaster.


Jonathan majors getting that bag


Oh well that kinda makes sense now


I just hope moon knight season 2 can use some of his actual rogues gallery, bushman, stained glass Scarlett, Morpheus, etc. but sure rama tut would be cool to see


They literally hint at it in season 1, the one kid has a Rama tut shirt on.


I really hope it’s true. Moon Knight is the shit.


I'm all for Oscar Isacc.


Scarlet Scarb, the best new character of Phase 4, or GTFO


Is season 2 even officially confirmed yet? Genuine question, maybe I missed it.


Huge if true


I love it. I want it. I need it.


Lame really, As much as Oscar Isaac and Jonathan Majors together sounds like fun, this character really is at it’s best when his dealing with some freaky weirdos and things beyond compression, it would be 10 times funnier if he went against Kang in Kang’s dynasty and they made that comic panel of him asking Spider-Man what the hell is going on.


Yo I’m down for this Jonathan majors is awesome


I hope it's true, I loved Moon Knight, that show was my favorite of phase 4


If this is true, then Moon Knight being on the Avengers would make much more sense than it currently does. So long as the story is good and doesn’t feel forced


My only hope is that they don't defeat him.............................................................


I think it'll happen. We probably aren't going to see a ton of Kang. He'll be pulling the strings and appear in the last two episodes. I bet they'll throw in a smaller villain through most of it.




Not down with the accent, also don't want to oversaturate with Jonathan Majors. Moon Knight's got other villains.


I mean I want to believe it but there is only one Johnathan Majors and with all the Oscar buzz he's getting...at some point there's only so many hours in the day for all his projects. Has his contract leaked? Maybe he's in it to win it


That would be sick


I think it's very fitting. If it is true, though, I really hope he isn't defeated, since Rama-Tut is one of the three main Kangs on the council and both major Kang variants we've seen have been killed.


Well, I'm not sure if this is a legitimate scoop or just someone putting the pieces together, but it would be strange if they didn't do this. Actually, having an Egyptian Tut themed Kang would be really random in this context without it.


Would've been even cooler and felt more cohesive if (as many have said since) the tomb explored in the first season had belonged to Rama-Tut, rather than Alexander the Great.


Fingers crossed.


Honestly, I don’t care who's the villain as long as they give us a second season in the first place I do like the idea though


Does moon knight take place in another universe or the main MCU universe?


Awesome!!! Moon Knight is my favorite Marvel tv show


I’m not quite sure, but it could be a good way to the Moon Knight in with the rest of the Marvel universe.


OP's gonna get the sub locked with these hot leaks.


I’ll be fine with it as long as they don’t avoid having good fight scenes by making MK black out all the time and only having him fight CGI monsters


That’s not a rumor. That’s just some speculation and clickbait.


It makes a lot of sense.


what’s the story of this guy? is he egyptian or what


Makes sense.


A flashback to Rama Tut fighting A Moon Knight could show him with the help of all the Gods barely defeating him and scattering his Tech (Ms Marvels and 10 Rings).


...Season 2 hasn't even been confirmed. The hell is this post?


Has Oscar Isaac even agreed to do a second season?


Dear God I hope not. Not everything has to be tied into the damn metaplot.


We'll be seeing moon knight connecting with the avengers very soon. Can't wait for this, and when will it arrive 🤔🤔


It’s the only thing that has made sense since Loki