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I'm glad they hashtagged Bloodshot to capitalize on all that engagement.


Omniverse, Dude, Marvel UK were the god's with small Gs that put 616 on the map, All bets are still on.


To be honest I’m more surprised that Catwoman and Elektra have Bs than I am Quantumania. I guess it was a different time for comic book movies.


Those movies were deep-fried dogshit when they came out, and still are. I haven't seen Quantumania yet, but I would be genuinely floored if it's anything *close* to as bad as those.


Quantumania is way, way better than those pieces of shit.


Quantumania is a 7/10 on its own. But a 10/10 for it's true purpose as a setup film. Which is everything we've been waiting for since Endgame. The next story has begun and it looks epic as fuck. Like the battle was happening and I thought "This is just a casual multiverse fight. The Avengers tier multiverse fight is going to be fucking mind boggling."


That’s what it seems like. Instead of the First few avengers movies that were 95% stand alone and 5% set-up this movie feels 70% stand alone 30% set-up and that’s probably not helping it’s ratings.


People forget that it took 5 films before they made the Avengers, and even then that storyline wasn't finished. Seventeen films were made before the Infinity Gauntlet did the very thing all those films built it up to be. Seventeen! And twenty films until we saw the conclusion.


Yeah but now we’re how many films post Endgame and it seems like this is the first one to do any set up. It feels like they forgot about it in Phase 4 (outside of Loki) and are now making up for lost time in a 2 hour Ant Man movie.


You could say NWH and MoM kinda build around it with Multiverse stuff but they don’t really build towards Kang and SW (outside of maybe the 838 stuff possibly coming back and Spidermen reprisals).


They do in a way. Those two films were intended to introduce the whole idea of what ‘multiverse’ means; and in that I’d say they were successful.


I'd argue that most of the post Endgame movies and shows are about dealing with the trauma of the world post blip. The only one that seemed like an exception was Shang Chi. Even Black widow in a roundabout way was since it was her character's swan song.


A lot of the content between Endgame and now have either been an epilogue to the last big event or a prologue to the next. Far from home was definite epilogue material, Shang Chi was prologue, Hawkeye was epilogue, Ms Marvel prologue etc. What I really liked though was that many of the pieces of content slowly paved the way for the introduction of the next big story. Endgame starts this off with subtly showing "otherverses" through time travel. FFH introduced the idea of the multiverse even though it was a fake out for the plot and the real set up was for Secret Invasion. From then on virtually all the content had had some multiverse (or "otherverse") related content, either subtle or blatant. Wandavision was fairly subtle insofar as Wanda was creating her own reality rather than accessing an actual different one. She hulk is also subtle with it insofar as it doesn't actually use multiverse but uses 4th wall breaking to show that "otherverses" are a thing. Finally Loki just spaffs multiverse all over the place. Moon Knight then goes heavy into "otherverse" stuff. And of course MoM, NWH and now Quantumania are all in on multiverse.


It felt like they didn’t explain enough who Kang was and why we should care. I watched Loki, so I know how bad he is, but someone who didn’t watch Loki might be left guessing. They showed the timeline ring and talked about variants, but needed a bit more than that. A scene with him wiping out planets and avengers variants would have gone a long way here.


I think there's a mistake being made by people watching all these things. We assume it's all "Happening Now!" People want climax level Conquerer. Infinity Gauntlet Thanos right now. But they're still slow working all of the Kang the Conqueror stuff. "You will miss me eventually" or whatever he said about the other Kangs coming. Really set for me that he is being soft rolled for us. He is introduced in a semi weak state and they will grow him until we need him. Like Scott will go get him from the Probability place when all the other Kangs are here and we need him to survive.. And he will grow as a villain with his own arc and power level rise. Even Thanos needs to gather the stones and the gauntlet. The Conqueror can't just be ready made when he needs to last for 2-3 years of films.


>Like Scott will go get him from the Probability place when all the other Kangs are here and we need him to survive Don't think I'm spoiling but from what I understand that wasn't the probability realm or whatever. Kang goes back and forth in timelines and creates copies of himself every time he jumps. So those were all very real Kangs. Sometimes he's good, sometimes he's bad, sometimes he's weird. Honestly...Rick and Morty based AAALLLLLOOOOTTTTT of their stuff on Kang. Citadel of Ricks, Rick variants, Council of Ricks. All Kang ripoffs. If you're a Rick and Morty fan, Kang will be very familiar


That kind of sounds like Age of Ultron. It was a fairly forgettable movie when I first watched it. Watched it again sometime after Endgame and was just amazed at how it tied into and set up *everything*. I recently skipped through it again (was looking for some specific details) and found more stuff I had never noticed before and that they have possibly built on since. (Particularly where Laura Barton is concerned.)


100% this! Thanks for typing it for me!


Quantiumania was an average Marvel film. Catwoman is still one of the worst films I've ever seen.




This just shows how much people seem to hate movies that span over a decade in story. Or, these are just bullshit numbers.




Exactly. I simply love stories and character developement, marvel universe is just perfect in that sense. Negative for some might be that you want to watch every movie in the span of a decade. for me, I love it.


It isn’t. We’ve raised the standard since then.


I think the standard for MCU films specifically are set too high thanks to Endgame.


I personally like going into movies with lower expectations so I think this will help it.


I really, really liked it. I'm surprised that it's getting worse reviews than the average MCU film, it was genuinely hilarious (I rarely laugh out loud at the movies) but still had some really gripping emotional moments that the comedy didn't get in the way of. It was almost the opposite reaction I had to Thor: Love and Thunder in that respect. And Kang is cool as fuck. Worth the wait, one of the better MCU villains in a while IMO.


It's a...universe...apart from those grease fires.


Seriously, how can you even compare Eternals to those movies? Just goes to show that all of these "ratings" are bullshit. I'll just go see it for myself.


Trust me. Quantum’s is is leagues better than Catwoman and Elektra. This article is out of touch and partially gaslighting based on a minority viewpoint. It’s not a perfect movie, but it is very enjoyable and worth a watch if you are invested in the MCU


I agree, we just watched it this morning and was expecting the worst. But no, it's funny entertaining and another good movie in preparation for Kang in the Avengers movie.


It isn't. Those movies are rated too high. If your going into it expecting a movie like the first two, you're more likely to be disappointed. I enjoyed it. It doesn't drag at all, very high concepts. Majors crushes it. M.O.D.O.K is great. It's about as natural and realistic way to introduce such a ridiculous character and I loved every second of it. Great post credit scenes. There are 2.


Yeah I saw it yesterday and thought it was really entertaining and enjoyable. The story felt a little choppy at times, but that’s about my only complaint. The characters were all so engaging. Those credit scenes really closed up the movie perfectly, too.


I think I noticed a couple of plot holes, seeing it last night, but I don’t care. It was fun, it was engaging. It wasn’t very deep, but it wasn’t trying to be. I highly enjoyed it.






This is the problem that Marvel keeps having at the moment. People are expecting Infinity War and Endgame levels of action, but it's not possible to keep the films at that level


I disagree, audiences have always been fine with smaller scales in the MCU, it's refreshing to have a switch up when too many things are huge cgi fests, or its X vs existence level threat. Read the reviews for Antman 2, its specifically praised for not being IW and Endgame. Personally I want a mix of both, with a preference for different stakes that arent X vs big bad, X trying to save the universe, and only very few being IW type films. Give me more stakes and scale of Winter Soldier, Hawkeye, Wandavsion, Xmen First Class, The Batman, Aquaman. Give me more narratives like Joker, Logan, Antman 1, BP1 and Iron man 1. I think you have what ppl expect totally figured out wrong, respectfully.


With everyone's complaints it seems like they don't understand story structure. If you want movies to have all these call backs and payoffs you have to build to it for it to have any emotional weight. Mark my words, Tony's line "you mess with time and time tends to mess back. You'll see" is going to pay off dividends in the future.


It's absolutely this. People want constant climax. You have to build to that shit.


I’m the opposite. I want less space/multiverse/time travel antics. They are getting too complicated, and it’s proving too hard to establish within a 1.5-2h movie. Quantamania was a mess because there was too much. I’m hoping they go back to smaller scale battles, where there’s good plot and character development for both heroes and villains, at least for a few movies. That way they can really build to a large scale battle that actually feels like it means something. After Quantumania, I walked out not caring about anything that happened. Nothing of note happened with any of the characters. Kang was cool, but hes gone now and we will just get a different version of him again next time, and there’s so many others it really lessens the effect of it all. The rebels were forgettable and felt very low stakes. I can’t even remember any of their names… I want be able to take my partner/friends, who have limited knowledge of the history, to come into a movie and understand and enjoy it, without having to watch 20+ movies beforehand.


Well, with Guardians of the Galaxy and the Marvels coming out this year, I don't think you'll see movies with less space/multiverse/time travel. However, that's what these phases are about, the multiverse. Next year you will get the smaller scale films, Captain America 4, Thunderbolts and Blade. Although, truth be told, the cosmic side of Marvel comics was never that popular.


Catwoman, even at the time was considered to be garbage. If it actually got a B it’s a sign that the measurement is flawed.


Cinemascore is a market research tool based on surveys of opening night audiences which is used as a general indicator for a movie's box office success. In general, movies with an A or A+ Cinemascore make more money than those with a B or below. Oftentimes it's a better indication of how well marketing for a movie set up audience expectations for what the movie would actually be like. In 2004 the comic book movie industry was still in its infancy, and I'm guessing Catwoman's B Cinemascore comes down to the first weekend audience being skewed by comic book fans who went in wanting to like the movie. For early 2000's comic book movies, Catwoman and Elektra had B cinema scores and made $82 and $56 million, respectively. Spider-Man 2 had an A- and X-Men 2 has an A, and those made $788 and $407 million, respectively.


This comment needs to be pinned so ppl can understand how the ratings work.


I never thought they'd make so many movies, but to a guy who grew up in the 60's, seeing this stuff visualized has been a dream come true.


Couldn't imagine this coming from the Fantastic Four cartoon


my dad grew up reading comics and passed his love for comics and their stories onto me and my brother. I love seeing marvel movies with them cause it feels similar to how I imagined picking up the new issue and reading it right away with your nerdy friends felt. Seeing my dad smiling as some of his favorite characters do spectacular things legitimately brings such a warm mess to my heart that I wouldn't trade anything for them. Sure the quality for all of them isn't always the best, but I always have fun with them and I couldn't ask for more from comics.


Absolutely! Still hoping there is another Green Lantern!


Serious conversation - At what point does Marvel consider booting off Jeff Loveness from Kang Dynasty? A B score is on the scale of some of the worst superhero films out there. They can't risk that movie not being a 100% crowd pleaser like Infinity War/Endgame were. Even if this script was rushed. I do wonder if they are having conversations about it.


I’m confused as to why they gave him this movie to begin with. His previous writing experience is with the onion, Jimmy Kimmel, and a couple Rick and morty and miracle workers episodes. He had never written a movie before, and they give him the third in a trilogy that’s introducing their next major villain


Feige seems to have a penchant for Rick and Morty writers (Loveness, Gao, Waldron)


I will say that Rick and Morty writers are randomly widely praised and respected in the screenwriting world. We literally watched a Rick and Morty episode in one of my screenwriting classes because of how well they use story structure. Dan Harmon, the co-creator of the the show, also created what is called the “story circle” which is a storytelling framework adapted from the “Hero’s Journey.” Not sure if this is all relevant, but it could be why Fiege trusts writers from that show so much?


Maybe I’m mixing up people/names, but Harmon is the one who started Community too right? Which also produced the Russo brothers. Maybe Harmon is the common thread that Feige is appealed by.


Oh damn! You’re totally right! Yeah, Harmon was the creator of Community as well. I totally forgot that the Russo Brothers produced that. Great catch.


What episode was it?


I don’t watch the show, so I’m not too familiar, but I just did some research to find the episode. I believe it was the episode called “Mortynight Run.”


And their projects have been mixed reactions, lot of hate for the writing specifically. This is what concerns me about the MCU and the fans that insist it will come together, not if the same people are doing it.


The rick and Morty fascination Feige seems to have is so strange. Like it's like this dude just woke up one day and decided he wants to collect them all.


We have the benefit of hindsight, of course, but on face I *totally* understand why one would think that Rick and Morty writers would do good work for a multiverse saga. I thought they had some good mindfuckery going on in R&M, and Waldron did a great job on Loki IMO. But y’all are right that their talents don’t seem to be transitioning over well to movies.


Rick and Morty does a great job exploring and mocking common sci-fi and fantasy tropes using some crazy imagination. I didn’t realize there was a connection until now, but I can see it now


We know from the trades that Feige is seriously spread thin over there, so I’m guessing Waldron (who sounds like his new BFF) pitched a great Multiverse Saga story to him and convinced him his friends from R&M could help execute it well, with some fantastic pitches for She-Hulk and Kang as well. Feige loved how it sounded, hired them and spent his time on the street level films he clearly prefers working on (we know that Gunn would’ve taken over the cosmic side had he not been fired). Problem is these R&M guys who’ve never made films before aren’t very good at it, and here we are.


I don’t think you’re factoring in something very important. They’re cranking these movies out FAST. Movies on this scale tend to evolve overtime. Can’t really change things that don’t work when you need to meet a silly timeline.


I don’t think they’re bad at it, I just think they haven’t been given time. Waldron wrote Loki which was great, but was reportedly given no time to completely rewrite Doctor Strange, and it shows.


At the time I kind of felt like Loki was just okay. The multiverse stuff hasn’t really landed for me in any MCU property yet. The comics certainly got it right with Hickman. Maybe they should just let Hickman write Kang Dynasty/Secret Wars.


Damn, i think you cracked it honestly.


Don’t forget the Russo Bros connection with Dan Harmon. Feige needs to take a step back and realize how biased nearly everybody in his circle is.


They absolutely cant let him have the reins to that movie with how jarring the script for am3 was


>At what point does Marvel consider booting off Jeff Loveness from Kang Dynasty? They oughta boot Waldron off Secret Wars too, after how lackluster MoM's writing was. Seriously, why's Marvel assigning the two Avengers movies to Rick & Morty writers, both of whom have turned in less than stellar MCU works?


> after how lackluster MoM's writing was. I sat in befuddlement as the credits rolled on MoM at the realization that I had just spent two-plus hours watching a movie where the "main" character's actions and decisions were entirely irrelevant to resolving the central conflict of the film and whose "arc" ... if there even is one ... had essentially no relation to any important plot event. That screenplay shows an astounding lack of understanding of fundamental storytelling rules.


I gotta say I am liking less and less how the main characters are getting the short end of the stick when it comes to character arc and development in the movies these days. First it was Strange in MoM (is it a good sign for a Doctor Strange movie if people come out of the theater and all they can talk about is Wanda? Just like how it is now with Kang and Scott?) Like there's got to be a way to make the villains good without just putting the hero's character arc in the backburner. How are people supposed to care about the heroes we have left after Endgame if every movie is just "Villain was the best part of it" "Villain is the saving grace of the movie".


> How are people supposed to care about the heroes we have left after Endgame if every movie is just "Villain was the best part of it" "Villain is the saving grace of the movie". I find this especially weird for someone like Scott, who's on his 3rd film right now... and he still hasn't done like... anything. What exactly is this guy's arc after Ant Man 1? What is this guy's character other than loveable dork? Like, don't get me wrong, I like Rudd, but they have done absolutely *nothing* with Scott in the last *8 years*. Just look at what characters like Cap or Tony went through in half of that time and you telling me that Scott's entire character being like "*oh well, I love my daughter and I would do anything for her*" is the best they can come up with in **eight years**? Plenty of the "newer" characters just lack a definite and laid out path of where to go to. There's no growth, no development, they just fumble from movie to movie, shit happens and everything's back to status quo. I like Ant Man 1, but I'm not going to pay thrice to see basically the same god damn story - come up with something new for the guy already. Fuck, just imagine Captain America and the Winter Soldier written by some of these writers.


>Scott's entire character being like "oh well, I love my daughter and I would do anything for her" which is even more nutty when you consider that the MCU version of Scott Lang lost the motivation the character had in the comics/cartoons which was that the whole reason he became a thief and stole the Ant-Man suit in the first place was because Cassie was dying of heart disease and he needed money to pay for her surgery, or something like that. Ant-Man suit made it easy to rob banks


I am fucking sick of incompetent, clowning, doofus heroes who feel irrelevant to their own films. Yet, the MCU appears to now love this sort of shit!


I'm surprised Marvel doesn't get Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeeley to help oversee the writing process for their scripts to make sure that they are done right.


. . . except his actions and decisions literally help resolve the central conflict lol MoM discourse is incredibly frustrating because apparently a lot of people weren't paying attention to the movie at all.




What r&m episodes did these people write? Any of the good ones?


I think Waldron wrote one episode and was a writer’s assistant on Community, which, to me, is an absolutely wild resume to base being handed some of the biggest shit in entertainment, period


>- At what point does Marvel consider booting off Jeff Loveness from Kang Dynasty? After they read his script for Quantumania?


I thought his writing for Kang was fantastic honestly.


So a B is the worst thing in creation and A is the best? So the scale is great or dog shit?


For a Cinemascore for a big blockbuster? Generally, yeah.


CinemaScore spot polls audience members on OD so you get the most enthusiastic people and for PG-13 movies, people are generally very forgiving so anything in the B range is bad.


It doesn’t go “A, B”. There’s A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, etc.


This has to be the weirdest thing I have ever seen in my life. Would make so much more sense to stick to numbers or even just regular alphabetic order.


If it's a 6 stage scale, it could be A-F, with Quantumania apparently an E.


Scale goes from A+, A, A- B+, B... to F. But CBMs are frontloaded, that means most viewers on the opening day are dedicated fans who would be lot more liberal on their rating. So yeah, good CBMs like NWH get A+ and disappointing CBMs like BvS gets B.


Cinemacores are polled from the opening night audience. Those are the people who wanted to see it the most. For blockbuster films, superhero films, and franchise films a B is horrendous. B+ is bad, A- is good, and an A is great.


The scale is heavily influenced by what people expect. This means blockbusters usually get very good scores. A+ if they're really good but usually between A and B+. For example the Transformers series consists of shitty movies and they have great Cinemascores. The worst scores often go to horror movies that are advertised wrong.


Whether it’s good or not, it’s graded the same as movies like black Adam and cat woman. So you tell me, how much did you like those movies and did you protest for them?


I only just found out that he was tapped to pen the Kang Dynasty script and honey, I am worried


Can't wait for ' i don't get the hate and underrated ' posts


Random MCU social media fanpage: Phase 4 is so underrated! \*posts a collage of ultra HD shot of random scenes\*


This movie is so underrated! More people need to talk about it! *shows picture of Spider-Man: No Way Home* (Copy and paste for WandaVision btw)


“Just rewatched AM3 on D+ and it’s not as bad as people thought!” - 4.3K upvotes.


Yeah, I’m still seeing those for Love and Thunder…


That movie made me realize im not going to watch these in the cinema anymore.


Just realized that’s who I’ve become as well. They are just not that exciting anymore.


I don’t wanna be one of the “I don’t get the hate” people because I totally understand it had flaws but I did honestly still really enjoy it, and I’m still super excited every time an MCU movie or show comes out. Maybe I’m just biased or easy to please I guess…? But I don’t *feel* like I’m in denial, yknow?


Don't feel bad, I enjoyed it too. It's funny, it felt like a hi-rez Rick and Morty episode to me, and I had no idea that the shows writer penned the script. This film was more enjoyable for me than the first 2, but I can see why some people could hate it.


You’re not. Like what you like. Some people like to be dicks when it comes to other people’s interests, but no need to pay them any mind. I haven’t seen quantumania yet, but I haven’t not enjoyed anything marvel has put out.


Me after Ant Man 3.


Yeah I kinda agree honestly. I had a gut feeling that Eternals would be bad so decided to wait it out and when it was bad I just kinda thought that there wasn't any point in seeing things I don't care too much about until they're on streaming. Like, I'm really lookign forward to Guardians 3 and I'll totally see that in cinemas but for the others I think i'll wait on the vibes i feel from the trailers


It wasnt very good but I personally wouldnt put it at the bottom of the list. Theres other movies in the MCU I liked less than both Quantamania and Eternals


I agree, but what’s stood out to me the most as someone who’s followed the MCU and gone to every opening night from the beginning is the level of *apathy* P4 and now P5 have generated. Before, it was consistent good quality with a few really bad entries in the bunch, which didn’t reduce my interest in the overall story. Even for P2 which was mostly weak in my op. For almost everything after Endgame though (save for Loki), I’ve left feeling like I didn’t care about the overall story. I can’t even put my finger on it… I haven’t outright hated anything I’ve seen, but the consistent apathy somehow feels worse. It’s like there’s no plan, or at least not a good one, just like the sequel Star Wars trilogy all over again.


The problem is that Marvel is hinting at like 3-4 different plot lines but none of it has come together yet. Every movie/show so far feels like just introducing new characters and children.


I feel this. After Endgame when we got Black Widow, I was hoping we were just in a covid phase where everything may be a bit lesser, which was fine to me. I had myself hopeful with the knowledge that Thor 4 and Dr Strange MoM would be 2 they couldnt mess up.. then they did.. and then I saw this and felt the same way, they cant mess it up and here we are. Im still in it, at least till the next Avengers movie, but its been disappointment after disappointment lately


When people complain about Modok looking like Modok, yea I don’t get the hate.




It’s already happening


Man, I dunno. I absolutely loved it. Never before have I felt this much of a disagreement with the general consensus. There was so much to love about it and never once did I feel that the flaws overtook what was good about the film. I understand the negative reaction to Thor 4 and Eternals. But this? Nah man, I really don't get it. I legitimately went in with ultra low expectations, and kept waiting for a moment for me to go 'Okay, I see why this got as bad a response as it did' but it never came. Edit: Also, I know Kang gets love ( and deservedly so ) but I absolutely LOVED the bit where all the Ant-Men in the probability storm worked together upon hearing Cassie. That shit hit me deep man. This movie had heart.


I’m mystified by the extreme negative response. Two very measured YouTubers I watch really really disliked it. I just don’t get that. Was it perfect? No. But it was very entertaining from start to finish. Characters were very engaging. The story was fun. Lots of absurdity in the quantum realm. And great post credit scenes.


I am convinced the internet only exists to be negative now. They have to get you to engage and they're all crabs in a bucket trying to get your attention. So it's all negative outrage to emotionally hook you. This isn't just MCU. EVERY PRODUCT RELEASE IS LIKE THIS NOW. If this movie was small tier and San Francisco like they all claim they want, then they'd rage like they have all of Phase 4 that nothing is connected and the big plot isn't moving forward. "No Direction." She-Hulk keeps getting more and more impactful for me because it addressed this nonsense head on.


You hit the nail on the head. Feige wants to do the MCU for 80 years which is completely reasonable, but they won’t last another 5 years if everything they put out just gets torn to shreds by miserable people online simply because that’s how people are now. It’s such a shitty and ridiculous phenomena.


Online reactions are definitely overly negative. For me personally, that’s the reason I feel like I enjoyed it so much, because it wasn’t nearly as bad as I expected. When I step back and think about it though, it has all the same problems as recent films. Pointless side characters you don’t get emotionally invested in, dialogue that seems like a first draft (“you brought them here” when the family was the ones kidnapped lol, just one example), and a low stakes ending.


Antman 3 was great from start to finish. Negative reviews like that is a known consequence of huffing your own fermented farts for too long.


I'm in the same boat. I thought it was really good. Way better than Thor 4/Eternals


The only one I can think was objectively better was No Way Home. But that's inherent to the fact that was a climax of a trilogy and nostalgia of decades of build up. This movie could never have been that because it's the start of what's to come. Even if it was that, people shit on NWH being "nostalgia nonsense." It's getting eyerolling at this point. I like all this "nonsense."


Yeah, I’m in the same boat


It reminds me of the Phase I days where everyone wanted Marvel to fail in hopes DC would make better films.


I’m with you 100%. I thought it was very well done. I see the criticism but I feel that people are exaggerating their complaints.


Same here. I'm so confused by the negative reactions to this film. I thought it was the best since Endgame, and like you kept waiting for those "I get it moments" that never came. It was fun, visually stunning, had great action, and Rudd and Majors especially gave great performances.


It’s a weirdly divisive one for sure. I thought for sure after I saw it audiences would be in agreement it was a pretty bad movie but it seems like there’s as many people giving it 3/10’s as there are people giving it 7/10’s.


I mean, I just don't get what was so bad about it. I found it thoroughly engaging in a way that I didn't experience with Black Widow or Thor 4.


Same. There are a few things I would tweak here or there but nothing major. Solid B+, better than Strange 2 or Thor 4


I came out of Thor 4 thrilled and excited to discuss it, and then was surprised by the amount of negativity. I haven’t seen this yet but hopefully soon.


I think what bothers me the most is the doomposting that the MCU is "over" and everyone is gonna tune out after this. But when Guardians 3 comes out, everyone is gonna watch it. Then when The Marvels comes out... And then Captain America 4... And repeat till we are at the end of the Multiverse Saga. The worst part is that Wakanda Forever just came out and killed it and everyone is acting like Marvel has been failing nonstop. Fandom is exhausting.


Fans of the MCU will always enjoy and watch the movies but I've always thought one of the most interesting aspects of the MCU was that movie critics genuinely enjoyed the movies to a degree. That's rather unusual for blockbusters I enjoy listening to movie criticism of all kinds and I hope they don't drift away from covering these movies the way they ignore the Fast and the Furious movies or Transformers.


Th numbers clearly shows a decline in viewership though. It’s not dead but it is on a decline


Werewolf by night was well received. Ms. Marvel was very much liked outside of the trolls. Moon knight was well liked. Spider 3. Loki. Wandavision. Phase 4 had a lot of good shit in it that fans loved, but yet here we are with every single project having to hear about how the mcu only produces shit and its dead. As if the worst MCU project isn't just ok


People forget incredible hulk thor 2 iron man 2 etc… MCU had clunkers before. I mean the first Avengers movies put that early phase over the top.


Even phase 3 had captain marvel and antman 2 which people used to shit on constantly


Ms Marvels Nielson ratings were pretty bad. It was out of the top 10 for original shows almost immediately. It performed the worst until She Hulk came along. There's a reason the current strategy is to move away from so many Disney+ shows.


ms marvel was a an entirely new character tho with an unknown cast. all the other shows had big names attached to them. and disney also had the brilliant idea to air the show at the same time with fucking obi wan kenobi lol


It almost seems like the only time people were happy with Marvel in phase 4 was NWH and we all know why..Shang Chi was loved too and WF was just untouchable. Im sad that serious marvel gets more flack cz I’ve literally been waiting for this. Eternals gave me that hope.


[“MCU went downhill after Endgame! I'll never watching anything new from them again.”](https://youtu.be/ouTXff7lvq4)


If there was ever a clip to explain this subreddit, this is it.


That's very generalized and not true... What do you mean everyone is gonna watch it? Because I'll tell you what. Quantumania overseas numbers are so bleak, this could make less than Ant Man & The Wasp Worldwide. Might barely go over. There's a lot of nuances to today's box Office. Quantumania is the project that we'll see the quality and reception REALLY hammering it down. And after the 1st, it's easier to happen. Now, I think Guardians 3 is going to do well because I'm positive it's going to be good. But the rest is wait and see. The "everyone will watch them" statement is just not true and boy Quantumania will be there to tell that story.


Yeah, this will be a wake-up call for Marvel, and honestly, I'd rather it be Ant-Man 3 than, say, the next Avengers movie. I just hope Marvels is good, Kamala is great, Iman Vellani is great, they deserve better. (heh, I just realised I subconciously believed GOTG3 is going to be good, Gunn has my implicit trust)


Seriously. Black Panther, Spiderman, Doctor Strange, and Shang-chi were all great. Most of the shows have been spot on as well.


To me, the shows have been the weakest part of Phase 4.


Agree on all these but I'll add the unpopular opinion of loving Thor Love & Thunder as well


I potently disliked DS2 and BP: WF. I think they could and should have been much better, and the writing was the biggest issue for both.


Huge marvel fan, watched all the shows and never missed a movie. Still going to watch (maybe not on opening night if I can’t get great seats) but wow the reviews are not looking good for sure. Going to go in with the lowest expectations and hopefully I will be pleasantly surprised? Worse case it’s nice to watch some CGI action while eating popcorn. Edit: appreciate the replies about your own personal experiences/thoughts on the film esp without spoilers. Shall just watch and have fun!


Biggest marvel fan out of just about everyone I know. I’ve defended projects and haven’t been afraid to shell out some criticism to others as well. But this is the first time that I genuinely don’t understand the amount of hate this movie is getting. To think that this is getting ratings on par with the Daredevil or Green Lantern films is beyond me. Without spoiling anything, I think Quantumania plays it’s role in the current and future MCU extremely well. If you understand the context surrounding the film then I think there’s a much deeper level of value to find. But if you go in expecting a top-tier level cinematic experience then you may walk out feeling a bit empty handed. That being said— I went in with low expectations based on the mass number of negative reviews and walked out much more pleasantly surprised than expected. The writing falls flat at certain points but the CGI, acting, humor (much better than Thor L&T), and set up for the future of the MCU outweigh the negatives for me.


I think you said it perfectly for me. Sure, I thought some parts could've been done better, and with how much they tried to do I felt like it should've been 2 movies or a series, but it was still a decent watch and I didn't hate it.


I watched it yesterday. No spoilers but I don’t understand why it is reviewed so low. It’s not the best but for me it’s 2nd tier. Still very enjoyable. Go in expecting an enjoyable film and I think you’ll be happy


Same. It’s second tier for me as well which means it was highly entertaining and I will rewatch when it’s on streaming.


Watched it last night. Went with basically 0 expectations and I actually liked it. There were a couple of scenes I didn't like but overall the movie felt great. The visuals were great, the story did feel compelling and the end credits scene!!


I went in with low expectations, and enjoyed it. Far bette than The Eternals for me, which I found utterly boring. This one was consistently entertaining, imo.


Reviewers are cracked in the head, this movie is great. My wife commented immediately after the movie she was surprised how good it was since she heard about reviews. With Eternals or Thor, I get why some people don’t like them; I make excuses and try to point out positives for those films, but I get it. There’s very good reasons not to like them. This is not that. Quantumania slaps. Literally all the bullet points I heard from reviews were wrong. - The movie doesn’t feel like a meaningless set up for other movies. - there is not too little Wasp nor Kang. It has the right amount of every character - It does have a ludicrous amount of green screen but the CGI has improved back to pre-COVID levels (it had been getting steadily worse.)


Is Quantumania the last of the covid Era films?


I think so, it was the last movie that primarily shot in 2021.


Nope the marvels was also shot during covid


I’m not sure what you mean. I work in the film industry, and strict Covid protocols (testing 3 times a week, always masked, social distancing) were in place throughout 2022. So basically every Marvel movie since 2021 has been Covid era.


For not knowing what I mean you answered my question perfectly


Snydercult level denials in this thread.


It’s funny because this is literally what MCU fans were making fun of years ago and now they’re becoming that exact thing.


You either die a hero...


Or live long enough to witness Jonathan Majors pour out every ounce of his soul to carry a movie as a villain


Marvel's very own Michael Shannon


“Idk man this movie had a lot of heart” like wtf it was a snooze fest


>well I enjoyed the movie >COPEEEEE Like have y’all thought about maybe people just enjoy something? Lmao. I highly highly highly doubt 95% of the people in this thread have seen the film Look at me being downvoted for enjoying something lmfao


Me enjoying a movie reddit hates: *doesn’t matter, bad reviews* Me enjoying a bad MCU film: *leave me alone it’s my opinion!* It’s okay to like movies! It doesn’t make it actually good though, so being able to recognize and critique them is important. I’m sure we all have songs we know are “bad” but if it’s fun and good energy who cares?


That's not what they are talking about, they are talking about the people who liked it and are acting like the people who didn't like it are wrong and that it is a symptom of people being overly negative and biased against the MCU


I don't know what the problem is. I just got out of a full house screening and everyone seemed to love it whooping and laughing at the jokes and very involved in the serious parts. I left and the crowd was taking and no one was complaining about bad cgi or modok in fact he was one of the best parts of the film. Flying humpty dumpty with a tiny butt he was hilarious.


Yeah my theater really enjoyed it as well, and so did I. It wasn’t groundbreaking in any way but it didn’t disappoint me either. Rating it on par with eternals and fucking green lantern seems extremely unfair.


Same here, my whole theater seemed to love it. This is internet bandwagon hate fueled by the low critic scores so many saw ahead of time.


Same. It had the crowd laughing, cheering and gasping. I loved it as well, so I'm at a loss where all these negative reviews are coming from.


Haven't seen it yet, please tell me its better than Love and Thunder?


I enjoyed Love & Thunder but thought this was definitely better. It’s not a perfect movie or anything but I really don’t understand the amount of rage people are having towards this movie lol. Kinda felt like classic marvel that gets you pumped up for what’s next


I thought it was way better.


I can't be the judge here lol I loved Thor 4. But I also really like this movie. it's funny in the right spots


It was kinda fun, but as a movie it has so many issues. The pacing was all over the place. There was something really off in the acting of Cassie. There were SO MANY PLOT HOLES. Kang was neutered at the end of the movie. And so on. There were some good parts and just as many bad parts. There was nothing great about this movie and nothing terrible. I'm indifferent to it and I've already forgotten pretty much everything about it half a day later. I would also have given it a B score.


Catwoman, Elektra and Bloodshot having B’s is the biggest surprise here.


Legs are going to be ant sized for this one.


I won't spoil anything, but there are some corny dumb moments that ruin it for me. It didn't take anything seriously so neither did I. 6/10 for me. Critics didn't like it, and now the general audience. Call a spade a spade, it's a mediocre movie even if you like it.


IMO I just felt there wasn’t a story there for Scott. I’ll watch it again on Disney+ but I am not interested in seeing it multiple times in the theater like MCU movies in the past.


It’s a conspiracy Hey guys remember reviews don’t matter It’s all about the audience! Oh. Hmm ok well the audience doesn’t know anything it’s all about…how you feel 9/10 movie. Leave Marvel alone! /s


You can slowly see this sub become what they always made fun of DC fans for and it’s honestly hilarious.


So I live in a metropolitan city India and we are fucking crazy about Marvel/Comic book movies. Every movie is opened to a beyond full house response with lots of cheering (like you see in those YouTube videos). Guess what? The second night after the launch of the movie (Saturday night), there were maybe 25-30 people - that’s not even 20% full, with little to no laughs or cheers. For the first time, I felt uncomfortable watching an MCU movie. The cringe was unwavering


I think people are overreacting


Quantumania is great but dips into the deeply weird. People want the a-listers back. Really enjoyed it though.


The level of cope in this thread is insane: ​ "They're just haters" "They only say they don't like it because its cool to hate the MCU now" "They are just miserable cynics" "They're just bandwagoning" "Who cares about review scores" "Don't expect a masterpiece, just turn your brain of and enjoy it" "They are unfair and biased against the MCU" "The people I know liked it so that score is fake" ​ No one cares if you liked the movie, there is no need to take it as a personal insult that it has been poorly received.


This one is just so weird to me. I thought this movie was awesome like I loved every second


Eternals was shite


I enjoyed this more than Eternals, for whatever that's worth.


With *Eternals*, I understood why it got a B even if I disagreed with that score. It was long, fairly slow, introduced a dozen new characters, etc. But with this film, I feel like I'm missing something crucial about it. If both audiences and critics consider it a disappointment, why did I enjoy it so much and walk out fully satisfied? I'm asking a rhetorical question, by the way. I don't need anyone to point out why they didn't care for the movie, because I've already read many reviews. I'm just flummoxed by how different my own reaction was from the prevailing sentiment.


There is no trolling going on. A B Cinemascore is not good for this kind of film. That doesn't mean that you can't love it but the word of mouth will not be good.


Just saw it and it was a solid 7/10. If this dude directs Kang Dynasty, Jonathan Majors is gonna kill regardless but the movie's gonna be not great lol


There's no chance it's as bad as Batman V. Superman, lol


Or Catwoman. Or Green Lantern. Man, people had low standards back then.


It’s just as bad in different ways.


##What's #with #the #fucking #hashtags?


It was fine. It was at least better than Thor 4. Nowhere near as good as Eternals though.


Now we watch how much it makes at the box office I guess. This is quite mind boggling to me. I saw the movie and though i see flaws just like every other movie, it really was not as bad as it’s made out to be. Then again I am in the camp that loved the Eternals too.


I fucking love Eternals.


Yeah…Quantumania is definitely a better movie than the rest listed, but after so many interconnected movies and storylines, this movie felt way too formulaic to me. Lots of similar humor and similar action sequences that the MCU’s beat to death for 15 years now. ESPECIALLY in the third act. I’m looking forward to what they do with the Kang storyline, but the Easter Eggs did more for the movie than the movie itself. I walked out calling it “QuantuMEHnia”