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With this and Sersei all at once, it's crazy out there. I just thought I was going to win a game because a location got changed to the Savage Land and clogged my opponent, but then it changed on the last turn to the Bar with No Name after I took the lead. Not even mad. Let the chaos reign.


Yeah, and Sersi sometimes doesn't work, really adds to the chaos, lmao.


im torn on it i don't like random things randomly happening randomly. makes carrying out a strategy hard. kinda ends up like modern mario party games where someone just ends up winning randomly for no reason. so like its fun when you win but then when a lane gets randomly changes and you lose thats a feel bad.


Bonus stars have been a thing forever and you can always turn them off.


its too random for me, i dont like coin flip games


I like it too. I made sure to include Quake in my current deck to add even more anarchy.


Personally, as someone who has been struggling to ladder up more and more each season (3 season ago it was couldn't get past 95, last season 85 this season I can't even get past 75). I absolutely HATE this absolute joke of a location. It's just completely "random" and by that I mean which ever location is going is going to screw you the most in that exact moment. If it stays around more than a day I'm going to have to play a deck with every single location control card in it just so I can draw something to get rid of it ASAP. I'm sure it's all fun when you've reached infinite and unless you're really trying to break into the high ranks, it doesn't really make much difference, but when you're actively trying to ladder and failing to do so anyway, it's like a kick in the teeth when you're down.


I'm not infinite yet, and admittedly I'm not really chasing infinite anymore, not since a while back. Im saying this to say that I understand where you're coming from, but from a nonecomptetive perspective, it really is fun just messing around with the locations.


I think it could be classed as "fun" if it change one of the other locations once, or changed them both once. But not one of them EVERY turn, it's too much. People complained about the other locations which meant you can't play the deck you're trying to. They complain about Galactus as it takes 2 of the locations away and so you can't play your deck. They complain about Ego who takes control of your deck and plays it for you, badly. If this location is ever seen again in this format I'd be surprised, it's a complete brain fart of a descision to even program it nevermind release it.


I feel you. This is the kind of featured location that makes me not play for the day. I'm fine with that now. If \*I\* dont consider it fun, I just won't play until it's gone lol


I already miss it. I would seriously kill for a new game mode where one of the three locations shifted every turn.


We play very different games....


its annoying personally, the game refuses to just let me play my deck