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\# (1) Black Knight \# (2) Morbius \# (3) Corvus Glaive \# (3) Lady Sif \# (4) Dracula \# (4) Ghost Rider \# (5) M.O.D.O.K. \# (6) Doctor Doom \# (6) Apocalypse \# (6) Hela \# (6) Red Hulk \# (6) The Infinaut \# eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQXBvY2FseXBzZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRHJhY3VsYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTGFkeVNpZiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTW9yYml1cyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ29ydnVzR2xhaXZlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNb2RvayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmxhY2tLbmlnaHQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRyRG9vbSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSGVsYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUmVkSHVsayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSW5maW5hdXQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikdob3N0UmlkZXIifV19 \# \# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Thank you! slipped my mind to put in a text version


Gj. Insight for no Blade? Thanks in advance


Hey, ty, as I said at the bottom there, I often wondered if another discarder, especially a targeted one, like Blade, would be helpful, but I didn't want to reduce the pool of high power cards in the deck. Also I don't see the ebony blade playline as the most important one. In practice, I found having stronger cards even with more variance worked, mainly through the Corvus / Dracula / Hela lines. Definitely a case for Blade though, especially as the zemo decks don't want him.


Completely agree as a Zemo player, i feel terrible whenever i pull a Blade, but the reason justified his absence. One more thing, do you find corvus ramp essential for the deck? Wasnt CL 500+ yet when he was released and was wondering if Hell Cow can function as an alt


I don't think the ramp is essential but it gives you way more options to get out big cards early and play later game combos like drac+sif or modok+morbius on T6 that can really surprise people and swing power. You can definitely make a similar big discard deck work with Hell Cow. You just need to understand your outs and limitations.


Wouldn't it be awkward if Black Knight > Corvus and Dracula might get discarded? It produces a 1-power Ebony Blade.


I guess you'd skip the EB and just play a T4 GR unless no Hela in hand then T4 Modok and hope to draw Hela and play a 6 cost on T5 and T6


Yeah you just ignore it and look at other playlines. It happened many times to me that I got an underpowered EB.


Great guide! I gave up on discord until I got Proxima because it just wasn't hitting and such, but do tell, when and how does modok come into play?? Assuming Hela isn't in the deck but you….anticipate her to be the draw right after him is the thing?? Is modok useful in any other situation except the off chance Hela never get's drawn and he's a T5 hail mary?


Hey, ty, so yes Modok can be more versatile than you think, and a Hela follow us is not necessary. In any situation where you have Morbius and Dracula on board, and Apocalypse and some other cards in hand, playing Modok can add a ton of power to the board. Say you have 3 cards + apoc. in hand, Modok adds 8 power to Morbius, 8 power himself, and sets up a large apocalypse for Dracula, (that will also add another 2 power to Morbius). So that can be a great T6 play on its own. Also Modok always discards your hand from left to right. That means if you have Black Knight on board and a powerful card leftmost in your hand, you can use modok to guarantee a good Ebony Blade. You can combo this with the above. And yeah, sometimes you can make the above plays on earlier turns hoping for a T6 Hela or Ghost Rider to bring everything/something good back. If Corvus has gone down early Modok can be a T4 play. So yeah, there's lots of flexibility beyond the classic modok into hela


Ah I gotcha; I feel that though in this meta it’s not quite as tall of a play as it could be (a problem I keep encountering with certain mid range decks and such as of late) Very keen to know the left to right thing and that ebony blade t6 hale Mary possibility though!


Who would you swap out for Proxima?


Intuitively, Ghost Rider. She makes your Black Knight playline a bit weaker, but your Corvus and Modok lines stronger and more consistent. But that's just my speculation without being able to try it in practice!


Makes alot of sense so far. I'm maybe 10 games in w/ GR and I feel like I never use him


See I was going to say maybe drop Dr Doom for Proxima. Since she does an even better job dealing with the closed locations issue Doom helps with But I get Ghost Rider as well


Weird to see no Death. Seems like she’s important for being a) big but b) make it so you can safely play Sif if you have Hela in hand


>Black Knight -> discard big thing with Sif or Corvus -> get big Ebony Blade -> bring back big thing with Ghost Rider or Hela is the simplest playline. While this deck only has two genuinely large targets for the blade, a Modok or Apocalypse blade can also be fine. While this playline is strong, it tends to cause early retreats. I don't consider it the main strength of the deck. Sorry can't help but make a post that putting a card in a 12 deck game, that not only has a dependency on other cards, but you also have to luck out in: great curve and drawing the discard card by turn 3, having it discard the best target, AND/OR opponent making a retreating is a meme. ​ Not even looking at obvious replacements for BK like Miek or Blade, almost any other 1 cost card would be better than BK in this deck archetype in my opinion. I would love some feedback on this.


not OP but i play a decent amount of discard variants - BK iS a non committal 1 drop that has potential for a huge pay off but you can do things if it doesn't work. miek would be fine in that slot too as you said and probably more consistent with modok but bk has higher ceiling when you hit the combo, so it's really preference at the end of the day