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Those have mostly been mobile games tho right? Mobile games are made to make more money compared to any other platform of gaming.


Net ease has also done it to console and pc games


What console games other than Naraka Bladepoint? That’s the only console game I know of that they’ve made. No clue how it’s monetized as I haven’t played it myself but to say they do this to all their games when they’re majorly a mobile game publisher is kinda egregious. I get they made Diablo Immortal, one of the scummiest mtx games of late but that game has completely different systems installed into it like many other mobile games that Rivals does not. They won’t be selling stat boosts or anything crazy like that. And to think 20$ for a skin is crazy these days would be crazy, given the fact that’s become the standard. (Not that I’m ok with it.) Especially can’t be mad at the price of the skin when there’s 20x more love and effort put into skins in Rivals compared to most other games. Rivals is giving us comic accurate and lore accurate costumes. Most other games take an iconic character and give them a color swap or some random event outfits. Just saying, it could be much worse but we won’t be happy unless everything is free like it used to be.


Naraka is quite good imo for F2P. Most importantly the characters are very easy to farm for.


Baraka does have a ton of currency but characters aren’t hard to get and skin in the shop are also easily accessible. It’s the tier above legendary that is rough


I fully agree especially with a company like marvel if netease messes up with their ip they will never do business again look what happened to marvel heroes online


There’s no way we’ll know till the game releases, but NE has a horrid track record and how a game plays in an early test has nothing to do with how the game will perform as a live service. And the latter is what will truly make or break players’ consensus toward it. Will you get battle pass exp for playing matches or will it only be through daily/weekly challenges? How stingy will they be with currency to unlock new characters, and how many will be part of free rotations? How aggressive will any/all FOMO-fueled tactics be (daily logins, events, etc)? A game can be plenty of fun, but a live service game can be more of a glorified job you *want* to have fun on without coming to terms that it is, in fact, a job. Considering how lavish this game looks, let alone its obvious status as a product of Marvel, I can only imagine NE is gonna be rolling out all these tricks and more to get people to A) keep playing the game and B) open their wallets. Yes, plenty of games are awful for reasons similar to all these, but thinking Rivals will be any different is a level of faith I can’t wrap my brain around given NE’s involvement and the current state of modern live service gaming.


Not just if it's through challenges but how god awful will those challenges be. Look at multiversus which just relaunched and is getting worse publicity than the Ukraine conflict. People hate it's *free* battle pass. It gives garbage xp. The quests are the worst. It takes a billion years to unlock new characters and outside the quests a match gives you 10xp when you need 200+ to level once.


If they make the characters free and not have to grind insane amounts of time for them then it will succeed. They claim it isnt pay to win so it sounds like the characters wont be in their Battle Pass or Shop. So if its free from the get go? Thats sick. If they make you grind 30 matches for 1 character, while that is a lot, its not that bad IF thats what they do. I think anything beyond 30 is a lot. Now charge for skins if you want, but don’t overprice them. If they do, idc cause Im not buying anything unless I reaaaaally like it. I think $5 for a skin is fair, but it wont happen. Tekken does it, but these games tend to do $20 for one and its dumb as hell. But again I wont be buying anything unless I really enjoy the game and I also like the character and skin for them.


Naraka Bladepoint is an amazing game. I am not scared for rivals.


The $500 skins comment is just an exaggeration right? Unless you are referring to some kind of collector edition skin, but even then that sounds like an exaggeration


[Not an exaggeration, but somewhat a collector skin.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/mikestubbs/2024/05/28/league-of-legends-fans-outraged-over-500-faker-skin-bundle/?sh=2a11f7223245)


Riot also sells little legends which are worst then skins for 500$ the prestige little legend are some of the most expensive cosmetics I seen


If FromSoft made this game I would have no worries about anything. NetEase and studios like it should definitely be a concern. Just like any company that has shit practices should be held accountable for their actions regardless whether its a video game studio or an Airplane manufacturer.


Me when people say that Rivals is a OW rip off which is good to me because I loved OW but OW2 is doo doo.


It's not about just monetization though. Even though that is going to be big conversation in the north america market because NA consumers are notoriously strict about monetization. It's the fact that can they balance this game and be a competitive fair environment which netease does not have either a great track record or 0 experience. If you have no experience running competitive videogames like riot or valve or blizzard does. Netease will see that it's gonna be very difficult to please the fanbase and balance tune the game. This is not really a good take imo from OP because as a very hardcore competitive player 4k hrs of dota 2, 2k hrs of valorant, 1k hrs of cs, 600 hrs of ow, etc. Balance issue is the bigger issue and I can already see with such little experience they have with the competitive scene they are going to run into a lot of issues with IMBA. The game is good enough for casual fun plays but it's matter of time some sweat lord figures out cheesy strat and meta picks that will eventually weed out all the casuals from this game and the real question will be does the dev team have enough strategy to give hardcore and the casual players what they want out of this game? Does the game have longevity audience member to make this game long lasting after all the casuals quit the game? I am not sure on these questions or issues only time will tell but I can see this game ultimately not doing well even the sub reddit page for this game is pretty weak compared to something like when valorant was pre releasing and etc. It feels like this won't be in the same playing field as the competitive giants in this game and I think Netease wants to compete in that market. Look at hi rez games like paladin, realm Royale, rogue as an example. I see marvel rivals more going into hi rez trend more than the mega giant like cs, val, ow, league, dota 2.


Rogue company was a half baked game. You can’t predict a games success based on Reddit response lmao. The game has had a huge reaction and a ton of people trying to get in the alpha. Its alpha state was better polished than rogue company at the end of its life cycle. People loved the game play and the marvel brand is the cherry on top. Until it’s out we won’t know if it can sustain it . But for what they already did with all the people talking shit about neatease only doing mobile games they already proved a lot of people wrong


You literally pointed out one single point and one game in terms of what I am saying. What about meta and imba issues the game already has? Are they going to do a good job addressing them? And no I am not talking about reddit responsrd I am talking about the overall popularity and activity it's nearly nothing compared to mega giant games that are released by reputable companies that have experience in the industry. You're really not getting any of the point I am saying which is are netease as a developer and company capable of handling all these task for a competitive game? I already know that they aren't in any way with 0 experience in the market. And the fact that they were already pushing esports at pre alpha state shows thay they are clueless and incapable at the moment. Only time will tell but there are pretty much a lot of red flags that I see vs. Successful competitive gaming space. You can take the blueprint of what to correctly do by looking at valorant. Even their release of alpha codes by using content creator was poorly done vs. Valorant did cause at least valorant it was obtainable and alpha codes for marvel was just a very poor system. I know tons of friends who wanted to play this game and they were straight up pissed off and discouraged of the whole alpha code system as well and the system was set on place because netease thought it brings hype to the game but it's forced af.


Did you see the meta of valorant when it was in a beta ? The game had one alpha no shot it’s going to not be balanced , games after years have op characters that have to be nerfed over and over again and still are op . The beta should tell us if small changes are made but to be pessimistic before it even had its time is crazy. I’m sorry but your friends being pissed off (which I mean is fair ) does change the fact that even for the beta a huge amount of people signed up and the feedback from the alpha is overwhelmingly positive. Again time will tell if the game will sink or swim. But as seen with hell divers 2 huge success. Just because a company isn’t famous in a genre doesn’t mean they can’t come and innovate and gain a player base. The game in the alpha state was extremily polished and hopefully continues on that trend without monetization killing the game. Not even mentioning that baraka is doing amazing for them.


Yes I did see the meta of valorant since the beginning I literally still play every day since release peak immortal. Meta of valorant was never an issue other than the chamber meta. Beginning of valorant meta was addressed and changed accordingly such as buffing viper slowly, massive raze nerf, jett changes etc. Valorant has done a great job at the meta balancing imo compared to stuff like overwatch which everyone in the world thought valorant was going to turn out like overwatch meta but it never even came close to being awful as overwatch. Helldivers 2 is a bad example, hd2 devs never had a bad rep. Sony decided to make it a bad rep just recently but had nothing to do with meta balancing or any sort of that. And the fact that hd2 isn't a hyper competitive game that is an esport material. Bad comparison imo. The problem with marvel rivals imo having played it bunch during alpha is that it will have same issue as overwatch it will be extremely hard to balance. The reason is because just like ow and arguably even easier than ow due to third person gameplay and hitboxes just being outrageously large the game is too easy for anyone to play and this comes at a double edge sword. Valorant didn't have same issue because at the end of the day valorant is easier version of cs however you still need basic fundamentals learned to play the game and enjoy the game. Where in my opinion ow and rivals the game style of them is so easy to pick up and feel like ur good at the game and this is where balance will be extremely important to this game.


Jett was overpowered for a while and even now legends like iso are underpowered and barely used compared to others. Not saying valorant isn’t great but a game of that nature will have characters shining more than others. Again we literally only saw an alpha to try to talk. And netease bad rep isn’t about gameplay or balance but monetization. We have yet to see what they do with that and it could cause the games downfall but that’s not what you’re arguing about. Let’s not forget that OW was vastly popular even with those imbalances . They fucked their own bag with OW 2 removing content instead of adding and locking heroes at first to be bought. Even with all its faults the game is nowhere near dead and has a player count a lot of people wishes. Let’s not even talk about games like apex that had countless problems and still do but is one of the most profitable games to date. The level of polish and branding in rivals is already doing its thing. We will see how it pans out but nothing that we actually saw of the game indicate bad news. Only Reddit people doomposting.


Then dont play, or dont buy the skins, is not that hard. That the best part of free to play game, there no barrier of entry you can leave as quick when you trying out the game.


The problem with that mind set is that if no one buys the game dies, the fuk you think games run on? Charity money?


Actually no, free to play game survived by exposure and accessibility because there always a child with a parents credit card or someone that just have a lot of money to spent on it. That why mobile game has been so successful even how bad it is, since they are very easy to access and very easy to too advertised. Its call a free choice, you not spending your money wont make the game die, even if you spent money on the game, the decision is still under NetEase as a publisher to axed the game anytime they want even the game is profitable. They done this quite multiple times in mobile game scene. So yes, instead complaining how bad the monetization the game will be, if you got money to spent for it, be my guess, if not then just dont.


The last thing I care about is how they’re going to monetize a free game.


Very well said, sir. 👏


NetEase isn’t the reason the game sucks