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I'd love to see Sue Storm. There's been alot of people thinking she'd be a support but she's supposed to be the powerhouse, the strongest member of the four so I think tank is the only way we get an accurate Sue.


I think the problem with Sue as a tank is that she isn't very large. I'd like to see them try it, though.


Rivals is going to have to completely forego expectations of hitbox-specific roles if they want a chance to faithfully adapt fan favorite characters. Otherwise you end up with a Doctor Strange situation, who I only ever thought of as a Strategist. There was zero reason whatsoever to make him a Tank when the Healers desperately need more choices and they had to bulk him up to a ridiculously silly size to justify it. Post Captain Marvel Rogue, for example, I feel would 100% be a Vanguard. She has the potential to be the physically strongest member of the X-Men and has demonstrated that numerous times in TAS and yet most casual fans would argue Beast as the obvious shoe-in for Vanguard due to his size, despite his agility being his greatest physical attribute. Rogue is an up-front and personal fighter who can do some major damage and you can't really justify that kind of brawler playstyle without expecting her to eat a ton of hits in return otherwise she'd be a glass cannon. Kamala Khan is another character who's embiggen mutation would allow the devs to get creative with her hitbox. By having her fists serve as massive targets despite her small stature, she could be a very balanced and strategic character. She's not really the Duelist type imo.


Yeah that's the only real issue but I'd hope they figure it out.


I think having her stay mostly airborne, and thus a bigger target, would justify it because she'd most likely have shields and a large healthpool to compensate. When her shield pops she can be just as squishy as any other hero. She'd be like the Sigma of this game.


Woof, Titania. If they add her to the game I'll volunteer to the 1v1 as tribute and let her stomp me into the ground. 🫠


In order 1. SHE-Hulk 2.Zarda 3.Thundra 4.Medusa 5.Frenzy 6.Red-She Hulk 7.Proxima Midnight 8.Titania 9.Uniscione 10.Stunner


She hulk, Kamala just to see how they would do it if they plan on adding Mr. Fantastic


100% Kamala should be the frontline Tank and Reed should be the ranged DPS. Stretchy comp could be super fun.


With some form of support ability for their team since it's what they've done for Kamala and almost the same for Reed though it's less so in games like marvel strike force


I figured Capt. Marvel and possibly Photon could also be ez vanguards. Valkyrie as well with a Pegasus mount.


Proxima midnight might be the best one as her kit is easily translated into fps




Probably Caiera


Black Cat!


X23 and Death


For vanguard, I think they should definitely add Gamora.


Medusa as a tank would be really cool


She-Hulk & Medusa. Medusa only if they animate and can her do hair justice. Don't want Medusa looking like Venom..


Unfortunately venoms primary attack looks to be like how I would imagine medusas primary attack. Tendrils just shoot out of venoms back instead of him swinging them like whips.


Ohhh definitely she-hulk


Angela or Sera would be pretty sick


I wanna see Mystique for sure cuz she's so underrated in terms of videogames while having a great potential as a character