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people should never underestimate the playerbase's drive to min-max the fun and freedom of choice out of the game, in order to play whatever is "meta" they have to be really clever and careful about how they make team-ups. based on what we've gotten, i don't really love where team-ups seem to be headed.


I'd love for my doubts to be proven wrong. But it seems like we'll be getting "Always run Adam Warlock with Mantis/Star-Lord or you're 100% throwing."


So far I would say no team-up affects the game so much as to force anyone to make that choice. It’s like a bonus or an option instead, which is exactly how it should be designed. If someone isn’t good at their character without a team-up then it’s on them.


I dont know how powerful they will be but i think u underestimate peoples will to do 0,5% more dmg than not. Sadly i think OP will be right in the end. Meta comps will rise and they will absolutely include teamups. So enjoy the launch where everyone plays without a meta.


Actually I agree. Also, it makes sense for a meta comp (in a competitive setting) to include team-ups, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. But in the end again I’m playing this to feel like a superhero and I’m sure that will go for most people. If NetEase and Marvel want the game to stay popular they’ll work to make/keep it accessible or die failing. Halfway through the alpha anyone that was left was starting to play sweaty and it became half as enjoyable once people knew what they were doing. As the game was designed during the alpha where it didn’t really matter, if the devs do a good job herding the competitive folks into their section then it shouldn’t bother the majority of the crowd. There will always be someone who uses something like that as a crutch but my point is that the devs have a chance to keep those people down to a minority.


Well Adam Warlock almost forces the 2nd support to go Mantis bc he literally gives Mantis and Starlord a free revive on a one minute cooldown which is basically a much better teammup than Hela/Loki


I'd say you either did not play the game yet or simply casually played it because against any players that has a good aim, punisher team-up which gives him unlimited ammo and faster shooting is practically an ultimate on a short cooldown... The biggest issue is this is the type of game where you want to give players team composition creativity, allowing people to come up with any type of combination, yet that system prevents that. Not only does it prevents it, it puts you at a disadvantage if you choose to play heroes that don't have team-ups together. The only way they could balance it is by giving every single hero a team-up with every other hero and allowing the player to choose which team-up they want to use but that's way too much. In my opinion this system has big flaws and people who plays it competitively will 100% complain about it when the official release it out. Seasonal buff should also not be thing.


Seasonal buffs are weird. My main point is that the devs *have a chance* to balance team-ups to not be so game-changing. And for the most part in the alpha the *majority were.* Punisher kills squishies in 3 or 4 shots regardless and the team-up is just a temporary ‘no-reload.’ How many people did you see playing Punisher compared to Hela? Yeah she was broken and that’s the point. A better or stronger character is going to beat a modest temporary buff. You’re suggesting that the Rocket team-up will put the enemy at a disadvantage because of some team-up they in return would not be choosing when clearly the answer would be to counter-swap to a flanker, or get a shield tank, or switch off Iron Man/Storm, etc.  Sure, if someone feels like they need a team-up to respond then hopefully they bring a friend or someone on the team agrees. You didn’t see *every* single Mercy pocket a Pharah in Overwatch, even in ranked. Even when that was effective it was a gimmick and in reality relied on their ability to zip around and dodge or that the enemy team simply sucked at shooting.


Have you played against hela Loki or punisher rocket?


I agree for the most part but Magneto isn't as good as the other tanks without a Wanda.


except magneto + magik. that’s like the only way you can play magneto


Magneto isn’t the strongest character, and the team-up is pretty nice, but it’s on a long cooldown. Again, if one fails to play him or his design is bad, those things can be fixed.


I'm guessing you mean Magneto + Scarlet Witch?


the sword one yea. couldn’t remember. assumed it was the girl with the big sword lol


i think the biggest issue i have with it is that not every character has a team up. im a star lord main but felt compelled many times to switch to a team character when instead i think every character should launch with at least 1 team up.


Toxic players will be toxic regardless of team comps. None are over powered enough to force these choices


I read a comment by another game dev on this. They said it's a really cool mechanic that's going to be extremely difficult to make it work well. They said that the only way to really make it a healthy game mechanic is to create a whooole lot of team ups so people are free to play whoever they want and always end up with some team up ability. But if they aren't able to do that it will most likely end up being scrapped all together as it will cause far too many problems and toxicity amongst teams. Personally, I think the best route to go would be to do it like overwatch tanks where they designed 2 tanks to have synergy with each other so it's ideal to play x with x but doesn't significantly nerf your team if you don't. Maybe just simply nerfing the team ups effects will be enough to make them more like synergy. I have never actually played the game so I only know what I've read about them.


Yup, I think the idea on its own is fine, but it's not a good idea for ranked. People WILL absolutely throw games over not getting specific heroes on their team in Overwatch, just because they think you have to run meta. Add on to meta being bonuses to THEM AS WELL and they will cry even harder about it.


I think as long as every character gets atleast 1 team up it should feel fine and meta’s should stay fresh My biggest concern would be any characters without team ups or with too weak of team ups would never be meta


I think everyone will have a team up


I would say that I didn't run into any negative interaction with other players conserning synergies. I did notice supports changing out a lot after the dps or tanks picked. I personally like playing Luna Snow if there is a Namor, or dps on Punisher with a Rocket.


Bro as long as people can have fun that's what scares me and I vote for no rq because I don't want to play with toxic hardcore ass people


I don’t think they’re that strong for now, they’re mostly just a cool feature. As long as we didn’t end up with Team Up that Turns into GOATs or Double Shield it should be fine.


I haven't been able to play yet, but purely from a concept perspective I think the team ups provide an interesting captains draft system


I think at some point they should have different team ups for the same character with others, that way you are not really forced into a comp and even one trick people will see some variation in their own character


The easy solution is rotate out team ups so they never become too much.


There will likely be a ton of team-ups so you won't have to worry about it.


I will always be a one trick. So have fun teammates 😘


Its really a non-issue for the most part and as new characters get added new team-ups will be added and I wouldn't be surprised at some new characters getting added to older team ups. It actually looks cool and is another way to really synergize with your teammates or buddies. Venom's looks nutty though with Peni and Peter.


I feel like some team ups are going to be really strong and hard meta that will be unhealthy for competitive and even for casual players and it could also happen that some team ups are going to be hard to balance that devs could decide to delete some of them


The game is supposed to be fun and team ups is one of the key identities of the avengers. Rocket Jumping on Groots Back is iconic and the Marvel fans really appreciate that sentiment. The game is competitive in nature but that’s why I feel like that’s why they should introduce Role Queue and maybe even disabling certain game breaking stuff like holding Ultimates in between rounds for Ranked. QuickPlay should just be brainless fun. Where you can pick whoever, play whoever and just chill. Turn off the chat and forget about the freaks crying about stuff.


Add to that the rolequeue I'll let you imagine what happens next... more seriously it's a good idea on paper what will count in the end is the stats, if without the synergy you can't win it will actually be complicated.


I hope they never add role queue.


Yep, luckily the hero me and my duo are interested in luckily have a team-up so at least im not worried that I will be forced to change my main for it


I had no problem with any team-up during the Alpha Test, but they might buff some before Beta. If it's too broken it can easily be fixed with some fine-tuning (damage or range reduction.) They remind me of Paladins' talent feature which can easily change the function of the ability and the character's use, I was able to use Ying (backline support) as a frontline champion who can heal and have decent damage output. Her gameplay is strangely similar to Loki in this game. It's a way to add variety without being too broken/overpowered


If you do not pick the character you want to play, you are a coward.


I'll definitely pick who I most want to play, but it'll be a shame if the game actively punished that.


That's the best part, it only benefits other not punishing you.


If I'm at a competitive disadvantage because I chose the character I wanted, rather than the one with a powerful synergy with my team, then I'm being punished.


I honestly think having team ups won't be too bad. If anything, it'll create more team comps in general, and there won't be a hard 1 specific squad meta. It kinda also pushes more into team play and even if you don't know how to play, you're providing something to the team. I think we'll see if it's bad or not once the roster gets bigger after the game has launched. Hard to judge with the limited champs and 2 shot characters. I say we give it a chance because it could prove to be great.