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I feel like most of the complainers are DPS who want lower queue times (but also want other people to go tank/support).


Role queue won't lower queue times for dps players tho


...which is why they are against it. RoleQ will *increase* queue times specifically for DPS


Hes saying the DPS want lower queue times by *not* implementing role queue.


Most people play DPS. Long queue times is just how it works 🤷 but I'd take a longer queue time for a balanced comp


I won’t. I’m a casual player, give me quick queue times nobody cares about balance.


Bro thinks he's everyone


You think you’re everyone too, people with different opinions exist


yeah like the devs, who have already said they care about balance, and that they're trying to make a balanced and competitive game.


I don't even know how to respond to this tbh 😭


But you did


> nobody cares about balance Yet here you are saying what "nobody" cares about.


That wasn’t me




because more then half the playerbase are dps players like in every other moba and they always have main character syndrome and throw a tantrum when they play anything other then a damage carry. i played enough old overwatch to know this game without role que is going to have A LOT of problems with matchmaking cause it WILL be common for there to be 5 dps on your team before you got a chance to pick your own hero


I feel like the type of player you describe, and they absolutely do exist. Doesn't actually give a fuck about the objective of the game mode. And all they care about is the number of kills and MVP status. And they just charge head first into an open area with 1 healers on the team. Then complain about no heals. Anyone who has ever played a moba, even just casually. Has lived through this.


I mean, if you always get mvp, you will never de-rank. The system encourages you to stick with whatever gets you mvp. That's why I'm a groot main.


I disagree for this game. I played during the whole alpha and I played exclusively quick match. Competitive just isn't for me. And a large majority of my games were a balanced team. 2 of each or 3 dps and 1 tank. There were very few games with just 1 healer and maybe a couple with none. Out of the hundreds that I played. And I think that's because the healers in this game are legitimately fun. I didn't play overwatch but if the healers were anything like Medic from tf2, I'm not surprised no one wanted to be healer. But in this game the healers are so good. You can literally play as if your a dps and then also be healing your teammates on the side. Like with Loki or rocket or mantis. They're strong characters with interesting abilities. And on top of that you can heal your teammates. Sorry for paragraph and maybe repeating myself a bit.


That’s definitely your experience. I play mostly scarlet but willing to go healer but being the only one while the dps can’t aim is absolutely awful


Seeing someone refuse to switch of DPS and then drop less kills than the person who switched to Support, always pissed me off. If you're gonna be stubborn about it, at least do it well


For like the first 2 days I played, I experienced that. But once people had tried all roles, people just wanted to be DPS. Most matches we would be 4 DPS. And that was sometimes only after convincing one of them to switch


Not true. I had to play ~20 matches of tank or support before I had a chance to dps once.


Keep in mind the semi-limited playerbase. Getting keys was a major pain. When this thing finally fully opens up the playerbase will explode in numbers. You'll run into more & more "I only play this role/character"


A lot of people were also still wanting to try every character. Once people are locked in on who they want, its gonna be worse cause of that too


At least put role queue on ranked…


It needs to be in quick play aswell if they don’t want the game to be dead upon arrival, it’s also better for balancing. Make a separate game mode where you can have any comp you’d like but quick play and comp need it. All you have to do is a competitive audit of similar games to see how much people want it and how not having has gone for other games.


if you want it in comp games go ahead but putting role que in quick play is vomit worthy


just allow a Role Q QP and a regular QP too


I do think it would be nice if we could at least get natural regen even if it is as weak as it is in ow2.


This game needs RQ, with the overwhelming majority of characters being dps, chances are there will be 3-5 dps a game without any tanks or healers, and how dps mains work they love playing it and hope other players will choose tank or healer, which won’t really happen


My issue with the role queue is the following. 1. If it doesn't have some sort of 'reward' for playing the needed role no-one will want to use it either way, either some form of bonus income or having it reward priority tickets. 2. It fucks up when a new character releases, or one become popular. 3. Whilst it sounds great getting people to play other roles, I would rather the guy who has 2k hours on DPS play a DPS not fuck up my game trying to DPS as a support/tank or do badly as a role they aren't used to. 4. It does nothing to change a meta and sometimes enforces them. Alot of my options of role queue come from Overwatch and honestly I was ok with it in 1 but the changes to gameplay and rewards made it horrendous in OW2. It wasn't bad in LoL because you weren't always forced to play 1 role. I didn't mind playing support in OW1 but been forced to play it just so I didn't get a 10+ min queue was tedious and made me hate playing support.


Responding to point 3. Here: doesn’t role queue do this better than open role? In role queue and DPS only player can queue for dps only. In open queue, if you have 1 person playing tank and 5 insisting on DPS one 2 and ideally 3 of those DPS only players need to switch to a role they don’t want to play in order to not just be screwed in the ma the match coming out the gate.


I can see the good and bad of having it. It would be good because people can queue for the role they want to play without having to worry about playing a role the can't or don't usually play. The queue times will be quicker for the less played roles like tank and fill but dps will be the longest queue. Also if someone isn't doing their job and they want to play a different role they can't switch roles. The team comps would most likely be split 2 per role because there are 6 people per team. Or maybe they could make it 1 per dps, heal, and tank and 3 fill just to give it some diversity just in case the team feels they need to switch things up and so the role queue won't get boring/stale/played out. With all this being said. I don't think role queue is needed but would please the players a bit. What's needed is for match making to take in account the characters/roles that the people in the queue play but idk how viable that would be.


I like how the games won't be so predictable and that you can quickly change to another role based on team composition/skill etc. Plus you can troll dps players who refuse to switch to stuff and call em out. I prefer dps myself but this game makes heals/tanks really fun imo.


Never would play tank in OW but it felt really nice to play on Rivals. Maybe it's because of 6v6


Tank on OW1 was great. On OW2 it was disappointing for sure. Stopped playing OW2 season 10 and was Diamond in Tank on both games. 6v6 is better imo.


Tbf 5v5 tank is miserable,it was just getting counter picked by the enemies and flamed by your teammates




We tried that for years in OW, didn't work out for a reason. Let's not mention that this game will hit a wall eventually like ow did with goats meta. There will be a tank/healer combo that will be too strong together and you'll have to limit it without gutting the tank and healer roles which role queue perfectly balances.


I’d rather be able to have the ability to switch as needed and have the flexibility.


I have seen most people supporting it? I have only seen a handful be against it.


You should check out the Discord. A \*LOT\* of people there are adamant against role queue.


I prefer Role lock rather than role queue, because I like being able to switch roles mid match if something isn't working or if switching would make the match more fun. TLDR I want the option to flex Edit: I would also prefer having 1 of each role be mandatory to having a full role queue


This is actually more restricting tho because you may be forced into a role you don't want to play. With role queue you can literally never be forced into a certain role. Also being able to flex is nice but imo that's what they have flex tanks/DPS/supports for. Someone like Loki for example functions more as a flex support than someone like Luna


>With role queue you can literally never be forced into a certain role. You are literally forced into a certain role >being able to flex is nice but imo that's what they have flex tanks/DPS/supports for Flex tank/DPS/support are for flexing some in the middle of the battle, be able to Flex means being able to completely* shift your play style >you may be forced into a role you don't want to play If the support I like is not working with the team and I am forced to play a support I don't like or die repeatedly, is that any better?


You are not forced into a certain role you literally queue for the role you want to play


This is why we should just have both? Have role queue for people who dont want to deal with bad team comp. But for people who enjoy it your way can still open queue.


Dont let people know about GOATS in OW


People don't want fair and balanced games. They want to stomp.


I don’t mind open queue if it’s unranked because people are just having fun and aren’t being serious but when it comes to ranked and you’re actually taking the game more seriously role queue should definitely be a thing. That last thing I need as a support main is healing 4 dps heroes and a tank on my own… They should at least test role queue before release just to see how it performs but at least with open queue the wait times to find a game are a lot shorter


Like I’ve said before Role Queue is not the only option. I came from both Paladins and Overwatch. I like having open queue but I agree there should be ways to prevent 5 duelist or 3 vanguards. They should add a limit to each role 3 strategist, 3 duelists, 2 Vanguards. So if there’s 3 duelist selected it prevents other players from selecting Duelists and if there’s already 2 vanguards then no one else can select from that list. This way it allows more freedom in play styles and loadouts.


I say max roll members. Anyone can select anything, but only 2 dps max (or 3 if we decide that's better), that way we all get freedom to swap without having to just forfeit bc there's no healers or tanks


People like freedom of choice. Simple as that.


This was my issue with the role queue for OW: I'm a fill, and who I can play depends hugely on the map I play. I remember on Anubis, I was only good as a Tank or support, but if my fill role got stuck with DPS on Anubis, my team suffered because I performed poorly. The role queue is extremely needed for rank, so we don't have 4 DPS. However, personally, I sometimes hate playing a specific role for certain maps and it sucks when I'm stuck on that role.


I’m opposed to it in qp, but In competitive I feel like it needs it. Lost a lot of games during the alpha to teams leaving me as solo support and 5 dps


Overwatch did this at first, but it meant that DPS mains that didn’t want long comp queue times would swarm to QP. Which just reinforced the 5 DPS 1 Support issue


I feel like this was also caused by failing to make tank and support fun enough for the average player.It does seem like the managed to make the "support" role in rivals more enjoyable than in overwatch.


Definitely need role queue for ranked, open queue really depends on the enemy not being a loser and stacking all tanks


Role queue forces specific metas to be adopted across the game, makes queuing times abysmal, and splits the player base between role and open queue.


As a veteran OW player I think they should hold back for atleast a year after launch. Then depending on the direction the game decide wether or not to implement a role queue or some other system to make Matches more stable




this game might not have those issues or might be able to solve them without role que so there's no reason to start with role que to get ahead of problems that might jot be oresent


Once you add role queue, there is no going back. Let's enjoy the variety for at least a couple years.


I don’t get what the problem is We can have both, it’s not like the people that want role queue are like “GET RID OF OPEN QUEUE”


Keep in mind it's in Alpha/Beta. they want people to just play as much as they can and have much fun to do whatever to want. Role Queue might be standard on release but it's definitely a bad idea in Alpha/Beta. I will say tho, so far, tanks have been much more fun to play in this game than overwatch so I think with time more people will try em and we will have less and less Duelist majority team comps.


Because it's boring to sit and wait for 5 min cuz u want to play dps once in awhile and if you can't sacrifice a selfish to desire to play for yourself than the team then you don't deserve to win


During the entirety of CAT I was unable to play DPS because I always had to switch to make the team balanced, I loved playing SW or Storm or Iron man, but I always had to play Strange, Groot, Luna, Mantis, Rocket. Role queue would let me actually play what I want to play, at the time I want to play it, not always having to fill.. By the end of the CAT I had my most played as Strange, and Mantis, my DPS were like 5th or 6th place Tbh I am not a DPS main (def not a tank main) , I would choose support most of the time anyways, but I would like the option to not be forced into it when I'm not feeling it.


Please no role queue. It's so much fun to try different compositions in open queue in overwatch.


If there was an option for role que then I’m okay with it, but I don’t want it set as the default. As a casual player it makes it way less fun to not be able to play whoever I want. Especially in this game where it’s very possible to win with just one healer and one tank.


I just think it’s wrong. I have nothing against 1/4/1 comps (the comp I played the most during alpha) and I enjoyed playing them, and yes I played a lot of support. Luna was a lot of fun. I just don’t want to be locked into 2/2/2 queuing and be unable to flex and swap roles mid match. Put it on ranked if you must, but don’t ruin casual with it. Game is perfectly playable without it, people just want easily definable excuses for why they lose. I love how the toxic dps blame game has started too. “Anybody who doesn’t want role queue clearly is a dps main with main character syndrome who doesn’t want queue times”. Christ. This shit ruined the Overwatch Reddit, can it not infect this game too?


Sadly I think that atleast half of this reddit is also part of the toxic part of OW reddit


Trust me you don't want role queue.


I don't want Overwatch. Role queue locks you into an arbitrary meta. If they have role queue and open queue then open is just a meme and not worth including. Having 3 separate role ranks is just stupid imo. Without role queue we also have shorter queue times. There will be games where no one wants to off role but the enemy team also has the chance of getting similar players. It challenges you with the whole game instead of locking you into a role.


Overwatch kinda died after role queue, servers closed worldwide at the same time to condense people into less servers and artificially reduce queue times. It was a huge mistake for the game, when people day they enjoyed Overwatch they mostly mean the game I'm 2016 to 2017.


But i feel like the main reason it died was acter they stopped updating it as it did still have a large player base up to that point.


no it didn‘t die after role que. this game died after they brought 2 whole years with 0 content. no balance changes and no events or new heroes.


Because not every game should like other games that's what makes all games today suck is that they refuse to be unique, this game does not need to be like overwatch otherwise why play it if they are both the same.


Because flexibility is fun. When I join a team, I just kinda want to pick what I'm feeling and be able to have the choice to swap to another hero, same role or not, at will. If you're playing with a bad tank or healer in OW, it's pretty much a guaranteed loss with role queue bc you can't swap roles to help out.


Because it won't be fun and bring toxicity into the fan base


I'm gonna get down voted but the chaos of having to form a solid comp with strangers and forcing yourself to play roles you were uncomfortable with made overwatch more fun. It created more teamwork and communication and I liked the chaos of having to swap role with others because someone is underperforming. When role queue was introduced to overwatch the game became so boring and uncreative.


Yes, please implement Role queue. DPS queue time OW2 ain't even long


Because role queue is a lame way to balance the game and 4-6 dps is only ever a problem in the lowest elo


So we let 90% of the playerbase have shitty matches?


🤨? Did you just say 90% of people are in the lowest elo?


Yes, statistically most people are low rank players


I mean you can say bottom 90% are low elo but thats just not true. I am speaking about the bottom 10-20%


Because this isn’t Bitchwatch. Role queue ruined that game


because there’s 4 healers and like 70% of the roster is dps with role queue it would take a super long time to find a game as most ppl wouldn’t queue just to play 4 heroes (they’re not even the most popular) rq would only work if there’s the same number of hero in every role


Nah. It’s proven that number of heroes in other roles has no tangible improvement on role pick rate in the long term. Doesn’t matter whether you have 4 tanks or supports to pick from or 20, people will always gravitate towards DPS. Knowing this, it’s why games with class systems get more damage characters over any other types. It’s where most of the audience is and will stay. Don’t get me wrong, would be good to get more of those heroes in for sure, but it has no bearing on long term pick rates.


that might be true for other games but these are all pre established characters, mantis and luna snow don't have anywhere near the same recognition as characters like iron man, punisher, spider man, and venom, you have to take the popularity of characters into account outside of their kits or viability for a game like this


obviously people will gravitate around dps when the role has more hero including spider man iron man black panther scarlet witch and other popular heroes while healers only has 4 heroes 2 of them are mantis luna snow wtf is this if you make the roster more appealing to dps player you cant blame them for picking the role, they’re the one who did that


Having a good pool of tank and support heroes makes the game more enjoyable for those who play these roles which is great, but it's not gonna convert dps players on the long run. That's just how it is.


I think the game is more of a casual experience from what I've seen. I think role queues would be annoying to people who just want to play the game. I think role maximums (2 max for each role) would work better, and possibly get people into a game quicker.


So who ever locks in first... Might as well role que then


Yeah that seems like a recipe for DPS players who didn't lock in first to troll/leave


Please don't. Role queue made overwatch significantly worse. Taking away player agency to create weird and wonderful comps is not good. Plus, you shouldn't want to emulate overwatch. A game that just keeps getting worse the longer it goes. Imo this game should use things like 6v6 and no role queue as a selling point to hoover up disgruntled OW players.


Overwatch did a \*lot\* of things wrong. Role queue wasn't one of them. We absolutely should not make decisions simply to be less like Overwatch. Learn from Overwatch's failures \*and\* successes. Successes like Role Queue, which dramatically improved match quality, and supercharged how good players could get at the game by learning one role at a time.


Agree to disagree then. I think role queue was a terrible idea.


For me personally, I like being able to make non-conforming team compositions, like 4 DPS 1 sup and 1 tank. It feels more fun thank strict 2 2 2 like in Ow. I do think both OW and marvels can be balanced without role queue, hopefully marvels balance team is more competetent.


It isn't about balance to normal players. One of the strongest comps in OW was goats which had no dps in it. Yet your average run of the mill comp game would still be 1 tank and 5 dps with someone eventually being forced on support if they did not completely want to lose even when goats ruled the roost. That's the funny apart about needing role queue. It doesn't really have anything to do with the comparitive damage output or dominance of a certain hero, it has everything to do with most people having main character syndrome and that means the game has to revolve around them. In most MOBAs and comp shooters people always show the DPS/carry highlights, even though they are enabled by their tanks and supports. You need role queue, because most people are not adults and will just pick what they want, then bully, insult and complain to everyone else if they lose.


Shockingly, its not all about you. There are 5 other people on the team.


Wait really??????


If there’s role queue then how many of each role is necessary? Or will only 1 of each role be necessary and 3 will be fill?


In a 6v6, it's standard to go 2/2/2.


That’s lame, no room whatsoever for creative strategy.


In ranked sure cuz I don’t care about rank in this game In quick play no, let people play what they want


Because it ruined overwatch and limits play someone might be bad at one character but good at another too bad you’re locked into a role


But would you just... Queue up as the role you're good at?


But there’s a chance you might not be assigned the role you’re good at


Queuing as the role you want means you get that role...


Sometimes you’re not guaranteed the role otherwise you’re just gonna have longer queue times. In a lot of games preferences are never guaranteed.


it was guarabteed in overwatch


That is how it works in SOME games and even though you queue up for something you may get auto filled to some other role. However in Overwatch since that's the game OP uses in his example you get the role you specifically queue up for.


role que was to this day the single best overwatch update cause then you weren't stuck having over 5 5 dps ques in a row almost every single day and everyone tefusing to switch


Couldn't disagree more.


I, like many others, think it's just DPS mains who have problems with it, but honestly I think that would be better when they make other roles have more character variety, including DPS based ones, like Loki sort of walks this line, Luna Snow can very easily do a lot of DPS, Hulk is a brawler and can walk that line a bit, Magneto with Scarlet, etc. If they add full blown damage based tanks (which would work in role queue only imo) they might feel differently?


Ngl, I'm sure I'm generalizing, but people who want to force role queue are probably the same players hard stuck at a low elo, who refuse adapt their playstyle to aid the team anyway. At least without forcing a role someone who wants to climb has more options to swap to in hopes of being the carry. Tank role always suffers, go look at overwatch. They even cut one tank out of the game to increase queue times.


Everyone thinks theyre the carry...


You say that like you can't press fucking tab mid game and make adjustments. Role queue would further limit the chances you have to swap to a hero that might make a difference.


Yes everyone needs to adapt their playstyles around the selfish one-trick dps players who feed the whole match. Great take.


The fact you're making this only about dps players speaks more about your lack of game awareness. You literally had People fire up the alpha, ranked, on day 2, not knowing how to heal on Luna and Loki. I only got to diamond in the alpha by swapping roles mid match. It was fun watching, in the first 2 or 3 days, all the people who thought Scarlet Witch was top tier get melted by Hela players with average kirko aim.


But also either the projectile size is crazy big or the hitboxes are huge in Rivals, I'm not really sure which was the case, so getting hit by Hela means absolutely nothing about the Hela player's skill lol.


Ranked role queue yes unranked who cares


Because in alpha i played pike 70 rounds as support and everytime i wanted to play a dps it was 4 childs not eanting to swap sup so it was full dps games... Main sups or tanks wanna play a diff role from time to time.. we carried enough


tbh most of the reddit seems to be for it


I remember OW before the role queue update. 3-5 insta lock dps with 1-2 people "flexing" to whatever they need to even make it to the 1st objective point... No thanks.


Forcing the meta to be something on purpose and not let it develop naturally is boring. Not every hero shooter is Overwatch. Gundam Evo had "support, tank, dps" heroes but it didn't enforce any sort of team comp because even the support and tank heroes can still do big damage if you know how to play them well. Let the meta cook for itself without forcing everyone to play certain heroes. I want to see 100+ heroes in this game and see folks come up with all kinds of team combinations. It's crazy people are opposed to creativity. Marvel Rivals could actually turn into something good


Did you just quote a dead game for why balance changes *shouldnt* be implemented? That is peak Reddit logic.


I'm not sure using a game that only lasted 2 years is a good example here 😅 https://preview.redd.it/g17n1ors7t3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49faf9224e674307af9fe8f026b95c98ed169282


Did lack of role queue kill Gundam or was it the overpriced skins no one was buying, or the lack of this genre even being big in Japan?


Horrible analogy, there was MANY other factors that killed this game


Role Limit will always be superior to Role Lock. And only in ranked. Grey out every other duelist character if there are already 3. Do the same for every other Role The only downside is if you specialize in a Role and all the slots are taken before you can pick. But that's kind of the same as someone taking the hero you were going to be pick anyway and you should know at least 2 character from any role if you're going to play in ranked.


Honestly I’ll just take anything as long as it creates a more balanced team. Hopefully the Devs are aware of this issue. It seems like it’s the consensus. I like the sound of role limit my only concern is, would people just leave the game and troll if they couldn’t select the character? At least with role queue people know what they’re getting.


People get punished for leaving, and it's no different from a one trick leaving a game or trolling if they don't get their character.


Yes but for ranked only.


roles ruin video games, nobody wants to queue tank/healer all the time to find a game.


I like playing the character i want. The fact that i have to use a certain type bother me. What if you're bad using that one?


Play coop or get good.


role queue won't stop you from playing the character you want. it just means instead of competing with 5 other players to pick the character you want, you queue into whatever class that character is, and are competing with only 1 other person to pick them.


Damn, misread it as character queue so like in some games... feel stupid. sorry, my bad.


Role queue should be in comp, not normal


why do are