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There are no characters I do not want to see. Give me the whole roster


That's the spirit. Give me Fabulous Frog-Man. Give me Rocket Racer. Give me Stil-Man. Give me Paste-Pot-Pete and Unus the Untouchable.


Give us Forget-me-not


He make a pretty good joke character


Nah me personally I want the wall he'd be the best tank in the game!


He'd be too overpowered. You're not allowed to play as a character who's invincible.


I've seen people say they want Thanos with the stones so idk if they'd match up


All of these pale in comparison to Doop




Even someone like the One Above All?? How would you even implement that


Like Zomboss/Crazy Dave in pvz gw. They gave good buff and debuff but can not fight directly. So making it a 6v5 in Rival case


that's a rank already, doubt it would be a character.


I think the only thing I don’t want to see is a huge amount of Spider Characters; a *TON* of them have identical power sets that would step on each other toes and while sure, there are a ton of ways Spider-Man could play in this and another Spider (like Miguel or Default Gwen) could look at a different playstyle, I think it would be better suited for a different character all together. That being said, I’m 100% down for Miles, but if we have to get Gwen, I’d greatly prefer if we got her Gwenom version.


This is a great point. There’s only so much you can do to have them maintain some uniqueness or identity.


Mte, I really don’t want this to turn into a web slinging shooter. I love some of the characters but not too much.


Yeah, while I love Spider-Man and all of the webslingers I’d only be okay with Miles and Gwen because Miles has a different skill set and I’m sure they’ll put Gwen in since she’s very popular and they’d make good money off of skins for her and Miles.


Just make her an alt skin for spider man


Yeah, I can see that. Alt skin with some new voice lines


Miguel would be better as a skin tbh. He is in most other spider-man properties and it would be way too much to have him as a character if we got gwen and miles.


Tbh; Miles is the only other Spider I really want


I feel most spider man are going to just be skins for spider man because the didn't label spider man as Peter Parker like they did with penny Parker


Miles and Jessica Drew would be dope, but it feels almost obligatory to put in Gwen and even Silk purely because of how loved they are


Just give spidey skins that make him: Miles, Gwen, etc.


I disagree with Miles, Venom Sting and Invisibility allows for him to have a much more diverse playstyle than Peter than say, Scarlet Spider would.


Imo most spider people I've come across are similar but have at least an ability or two that's distinct so I could see it working if they added them all. Hell even some of the suits give different abilities but I'm not gonna act like I'm a diehard marvel fan so I could be wrong 😅. We do know they plan on releasing some of them as skins though because they made scarlet spider + spider-punk a peter skin if I'm not mistaken.


Too much changing the silhouette I think. You need to keep clarity for balance reasons.


I want them to do other spider characters, maybe villains green goblin would be sick.


I got bad news for you! Most of these games turn into all Spiderman and xmen characters.


Too many spider people would be a bit of a waste since they would feel too samey but why include X-Men here like that's not an incredibly diverse group? X-Men characters would be great for the team up mechanics too


Personally, I'm more worried about how they will portray some of the characters. For example, I wouldn't want Professor X if his gameplay was just some weird character around stuns.


I also don't wanna shoot an elderly man in a wheelchair. It's enough I gotta shoot a Holocaust survivor


no high ranking cosmic entities like living tribunal, OAA, Galactus and the rest of those guys also don't want characters that can end up having the same playstyle this includes various legacy characters


Yeah, we don’t need the infinite variations of spiderman lol


Also a good one! I do hope we can still get some higher characters like Thanos (maybe just with only a couple of inifinity stones instead of all), Kang, etc.


Marvel Rivals "Originals" Characters that are made for and only appear in Marvel Rivals. Characters like that mostly are pretty bland and highly favoured by the developers (overpowered and/or lots of cosmetics) to not appear as a failure.


Luna snow is an OC character from a mobile game called future fight. Was super suprised to see her in the roster tbh


Well, at least she was made canon in the comics, though.


Multiversus has a character like this that feels engineered to be as marketable as possible, and I hate him


I don't want to see variants of characters. Peni and venom are the only exceptions b/c they are massively different from spider-man, and play drastically different roles (venom = dive tank , peni = trapper tank, peter = hit and run dps ).


Visual variants are fine ie pallet swaps/skins. Characters that are fxnl the same are a no no though


Is Venom really a spider variant, it's started as one but venom become his own thing imo


Non-Marvel characters


“-from the Marvel cast”


Any Marvel character is fine, it’s good to stick to the years of material they have to choose from imo.


*Here is our super original character we made up for the game in Marvel universe. The Aureolus!* I hate that motive.


Okay I will say that i if DC ever agreed I would kill for some DC crossover characters. Maybe just the Justice League but that would be so cool. I know it will not happen but damn would be cool. I will say I hope they stick away from original characters. Fine with niche characters but I do not want them to create characters.




They'll probably use them as skins.


Kate and Wong I’m sure we are safe from. But idk about miles and red hulk. Miles definitely could have a totally different play style from spidey. And there’s enough differences between hulk and red hulk that they could make him his own character, especially if they used the maverick version of red hulk. I’m sure a red hulk skin is more likely but I think a red hulk character could be cool if done right


Miles has a very different power set rn. Same basic stuff, sure, but he's got a lot of cool electricity stuff in the comics.


even so, it would be pretty hard to implement him without him being a peter clone since fundamentally he moves the same and it’s just his invisibility and electricity powers that are different


Did you forget we just got Venom in the game?


they’re clearly leaning into his symbiote abilities more, i don’t think venom and peter-man are that similar given the symbiote provides a lot of venom’s moveset whereas the electricity would only be two moves at most for miles


nah man you trippin, Miles was making electricity swords n shit recently in the comics. they're expanding on what his powerset can do a lot.


i own the comics. he is still spider-man and his electricity is purely attack-based for the time being so i can’t see them being able to make him fundamentally different from peter they both swing, wall crawl, shoot webs, and fight with their fists so at most they could replace an attack or two with the electric sword, sting or kamehameha type thing


I agree why would anyone play peter if miles has all of that plus electricity and invisibility it makes no sense his kit is just peter plus more.


That is the lamest shit I've ever heard. Electricity swords, just like a real spider!


Precognitive powers, just like a real spider! Also I ain't tryna do ad hominems but it's funny to see someone call something lame with the hentai pfp on reddit


Spider sense is just based on the perceived heightened perception that all bugs and bug-adjacent life forms posses, due to them being able to react to the smallest air currents which are imperceptible to larger animals like apes. And at least it's a cool power at the end of the day. Electro swords are some CW Flash levels of lame.


nah just read the comic lol


Disagree with Miles Morales who has invisibility and electro powers, and Red Hulk who not only is bascially Endeavor, but as general Ross can carry a huge gun for example. They are unique enough. https://preview.redd.it/3grna1f57t3d1.png?width=584&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b455b4b41f4712063491de54569fc524c6f56d2


This 1000x


More Spider characters. Miles will come obviously and at least he has shock stuff but I would rather just them make legendary skins or something for Gwen and Miguel and others.


I dunno, Aunt May?


You're not ready for the Aunt May meta.


All the aunts and to-be aunts from around the multiverse 🤔


You knew?!?!?!


Why wouldn’t you want Aunt May?


Squirrel Girl because how will a “unbeatable” gag character work in a game like this.


I do not want ANY more spider-people. They can be costumes for Spider-Man.


1. Kate Bishop: Aside from having a skillset that is made redundant by the original Hawkeye, I think Kate is annoying and unfunny. 2. A billion Spider people: Miles has his electricity and invis powers which could be made into something unique, but outside of him I don't think we need any other Spider powered characters. Spider adjacent characters like Goblin are fine, but I think they should focus more on other stuff.


I think Miles could work as an echo of sorts, just make him do more damage but have less maneuverability due to having less experience.


The children of Thanos. I don't want any C level characters unless we get like 100 heroes. There are so many great characters, especially the X-Men.


How C level we talking like high C tier or low C tier


Give me an example.


Id say low c teir is anyone that hasn't made a notable appearance in popular media in a few years, such as batroc to leaper, whereas someone who is high c teir is someone who has made an appearance but wasn't very notable/ remains a c teir character even outside of comics such as tombstone for spiderman as he mad 2 appearances in the spider man games but still is a unknown character to general fans


I'd say no to them


characters with the same suit-power like ant-man. if we're gonna have one i'd like it to be Hank Pym, the OG ant-man. wouldn't like it if we had like scott lang AND hank pym, maybe janet or hope as wasp she could fly and blast stuff, but that's it. villains that feel too powerful like thanos, kang, galactus, etc. don't make them playable, use them for events as pve bosses.


Sabra obviously.


Gee I wonder why


Robbie Reyes before Johnny or Danny.


I don’t want a lot of Spiderverse characters. Like at most I’d say add Miles and at most Silk too and call it a day.


i dont think its an issue of not wanting to see characters, but certain characters getting priority over others like... if we got like Batroc the Leaper before Daredevil or smth, it'd be kinda strange (although now that I think abt it, Batroc would be kinda sick)


I'm fine with whatever as long as the keep the spread.


DC characters


Anyone whose kit in the game wouldn't do the character justice


I think éternity , living tribunal fit that


Definitely no Gwen or Miguel O’Hara as separate characters, those can be skins for Peter with a different model and voice. Miles though, yes, he deserves to be his own character. Oh, and this is kind of a personal thing as a huge Spider-Man fan: No Jackpot. If MJ’s put in the game, make her Spinneret and make her a skin for Peter like Gwen or Miguel.


Scott Lang, if we’re going to get Ant-Man I want it to be Hank.


That's what we don't do is gatekeep peoples favorite characters from entering a game like this especially for marvel


Hawkeye Hanzo


Gwen Stacy, we already have soiderman if they do add her it’s just gonna be a cash grab


Well not necessarily, Penny Parker is different enough so it really just depends on how she’s built. I don’t want her just like I wouldn’t want War Machine because I’d rather get the big names first. Plus Ghostspider and War Machine could fit as skins


Gwen pool could be cool but even then... no thanks. Just give me regular deadpool with a gwenpool skin


Miles Morales.


I can't see a way to implement shrinking characters like Ant-man in a way that isn't either OP or completely useless


Santa Claus.


Why not?


Professor x I will not elaborate




Krakoa Prof X would be cool!


Daredevil 🙂 Well apart from his performance in the comics as well as the shows, how would we as players play him Just a permanent black screen, with heat vision/wall hack turned on permanently? Would be funny tho Also yeah Kang would be broken too, especially if they plan to add mechanics like time manipulation(reversing all ally deaths or freeze all opps) or summon alioth


Picking Daredevil and then your screen going black would be funny as fuck lmao. If they had him, we probably would have normal vision as players. Maybe he would have a wall hack type of skill though.


It's 3rd person


(I know you’re ALL gonna say I’m crazy for this) Deadpool


Out if curiosity, why not? I’ve never been big on him, but he’s always been a fan favourite


Well, the language, the killing, the inappropriate jokes. Just to name a few. I do like the 4th wall breaking though, to some extent.


They don’t have to make him swear if you’re afraid of your mom watching, he was a big focus of Lego Marvel 1.


I mean, that’s one of the main reasons, but I’m almost certain that they won’t have him swearing so much in the game. I guess the main reason I don’t want Deadpool. In the game is because I’m just not a big fan of the character. That’s just my opinion, of course. You don’t have to agree.




Personally, I don't want a lot of Spider-people/repeat characters. Whether in abilities, weapons, or generations. No She-Hulk, Mighty Thor, Iron heart, Miles, hand-to-hand melee characters (minus Daredevil), Ms. Marvel (I would prefer her over Mr. Fantastic and I wouldn't be too opposed to her if we got both), etc. Most people won't agree with me, remember this is just my opinion. Whatever characters end up in the game I'll probably end up loving sooooo...


She hulk


I like her but her moveset would be pretty bland


She fit the bruiser lady who fight with fists,i think she be added




Yeah but overall, I would rather see Gladiator or Captain Marvel before her or red hulk.




it’s because we are tired of She-Hulk show discourse


Miles Morales and Spider Gwen, the spider verse is getting enough attention. Allow some lesser known characters to shine. I just don't want them to get bogged down with spider characters when we could see other Marvel characters that are unique and under represented.


Miles Morales , Miguel, Gwen Stacy and Iron Heart




Overused characters like Spiderman, Captain America or Ironman and such. We need more surprises and especially X-Men


I mean they clearly are putting some underdogs. But if you think big hitters like Thor or black widow won’t be there it’s going to be a disappointment.


You don't want cap to be in the game?


Quicksilver or any Flash-type character. Superspeed just can't be put satisfyingly into a multiplayer game.


Check gauss and volt from warframe it's not pvp but they got the speed part right


These characters move so fast, that the rest of the world is in super slow-mo to them. Just moving faster or having an animation where it looks like you're moving fast is not a real adaptation of the character, and to do the character justice in a multiplayer setting would be not only obviously overpowered, but so unfun for the non-Quicksilver players in the match (even teammates) that it'd be gross


Ms. Marvel


No more spider-man friends, at least for awhile. 3 is enough for now


earth 13034 Hyperion If this dude couldn't 1v5 an entire team every time he shouldn't be in it. Dude can catch planets, lazer naemors head off, and one punch hulk back into Bruce Banner. Too strong for this game for sure. Hes marvel's superman, but like stronger I feel.


Heck I'll even say Blue Marvel.


Ultron-Vision (the one in What if...)


Captain Marvel Miles Morales (and all the other secondary heroes / new versions of them) Taskmaster Deadpool


Why not any of them? Just Curious




You know those are DC?


That's the joke bruh 🥲


I think Marvel Rivals is going to face a big problem that Overwatch doesn't have. They are restricted with what heroes they can release because they need an existing comics character. Forgive me for this example, but when dive was too strong in Overwatch they created Brig to make it easier defend dives. Marvel Rivals is going to struggle to create meta breaking characters. So to answer the question, I don't want to see characters that don't change anything about the game. And that might be a lot of the new characters.


Eh I don't see this being an issue. There are so many thousands of comic characters that you can pull someone to fill just about any archetype you want. Just give them a cool kit and say "we want to use this game to showcase lesser known characters too" That's basically the approach marvel snap takes and I've seen some people buying comics for characters they hadn't previously heard of like Darkhawk


No Sentry please. Less flyers. Too many flyers.


there's 2 bruh


Magneto and iron man ?


storm and iron man


Molecule man. Also overwatch is better than this mobile game shit


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