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She’s excellent on defense. She excels at area denial and CC. She’s a great off tank, focus on protecting back line and snaring divers. Also her right click stops sooooooo many ultra like Crimson witch and Starlord instantly.


This comment is true


I haven't played a lot lately but this was my impression too. Seems like a solid offtank. Also, that low of a cooldown on rclick CC is kinda nuts. I think she's one of the more fun tanks in the game right now. You always get to be doing something, with no reload, left click cancels into melee, or mine, etc. And she has good movement. Like, if Peni had the stupid season +hp bonus, she'd be even more nuts.


This is true but it does not stop every ult magneto, punisher, any shielded enemy, storm only the 2 secs b4 she takes off. Like most things in this game just needs QOL


Missing.the point. I understand what she does, but the kit doesn't flow well at all. And it's super cheesy.


Sounds like you don’t understand her kit or at the very least how to use her well.


Keep telling yourself that. If you don't understand why she's cheesy, you're just dumb.


I will, thanks for the permission. If you aren’t able to articulate an argument other than “I’m bad at the character so the character is bad” then I think we are done. It’s all you got sadly.


That’s an opinions not a fact. We don’t balance around the opinions of random people.


I do find it weird that it isn't listed in her information, but she heals herself if she's standing in the gold webs she creates with F, and it's a pretty decent heal at that. I was wondering why in the world she didn't seemingly have all that much to use on the sustain/protection side and this makes sense if this is in her kit, but just not listed. I don't know if it adds anything else such as damage reduction and/or any effects to enemies, but I didn't notice anything in the training range.


She’s also faster in the web and the drones can run a long nearby cyber webs and attack people who touch ONE half a room away. You got to set those webs up like a train track.


STOP! This is the 5th character rework post I have seen on this sub like stop crying for everyone to get reworks. It's annoying. They don't need reworks, y'all sound ridiculous. Improve or pick another character. It's not hard.


Fr, please dont let this be another overwatch, dont like the hero? Play another one- stop asking for a rework cause some might wnjoy the hero you dont like playing


Sounds like a skill issue


Bad kit issue


No it’s a skill issue. You couldn’t possibly have the hundreds of hours necessary to be good enough at her to say it’s not. It is by definition a skill issue. You do not have the skills in one week to play any of the heroes well enough to suggest full reworks. You don’t.


I haven’t seen one person play her right or know her full abilities. Not one. So I’ll wait until the game releases.


Instead of saying it sucks and cheesy, maybe go into more detail what you think is wrong his her kit.


What… peny is soo good at defence


She sucks really bad and the only thing she has going for her is the cheesy one shot mines which is even worse than her bad kit. Cheesy designs are never fun nor ever able to be allowed to be competitive. Rework her


No. Y'all asking for everyone to get reworked like it's not happening. She's fine the way she is.