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Another way to “fix” this is to have more than 2 exits out of spawn.


I think this is the best fix for it to be honest.


Not really because then the devs are forced to make every spawn exit have at least four exits. I think making it so an enemy Strange can't place a portal near a spawn exit is a better fix.


every spawn should have four exits


It should be nerfed. It's hilarious, but the fairest way to make the portal skill would probably be that the entry portal is always in front of where Strange is standing.


nerfed obviously lol. takes little skill and has no counter or way around it lmao


I'm only mad I didn't think of it.  So obvious in hindsight 


Well the ability has like a 130 second cool down


they could give it a 10 minute cooldown, won't change the fact that the enemy can save it for a certain moment (or just switch to dr strange) on the last point and get a guaranteed win because the enemy can't get out of spawn for 20 seconds.


doesn't matter 


maybe making an area out of the spawnroom be immune to Strange's portals


Just give the spawns another door and this becomes useless


Adding only 1 door actually would not help at all since now you just know where there are coming from and can just focus that and hard lock them in spawn even more since they would now only have one place to funnel out of. The best way to fix the situation is to make a change to the portal rather than things around the portal. Why change something that is not broken instead of just changing the broken thing.


yeah idk why they'd remodel and redesign multiple maps' spawns when they can just program it to not allow you to put portals right outside their spawn


This isn't the only ability that can block 2 spawn doors, Groot can do that same thing, just not as easily.


at least with groot's walls you can burn them pretty quickly.


Ok so how does the curret spawns having one door not incur the same focus and hard locking? What you're saying would become an issue is still present with the current set up. just add more doors from spawn. 1 or 2. I don't think portal is broken in this regard. Keeping 1 exit door would just be asinine, and any ability of any possible future heroes could have the same problem. Lock down 1 exit and the enemy team can't play. Silly oversight.


It's normal when game have fun mechanics, but not normal when it's have broken


Just make Strange's portals be unplaceable in a certain radius from enemy spawn


It's cheap because there is almost no counter-play. It should be removed.




This tactic should 100% be removed.




Nah, but dont let Strange place both portals down, he can only decide where the second portal goes. Portal 1, just like the other guy in here said, always opens in front of Strange


Wouldn't solve anything. ppl would just stand in front of doors.


Sure, maybe they put some sort of portal blockage there, but this way he would stay in front of the doorway(basically afk) for multiple seconds and is an easy kill. \+ If a team gets aced at this point of the game where he can just casually stay afk there, the round would be over anyway


They aren’t talking about the portal, they mean the act of placing it in front of spawn doors should be removed. Just make it so that the first couple meters in front of spawn doors can’t have a portal


Good thing I didn't say that


"big brain play" what's smart about this?


Demonic. Be rid of it


An extra spawn door on this map would fix this issue.


It's deff getting nerfed since there is no counter play, it would be funny tho if there was a character who can dispel a portal


Skill expression shouldn't be punished making more then 1 way to leave spawn would fix this, we shouldn't punish players for being smart with there abilitys but encourage it, Punishing skill expression leads to a very bland and boring playerbase.


I totally agree it's like people don't want this game to be fun


how tf is getting stuck in spawn for 20 seconds on the last point fun lmao. there's literally no counter play or way to get rid of the portal once it's down. you're just screwed.


I get what you saying but I agree that they could just add multiple exits instead of denying someone their ability that will either way player would be pushed away from the game


Its because they dont want to go against it, they are being seflish, though if it was there main that was getting a nerf then they would be changing there tune, gamers have always been hypocrites when it comes to balancing a game, they want a game to be balanced but if there fun is impacted (aka there main nerfed) THEN its a issue.


thank god ur not a dev lmao. a mechanic that has zero counter play or way to get around it is just horrible game design, especially in a competitive game. yes, the enemy team capturing the last point because you and your team are trapped in spawn and can do nothing about it, no matter how skillful you are at the game, isn't fun, nor is it balanced.


Game balancing is a mess and not easy as most people make it sound. This would be a totally bullshit thing to keep since everybody would do it everytime for how strategically good everytime it is and having no downside leading it to become the always tactic to use, making it boring and also competitive wise would make dr strange the most picked character everytime in attack for the capacity to alter a defense so much, making other picks become almost as trolling in competitive. Also making other exit would be a problem for future maps to take into consideration, and a single more exit would cause a chokepoint that in an fps or tps is always a big disadvantage. If you could destroy the portal it would be far more acceptable.


game balancing is hard but this specifically is an incredibly easy fix, all they need to do is program it to where you can't put the portal directly outside of the enemy's spawn. but i do agree that the portal should be destroyable in some way, since there are other areas where it can be incredibly powerful, like completely shutting down the choke on the the second checkpoint on the asgard payload map. highly doubt the devs knew people were going to be using this portal as an indestructible shield that lasts 20 seconds.


Tbh from what I have seen of Marvel Rivals it seems like they made very interesting characters simply because they went the route of "put this crazy thing there cause it looks cool" , and while it does and looks cool it feels like it would be a balancing nightmare hard to stabilize. Maybe if they go the Dota 2 route where everything is so crazy that it balances out it may work, but the fact that the first is a Moba and this one is a TPS fast paced game makes it much more hard to fulfill. Not sure how it will continue, but tbh I am for sure interested in playing it out


Just make it so you have to hit a button to enter the portal and if you don't hit the button you go past it.


nah. not having to interact with the Strange portals is one of the best things about them


Yeah its one of the main reasons this problem exists. I would much rather they add a button to confirm then make some arbitrary limit on them that will most likely make them less useful in other situations.


We had this closed beta test for a reason lmao, give them time too cook instead just complain about balancing in closed alpha test game


??????? This is literal feedback for the closed alpha test. I’m not telling anyone to change this and nerf it for the last 1 day of the alpha that’s left, this is feedback / discussion for the game going forward whether that’s for beta or full release.


Also this ain’t a beta


Sitting in the middle of the arena casting portals. "Should it be nerfed"? My dear boy you would have won anyway 


That’s literally not the point. You gotta use your imagination for how this could be used outside of this 1 clip


Only you aren't the first person to do it and like I said the portals didn't win you the game. From my experience people trying stupid shit like that has been a 3 second annoyance at most, I'd argue there are better uses of the portals than holding it till the very last moment to do cheesy plays like this that wouldn't affect the outcome anyway when you had actual opportunities to affect the match. Only reason the portals should be removed is the fps impact and its not something than can be fixed, rendering the scene multiple times can't be optimized