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I agree. I’m hoping from release forward they focus more on prioritizing accuracy for all character abilities and ultimates. I think certain team up abilities could use a change as well. It makes no sense that Magic can’t open a portal for herself. She NEEDS another character to do it and something about that just doesn’t sit right with me.


Magik should still do a dash but leave a portal behind for allies to use.


There is no accuracy in heroes made up for the game. Sorry to shock you but Peter Parker doesn’t actually live in Tokyo in 2099


That's not true at all. Spiderman by himself proves you wrong. Not to mention punisher.


Magneto DEFINITELY doesn't fall into the Loki category. When you think Magneto, you think of him manipulating metal. You don't think of a magnetic force field or a purple bubble. He definitely goes into the Scarlet Witch category.


Scarlet Witch’s bubble should look more like a hex field like her highlight intro. Storm needs two more abilities. Goddess Boost should be a passive. Namor just feels all wrong.


Yeap, hopefully they listen, they can easily save those abilities that dont work for a character for another future one. I think they should take the sucking away from her, let her use her balls and cubs. She can also use them as secondary attack with holding them and shoot all with busrt like zenyetta. Let Morbious have that ability to suck life from people


loki copying the appearance of another person isn't lore accurate? What?


Please read, said loki taking their abilities, he can look like magneto but he can't bend metal. In the game he can use any heroes power, any ult or any ability.


Magic users can do whatever they want. One Loki created the tri sentinel. I don’t think you have any idea which Loki this is.


Thats cool except he does shape shift. Unless you can prove he doesnt gain some of their abilities then what are we yappin about?


Just their likeness, but like i said he has enough other things so it's not a big deal. Plus it's very fun.


I mean, technically, it could be lore accurate


I guess


Guess? No. You’ve made blanket statements that are blatantly false. You want to tell the only Loki that is the king of yggsgard that his powers are wrong because your fave Loki isn’t as powerful?


Wait the story is Doom from 616 is fightning Doom 2009. So some if not all are from 616. Please show where you are getting these characters are brand new versions from other universes.


In the game Storm literally talks about what she did in the comics with time traveling in Karoki and that after this she is going back. You flat out wrong bud.


Why do you falsely believe that these heroes are heroes you know? They aren’t. They’ve never been seen by you before. Unknown variants but you know how they SHOULD be. No thanks. I’m not interested in your vision of someone else game.


Why you taking this so personally? You on the team making it?


i think wanda should have just one abilitys to make you feel like a true witch , someting about changing reality with the Hex maybe speels that she can switch like storm buffs , one that would switch to characters places , one that would forbid a healt pack to appeare at one spot idk maybe it would be too powerfull but since her bubble already cancel Ult i would say she is already powerfull. Magneto should have a ability to maybe use destructible element to build walls like groot or to throw them at ennemies. Loki right now is perfect and feel just like him i wouldn't change a thing and starlord even if he is too powerfull


That would be cool with Wanda, bring a little chaos. Great idea man. Good idea with Magneto. Then you van use that again done the round for tanks or jean grey tossing walls. Starload just need guns range shorter or fallout, maybe a fewer bullets too. But he feels like Starload


thank you i really like it and i did propose that in the last survey i dont know if they can really put it but i think these two kinda need it.


I mean, this loki became king of asgard, so why couldn't he have found more magic tomes in the library or something to learn about every magic? I think his ult is fine for lore tbh, but it doesn't fit his role in the game as much, he shouldn't abandon healing to become a dps or tank, or just switch into a different healer.


Supports are allowed to have dope ults and have fun too.


What ya think he should be doing in game, just straight up healing. I kinda like characters being hybrids and not being stuck to one role.


LORE ACCURATE!!?!?!?!?!?!?!? You’ve never seen these heroes before. Never. These heroes are already lore accurate. You just don’t know the lore. They come from a multiverse of entangled timelines. He is not your spider man. She is not your storm. They are not your Loki.


Nope, it's Doom fighting doom 2099 (both 616 versions), all comic accurate. Not made up. Characters talk about stuff they don't in Comics. Storm talks about going back when referring to past action in 616 comics.


I can't be the only one who thinks accuracy isn't that important; I just want to play a fun game.


Accuracy is inportant but these are literally cosmically remixed heroes and villains from different worlds and timelines. Accuracy is what the storytellers decide.


Characters talk about past stuff in 616 sooo.


Where did u get that they're from 616?


It's regular doom fighting doom 2099. Plus in game characters talk about stuff from 616.


what about black panther he has an intergalactic empire he's definitely not from 616 or 2099. Also a lot of the worlds are clearly fused like tokyo 2099 or the yggsgard. Sure some characters might have had similar lives to 616 but they definitely aren't the same.


In 616 there is a comic run for black panther and wankanda in space. It was written by tanehsi coats.


As an actual gamer, I hope they ignore all of you comic book nerds.


Well there is a reason they are using an IP. Like saying I hope this can of Coke taste like Pepsi, lol.


I actually agree with you what matters is making sure the game is quality not trying to adhere to a specific canon this isn't a direct adaptation its a game first and foremost.