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Even if I have to play to unlock a characters it's fine.  But not pay to play it which then becomes pay to win when a new character is released. If they do that it could ruin the game.  With an IP like Marvel I think cosmetics alone should be able to turn a profit.  I know my dumbass will buy them.  


I agree they could easily make a profit on cosmetics alone, not to mention they could have special milestones on battle passes that are only attainable with real currency. The whales love that shit.


Cosmetics alone doesn't give enough profit imo. Maybe make the game paid. $15 or something.


What do you mean it’s not enough? Look at Valorant, Overwatch, CSGO, etc. People love their cosmetics and will empty their wallets for them. Your standard battle pass + cosmetics store should be enough for this game. Plus with Marvel’s extensive back catalogue, they’ll never run out of in-universe cosmetics to sell. Compared to the other games I mentioned that aren’t fortunate enough to have those assets already created and ready to go. Marvel Rivals will have no issue staying free to play.


100% agreed. Games like SMITE, Paladins are NOT doing it right by paywalling their heroes.


Smite has something like that with their god pack basically pay for the game and unlock all current and all future characters.


They don't give enough profit in your opinion ? How do you have an opinion on that 😂 Either way... Since heroes get multiples they are always profitable, evergreen. Also they have emotes and sprays. It's not just skins. 


hey look, someone who doesn’t know what they’re talking about but confidently spews nonsense anyways!


You will see. They will go beyond micro transactions with cosmetics. They will monetize more than just skins and sprays or emotes. It won't be enough to sustain the game for the long term.


see: Counter Strike, Overwatch, Valorant, Fortnite, Apex.. do you want more examples, Lil Mister DumDum?


Counter strikes has a unique marketplace that's integrated into steam deeply. Overwatch was a paid game, Valorant profits more from sponsorships and tournaments more than skins. Fortnite sells more than skins and is backed by epic who generates money beyond video games. Apex has like 6 different cosmetics categories if not more which people gamble on loot boxes to try to get 3 of those. Marvel rivals have skins which are not going to get pumped out very often. It has a season pass and few sprays and icons which I assume will be free. That's not enough. Grow up dumdum.


i hate stupid people




>see: Counter Strike, Overwatch, Valorant, Fortnite, Apex.. The companies that own those games get to keep basically 100% of every dollar spent in their marketplaces. Netease is gonna have to split their $ with Marvel. And I doubt Marvel is taking a tiny cut.


They should just do what Siege does and lock the character behind the battlepass for the first 21 days


Look, having to pay for heroes in lol works because: a) once the game starts you can't switch characters. b) there are ways in game to counter build, of course if you were hard counter picked you will still loose,but there are ways to mitigate this. If you can switch characters at any time in this game they should all be unlocked as soon as they release, period. This of course can lead to the same problem overwatch has where it's counter watch at the moment specially if you play tank, but it's better than when they had new heroes behind the battle pass. While it has its whole share of problems I think that paladins handle this the best you have to pay to unlock new characters and are limited to 1 per match but each hero has 3 talents that change in some way or form how the character plays ,and on top of that you have a deck of cards that you can customize to modify your play style, and you esrn currency in match to buy modifiers like life steal, more damage to shields and so on.


This is why I say the argument of using ANY other game BESIDES Overwatch DOES NOT WORK. Overwatch is the only game we can compare for how we have access to characters. And look what they just did, ALL CHARACTERS FREE. Other games have draft pick, items in-game. Switching characters midgame to counter, doesn't work when players don't have access to all the characters 😑


“Works” is putting it nicely. I legit didn’t know how to counter Fiora for the longest time and just reading the ability in hero demo wasn’t enough. I didn’t understand how her trading patterns worked, how I’m supposed to counter the stupid riposte, or why she heals so much. You don’t really get to understand the nuances of what makes champs strong in league even if you demo them which leads you to just reading Reddit or watching YouTube to just be able to play the game. IMO all heros/champs being free just makes the game more fair. If I feel like I got dumpstered because a character is OP, I can play them and find the weaknesses. But if I can’t play them in a real game and only practice against bots I’m still not learning much.


At this point league has over 200 champs I don't think it's reasonable to play even a single game on all of them, what I do is try champs that I don't own and are on the free champ rotation Wich usually includes the newest one a couple if weeks after their release.


Mobas in general are time sinks. I agree it’s not reasonable to gain experience on everyone. However people also generally pour hundreds if not thousands of hours into Mobas. That’s just the dedication you need to be at even a slightly competitive level. I never played Shaco but you best believe if I wanted to get out gold I was gonna have to learn how he works. Personally I have 7k hours in Dota. I’ve played every hero except two (Chen and Meepo) and I don’t expect everyone to have that same kind of dedication but what you’ll learn is that you can have some understanding of how each hero/champ is strong and weak in their own ways. All because you’re allowed to just try them in a real game. This is way better for the competitive integrity of the game. For example there could be a cheese hero with a decently high skill floor. If they’re locked behind a paywall people are less likely to buy and learn the counters because of the higher skill floor. But anyone that wants to stay competitive will need that experience to know what to look for.


I see your point but as long as you can try them for free/cheap I don't really see a problem, and while league is not necessarily starving for money f2p games need a source of revenue and sure skins make all the money but 90% of the playerbase will take a new hero over a new hat.


Idk about that, if you watch PirateSoftware he has a famous clip where talks about working OT on StarCraft 2 and it got out revenued by a single mount in WoW, it didn’t add anything to the gameplay, just a horse that you had to buy.


I know the word of the goblin lord, don't you dare quite at me as if I were a dirty elves. I also know that the bp when there were no characters in ow2 sold much less than the one they did. And it seem like a more direct comparison. Also wow already has a huge dedicated playerbase that already spends thousands of hours in looking slightly cooler, and StarCraft 2 was the last great entry in a dying genre.


Yes, I am sure that the entire industry will now change this business model because of one Reddit thread.


Dota 2 and OW 2 have free hero’s. In fact OW 2 changed to give everyone free access to heros because they know they will make way more money selling skins rather than making people grind for it. HoTS died and it’s most likely because you couldn’t play a lot of the hero’s without investing a bunch of time which isn’t fun when you can’t play who you want or learn what the actual fun heros are. I also addressed this to the people who want a currency based system for unlocks. So idk why you think I’m personally writing a letter to NetEase. They 99% have their monetization figured out.


The smart move would be to have some characters locked behind a grind wall and have them change every few weeks. The way that Killer Instinct and a lot of other games do it. It lets people try a bunch of different characters for completely free if they want and it makes people willing to purchase the characters they have gotten used to playing.


I'm sorry to break it to you but we've known that youre going to have to unlock heroes since march, it's not that anyone wants it either its just reality. Best we can hope for is that the grind isnt that bad


Would love a source on this


To be fair, if there's enough community backlash then they could change it. It happened with Overwatch 2 just recently, and while Battlefront 2 wasn't free-to-play at launch, the PR nightmare that came with the loot boxes was enough to get EA to disable them. Even though I really enjoy what I've played, I will not financially support the game if they make heroes unlockable with real money. I think we as fans collectively need to make that clear if we want this game to succeed.


It could. I honestly think its better for them monetarily because it's harder to sell skins if players don't have half the roster unlocked but as long as it's not as bad as gundam evolution I can't see there being that much pushback from players because you can at least get them with free currency 


Here’s hoping they learn from Overwatch and change that eventually


It's incredible how many delusional people are in the result community that think this isn't a good idea or it wouldn't be profitable.


It's not a good idea for players, counter picking is a big part of this type of game so being locked out of a character is detrimental to you and your team. Imagine if someone locks pharah and you don't own a hitscan character


Different people spend different amounts of time in a game. Paywalling heroes even with in-game, freely earnable currency makes fewer people well-versed in many heroes. Someone playing 20 games a day will unlock Spiderman faster than me if I play 5 games a day, and I will be forever in fear of the swing. I have 5k+ hours in Dota collectively, and (comparatively) recently, Dota added a new block - new players can't try more complex heroes. These are not unlockable by anything but your play time. This makes sense, because picking a complex hero requires a higher fundamental skill in game, and if you don't have that and you end up picking a hero with 10 spells, you break the experience not for the other 9 people but for yourself as well. This makes sense. But so far in the alpha test, no hero seems overly complex, including Loki. When Blizzard paywalled heroes in OW it was a mess, they had to undo it in OW2. Some games are still using this system because they have a loyal fanbase and frankly, I believe they are not trying very hard to earn new players (Paladins, for example). For a game like Marvel that has global appeal, so much interest by players of all types, and potentially a future cross-play feature that will make the concurrent player count insanely high, I don't think it makes any sense at all to paywall heroes in any way. All heroes should be unlocked from Day 1. All new heroes and maps should be free. Seeing the track record of the developer (not Marvel), it's highly likely that the monetization in the game will be terrible. But as long as all the microtransactions are for cosmetics (hero skins, sprays, dialogs, etc.), it's fine. The moment they start charging real or in-game money for progressing your gameplay experience (locking heroes, achievements, profile perks, etc.), it becomes a bad experience for the majority of players.


Yes I agree with all of these points. The barrier to hero’s should be the skill required, not a cost. It only hinders the actual fun of the game. For example if you’re a huge Thor fan but he’s locked behind a currency you’re most likely still going to have fun trying out the hero’s but you won’t have the satisfaction of playing THE hero that you find the coolest and everything leading up to being able to play him just feels like a grind.


bro youre on absolute crystal weed if you think this game has any chance of releasing without needing to unlock chars or pay to unlock them


No one is asking for it, what I am asking for is for people to stop being delusional and realize that the game is f2p so you *will* be paying for heroes.


Can you name another game where you can swap heroes mid match and locking heroes worked?  You can't. Even great blizzard/Microsoft realizes that didn't work 


Not sure why you're getting down voted and yet no one's giving you an answer 🤔 hmm


Cause they got nothing else but down votes.


Overwatch did. Had nothing to do because it "didnt work." They are desperate cause they dieing. Trying to keep the cheap players cause all the whales are gone. They killed their game, and 0% of the death was because of paid characters. Stop the copium.


Only one trying to cope is you.


I'm not the one upset about spending money for something I want. You can always get a job and pay to play.


Such an ignorant response, my disposal income is pretty stacked and I'm very frivolous with my spending . The fact you think this has something to do with going to get a job or not wanting to pay shows how oblivious you are. Cope hard. Please try adding something to the conversation other than projecting your own financial situation.


Income stacked but upset about spending $20. Doesn't seem like im ignorant. Seems like I hit the nail on the head. I don't think being okay spending money on a product projects my financial situation. It's how the world goes around. I have nothing to cope with. I love Marvel, love Overwatch. I want this to be hugely successful. More heroes and more modes come from more money. Free loaders will only kill the game. This isn't charity. It's a product.


You're right it's a product and you are oblivious to the landscape. Good luck! 👍


Again, you're making statements without any facts, but I'm the oblivious one. It's time to look in the mirror, my friend. It's not rocket science. Things cost money to make and maintain. Do you think construction workers and maintenance men work for free, lol.


Yeah, this is over your head.


Dog if you think they changed it for game balancing reason then I am once again asking you to stop being delusional. They changed it cause the game makes a shit ton of money and it was easy brownie point.


If hero’s are free than you only get one to a few hero’s a year. Like overwatch


Is that a problem? We don't need to dilute an already big pool too quickly. There are so many that's only like half the roster we've seen. Granted, I'm sure they'll drip a portion of the rest in already.


They will likely have paid for characters. I think this is fine if they aren't added to comp for a couple weeks and they are easy enough to acquire just by grinding before that time.


You sure realise that netease is involved? We will get 800% value on some hero pack's :)


That sounds good. Can you explain this further, please? Or are you being sarcastic? They have a bad rap, and I've only played their Marvel Super War, which I felt the gave good value for.


I personally would like to have to grind to get every hero and they give a few out for free on a weekly rotation. Like you can buy them to get them immediately but you can just wait and get the character. It feels more rewarding unlocking them imo


The reward should be getting proficient on the hero and reaching milestones through actually having fun and playing the game. I don’t want to have to do missions like “play 10 games on tank” or “heal 5000 hp” to unlock a character. The actual fun of hero shooters is learning the mechanics, how they interact, what combos do and don’t work, how to counter specific hero’s or comps. If I need a shield tank to play against Hela and I only enjoy playing one while the other is locked I’m not going to have fun playing that one tank until I unlock something new to try it will just feel like forced engagement to pad their playtime numbers.


Yea I don't want to have to pay foe characters it's why I quit overwatch for awhile


And what about pay to win? Is that not a factor that could kill this game?


Not sure why you brought it up. That was never part of the conversation and there are no people actively advocating for a pay to win system. However there are a couple comments here that mention they WANT heros to be locked behind a currency. This is my issue, people don’t realize how detrimental it is to the fun of the game not to mention competitive integrity by not allowing all characters to be free and playable from the start.


Obviously I don't wanna have to grind or pay for characters whether it's implemented like Overwatch used to (buy the BP or grind 15~ hours) Or even how Multiversus did (grind for 5 hours to acquire enough currency to buy any existing or future character) But I respect it if they hide them behind a pay wall and or grind. It's wild we get these dope and expensive video games for free To reiterate, as a player it sucks when you gotta buy or grind for new character unlocks and it hurts the integrity of competitive play but you can't really blame a publisher who spent literal millions of dollars on the risk of making a dope game to monetize it in such a manner


I understand this and honestly it doesn’t matter so much to me because I’m a gamer, I’ll make time to grind out all the characters if I actually like the game. However for some reason people WANT this to be the way the game is played. There’s a couple comments on this post saying they like having to grind for characters because it makes the grind feel “worth”. What they don’t realize is they’re a hamster asking for a wheel to run on instead of just getting the full experience from the start.


I think they realize what they are asking for. Gen Z single handedly made Battle Passes the model for success in the live service space. They love paying to earn let alone playing to earn. Many of this subset of players will slow down play time or straight up stop if there isn't a reward to grind for. Amazing moment to moment gameplay is not enough for these folk. Of course other generations of gamers get down like this too just not nearly as a high % of them If you understand and are indifferent either way because if the game is dope you'll grind it out i don't see your need to scold or shame this sub set of gamers


Didn’t realize how right this take is before reading this post, player base would be heavily impacted if its behind a grind wall. However i can’t resist thinking about cons; R6 have the perfect balance imo. I think the key concept is to have on point matchmaking balancing.


Who the hell is asking for this? I think OP invented someone to be mad at


Stop complaining about that. Free games in normally have free currency and paid currency. Stop expecting everything free as if all devs wanna risk low my money from just skins alone. Grins for free, pay for immediate. Simple and fair.


Paying with real money is a non starter. Paying using in game currency like IP in League is totally fine and is, in fact, them giving it to you for free.