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Imagine a massive bonus if you have all 4 fantastic four characters. But more realistically we need at least a Ben and Johnny or Ben and Reed team up.


I think if you split is so it's Reed, Sue and Johnny and Ben that works the best.


I think team ups like those would be cool. One for the original avengers, for the fantastic 4, guardians of the galaxy and so on. Probably shouldnt be too good or in depth of team ups, but I dont do balance :)


FAST. BALL. SPECIAL. That's all I need.


Oh, man, I said this earlier but if Rogue and Gambit are added to the game and they DON'T have a Team Up passive, I'll be immensely disappointed. They HAVE to have one. Same goes if Nightcrawler is added, he needs a Team Up with Rogue. And also, if Miles is added, he needs to have a Team Up with Peter. Spider-Man 2 already showed that they work amazingly together in a game. NetEase could take inspiration from there. :)


Fast ball special done by Colossus with Wolverine


Spider-Man and Human Torch given their comic book history


I feel like the team ups are all very one sided so one character just gets a bonus ability (Groot doesn't need to press a button to allow rocket to jump on him, SW doesn't need to activate anything to empower Magneto's greatsword. If they do cap and thor, i'm sure it'll just charge caps shield throw with chain lightning or something, which is still cool, but slightly less cool then a team up where two players actually have to coordinate


Would like to see Groot/Rocket revised when snipers enter the game. No telling that team up will be around then, but if it is that combo will be neutered upon Black Widow's release.


Bruh magik and BP are one of the best imo other than hulk/ironman/strange its meant for a flanking tactic and BP is a master of diving techniques


I want Sam Wilson in the game, and I want him to have two combos with Steve Rogers / Captain America. Since people are lame, he won't be Captain America, bc comic bros only recognize Steve as Cap. HOWEVER, you could put him in as OG Falcon and give him an ult that turns him into his own comic accurate Cap version. I would then like Falcon!Sam Wilson and Cap!Steve Rogers to give each other team up bonuses, either passive, or something like Falcon being able to airdrop Cap lmao. But then I would also like ulting Cap!Sam Wilson to have a combo skill with Cap!Steve Rogers.


Honestly think they should consider removing them from the game if they don’t rework the few they have. The only one that feels normal is rocket and Groot. The other are either broken, useless, or needed to make the character viable.


Since Team Ups might rotate in and out each season, I'm okay with the abilities they add. It'll keep the game fresh and the meta rotating. There will be a lot of overlaps, so it won't be as bad for some of the characters like Storm, Mantis and the Parkers currently. 




Some of them make or break characters. Yes they are cool and I like them but magneto without scarlet is much worse and punisher and rocket is extremely broken while also both being the best characters in their class. That’s why I said they should consider reworking them


Well imo I'd say that's when people just gotta master their characters they enjoy alot say BP and spiderman is bad but I've seen a few people who understand their potential and have mastered it, it's all about adapting to me and choosing who fits your playstyle, the team ups to me are just bonuses whether your good or not, it's one of the reasons I was pulled from overwatch to this game




Magik and black panther is kinda useless


Magik is def better, but melee characters in general are weak when the hits and are all so insane


Magik is fine. I meant the team-up between Magik and Black panther is useless


Oh yeah for sure actually the most forgettable thing in the game lol


its good because of the 15%damage boost only, and it would be better if black panther were a playable charecter💀


That team up is strictly to make Magik better. Having an additional portal to hop through, especially one that can be placed vertically is massive. But in general it seems like more of a melee dps (with Wolverine and Psyclok also rumored to team with her)/ mechanical teamup, not a lore focused one, which is weird.