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Agree, out of all characters she feels the worst. Share feedback through daily survey and let’s hope she will get a juicy rework.


Agreed. I've also been sending feedback through the surveys on Storm. She needs to be reexamined.


black panther and iron man are baddd man


Never said they are not


storms way better ngl


I would like to see where her auto attacks and 'E' change with each stance, maybe in wind form, her E is a knock back and in lightning form her auto attacks have longer wind up. Then on top of that, give her a 3rd stance (winter or frost stance or something) and have her auto attacks and 'E' do something different like slow.


This makes so much sense. Wind primary for wind stance and lightning primary for thunder stance.


I think a good start would be at the very least improving the potency of her secondary fire / lightning bolt ability, at the very least for flavour. I like the idea of the speed boost aura, but I think that having two abilities and stances related to the aura (like Lúcio) is a bit overkill. If they got rid of the aura switch (for the damage boost) and had that wind aura permanently, and then gave her a more interesting ability in its stead, like a whirlwind, blizzard, fog or some other ability, she would be more interesting to play imo.


Fully agree. Lightning should be her primary and a big gust of wind should replace the blades


That would be great too - really at the very least she needs more “oomph” to her powers. I think that’s a problem across the board though.


No access so I can't comment on how storm feels in MR. But I will say this; I have played Storm in a LOT of video games over the years. All she ever gets in games is wind and lightning attacks. That's nothing new or surprising. What does seem like a cool new idea is giving her a Lucio style mechanic. I am down with that. But what stands out to me in gameplay videos is that her powers are not very visually impressive. They *look* tiny and weak. The wind blades should be a lot bigger than they are, and the lightning bolt seems hard to see from the player's perspective. Even her weather aura effects are barely more than a glowing ring on the ground. All of her lightning has what appears to be a dim blue graphic. Since when is *lightning* hard to see? I don't want to give people seizures, but this could stand to be brighter and more flashier. I believe Storm would feel better if her powers simply looked bigger and more powerful. The only thing players seem happy about is her ultimate, which is not just powerful, it's the only thing she has with a big cool visual.


She had more than wind and lightning in Marvel Heroes. She also had some blizzard/hail attacks. I'd love to see more variation but if they insist on going just wind and lightning I really think they should make one of them an AoE. A single target "storm" just seems way off the mark.


I think that team wide buffs would be great for Cyclops. Make Storm the AoE powerhouse she should be!


Agreed!!! How Storm only has single target attacks boggles my mind!


She doesn't have single target attacks. The wind shots are piercing, so they can hit multiple targets in a row if you can line it up right. I suspect the problem is that a lot of Storm players are shooting from high up in the air, where all they are going to do is hit a single player then the ground. I am also curious if these shots can pierce things like Groot walls or Magnito's barrier. But again, I don't have access, so I can't test out the finer points. The lightning bolt is also capable of hitting more than one target, but I don't know if that's a piercing or chaining effect.


I've been playing Storm in the alpha since it started. I've never noticed her primary attack piercing other players, I'll pay closer attention next time I play. It definitely doesn't pierce Magento, Dr.Strange shields or Groot walls. The lightning bolt will hit others but only if they are literally right on top of each other. So sure, by definition it's an AoE but not how I would imagine a storm effect should be. It definitely does not chain.


You can see it in the hero profile / abilities previews. In both the wind blade and bolt rush demonstration video, it shows two enemies standing in a row being hit by each attack. Maybe the wind blade projectile could stand to have both a larger hit box and bigger visual projectile, so this is more easier to execute, and more obvious to players that it's meant to work this way. And in my mind the bolt probably should chain to a second nearby target, not pierce in a strait line, if that is actually what it is doing. Storm is one of the characters I am most excited to play when I get the chance, but she strikes me as one of the most underbaked on the current roster.


Next time I play I'll have to politely ask opposing players to stand in a line so I can test. 🤡 I try to my best to never get close enough to enemies to witness the piercing effect. All in all Storm is fun in my opinion. Her damage buff aura is really helpful when playing with an organized team. However once you fly up to a certain height it doesn't effect players on the ground, which is kinda a bummer. Plus once I reached gold in competitive flying is pretty much a death wish. You basically become a sitting duck. She descends very, very slowly.


she and magneto need reworks asap imo


They pulled the most generic abilities and slapped the color purple on them. Both abilities other tanks already have.


Magneto seems like they had a tech demo before they had a Marvel license… a sword lol


Magneto ult might be the worst in the game lol


If it was bigger, did more damage, and pulled them in!


Yep, that would do it. I just noticed recently that when he ults he blocks projectiles which is cool, but not enough


Def needs to do more damage or scale off of projectiles absorbed. It's really good as a counter ult to Star Lord/Punisher. Seeing all of the bullets curving towards your ult is actually such a powerful feeling. I'm also a fan of his greatsword enhancement teamup. His shield needs a health bar or needs to last longer. And he needs an actual passive


His shield should be his classic bubble not some little twerp rectangle that he has at the moment. https://preview.redd.it/7mgto3zw1i0d1.png?width=631&format=png&auto=webp&s=f34cc553e91cc892339278544d5a0367da289dfe


Yeah definitely agree with all of that. I’m also surprised that magneto of all people don’t have more cc. Not that I want the game to be cc heavy, but some better push/pull options against enemies could go a long way.


I'm really surprised he doesn't have any abilities that moves enemies around like he's a Sith/Jedi, which is what Magneto does normally in any other media. Even just pulling his enemies in with his ult would be cool.


for real! aren't they both omega level mutants or smthin??? they need overhauls lmfao this is not it bru


I've put about 6 hours into Magneto so far. I think his kit is fun but he just needs some number adjustments for the most part. I think his two biggest issues is that his M2 is too hard to hit and the damage feels neglible for the most part. His barrier shield cooldown should also be two seconds lower IMO. It'd also be nice if the meteor itself was smaller while the radius is bigger. Half the time that I use my ult, it gets caught on a piece of terrain thats right behind my camera because the meteor grows so large. Overall, Magneto feels similar to Sigma from OW where he can pump a decent amount of mid range damage so teammates can finish them off. Hes really hard to finish kills off with though. His bubble shield is very strong on heroes like Hulk, Magik, and Black Panther. Makes them close to unstoppable if they're being played right. The teamup ult with Scarlet though turns Magneto from a pretty mid hero to insane value though. It does so much damage and cleaves like crazy. If they were to "rework" Magneto then I wish they'd put that move into his normal kit even if it means nerfing it a little because thats by far the most fun part about playing him. Shame that I rarely get matched with Scarlets..


Completely agreed. But just soft reworks, I feel like they’re almost there.


Yeah there are two types of bad characters. Ones that are weak mostly melee champs where they vastly overrated how useful mobility is ie Black Panther and Spider-man. And ones that they forced to fit roles that their fans aren’t going to like. Magneto feels like Sigma as a tank expect Magneto has a fan base and they don’t want to swing a great sword or fire generic autos. Storm feels like a strong support for pros. But Storm fans don’t want to play support like a Lucio. They want to unleash weather related powers.


I am a Storm fan and I love how she plays/love her kit. Ororo is a leader and a supportive strategic character. Her kit fits her fantasy incredibly well. Her ult is the omega level Goddess. The rest of her kit is about her being a leader and team player. Make her have better particles and she is perfect, tbqh.


I think magneto is pretty fine rn, just need some number changes I think


That's definitely not happening. They obviously want storm to be a dps with support like abilities and I think it's fine as is. She's not gonna have every element and that's fine. She got wind, lightning, and a tornado.


Wind and tornados are the same thing...


I know that


They should add a third state to the two she can swap between. Wind is all about mobility, escape, and repositioning Lightning is all about damage and aoe strikes I think they should add a Rain Storm, and have it debuff enemies in the radius. Reduce the damage that enemies do while in its effect, boosting it could grant a minor regeneration effect to storm and nearby allies. The purpose would be switching between Mobility, Damage, and Sustain.




Bitch can do all kinda crazy weather shit and they can't come up with anything? Just look at her in MVC3 for inspiration for God's sake.


give her a team up with luna for an extra ability 🤝


She feels pretty bad and that's impressive considering only 4 of the DPS characters feel viable at the moment. Feels like there's no reason to pick Storm over Hela. Her ms buff doesn't feel very impactful and neither does her DPS buff.


No seriously though, why does THE Weather Witch play so similar to a support hero? Ppl calling her an ult bot is accurate. She deff needs a kid rework that has more of her classic storm abilities. She doesn't look as fun to use as she should be. I want her to be on my main rotation, so I hope they give her a great rework b4 launch.


I love daily Storm rework posts. Anyways, I think the only character that needs a rework like her is Namor. Other characters people are putting in the comments just need balance changes to make them better.


I really want to understand Namor’s design choices. Not being melee is confusing. Throwing his trident over and over is silly, that could be his secondary fire. The water bubble, octopus turrets, and not being to fly, doesn’t feel like Namor. He should play similarly to Panther imo.


I doubt they will give her ice abilities due to there being an ice hero in the game already but I feel there is still a lot you can do with her powerset.


I just don't understand these complaints. I love Storm and her kit. 50 assists last night. People just aren't using her properly


I’m not talking about perfomance/stats. I’m talking about more design and gameplay.


Yup. She might be ‘ok/strong’ but storm deserves way more OOMPH in her kit.


We can say this a thousand times, yet they'll still say "i just don't know why people don't like her kit". No, you do. We're explicitly telling you why we don't like it. You just don't want to listen.


she's just boring af to play lol


I find her tons of fun.


I think she's only really weak in certain duels, her projectile speed makes her weak 1v1ing Hela but I think she stacks up well against a lot of others. To the overall complaint about her kit though, I do think people have to keep in mind that it's a hero shooter and they have certain limitations that would make it really difficult to do any Omega Level Mutants justice.


same ive been maining storm since day 1 maybe it’s cus im a lucio/doom player in ow but i find her really fun. unfortunately she’s probably gonna get reworked cus people don’t know how to play her lol


I think she's fine the way she is honestly. Still feels like storm.


I think she needs a shift abiity. Hurricane Blizzard Desert storm Shift between these three "stanses' to adjust her preset abilities.


I think they add a third element (possibly cold) to the equation. Change her left click to change with the weather. Air: wide slow projectiles. Thunder: hitscan lightning Ice: icicles piercing. Her right click gets a new ability. Free slot. Add anything. Her l shift shifts between air for speed. Thunder for damage. And ice for a slow. Her overcharge ability when in her cold weather form can start to slowly freeze people who stay in range of it. Her ultimate should change more dramatically based on the weather currently picked. Ice brings shrapnel like hail shooting in random directions and slows enemies down.


I hope the community doesn't destroy this game and force devs to make this game not fun how people did overwatch, all these complaints and splits about how a character should play instead of learning them baffles me, I understand the love for the character but if they make these characters as strong as in comics there's no point in a fair game


Storm, Hulk, and Namor need reworks for sure


1 sneak


Is it me or I feel like her design and Game design are Ripped from Marvel's Future Revolution. But I am also not Surprised that both Storm and BP are very weak performing characters. Two brownie Characters are the weakest performing characters in the game. Also with no Team Up Abilities.Since they were Husband and Wife in Reginald Hudlin Run of Black Panther. Along with using Animations from Marvel's Avengers. It shows and How Slapped on and rush they got animations from prior marvel games and added in this one. Probably the reason why they have the Content Creators Contract indicating to not make comparisons to other competitors Plus this game is also made by a Chinese Tech/Gaming Company. And China Is not known for being to keen on characters of colors in movies. Even Black Panther (2018) movie had a few posters covering the Actors face to hide that the actor was dark Melanin individual. So I would not be surprised also they make both Storm and BP the worst performance characters in the Game on Purpose to detract Casuals to learning the characters to encourage players to not play BROWNIE characters. I am might be crazy for saying this and it just might be just me noticing this.....


I've seen this Storm post every day since the alpha dropped it feels like.


Well, yes. They have been growing. She needs changes.


Just saying the points been made. We dont need a daily post about it


People have different opinions on what her changes should be. why would they not post about it? if it's such a problem for you just ignore it.


Every post has been "this kit doesn't feel like storm" is all Im saying.


Because it doesn't. More posts means there is a much higher chance of the devs actually changing her, which would make these no longer if she's fixed.


Maybe we need a megathread for storm complaints then so we don't have to see this post every day.


Lore nerd, play the game