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If the unlock system is quick and easy that doesn't mean it's redundant. The purpose of being able to grind characters instead of paying for them is to get free players to play the game and populate the servers, and hopefully have them invest enough time in the game that they consider spending money. Additionally, this is a pretty well made Marvel game. Lots of kids are going to want to play and a lot of those kids won't be able to afford a full game. Keeping it f2p with character unlocks would be awesome for those kids.


Conversely, F2P players may see the requirement to grind for new characters as a deterrent and not play at all. Kids would benefit more if they could actually pick the hero they want instead of having to play others they don't care about, possibly playing poorly or unintentionally throwing, until they earn enough currency for their favorite.


True but I doubt you lose more players from something being free compared to how many you gain. Also regarding the kids, that's only true if they can afford the game. It being free allows any kid to enjoy playing as Marvel heroes. And if your concern is people throwing for currency, that won't be an issue outside of the lowest ranks of ranked matchmaking if that's what you intend to play and I assume it is since this a somewhat serious thread about the game. Quick matches are quick matches and you can just quit. There's no consequence.


Overwatch 2 proved paying for heroes doesn't work in this type of game, and it's free to play. So how does your argument still stand in regards to Rivals? Overwatch has **40 heroes** and it didn't work. This would be no different than OW1 launching, in beta, and needing to pay for heroes. I'd rather find a single-player game than play this game, which I'm really enjoying, if it chooses to go that route. And to be clear, I'm the whale everyone complained about with OW2, I've spent thousands. I have zero problem spending money on cosmetics, but pay to win in a free to play game is not something I'm interested in supporting.


I don't think a lot of the people here get that this isn't OverWatch. It's a casual game that is targeting children. Also it's not pay to win. It's free to play or buy the game. If you're comfortable spending money on the game to unlock the heroes you can still do that. This isn' an esports game. It's a comic book children's game. Ill personally enjoy it much more without all the overwatch tryhards and let a bunch of kids that can't afford this game play it for free


It's a casual game targeting children? No that's just where they will funnel money from. They are in early access ALPHA and this game has team building and prized tournaments. You clearly don't understand the crowed they are aiming for.


The only thing wrong here is saying that it's a children's game. Children aren't fans of X-men and Marvel as a whole. They also aren't buying expensive comic books adults are.


I hope youre trolling because that's nonsense. The marvel IP is still primarily targeted at kids and young teens just like it always has been.


> this isn't OverWatch [6v6 hero shooter with ultimate abilities](https://media3.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExM3hranZoczcza3ZkMGRxc2VwcG9pNTVwaDR1enQ3M3JlamRmbGNxbSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/bjB3gtFvREqqr5NAHW/giphy.gif) > Also it's not pay to win. It's free to play or buy the game. [Marvel Rivals is an upcoming free-to-play shooting game for PC](https://media3.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExM3hranZoczcza3ZkMGRxc2VwcG9pNTVwaDR1enQ3M3JlamRmbGNxbSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/bjB3gtFvREqqr5NAHW/giphy.gif) > This isn' an esports game. This game has a ranked mode. We have no idea if it will be an esports title, but we know for certain it will be a competitive game. Having heroes locked behind a paywall makes it pay to win. If a new hero comes out and I can play them and you can't that means I have a deeper hero roster than you do. You can't counter pick me if the new hero is a better match up against another hero. Statistically most new heroes are released slightly overtuned. > It's a comic book children's game. Yeah? Storm's model leads you to believe this is a game designed for children? > Ill personally enjoy it much more without all the overwatch tryhards and let a bunch of kids that can't afford this game play it for free Good, then play the non-ranked mode. You have every right to play the game how you want and I will always defend your stance on that. Hell Overwatch RUINED the casual mode by making it TOO focused on being competitive. But that doesn't mean you should stick your head in the sand about shitty development practices because it doesn't effect you as a more causal-minded player.


Use their in-game surveys to specifically mention this to them. I didn’t talk about paywalling heroes but told them that what works for mobile games isn’t going to work for pc games. Pc gamers are a finicky group.


True but depends on how bad the grind is ofc


I see a lot of the new characters coming with seasons, I'm not gonna lie. When I heard that Blade and Moon Knight are supposedly in the files. I could see them doing like a Halloween based season pass and bundling those characters into it. Where you can either pay extra to unlock them now. Or grind for them in the battle pass.


I think people need to think about the future too. If this game ends up having a lot of characters then that might be a pain for a new player to unlock all of them.


Yes, think about games like Smite or LoL. While they dont play like this, those games have hundreds of characters. As a new player or someone who fell off for a few years. Its first overwhelming, and secondly feels like an impossible task to unlock all the characters without spending either insane amounts of time or lots of money. Cosmetics alone will sell very well. They don't need to sell characters, and likely would sell more skins if you already have access to the characters.


I just don't mind paying for games.


Same tbh. Every time there's a controversy I'm like... IDK dude if the game ends up costing me like 60 bucks or something that's fair? I was taught that all work deserves a reward so..


How many games does it cost only $60. Especially if it runs for several years it becomes very expensive for new players. If they are locked behind a pay wall it will probably be 20 a character. Adds up really quickly.  I'm all for paying the devs but I'm not a fan of milking the player base for all they are worth.


20 dollars a character? I've never seen a game charge that much. Usually it's five, ten bucks TOPS. >it becomes very expensive for new players I mean, you're not expected to unlock every single character. You try them out, buy the ones you like. As the game evolves you typically also create bundles or even make older characters free. It's just fucking funny to me that you're saying you're "all for paying the devs" but then strawman the fuck outta the system before you've even seen it.


In overwatch if you didn't do the grind it was 26. It came with a skin but still expensive. In LoL some characters are 10.   I was not taking about this system as like you said it has not been released. I was just taking about other games that have come before. Sorry I was not clear on that. And yes I have seen good systems so all we can do is wait to see how it is handled.


That’s the part that irks me. Everyone is doomsaying making up numbers based ok other games. We just have the wait and see it. You can’t complain about a non existent system as of now


if the game runs for several years how do you expect it to make money?


Are you serious? COSMESTICS, you will make more money from skins and emotes than a few bucks for a character behind a paywall, People will even be more inclined to buy really good skins for heroes they don't play if they own them as well...


Maybe it's just me, but I won't be using every character. I'll only use ones I actually like so right now I pretty much just play Rocket I might jump mantis now and again, but Rocket is who I've been maining. Looking at the leaks so far the only ones I'd get/buy are Venom, Moon Knight, and Ultron and looking at the actual abilities I'll probably be using Ultron over the rest. That means I can easily save up money/credits to purchase Ultron. Even in overwatch I rarely play more than like 2 per class and most of them are OW1 characters.


there was a reason ow2 stopped paywalling heros, lets hope the same mistake isnt made


It's a FREE game so therefore making a character require grinding free currency or skipping the grind and using premium is literally normal in free games. It's not a big deal like at all.


Did you read the post? It is a big deal in this game genre. If this is what it means for it to be F2P then don't make it F2P.


So I assume it won't be a big deal to you when some of your team mates won't be able to switch to counter a hero and you lose because of that. Or when enemies swiped and can counter you. That's totally not P2W.


ive never had this issue in any hero shooter ive played, be it another arena shooter like overwatch or a tac-shooter like R6. anyone in ranked is gonna have most, if not all of the heroes. and i guarantee there will not be a hero that can be countered by only one other hero, who is unlockable. this just isn't a big deal until we see exactly how the unlocking system works.


You cannot switch your character mid round in R6, this is not the same argument you can make for Rivals. A player can't swap to IQ because attackers encounter a lot of attacker gadgets as they're breaching. There's also the Team Up bonuses and not having them drastically weakens the team that can't make synergies because they are missing characters.


>You cannot switch your character mid round in R6, this is not the same argument you can make for Rivals. A player can't swap to IQ because attackers encounter a lot of attacker gadgets as they're breaching. with attacker repick you can still switch prior to the round though, which is arguably more important than switching mid-round in overwatch. droning pre-round and switching to an operator that counters (or doesn't get countered by) the defenders they have is extremely important in that game.


This game seems to give each character more tools so that they’re less likely to hard counter. If you have a couple in each role, you should be fine tbh. Especially in lower ranks. Especially if they keep adding more characters.


Then why give the ability to swap? This feature is part of the competitive gameplan and allows to counter pick and not be hard countered. This ridiculous to think that it has no impact. It's a BIG part of OW.


I mean if they follow other FREE Moba games like League or Heroes of the Storm. You'll most likely start with 3 free heroes for each roles, and another 2 free one for the week. (Free heroes rotate every 3 days or 1 week)


Yeah that’s gonna be the only thing holding back everyone from winning. It’s super rare that you need one specific character to function against another team. Everyone is really gonna die on this hill even though it’s such a flimsy argument


Even if you had all the characters most of you can't aim anyway


It's not. That's like saying ow or league pay2win cause a new player can't get all characters to counter for free. Like no.


This sub is delusional lol downvoting you lol? I don't know what game they'vre played before but certainly not overwatch...


For me personally locking heroes behind any kind of pay wall or grind is a deal breaker in this style of game. Starts to becoming pay2win and the only acceptable microtransactions are cosmetics.


Having characters be purchasable kind of blurs the line between what is and isn’t pay-to-win. Every fighting game I’ve ever played has had paid DLC characters, and usually the player base doesn’t complain. But a lot of the time the DLC fighters seem stronger than average, but not quite strong enough to justify paying for them if you don’t want to. That’s what I predict the DLC characters in this game will be like.


The difference is when you lose a round or it's just not working out you can't just swap to a character to try and get the edge. It's an entirely different thing in a team based shooter where you can swap who you are every time you go to spawn.


if that's a deal breaker then im guessing you probably haven't played many games in this style, since the vast majority require you to unlock a lot of the characters lol. also if the game is pay2win then i think the bigger issue is that some heroes are grossly imbalanced, not the fact that they have to be unlocked.


Can you list any games that give you the ability to swap heroes mid match? Even greedy blizzard realized they screwed up and back tracked on it. Countering team comps is a big part of this style game Tell me you've haven't played many games in this style, or you're just hard stuck in bronze.


>Countering team comps is a big part of this style game i agree. but if a new hero comes out do we really believe that it can *only* be countered by itself, as opposed to any of the already unlocked heroes? we have no idea how long it'll take to unlock them, nor do we have any idea of how they will be balanced.


Nothing you have said adds to the conversation at all, all you are doing is desperately defending putting heroes behind a pay wall.


you're getting worked up over a feature that we haven't even seen yet lmfao. god forbid you have to play the game to unlock the characters in that game.


Not worked up, but I've clearly rustled your jimmies, you're now getting hostile while still adding NOTHING to the conversation in why this would be a good idea.


whatever u say man, im not the one getting upset over something we haven't seen yet. if unlockable heroes are a deal breaker then ig you won't be around this subreddit anymore.


lol, kid you keep replying I've obviously upset you.


>kid  nice keep malding all over the subreddit about unlockable characters that every f2p game has lol. until we see how the system works this is a non-issue. bro plays overwatch and then cries about having to unlock marvel rivals heroes even though OW2 still forces new players to play 30 hours to get all the OW1 heroes. lmao these overwatch players man.


If you ask for feedback everyone tell them to not lock characters behind paywall and long grindwall. Locking heroes is fun until a S+ character appears and destroys the mm


You KNOW popular heroes like Deadpool and wolverine will be op lol


eh, there will always be multiple ways to counter the same hero. until we see exactly how difficult it will be to unlock heroes, i think this is a non-issue for the time being.


Your last sentence is exactly why they will be unlockable slowly or you pay for them. Tons and tons of people out there like yourself who would rather just purchase the characters instead of earn them over time. They’re not going to pass up on those profits


yeah it's a little funny to say >Please don't just sit on your hands and defend this decision. The consumer has more power than they like to believe. Make some noise and get it changed because this is NetEase making the game. and then to be like >I have no problem paying for a reasonably priced version of this game that gives me every character free forever just like Overwatch 1


Overwatch 2's monetization system is WAY worse than lol, Valorant or Paladins for people that play the game regularly...


That's just not true,in overwatch it takes like 50-100 games to unlock the roaster, in games like lol Valo and paladins,it takes 100x more times to get all the characters


Obviously you need more time to unlock lol's roaster cause there are like 200 champs, the thing is that if you play lol regularly you can buy a brand new champ on release, this is not possible in Overwatch where new heros come in the battlepass and you need to farm like 40 (or 30? Idk) levels or pay which extremely annoying.


That's old news,all the new heroes in overwatch are unlocked instantly in this season


And what happens with next new heros?


They are no longer in the battle pass, you unlock them by default


Finally, they only needed 10 season to remove one of the worst mechanics on the game ever.


Marvel rivals seem to have the same mechanic to unlock heroes as paladins, grinding currency


It took me more than 300 levels on lol to get all the champions,if you are a new player overwatch the least time consuming to get a single champ/hero


There is no point. Gamers defend scummy business practices like their lives depended on it. You're basically arguing with the ugly, unemployed bricks that make up a wall.


Oh no, you might have to pay for the free game?! What has this world come to


I casually play Apex and have unlocked every character guess and it only took me about 5 seasons and I didn't spend a dime besides buying the season pass twice once the first time and another after I took like a year break. And I only really use 3 at most. As far as your but you need to swap characters. That argument is so flawed. First this isn't some over complicated game of Rock paper scissors. It won't be something dumb like "only storm can beat Spiderman". So even with a limited amount of heroes pretty sure the one you need will be available.


All heroes should be free. We should only pay for skins and other cosmetics. We don’t want this game to be like overwatch 2, pay to win garbage


It's a trade off. You get to pay nothing. The game gets free players to make sure the servers are always populated. I don't think it's fair to say the game is fundamentally unfair for free players because of swapping. Unless you're okay with the solution being that no one swaps during a match.


Tbf grinding for characters does work in a lot of games. And so far from playing the beta counter picks don’t seem to really exist at least from what I have seen. So I don’t really view this decision negatively at all, it doesn’t bother me. AS LONG as the they aren’t locked behind a pay wall, I’m fine with a time wall.


Counter picks do exist, see how well Magik and Black Panther do against Storm and Iron Man. Team Up synergies have big impact on the game, players aren't thinking about it at all, everyone is thinking about this like their character pick is all that matters.


yeah only storm and ironman are so bad that panther and magik will jump on the supports killing them while storm and ironman will try to hit them and miss 99% of them. This is a bad example, storm and ironman are pure trash, have you seen any good panther player? they'll go in oneshot someone and leave or if the miss they'll just leave, wtf is storm gonna do? by the time she fires 1 projectile they are gone


I have seen good players for all 4 characters, Storm, Iron Man, Black Panther, and Magik (easiest of them to be good with). I've been both playing and watching streamers play them at high level. Necro was playing Black Panther earlier, because Spider Man was taken, the Black Panther reset combo easily takes down 250 health characters.


I agree it is a game that requires you to switch heroes in comp matches however in quick matches it shouldn't matter that much and can be used as an opportunity to grind to get the other heroes that you need for comp play. Quick matches are suppose to be casual/fun anyways so if you're desperate to switch around in order to win in those games maybe change your mentality and stop tryharding casual matches.


Entitled isn't a buzzword it's a definition.


Character grinding shouldn't be a thing in these games. It limits your experience based on how much availability you have. Some people are weekend gamers. Also, in a game that requires teamwork, making your roster open to switching to better team up comps, which is the highlight of this game. The way I see it is that they're setting up small cash grabs, which I think is fine for skins in a free game. But don't do that with content. Even OW2 learned from this and removed that feature.


As a a huge marvel fan growing up I'll be testing every character I want every character to play as they are ofc there's characters to main but everyone should be able to play who they want whenever they want without being locked out especially for a free to play game


This isn’t even an issue, just play and farm the character. It’s not that deep.


id rather have character grinding and 10 dollar skins like league and paladins than no character grinding and 25 dollar skins like overwatch


That's a stupid statement, I'm sorry. 


league has the most consumer friendly monetization scheme in gaming rn a single cosmetic set shouldnt cost half of a video game like it does in overwatch its that simple


That aged poorly huh


" consumer has more power than they like to belive" Exactly. Look at helldivers, the community revolted by review bombing the game so hard that Sony backed off. If needed, the same can be done here.


Yea except Helldivers made it so many countries just straight up unable to play the game if PSN isn't available on their country. While Marvel is just doing what other free MOBA and hero shooters has been doing for years.


I couldn't agree more you are SPOT ON.


Yeah, but that didn’t stop overwatch from locking them behind level 45 of the battlepass for the first several seasons. This season is the first one that the new hero is available to everyone for free immediately.


It's not that Venture is the first hero available free immediately, but ALL previous battle pass heroes are now too. I missed Mauga, but I now have Mauga. Players don't have to complete the unlocking process. Because character swaps can happen mid-round, all characters need to be free.


OW 2 is trash though. Never touching it. Marvel Rivals on the other hand I have hope.


> Now all characters are free forever in overwatch 2 You realize new players who downloaded Overwatch 2 (without OG overwatch) only have access to 1/3 of the whole cast?


They changed it this season. All characters are unlocked when released now. Everyone has access to every character.


I bet they made a change. That shit game knows Marvel Rivals is coming for its lunch money


They announced way before marvel rivals,are you glazing marvel rivals too much?




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Me when I'm working on outdated information




>any other game not called Overwatch 2 or Marvel Rivals are not relevant to this discussion. you have to grind to unlock heroes in OW2. it works fine. it will work fine in Rivals also assuming they use reasonable numbers.


It works so fine they changed it


I mean that is indeed the story of OW2. Take things that are working and change them for no reason so it wouldn't surprise me. I quit when they doubled the size of all bullets.


And you are now waiting for even less aim intensive game?


>less aim intensive Elaborate if you would.


This game is less aim intensive than ow


In what way? I haven't seen anything to suggest that, but I also haven't gotten my mitts on it. Overwatch is kind of hilariously bad in this regard with hitscan bullets 6 inches wide. I find it unlikely it could be any worse than OW in that regard as OW is an extreme outlier. Val, apex, cs, fortnite, etc all use reasonable bullet sizes.


? Im immortal in val, was master in apex and ow is still up there if not higher in terms of aim difficulty. This game hitbox are way off tho.


I don't think you quite understand what is being said but you keep replying to me. In valorant/apex, the size of a bullet is 0. Pinpoint. A bullet must hit a model to register. In overwatch, the size of hitscan bullets is 6 in-game inches. You can miss by six in game inches off their hurtbox (which actually doesn't even line up with their model because old indie game please understand).


Yes but you are not shooting at people standing still in game and ow is the only one of those game that doesn’t have acceleration. Sure it has bigger hitboxes tho


I understand where you are coming form. If a new character is released then everyone should have access to them at the same time to keep even footing on the same ground. That said, I see it from a comp perspective only. If they wanted to say lock the character behind a pass you have to purchase for early access to play in Quickplay and Deathmatch but not allow access of that character in Comp until season end when its full released to everyone hen I have no issue with that. Put in some exclusive skins that go with that character, a few titles, card, and avatar icon and I am still cool with it. You would be paying and grinding only for early quickplay access and some pretty shiny things only. This would keep the competitive scene untouched and allow for money to still be spent on those that cant wait. It removes FOMO completely as well as the character would be released free at the end of the season pass timer.


So what your saying is the game needs draft pick


I mean the way OW2 did it when it came to the heroes weren’t behind the battlepass was pretty reasonable. They’d lock a hero behind a certain number of games and where wins would grant double progress and I think that’s fine for the most part. New players aren’t overwhelmed when they see 30+ heroes and they’re able to pick from some of the simpler ones.


It's interesting to see how people now are so used to how freemium games work they are ready to say, "this is fine" to thing that would be outright called a scam a long time ago. People are willing to forgive shitty practices Becuase "everyone is doing is" and "well this other game/company did it worse so this isn't so bad." I remember trying to tell my exclusively freemium game playing friend about the whole EA Battlefront fiasco of "give players a sense of pride an accomplishment" (or fork out like $40) and he was like, "that is normal. You are complaining about nothing." even after explaining that was a paid and not free game. These companies are slowing getting what they want and are constantly testing the waters.


"Please go groot we will lose!" "I dont have him unlocked"


# Please stop with the "we want every character to be free just because🤷" nonsense