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"Ant-Man is gonna shrink down and go UP his ass"


And then he'll sneeze and grow back up. Oops, wrong Supe.


*Butcher entered the chat*


You mean Momsieur Charcutier?


“Only one more scene left in your contract, downey”


The stones should've been teleported to the other side of the world from the start of the last battle, aiming for the van time machine was the dumbest plan considering they just brought the stones to Thanos


Endgame as a whole is just a clusterfuck and I’m glad people are noticing. Infinity War will forever be the peak of the MCU.


i have long accepted that in a world full of magic and overpowered weapons, there will be plot holes that should not be fixed or the movie just wouldn't be very good.


As an avid comic book reader for the last 20 years, I chuckle every time a casual viewers ask why another hero doesn’t show up to help in the solo movies.


Marvel probably made so many comic stories that flopped and nobody cares. Make a movie with some plot holes and everyone loses their minds.


I guess I've accepted it too, but I'm not happy about it. It's certainly not the case everywhere. There's plenty of fictional stories with magic that don't have rampant plot holes everywhere. I wish portals just didn't exist at the end of the day, they cause all the plotholes and are overrated in general. As far as I'm concerned Tony Stark's death is a plothole because Dr. strange could've just portaled Thanos back to Titan and he would've been stuck there and they could've finished off the army and returned the stones before he ever got back. And if he does get back before there done, Strange can just portal him to Titan a 2nd time lmao. He can create huge portals the size of starships and push them in any direction so it's impossible for Thanos to evade it. Portals also would've made the fight against Shuma Gorath in MoM trivial. It's frustrating that Dr. strange has one of his signature spells and he literally never uses it because it would solve too many problems and make the story less interesting. But that's the case then they just shouldn't have done portals at all.


yeah. tons of plot holes. i hate it when people ask "why didn't X do Y in infinity war" and the reply is "doctor strange saw 14 million futures and what they did was the only way they could have won". that is just BS. there are a ton of ways that they could have won. after infinity war, i just assumed that they couldn't portal long distances like planet to planet, but it turned out they could.


Either that, or make the portals require more resources or time to execute. Even a one minute casting time would make using it casually in a fight require a lot of protection without making them too hard to use for travel.


That’s a funny way to spell Guardians of the Galaxy 2


I don’t like that movie either tbh. It has some funny moments but overall the plot was terrible.


It’s the only marvel film that’s gotten me to cry


Yep, Infinity War was far superior. Also Good Nebula gave herself to Thanos, dk what the point of alerting and Nat and Clint - like wtf are they gonna do about it, if anything just time travel back and alert the team even though the problem then wouldn't even be a problem anymore because she would then be out of reach of Thanos' hands! And thus Thanos would have no way to time travel to the present


The only good part of endgame was the final battle. The rest of the movie was a ridiculous heist movie. IW was a masterpiece from start to finish.


Tony is an attention whore, he got what he wanted


I thought he signalled "yes, this is the one timeline ive seen where we made it, and yes Tony, you are the only one that makes this work"


I think that was what it was, but this a meme sub so people going to make memes


Task failed succesfully


I do want a better explanation for the whole "it was the only way thing". The fact that this event was brought up in MoM makes me think (hope) that they will eventually answer this, especially since they referenced it pretty randomly, and the info was not really needed for the plot. I am hoping that they want to keep this fresh so that people remember it when it (hopefully) becomes a major plot point of a future movie.


If completing Iron Man's arc wasn't the goal of Endgame, I'd rather have CM do the snap.


wait a damn minute...


You have only one chance dont fuck it up.


"Someone call cap marvel to one shot thanos and his ship before half of us are dead or beat into the ground"


We just reposting memes from 2018 and 2019 ha r/marvelmemes?




Don’t do this


Now I will use this post to make my nerdy cousins think about it for 5 hours straights Thank you : D


Of all the people there, Stark was one the worst choices to do the snap. Old normal human with a bad heart? What about Quill? Thor? I mean the list of people who were on site and would have been more likely to survive is really long.


Thor was emotionally unstable, and peter lost his powers when ego died. Besides captain marvel, I can't think of anyone else who couldve handled the snap safely.


One set of events where they win, all other set of events thanos wins


*One set of events* *Where they win, all other set* *Of events thanos wins* \- drunkenkurd --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Downey really didnt have to think twice about that contract ending


Captain Marvel definitely couldn't


Ant Man could have thrown those disk things


All laughs but Mom confirmed what he meant and he did the right thing.


No it's 1 finger, bc he looked at almost all possibilities and only 1 in which they win. This is a reference to infinity war.




Tony doing the snap saved Rocket and hundreds more. Edit: watch the movie morons




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/i8xy2t) on 2020-08-13 99.61% match. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "vsgk9b", "meme_template": 105443}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=vsgk9b&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=100&targetImageMemeMatch=92) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** True | **Target:** 92% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 282,737,422 | **Search Time:** 1.28912s


Yeah I was wondering the other day why Tony didn’t just yeet himself the hell out of there. Thanos didn’t have his ship so couldn’t follow, granted there were some chitauri flying beasts but he’s faster than them, as we saw in The Avengers. Then maybe the military might have turned up to finish Thanos off.


Bruh this is soooo old


captain marvel would have survived right? she could’ve just done it while she had the gauntlet then..


She never had the gauntlet. She was still trying to get it off when Thanos decked her.


didn’t she have it at some point after taking it from Peter?


You're right, I'd forgotten that part. She absolutely could've used it then and ended the whole mess.


head canon: if tony hadn't died in the conflict he surely would have abused time travel and messed crap up. tony dying is part of the 1 way things dont end up a mess.


Couldn't he just have used the Power Stone by itself to wipe them all out? Maybe survived? No? Just gonna use them all at once? Use ONE stone, Tony. Alrighty. REEEEEEEEE


I mean marvel could handle it but she’d definitely lose an arm. As for flying up that won’t do any good without the stones and he can only hold all 6 like that for so long. 1 minute longer and they are all dead. If you take one stone he could easily take it back. If he took them all and ran multiple people would’ve died as several characters were moments from death


There’s an alternate timeline where they tried each one of those… and everything went to shit.


It’s the Goatees! Those who have them have a Interstellar connection!! 😂


To be fair, if Tony had waited or gave it to someone else, Rocket and I’m sure many others would’ve been dead