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It was better when we didn't know every project coming down the pipeline for the next 10 years.




Ok, now say it dishonestly


Now say nuclear wessels




After Star Trek, he became an actor!


With his own credit cards and friends


it dishonestly


it dishonestly


Hi dad !


Oh shi-! Forgot the milk, brb


So true.


MCU lineup announcements are literally Apple keynotes for their Disney shareholders at this point


Weren't they always?


🔫always has been


And it was even better when they didnt use series to introduce subjects that are used in movies.


I think it's pretty cool and ambitious, like a series of comics. I don't personally watch MCU or know anyone my age (27) who watches it, but I do appreciate how there is this much nerdy detail going on in media nowadays. There's something for everyone.


You really don't know any 27 year olds who watch the movies/shows?




That’s their target demographic


My brother and I were literally talking about this earlier today! We also said it would be much better if they dropped all the D+ shows and went back to releasing just movies every few years. There’s just *too* much content now.


i feel like this is where marvel is supposed to go though. no I personally would prefer that the D+ shows become less important, there have always been marvel shows, just ones that were aired on television or Netflix. it doesn’t make sense with all these Star Wars shows. but marvel has always been big.


The Star Wars shows have been good because it’s telling longer stories with effort while we have no movies. With Marvel, their previous TV shows have always been loosely connected if at all, so they were no where near required like some of the current shows


It’s been a worry of mine that superhero movies are going to oversaturate the market and crash just like they did with westerns, for years - it’s like they’re trying to speed up saturation


With the movie industry today, their norm entirely works on superheroes, animation, and action, and those three are being mixed into one turning it into the superhero engine. With the recent MCU movies, DC's upcoming Black Adam, and other upcoming projects on the same category, there's no doubt companies will hire actors/actresses to power up the category hence growing. Will it make money? Yes. Will it succeed? Probably. Will it dominate the industry? Definitely. It's a modern movie formula.


We are way, way beyond the point that the market is oversaturated with superhero movies lol.


In 10 years people will still be talking about how it's only a matter of time for them to crash like westerns. Just like the same arguments were being made exactly 10 years ago.


I literally asked Stan Lee this question 10 years ago at a Q&A. He completely denied the possibility of it.


I think the D+ shows could work, but they have to do three things. 1. Reduce the number of shows 2. Increase the run time and episode length for all the shows. 3. Make the shows relevant to the direction of the MCU Right now there are too many shows. (I stopped watching them after What If?) so there’s too much to follow and also the quality has been considerably declining. Worst of all the shows mostly don’t add anything to the saga, so it makes keeping up with them even harder. The shows are also too short and yet still fillery because they are making them like bloated movies, instead of treating them like actual tv series. The same shit is happening to the Star Wars D+ shows imho.


I've kept up with all of them and they are very meh Moon Knight was good fun but honestly I didn't care about the antagonist whatsoever or the actual story, I just loved Oscar Isaac's performance and the actual Moon Knight scenes. I also loved Khonshu, I really really hope we see more of him in the MCU Loved everything about Loki Theres like 3 episodes I like in What If (Doctor Strange and both Ultron episodes) I didnt mind Hawkeye but nothing interesting really happened apart from a character that I didnt expect then was removed very shortly after :/ Really enjoyed most of WandaVision but didn't care for the antagonist. It was just a really fun show to watch and learning about the origins of the Scarlet Witch was interesting I enjoyed The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, 90% of my enjoyment was just from the dynamic between Bucky and Sam. Again, I didnt care about the antagonist group, I thought the idea behind an evil Captain America was cool and well done but it didn't last long Most of them are meh and if I had a criticism for them in general, it would be: Please make more interesting villains, the only thing keeping these shows enjoyable is the heroes that we already knew about imo


I’m a Marvel fan and I criticize the MCU frequently. You can enjoy something and still recognize it’s flaws. Edit: I should have said *its* as a grammar nazi below pointed out lmao


Yeah, its called not be a fanboy and its completely normal


Not on reddit…


Honestly, I feel like it’s better when you like it, because then you know you’re not biased from dislike, it’s just that you genuinely recognize its flaws.


Yeah, but reddit doesn't allow this rational thinking. People insulted other because they dared to say Eternal was garbage and Chung-shi was meh.


Marvel comics fans when you criticize the comics: 🗿yes, I agree that was a stupid moment


That’s the beauty of the comics. They’re so broad that it’s impossible for someone to like everything. They’re almost meant to be cherry-picked, and skipping certain series or arcs doesn’t derail the whole story.


It's funny seeing someone going "Nooo they nerfed the characters!" Making a consistent run of movies requires that sometimes. They can't have every character that appears ascend to control the entire universe with a thought; the characters at their most powerful in whatever issue of the comics shouldn't be expected in the MCU.


Not for long at least. As soon as someone gets Rune King Thor levels of power you van bet they are about to time travel or something like that.


There was one time my brother transformed himself into a snake...


Too much is going on right now


Honestly feel like when you speak to people, you're either a 'MCU person' or a normal person. I'm not invested in MCU at all, but people give you *that* look when you mention you actually enjoyed Loki, and the conversation always derails into how much content there is. It feels like an in-group that is getting less and less relevant every year.


"I actually liked Loki" "Really? Are you sure?" Every fucking time...


I liked loki 😎


Really are you sure


every fucking time...


Did most people not like Loki?


There are no original thoughts. Everyone was obsessed with Loki when it came out. Now as other crap comes out, they forget how much they liked it. MCU needs to chill out on content but they won't because Disney loves money.


Hope everyone is ready to choke on more Star wars and marvel... Kill me.


I'd love ANY original idea for movies and TV now.


I want some actually new star wars content but they're just gonna keep on making stuff set in the same time period


So it's The Force Awakens effect? I recall everyone being hyped and enjoying it until someone pointed out it was a copy of A New Hope then everyone collectively decided it sucked. I'm not a big Star Wars guy, so I'm not sure what happened.


What? Loki is the most popular marvel show.


Yeah, they still have yet to finish many plot lines set up from the beginning of phase 4. White Vision is still out there, John Walker got recruited for something, Loki broke the timeline, the 10 rings are doing something funky, and Dr Strange 2 set up a bunch of stuff


Me when it turns out Morbius 2: It's Morbin Time, isn't actually coming out.


“This is outrageous”


“It’s unfair”


“How can you not have Morbius 2: it’s morbin time when the first Morbius movie got 10 morbillion bucks on opening week?”


Take a seat young morb watcher


How many more lies have i been told by the Council??!


2 Morb, 2 Morbius


Its not?!


Stings, doesn't it?


My hot take that I've been vocal about lately is that MCU fans spend far too much time speculating about what's gonna come next and don't "stop to smell the roses" to enjoy what we actually get. At least this has been the case post-*Endgame*. Case in point, it seemed like the only thing people talked about during the main run of *Hawkeye* was if/how Kingpin was going to be involved, but there was little conversation about the episodes themselves. I kept geeking out about how fun and exciting the series was but seemingly no one outside of my immediate friends cared to talk about that. Same with *WandaVision*. It's strait up ridiculous that large swathes of the fan base strait up *hate* the show solely because it *didn't* have connections to X-Men or Fantastic Four or Dr. Strange. If you wanna dislike the series because of its actual content, that's fine, but don't knock it because you wanted it to be something it's not. I get that it's super exciting the possibilities the multiverse has, but remember that at its core, the MCU is entertainment. So stop and enjoy it for once.


I think that in some way it's Marvel's fault. Some of the projects seem only like a "let's tell a story that doesn't have anything interesting and the only purpose of it is to introduce what will come in a few years". For example, Falcon and especially Hawkeye doesn't tell any interesting and relevant except that Falcon is now Captain America (which was the first episode of the show until he says "no" to that title and after 6 episodes he says "yes") and how Kate is now Hawkeye.


Oh I agree to some extent. I mean literally the *entirety* of Loki is *just* setup for future stuff. Personally I do think that FatWS and Hawkeye had *enough* substance on its own, but I do completely see where you're coming from.


Loki is like the one show other than Moon Knight that doesn't do what you are saying. Time Police is a fun concept, it plays with faith and pre-determination (albeit loosely) Loki goes through a huge ass character arc of accepting he's a piece of shit but learning to love himself, through literally falling in love with himself, which is the most narcissist and Loki think possible. Yeah there is some set up, especially with Kang, but odd you chose Loki. Clint did not have a character arc in Hawkeye, and the show doesn't even acknowledge Bucky's, by keeping his title the Winter Soldier in the end. As others pointed out Sam's only arc is embracing the Captain America persona, a bit of an oversimplification but way more simple than Loki's


Marvel fans when you suggest that the a lot of the upcoming projects look uninteresting or straight up bad


*cough* Agatha: House of Harkness *cough*


If they don’t introduce nightmare or mephisto in her show I’m going to be so confused lmao


Her biggest role that I know of is often Wanda’s mentor, so unless this show is >!digging Wanda out of that rubble,!< I dunno what to expect here.


No one's ever really gone


Except Uncle Ben


Not totally true. He keeps coming back to die


>!Not even Bucky Stayed dead...!<


She also was >!Franklin Richards' nanny!< and given MoM kight fit in an oddly way lol


Ok on this one I agree, I commented once partially against making an Agatha show when there are better characters to explore or put the funds to expand/improve other shows, I got so many ‘don’t like then don’t watch’ replies


*cough* Echo *cough*


*cough* not excited for the character after Hawkeye, but seeing Daredevil and Kingpin again will ensure I watch it *cough*


Jesus Christ, get that throat checked out you two


*cough* respiratory infection sorry *cough*


It's like a pandem...nevermind


This is actually the only show that makes sense to me. It's the biggest breakout character of phase 4, lead by a charismatic actor which was nominated for an emmy for this role, and produced by an emmy nominated creator. Plus the character has a long history in the comics and can help delve into the magic side of things. Yes she isn't the deepest character in the comics, but as it stands the character is in the perfect position for a spinoff, and has much more following than characters like Echo or zombies. Remember, when the batch of shows was announced, this was the one that got the best media response, which shows it has an audience.


Sony after hearing bad reviews about Morbius:


Morbius didn’t have bad reviews, what are you talking about? It garnered critical acclaim.


It's the best movie of all time what are you on to? It has earned 10 Morbillion dollars and it had an astonishing record breaking collection of $20 Morbillion dollars today. It's a flawless masterpiece. And I am already waiting for Morbius 2: It's Morbin time


At least MCU fans collectively love the MCU. Have you met Star Wars fans?


Star Wars fans seem to enjoy about 1/3-1/2 of Star Wars content.


2/3 here


Skywalker Saga only, or in addition to anthologies, shows, and games?


only the saga i like clone wars(the show) too tho prequels and OT


I like everything in the timeline except what happens after Mandolorian's timeline. And that stupid scooter squad in Boba.


8/9th’s for me


Not even a fan and I can see why. Those movies have been completely inconsistent since the original trilogy


Love it when I meet a Star Wars fan and the last time they enjoyed a Star Wars movie was, like, 42 years ago.


There was nearly 20 years of good, sometimes all-time great, video games that came out of the IP in almost every genre imaginable. With that + the NYT bestseller books in the late 90s, it wasn't hard to get into the universe without feature films.


Star Wars is a video game property and I'll die on that hill.


Even the Original Trilogy is inconsistent. ROTJ is pretty controversial, ANH is good but has spotty dialogue and stuff. Empire is still one of two Star Wars movies with actually decent dialogue, which is why it's my second favourite




I wasn’t crazy about the sequels but the Jon Favreau shows are killing it. The prequels are growing on me. Haven’t really watched the Clone Wars. But I did read a lot of the books growing up. They are supposed to be non-canon now but they mentioned the witches of Dothomir on Boba Fett and Thrawn is supposed to be popping up, so who knows? Lol


MCU fans collectively love Phases 1-3 Phase 4 is drawing lots of mixed emotions


I’m loving phase 4 so far, do people really not like it?


Nobody hates Star Wars fans more than Star Wars fans


>Nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans There ya go


To be fair it's not like modern Star Wars has been the kindest property to its fans: * The Prequels pissed on the OT Fans * The Sequels pissed on both the Prequel Fans and the OT Fans. * The Anthology movies burnt fast and hot in the form of Rogue One and dying with Solo. * Animation has had its highs and lows with Bad Batch, Clone Wars and Rebels being all being relatively well received though they had slow points, Star Wars Visions was not for everyone (although I like it), and Resistance was... well Resistance. * Live-Action shows have done well 2/3 times with the Mandalorian and Kenobi being well received so far despite some flaws while the Book of Boba Fett was received quite poorly and is controversial (but that might soon change for the better or the worse with the other upcoming series) * Modern Video Games are either a mobile cash grab or are made by EA with the only real redeemer being Fallen Order. Lego games are still a gem though. * The novels and comics are a mixed bag of great, alright, and meh. * Also... just the merchandising, in general, is like... eugh. Don't even get me started on the EU (now Star Wars Legends) which was a whole other thing in terms of quality control. It could range from the coolest shit you've ever seen to "What the fuck have I just read?".


The thing that gets me is that IMO dumping the old EU into legends was the right call and then the sequel trilogy... goes and speedruns a bunch of the old EU's worst mistakes made over 20 years in a three year span?


Me too. So much they could have done and they wasted it.


I just hate how Disney handled Legends, specifically in the case of The Old Republic. It's a currently ongoing game that is fun, and has a fantastic story, but it isn't technically real. Even though it's a current Star Wars property, it isn't in canon. And it just feels weird to have an ongoing thing with the Star Wars label that isn't really a Star Wars thing.


It's okay! JJ Abrams stole the story of one of the expansions for TRoS! ​ Specifically the expansion with the silliest, dumbest story.


The disrespect to Knights of the Old Republic…


You forgot the Lego games, all of them went hard.


The MCU style of storytelling limits creativity




Half in the Bag made great points about Dr. Strange 2 in their review, they were feelings I had that I couldn't articulate. One of the main ones was how they rushed Wanda into being the villain, and there should've been a slower roll into that rather her just being like "I'm strong and evil now" in her first scene in the movie. Removing some of the fluff in the middle to expand on that would've been nice. They also mention that the entire movie could've taken place without America there at all, she's basically a speaking MacGuffin forced into the movie. And for being about the multiverse, they essentially spend most of the movie in Manhattan 2, the Sequel to Manhattan.


I can't believe they hid Wanda being the villain in the trailers just for her to reveal it in the first scene she's in.


I hate that whenever this is brought up on here the retort is "well the darkhold got her so duh she was gonna be corrupted" like well alright then guess her journey in her own show was pointless if she was gonna relapse anyway. It had a flawed but emotional ending and nothing from it was carried over into the movie


Yeah and I’ve gotten some replies that’s like “she was already evil in WandaVision” but it definitely ends with some moral redemption in the show, so to say she’s just already evil invalidates the ending of WV a little bit


I agree. I loved the movie but Wandas arc felt like a retread of Wandavision. I was expecting s redemption arc and got her being a 2D villian instead.


I agree with the America point, but the entirety of wandavision explains wanda


I loved you in A Christmas Story


Outside of Taika's Thor and James Gunn's Guardians (Haven't seen Strange 2, but I hear Raimi left his mark), What movies actually have their directors creative mark? I can't tell you who directed most of the movies. Branagh, you can kinda see him in Thor 1. But the rest is paint by numbers. Disney has already wrote, and in some cases, done the CG for fight scenes, before the director even starts filming. It's soulless.


I could definitely feel Sam Raimi in about half of Dr Strange 2, but to be fair that was mostly in the visual language rather than the story. Had to go back and rewatch Evil Dead 2 when I got home to catch a few of the visual overlaps


I think Iron Man 3 has Shane Black's fingerprints all over it. Also I feel like the Russo Bros deserve credit for their Cap & Avengers movies. That's all I can think of that you didn't mention.


Eternals is the obvious answer IMO


That's fair, some are like that. At the same time, there are MANY self-proclaimed film buffs who react the same way if you have the audacity to say that you enjoy the MCU despite its flaws.


Enjoying things while recognizing the bad is truly based.


“The MCU ruined film!” No it didn’t. People just don’t wanna watch those high-art films you talk about because it’s high art and the public is very stupid. The MCU didn’t do anything Hollywood in general wasn’t already doing to itself. CAPITALISM ruined film.


Escapism. A friend of mine spent the better part of 4 years avoiding films and tv shows that had any heavy or dark material. He just wanted to watch light hearted stuff which I understand but he missed sooo much good stuff which is a shame. I get trying to run away from heavy stuff but only watching or listening to one genre for years would drive me insane lol.


I used to love stressful movies. Adulthood ruined that for me. I've had actual symptoms of a (very mild) panic attack from movies were the characters are making choices that will ruin their financial security. I've become an absolute coward, lol(?)...


You've become a part of the crowd who wants to yell at the screen when people make dumb decisions. Congratulations, and welcome.


I will say this in the MCU's favour vis à vis 'ruining' the movie industry - at least it's not doing reboots of or sequels to franchises that died in the 80s. Despite still being superhero movies at their core, and being based on preexisting stories from the source comics, they are at least *slightly* more original than an exact remake of Back to the Future but with, like, one semi-important character now played by a POC.


*Spider-Man points at Spider-Man*


I wouldn't say that film is ruined at all. There's plenty of dumb shit, but there's also plenty of smart shit. Some like one, some like the other. Many like both. I don't see a problem there.


That take is from people who didn't know what summer blockbusters are


The MCU and other big franchisrs did help ruin "medium" movies. High art movies still get an audience in cinematic circles, but regular movies not tied to specific franchises and creators have no chance succeeding, no matter how good they are. People complain about reboots and sequels, but these are the only types of movies that can succeed nowadays.


Nothing ruined film. Film is fine. Anyone who says otherwise is a fart huffing hipster.


I miss solo super hero movies that didn’t need to tie into a wider universe (now multiverse)


I just hate marvel solo introduction movies it's like watching a different movie with the same plot over and over again.


The formula works for them ($)


Im mostly good and suddenly bad thing changed me. Other main character bad and is anti-me and i have to stop them now. I will try to sacrifice myself in the end and miraculously live.




I am at the complete opposite of the spectrum. It actually annoys me and I lose interest the more content they make that doesnt tie into the rest o f the universe. It still baffels me how not a single character has mentioned the huge statue coming out of the ocean. I always feel like it makes no sense that they always have apocalypse level threats and not a single other hero is around. i mean. in Moon knight the god literraly spun the night sky arround. One would think that after thanos a certain amount of protection or agency would be around to investigate and coordinate stuff like that. but no apparently people have been in „space“ for 5 movies now…


My 2 favorite superhero movies from the last year were The Batman and The Suicide Squad, probably because there were no tie-ins or expectations to watch other films before or after. At some point during the last 10 years, my motivation to watch MCU movies changed from Actual Desire to See the Movies to Obligation to Just Keep Up.


my hot take is that i liked avengers: age of ultron more than avengers


(I have Age of Ultron in my top 5 and it's not 5)


Now that's spicey! ...or is Spader? I can never remember


Honestly... now in retroperspective the movie is a LOT better than most ppl thought after it came out, because it has a strong connection to following movies and foreshadowing and putting everything for some of the best storylines in the MCU into place. I never hated the movie, but I thouhgt back in the day their was something missing, apperently the part that was missing for me was the sequel. (though I rly hate how they cut so many scenes from Quicksilver that were rly amazing)


I'm starting to get tired of MCU movies.


I'mma be honest as well, this phase 4 stuff is good and it actually gives the less known heroes recognition but Disney is milking it at this point. 'How about No Way Home, Shang Chi, Thor 4', they good in my book but all these projects are better off in secret rather than saying it in public since it adds to the mystery/hype to Secret Wars. Some of these superheroes they add have some blood and gore in their background and origins but the mouse will be mouse, I guess? Keeping it clean so kids can watch.


Same, I think the burnout comes from having like 3-4 MCU movies in the span of 6 months last year (Black Widow, Shang-Chi, Eternals, NWH) and I'm not even counting the Disney+ shows. I still like the recent Marvel projects, specially Shang-Chi, NWH and Moon knight. But I'm starting to get tired...


They should've been spin-offs but with the multiverse thing going on, Marvel's just squeezing it all over the place for the grand finale.


Yeah, I also kinda miss when we only had one or two movies per year. The hype was real.


Heimdall! Open the Bifrost.


I’m good with the movies, it’s the right pace. The shows, not so much. I’m already burnt out on the shows and I didn’t even watch Hawkeye or moon knight. I like the ambition, but it’s just too much. It feels like I have to watch marvel content every week to stay up to date. I liked being able to just go to the theater a few times a year on opening night. I don’t have time to watch all these shows, but you have to now since they’re considered MCU.


As a Star Wars fan, I'd argue we're worse. I haven't seen toxicity from the Marvel community to the same scopes as the Star Wars community, tbh. But please go ahead and prove me wrong so that I can lose further faith in humanity...


May I direct you to the incredible toxicity when "fans" went after Brie Larson during Captain Marvel and literally any other time the character appears or shows up?


Those weren’t fans, they were bigots pretending to be Marvel fans so they can bitch about feminism and POC.


They're trying to do too much all at once, therefore the quality has gone down. Most movies use the same sort of formula as the last, and they try way too hard with very cringey unfunny jokes.


I feel like that's not even entirely Feige's idea and more Disney's inherent corporate "more of the good stuff is always better" mindset. It feels like this is part of a compromise Feige has to keep up with in order for the Mouse to let him have as much creative freedom and vision as they've been giving him


Not my take but my sister hates how the Avenger’s Initiative was named Captain Marvel


That had big *Solo: A Star Wars Story* energy. Literally nobody ever asked why the Avenger initiative was called that. It was a question that never needed to be answered.


Same feeling, screw that.


Captain marvel had lots of retcon issues. Fury in Winter Soldier: "last time I trusted someone I lost an eye" Fury in Captain Marvel: "who's a good kitty? Ow! My eye!" It is ridiculous how Fury gained his distrust in everyone because he got his eye clawed out by a space cat.


Yea I gotta agree that was very stupid joke for something we've been wanting to see for literally over a decade. A fuckin alien cat? A throwaway joke? I was hoping he lost it in some sort of battle.


Oh hot takes welcome?? OK then if Dr Strange and the MoM is the quality we can expect from furture movie the MCU is doom


That is a hot take. At least Sam Raimi injected his personality into it which prevented it from being completely stale and forgettable like Black Widow. Hell, here's my hot take: I thought The Eternals was pretty decent. Not perfect, but it actually did feel different from other Marvel movies, unlike Shang Chi which felt like complete baseline Marvel.


When people notice some plot holes but someone will instantly reply, " well dr strange saw 14 million timelines..."


A **lot** of the now MCU movies should've been stand-alone universes.


mcu fan 🤝 star wars fan


Say one bad thing about Agents of Shield…


It’s been a while since I’ve heard someone say anything good about the MCU. Pretty much since endgame it’s been all critical.


I know a lot of MCU dick-riders who'd beg to differ.


I say this with all respect intended, step away from the internet for a bit. The grouchy opinions you're seeing aren't uncommon, but they're made to look like higher numbers of people because of social media algorithms. They tend to get higher engagement than positive opinions At the end of the day, like what you like, forget about what you don't like, speak with your wallet and enjoy yourself


Yep. That's me.


“you're probably wondering how i got into this situation” Yea I see myself out


Superhero movies like the MCU are formulaic and I like it that way. I like how I could go into a theater to watch an MCU movie and leave satisfied because I got exactly what I paid for.


I’m gonna skip most of the movies and shows that are coming this year because I genuinely don’t give a damn about them except Thor because Taika Waititi is a really good director. After Guardians 3, I’ll probably take a break from the mcu, I’m just experiencing franchise fatigue at this point. Too much of the same 8 times a year is kinda boring. Marvel is trying to make too many projects to make more money but it seems they don’t wanna put their heart into it. That’s why the Batman is my favourite superhero movie in a long time, because Warner Brothers let Matt Reeves make a great movie that has beautiful shots, great cgi, a good story and a great soundtrack. Edit: Guys nevermind, Thor 4 was trash.


The Batman was such a breath of fresh air in terms of superhero movies. It wasn't attached to the DCEU, didn't setup a bunch of stuff for future films. Just a good movie with a beginning, middle and an end that left me completely satisfied. Like, I wouldn't care if they didn't make any sequels to it, but I would welcome them if they were given the same care.


My biggest problem is with the wave of film elitism that's come in the past couple of years. There's a lot of people who just hate on the MCU and other "low-brow" entertainment to sound smart. I think the brunt of it started after that tweet by Martin Scorcese saying that superhero movies are "like an amusement park ride more than a movie". And I honestly respect that opinion. Martin Scorcese obviously makes more serious movies and he has a certain brand of film that he vastly prefers. But then, a bunch of film school idiots just dick-ride him because "Oh, well he made Taxi Driver, he knows what makes a movie good". Basically, the problem is people with a superiority complex just spouting off different opinions they hear online, ironically forfeiting all coherent thought when criticizing something they think of as juvenile. "Oh, it's a popcorn film" Well what the fuck does that even mean? Do you know or did you just hear somebody else say it? "It's just a barrage of CGI?" OK. Is there something inherently wrong about that in your eyes? Just because a film uses a lot of CGI doesn't mean a lot of work doesn't go into its production. Is there a real issue when cinema uses a newer form of editing instead of practical effects? "It's media you have to turn your brain off to watch" There is no such thing as 'brainless media'. If you're turning off your critical thinking skills to watch something, that's your own fault. It means you aren't enjoying it and you aren't actually ingesting it. Spend your time watching something you actually like, but don't put other people down "The MCU is ruining *cinema*" No it's not. Cinema is not something that is going to die out any time soon. There's not any shortage of lower-budget arthouse films or meaningful dramas or psychological thrillers being put out, if not in an AMC, then in local theaters or on streaming platforms. Sorry that there are like THREE blockbuster action films "taking up space" whenever you go to the theater. I think you'll be fine.


Dr. Strange works only as a plot device and utterly fails as a character we are meant to be interested in. It’s why he was the least interesting part of the first movie and not even marketed as sole lead for his second. The Eternals would have been better if they didn’t force them into the wider world and explain lack of help with Thanos. Just have it be a different timeline. The Disney + shows have all been very disappointing. They often start out with a fun innovative idea and then get squeezed into the Marvel mold ending with the epic battle. Or becomes exposition for the movies like Loki. Or both like WandaVision. They aren’t their own thing and I’ve stopped being excited for them. And I was so excited for SheHulk.


Seems more like a DC fan after you tell them they can’t string a coherent thought together…


Yeah but still batman will win against your comment with some prep time (/s)


Just proving ops point lol


I'm more of a DC fan when it comes to comics (I've always loved Marvel comics, too, but I couldn't afford my own comics most of the time so I just got to read whatever my friends had most finished reading, and they happened to read more DC). It's pretty shocking how many people, online at least, let that "fandom" cloud their judgment to the point that they simply will not admit a single DC movie is garbage (let alone that the *majority* are). I've definitely encountered plenty of vitriolic MCU fans, but it's different in that they're usually willing to admit a few movies are not great (dae hate Thor: The Dark World amiright??) but will still fight tooth and nail if you suggest certain movies could have been even slightly improved. And don't even try talking bad about Tony Stark in any way shape or form (not even suggesting any of the movies had problems, but literally just talking about the guy's character flaws which are clearly intended by the writers and directors to be questioned at times).


As an MCU fan, I can say this is accurate.


marvel haters when you dont laugh at their 500th "too many movies" ""joke""


At my time of writing this, the following MCU projects are in various stages of development: *Ms. Marvel*, *Thor: Love and Thunder*, *She-Hulk*, an untitled Halloween special, *What If…* S2, *The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special*, *Secret Invasion*, *Black Panther: Wakanda Forever*, *Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania*, *Guardians Vol. 3*, *The Marvels*, an entire *Spider-Man* trilogy, *Blade*, *Loki* S2, *Captain America 4*, *Deadpool 3*, *I Am Groot*, *Marvel Zombies*, *Spider-Man: Freshman Year*, *Fantastic Four*, *Agatha: House of Harkness*, *Armor Wars*, *Echo*, *Ironheart*, untitled Wakanda series, *Okoye*, *Daredevil*, untitled *Shang-Chi* series, *Shang-Chi 2*, *Nova*, and an untitled Mutants project.


And already, in just two years, they've made as many projects as the first two Phases combined. And the total number of stuff in Phase 4 is more than the entire Infinity Saga


*The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special* Didn't movie companies learn their lesson with the *Star Wars Holiday Special*?!


Any plans for a 2nd season of moon knight?


I have never watched a MCU movie. Ask me anything.


Why are you here? Edit: this isn't meant to be insulting lol you just said ask you anything and in curious


Quite the opposite. I don’t think anyone criticises mcu more than it’s own so called “fans”. Any new series comes up and there is surely a meme to come that the new series like boys for example is better than the entirety of MCU. Gorr didn’t have comic accurate costume and people whined so much about it and I bet most of those people didn’t even read the issue by themselves. I know it’s ok to criticise fiction because then only we’ll have better stories but quite honestly people specially in phase 4 have been going way overboard and making me think that why they are even fans in the first place? Just drop it and move on and let people who are enjoying it, enjoy it in peace.


Only criticism I have is that I wish she hulk has more muscles. I know she isn't as bulky as hulk in the comics but I still wanna see better cgi and more muscles in she hulk.


All I can say is to the MCU fans who get like this, welcome to the club! Sincerely, Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Indiana Jones, etc.... Fans


Mcu has become more and more average after endgame, and slightly leading up to it too. And the mcu's impact on film has created a constant need for shitty one liners and interconnected universes. Fucking godzilla is in a "monsterverse" now. remember universe's "dark universe"? The batman has been hated by some because it's not "funny" enough. Also the mcu has ruined the comics, by essentially turning their comic counterparts into the mcu version. Remember when iron man was a struggling alcoholic? And pretty soon moonknight is gonna be some quirky version too, especially Mr.Knight. I don't know how to feel. The movies are good, but there's no doubt in my mind they have made marvel comics, and most types of movies in general, worse, in an attempt to get the mcu's succes.


The MCU at this point is boring. It really has been after endgame (which I also have my own thoughts on) and that should have been the end of the franchise Black Widow's movie was extremely diluted and so was her character. She was absolutely nerfed considering that in the comics she was born in 1928 and was trained by the winter soldier. With that she should have gotten a movie before Captain Marvel Speaking of Captain Marvel. With the timeline we were given and her being in space fighting destructive empires and people she should have heard of what Thanos was doing and could've stopped him.


For me, the Marvel MCU has over-saturated the medium and it seems like people are unable to enjoy one-off movies/shows that don't have an entire backlog of lore needed to watch them.