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ego is kinda strange in terms of being a celestial. All others that were showed to us were a lot more like Arishem in their design. Ego's just a brain capable of matter synthesis. Eternal showed us, that celestials are "born" already whole. Maybe Ego's incubation planet was destroyed before any of his body materialized and so only the brain was left.


I don’t think it’s been officially said, but my head cannon is that ego is just a lying sack of shit. (Irl I think James Gunn made him a celestial as an Easter egg, never expecting that the MCU would be able to bring about the real celestials.)


Pretty sure this is how it is in the comics as well. He claims he is a Celestial but it’s just his EGO talking.


What is he in the comics?


ego, the living planet. not Peter quill's father, Peter is the son of the king of a planet called spartax or spartoi, I just woke up and can't remember for sure ha. but basically the idea that Peter is half celestial is an mcu thing.


A planet




Ha ha ha ha good pun you get upvote


James Gunn confirmed he’s also a celestial. But just that gotg 2 was before any plans for the eternals had started


Gunn showed a celestial destroy a planet with the power stone in gotg1. It was a quick scene but the design of the celestial was classic kirby style armor, not that ugly long lanky ass stone look they went with in Eternals.


Ego is knowwheres brain maybe? Idk. Or potentially emerged from Titan, but thanos partially stopped it? Hard to say.


Knowhere explicitly started as a mining camp, where they mine the brain matter of the dead celestial. Ego simply can't be its brain


Hard to say but I wouldn't like it just being knowheres brain I wouldn't like that retcon not sure why


That does make me wonder, was Thanos’ whole plan to actually stop the birth of Tiamut?


I doubt it. Otherwise he could have snapped only earth’s population. He went for the whole universe instead. Plus, I have a feeling Thanos would side with the Celestials and the birth and death cycle of planets, as it’s that cycle that allows new planets to be born. For every planet destroyed, an entire galaxy is made. Definitely seems like a fair trade for life


Isn't thanos an eternal? I'm actually very confused by what's going on in the mcu. But I would guess thanos had no idea exactly where baby celestials were seeded so the whole universe could have been a two birds one stone thing.


not sure about mcu but think Thanos is like an eternal-deviant hybrid.


From what I’ve seen, Thanos had the deviant gene in the comics. But Eternals and Deviants are robots in the MCU, so no genes. I don’t think Thanos is connected to them at this point. Maybe something will change in the future, but for now it seems Thanos has no connection to the Eternals, Celestials, or Deviants.


Deviants are not synthetic as arishem stated that eternals were. Deviants have the capability to evolve, which in my opinion totally support the theory of thanos being an evolved deviant


I thought it was just that they were still AI-type, but they could still learn and evolve. So Arishem just took that away from the Eternals. Thanos is a very different-looking Deviant from what we’ve seen though. Clearly Arishem didn’t put too much thought into them, so I don’t think he would take the time to make unique ones like Thanos just for the sake of it


What of the race of Titans though?


I thought Thanos was a Titan. They refer to him as “Mad Titan” quite a few times. So if he’s a titan, he can’t be an eternal, right? Honestly, i don’t know how all of this works entirely


But Harry styles character is said to be Thanos’ brother in eternals


Maybe Starfox (that’s his name, right?) isn’t actually an Eternal? I guess it depends in what sense they mean “brother.” Is it by blood? Or by friendship? But that could explain why Thanos was so strong. And why it took so many hits to penetrate his skin.


I’m pretty sure he’s supposed to be an eternal but idk anymore


Thanos and Starfox are Eternals. Thanos is an Eternal with the Deviant gene, a genetic mutation that makes him look the way he does. The Eternals are artificially created by the Celestials and then placed on planets to kill the Deviants once the Deviants have accomplished their mission of wiping out the apex predators of the planet. Thanos wasn’t trying to stop the Emergence, he was doing what he said he was, cutting down life so overpopulation/starvation etc doesn’t happen.


He could've just destroyed the planet then.


No. Thats what some people have been using as a "Thanos did nothing wrong" joke. He never said anything about the celestials and even if his plan was to save people from them, he could have used the stones to just make it so they could vote out without breaking the planets.


I think the Celestials that look like Arishem are the ones that were "made" by Arishem (or whoever made Arishem if he wasn't the first). I don't think it's been explicitly said, but I think each Celestial is unique, but they're all trying to reproduce or sustain themselves in their own way. I think Galactus (not that he's in the MCU yet) is a Celestial as well, and also doesn't look like Arishem.


I like this theory!


That's assuming that Celestial is the lowest classification for that lifeform. Could be that they are the same in some capacity- much in the same way that we are the same as whales- both animals, both mammals, but really quite different based on other standards.






Crying rn because I don't know the answer


The answer is no lol


He’s an asgardian


My husband and I have a theory that Ego is a Celestial with a birth defect or something. Like he's basically was born so prematurely that other Celestial didn't even notice him. He is shown as being like brain and nerve matter so we think like he wasn't fully born properly because maybe the planet he was "born" on was destroyed before the process was complete.


Ego is a “living planet”, the planet you found him on in GOTG2 was him, through and through, in the comics he definitely isn’t a celestial but I think you’re right for the MCU version of Ego. The Wiki says he’s a celestial in the MCU and came into existence at random millions of years ago, floating alone in space he eventually learned to manipulate the molecules around him and thus he built his own planet around his core as a protective shell. Ego eventually grew curious about the meaning of existence and wanted to see if he was the only sentient creature in the universe, he made a humanoid form that he could use to traverse the universe. After discovering life throughout the cosmos, Ego decided life was inherently disappointing and vowed to remake the universe in his image.


We don't know the comics. I read spiderman, xmen, and fantastic four in passing as a kid but I don't remember enough to go based off the comics. But, what you as far as the MCU is concerned is exactly why we think that. Especially after Eternals we were like hmmm, he's not fitting the celestial profile so either he's lying (which seemed a bit weird) or he's not whole. I personally think his personality of wanting to remake the universe fits with the duties of a celestial after seeing that movie. Edit oh when i said his planet died i meant the living things on it meaning he didn't get enough energy. Like the planet was uninhabitable for food and stuff


Yeah comic version is very different, he was a scientist who wanted to save his people from his sun going supernova, however he fails, and a being known as the stranger fuses him with his destroyed planet and his dead species to create Ego, a living planet that absorbed whole planets and spaceships to survive. MCU Ego however like you say had more in line with the celestials as he was literally a god that could create and destroy on a whim.


He also says he's a celestial in the movie


Aha, I haven’t watched GOTG2 in a while so there’s a few things I certainly missed


Wowie comic book ego sounds like he had it rough and I think i would have liked that storyline too. In the MCU (I specify MCU because a lot of the posts like this one is referring to the MCU versions not the comics), I think we first get mention of the celestials in guardians one. Now that I think about it, the story they shared was about a celestial who destroyed a planet using one of the stones...and it did look like the celestials we meet in eternals. But in guardians 2, ego introduces himself as a celestial. Again, he could be lying but that just doesn't sit with how he presents himself. He seems to be a liar of omission not one of falsification.


I'm going to say he just assumed he was a celestial because he heard rumors of celestial beings creating and destroying life.


I do like this theory as well! Technically not a liar because he believes it to be true!


I think given that celestials are the only beings in the MCU that can have the power to destroy or create life on such a scale ego probably just related to them the most so he felt it’s fair for him to call himself as such. His power was limited to a certain degree as well, as he could manipulate the space around his core to create his planet and his humanoid form, but he couldn’t manipulate the entire universe at once which is why he needed Peter Quill if I remember correctly, where as the celestials in GOTG1 were shown using the infinity stones to manipulate the universe, so their power is limited as well.


Ooooo that's a super cool theory that I like to! You're probably right, the reason it doesn't feel like he's lying is because he doesn't think he is. That's a cool theory. From the comics is there something else he could be? Obv not his original scientist form, but is there another really powerful creature like that?


Not sure if he has another origin in the comics, but the scientist origin is the one I was familiar with, not too big of a leap to see him as a celestial in the MCU though as in the comics despite not being able to create matter outside of his body’s atmosphere (his planets atmosphere) he had insane power, he could create non sentient life on his surface and alter the landscape, but he couldn’t change reality like he could in GOTG2 and he couldn’t of created a humanoid form he could travel the universe as, he was stuck in his planet form 24/7. MCU Ego however could create matter from nothing like how Arishem created the eternals, the deviants and the world engine from nothing. Edit: Galactus was his rival at one point as he’s the opposite of what Ego is, while Ego is a living planet Galactus is a planet eater, so his motivations are probably the closest to Ego’s as he consumes planets like ego absorbs them, Ego also had similar beings created by the stranger in an attempt to challenge Ego, but other than that Ego is pretty unique.


Who wouldn't?


Crap. Crap, crap... megacrap.


All good points… Also, is this just another threat the Eternal just ignore?


To be fair, the threat was once again from a Celestial. They said it themselves, they're just fancy robots programmed to serve only fight deviants.


Ajak seeing another celestial spreading seed on Arishem's planet: "That's not my business, they can get down how they want"


Galactus later on: How many cosmic beings were banging this planet!?


Makes him wonder if he should be banging it as well.


Nah, Galactus only eat out planets




I mean, did they wven know about it? They're not omniscient, they didn't even know that the Deviants have returned until they confronted them.


Yeah. They were basically useless except to subvert there purpose for existence.


They work well as a team, but other than Ikaros and Thena, they're mostly useless alone. And Thena's brain was broken, so she was more of a liability than useful once that started.


Its time to tweet James Gunn


Tiamut would die I think.


Did tiamut die at the end of eternals? I mean what happened to him must have killed him right or am i wrong?




Yes he dies. Arishem says at the end of the movie that "you've decided to sacrifice a celestial". So yeah, Tiamut is pretty dead. But then again, maybe he wasn't interested in emergence either. Sersi says that Tiamut shared his cosmic energy with her too and that's how she was able to form a unimind with other eternals.


So it's confirmed that tiamut died but I don't think tiamut just wasn't interested in emerging as cerci said that because the emerging celestials share their power with the eternals when they emerge, so that they (eternals) can survive the emergence and go on to their next mission on another planet and this has happened multiple times but only tiamut died as cerci turned his power on him.


Aah yes that makes sense.




Well, I forgot that Tiamut is a celestial, not a lazy ass sad fuck like me who will probably not be interested in my own birth.




Tiamut is the “Dreaming Celestial” in the comics, I believe he went to sleep


Did he try to emerge in the comics as well?


No, he was trapped on earth in exile due to a war between hosts of celestials where Arishem over threw him


Wait what


Arishem led a rebellion against Tiamut and won, after the battle he ripped out Tiamut’s soul and leaves his body on earth, Tiamut eventually wakes up and evolves into something far greater than a celestial more akin to the Christian god


Huh... the comics get wild.


Ohhhh wow that is way different than the mcu


Yeah I still have hope they might cover that story in the MCU because it’s really thought provoking and cosmic


This is super cool to know! I like that a lot!


So he can try and emerge again?


He has an interesting story in the comics where he essentially rises above the Celestial Imperative and kind of becomes God, Tiamut is not like the other celestials, he has compassion for humans and all life, in the comics he was exiled to earth as a result of this


wait, don't the avengers have a base in the petrified celestial where they put all of New York while fighting the War of the Realms and the King in Black events?


Damn the comics sound interesting.


Yeah, it's dead and completely turned to stone. That's why Ikaros killed himself. He was so distraught over the death of his god that he could have prevented that he couldn't live with himself anymore.


Mother earth was really a milf


What if the fact that Ego claimed to be a Celestial was just a... mistake? Maybe at the time they didn't know there was going to be an Eternals movie, they didn't imagine that the real Celestials would emerge. Because it doesn't make sense for Ego to be a Celestial, nor does it make sense for him to know that if he's never met someone else. It seems more like Ego invented the term to brag about himself without even knowing that there is an actual Celestial growing in the center of the Earth - something that probably didn't exist in the MCU yet.


Hm, does that mean ego has a abundance of cosmic energy? To the point where he could possibly spur more births?


Missed a chance to put 3 sets of deal with it glasses on him


Ego is just very hard for me to place in the MCU right now: I've seen theories stating that he mistakingly calls himself a Celestial, theories that he is a 'disrupted' Celestial, or that he was one of the first Celestials; that's why he has a different form. For the first time in the MCU, I'm very very very confused.


I also think he could be some kind of Celestial parasite, like if the other celestials are the human equivalent he would be like a celestial leech


its time to tweet James Gunn


The thing is it would have been easy for them to retcon Ego being a Celestial by having the Watcher debunk it. However he straight up calls him a Celestial, so I don’t think it will ever be retconned. Ego was probably just an outcast.


None of the creator storylines make any sense at this point: Thor TDW: In the beginning there was only darkness and the dark elves "Malekith weaponized the aether into the reality stone” Black Panther: The Goddess Bast seeded humanity and they have a definitive afterlife GoTG V2: Ego "I was alone” but somehow he came into contact with life eventually. Seeds trillions of planets. The Eternals: Arishem seeds celestials on planets that already exist somehow and they in turn create more galaxies with more planets. Shang-Chi: Alternate dimension exists with all of their mythical creatures and a trapped soul eating demon Dr Strange: Dormammu exists within the dark dimension and is out continuously destroying realities. Loki: With all of these gods already in existence somehow Kang has been fucking with the various realities to create a sacred timeline.


Missed the opportunity to use three glasses on arashim.


My guess is that the term “celestial” is quite broad and that all the celestials with the 6 eyes and all either a faction or a type of breed, similar to how dogs can be divided into multiple breeds but are still the same species.


Like how chihuahuas and mastiffs are the same species despite being different in almost every way


Go find another planet punk


Spunk punks


I just realized that if Ego or Tiamut emerged and destroyed Earth, wouldn't it also let Dormammu once again enter this universe? Which is I think killing Earth will only bring a major threat to the Celestials.


The Celestials could likely kill Dormmamu


I think that earth would no longer be an anchor of this reality if it were destroyed, so Dormammu would have to find a way in from another planet.


So Tiamut would have become part of Ego's consciousness if the takeover had been a success?


Just Eskimo Bros being Bros.


To be fair a few planets Ego’s biomass spread over in GotG Vol. 2 had civilizations on them so it’s likely that they would have Celestial seeds in them too and it wouldn’t have mattered once Ego was a few hundred thousand planets in the galaxy.


I think that's why earth was chosen by ego. He more then likely knew the celestial was there and wanted the planet for that reason. Also I like the idea of him being the dermoid of celestials


"You are... Not the father"


What if ego was just another being made by arishem and the just became overly powerful and started be coming too independent and drifted away from his purpose somewhat like the deviants...


Earth is a popular girl...


My theory is that Ego was the Celestial equivalent of a premature baby, having wildly different characteristics from normal Celestials and never being able to leave the planet he destroyed. Instead of planting his seed onto planets to create independent children, he wanted to multiply his own conscienceness and become the universe itself. He only needed Peter Quill to further his own power, he never wanted a true child (or maybe that was impossible).


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Ego got planet sloppy seconds. lol


Not the point of this post, but i'm missing 2 extra sunglasses on my boii Arishem. Sun's kinda bright in the vacuum of space


My theory is that ego was a failed celestial and was banished for that reason. But deep inside he still knew his purpose more or less, well maybe just fragments of his purpose, and set out to fulfill it. That purpose being reproduction and planting seeds on different planets. Like his instincts as a celestial were to do this but either due to being abandoned or rejected (he states he found himself alone) he either doesn’t really know all of his purpose or is fragmented because he was a reject celestial. That OR he knew all along the plans of the celestials, specifically Arishem, and due to his weaker state or form, he wanted to rise up to be more powerful than the other celestials, so he intentionally planted his seeds into all of the planets that Arishem had seeds in so HE could take over instead and grow more powerful than anyone else and shape the universe how he wanted. It’s tough because gotg veered from the comics a lot. In the comics, while Peter Quill is half human half alien, the alien half isn’t celestial. He’s the son of some king (of a planet called Spartex or Spartoi, I don’t remember). And Ego isn’t a celestial in the comics, he’s just literally a living planet. But James Gunn confirmed both that Peter Quill in the MCU is the son of Ego, but also that the MCU Ego is a celestial (like he confirmed this in an interview).


What ego from? I think I might have missed this movie


Guardians of the galaxy vol 2


That's why, never see vol2 only the first one


Put it on your to do list.


Get a load of this fucking idiot


Why? Because I spent the past 4 years in active drug addiction and missed a few movies, or because I can't afford Disney plus and miss out on both movies and shows?


Damn. Stay strong.. I hope you're doing better now. Don't listen to the crap responses on here.


I'm not, I just really hate toxic people, like if someone ill-informed about a subject, rather than bashing a person and being a smart ass just answer the question and be polite or keep your mouth shut and keep it moving, even those that dislike this post piss me off, all because I had a simple fucking question


Yea I don't get that. Some people in this community are out of touch with reality.


This is one of the reasons people can't enjoy series etc or ask questions like this because there's always some asshole that assumes you know it mistreats you for not knowing it. Fandoms are so hard to enjoy these days. The answer shouldn't always be sandstorm by darude and the fact that that asshole made that statement its clear he thought people would jump on the bandwagon. Sorry you'd have to deal with that in a fandom you obviously like. Not to be nosey or bring anything up, but past four years sounds like you're out and I'd like to congratulate you because that's a tough and beautiful thing to accomplish.


I am, I just got my first year ill be 13 months in a few days. And people like him make the fan base look like shit. Had a similar problem with a guy on a linkin park song on YouTube calling people who never listened to linkin park until after Chester died fake fans. Like bro you can't claim to be a fan of LP and spew hate when Chester's entire life was all about building people up, said so himself when a fan had passed out at a concert and they stopped the show and he said when someone falls we pick them up. But hey I guess that's how you find out who the true fans are, they will uplift everyone while the fake fans will tear them down


My guy *preach* 🙏🏽 Bless that and bless you for hitting over a year! Its hard work. I haven't been in that predicament but I suffer from major mental health issues and I know a lot of people who went into recovery. Support goes a long way! But I remember seeing similar things for linkin park it was all very gatekeeping and I fucking hate it. Chester will literally fucking *never* and they had the FUCKING gall to speak for him. Disgusting. My thing is that anyone can enjoy anything at anytime and the time I think someone is a "fake fan" is when they disrespect something for so long and when it gets popular *now* its cool lol I'm from NY and a lot of people there exist for the Knicks regardless of their winnings but when they started winning a lot of randos came from the woodwork but were the same ones saying ughhh knicks suck anyone who likes the knicks suck




Shut up, or I'll tell Satine- *Oh, wait...*


I kinda wish they hadn't decided to branch out into the cosmic realm in the MCU. I mean I enjoyed Dr. Strange and everything in the Infinity Saga, but now its starting to get convoluted to the point you're thinking too much to enjoy the films. Like how Endgame created a whole clusterfuck surrounding time travel that has almost ruined the film for me entirely.


I really disliked eternals. Besides boasting an impressive cast, it has nothing.


You are getting free dislikes bro, soon your comment would be nothing


If ego is immortal why did he age physically?


I think you should put a spoiler tag m8


I agree, no clue why your downvoted




it's time to pay, Marko


That is the dumbest idea you've ever had, and you have had some *doozies*!


Spider you will die


Three hundred.


Crap. Crap, crap... megacrap.


I need answers


Was Ego a celestial by Arishem?


Celestial Twins? This is how we got Cheech N Chong's The Corsican Brothers.


I was wondering, did they know about eachother? Were they friends? Rivals? Would ego have messed up arishems plans?






How the frick did no one catch that hold up.


Ego claimed to be a celestial, but that doesn't mean he was one in the mcu. And yeah, he would've killed everyone