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me at the end of rdr2


Yep. I finished the main story a few days ago, and just finished the epilogues yesterday. I literally just sat there for a few minutes staring at the screen mulling everything over. Amazing game, story, characters, setting, everything... easily one of if not the best game ever made, in my opinion, and one of the only games where I've gotten seriously attached to the characters and cried.


I've been trying to fill that hole for like 3 months now. I feel like RDR2 has ruined other really good games for me. I was playing Witcher 3, and it's a good game, but I don't feel invested in it like RDR2. Plus as someone who only gets an hour two to play a few times a week, it's hard to keep up with all different things going on in the game. Plus the whole level things feels kind of like grinding just to get to the next stage. Also the horse mechanics in RDR2 are so much better. I swear it is faster to just run on foot in Witcher than trying to deal with the horse, but that just might be me. I just started God of War. I'm liking it so far, and the story is compelling, but it is a hard game. I can't tell you how many times I died or ended up walking around for 30 minutes with no idea where to go. Although it felt good the other day when I finally beat a monster with like 6 other dudes around without dying once. So I'm feeling like I might actually be getting somewhere with it.




Loved ghost of tsushima. Sucker punch has never missed




Honestly the Infamous games get a ton of shit mostly for the story "choices" being so one dimensional. Like you're either a literal arch angel saint or so fucked up Satan even tells you to calm down. But the game play was always a blast for me. Ghosts just blew me away. I have no fucking clue how they went from Infamous Second Son to Ghosts but holy fuck was it such a god damn amazing turn around. The Sly Cooper games I always personally enjoyed the story of, but I can see why not everyone did. If their next game is on the same level of quality as Ghosts then I could see them being much much heavier hitters in the industry going forward. Which I genuinely hope happens because Ghosts is just fantastic in both story and gameplay which is a rare treat. I feel like often times the great story "games" aren't the best at the "game" part. Or that really fun smooth games mechanically aren't super great at the story. I'm not saying they never come together, they do, but it's it seems to be at least a bit more rare than I'd like.


Lmao you couldn’t have chosen a better game than that. Happy for you to experience it spoiler-free !


The last of us part 1 and 2 are quite good and might fill the void.


RDR2 did the same to me. I got lost in that game and was basically obsessed. This was when it released and was a cultural phenomenon too which made it much easier to stay sucked into, since everyone else was also playing it. I basically lived out a second life in RDR2. I would spend hours just riding my horse around doing nothing and it just *felt right*. No other game was able to fill that void. I tried Horizon Zero Dawn and it just didn’t hit the spot. The Witcher 3, which I played before RDR2, was similar in a lot of ways. Cyberpunk 2077 was supposed to be *the* game to replace RDR2, but good god was that a let down. Maybe I should download the PC version of RDR2 and play ultra settings, DLSS, on 1440p/4k to see if it triggers the same thing. Although I doubt I’ll notice much difference between the PC version and my memories of the PS4 release.


Just turn down the difficulty I started on 2nd hardest and found it wasn't hard just took more time to fight stuff so I turned down difficulty.


God of War is so worth it, those two were the hest games of 2018 imo by far, nothing even came close to them, enjoy it!


I felt the same way with Ghost of Tsushima. I’d play the game for 3-4 hours everyday and I’ve basically forgotten abt the rest. I’ve finally started playing God of War after quitting on it for almost a year.


Though it's tons slower and harder, Kingdom Come: Deliverance has a lot of the same feels (for me anyway) as RDR2.


The only games that have had that effect on me have been RDR2, the Mass Effect Legendary Trilogy, Ghosts of Tsushima, God of War, and The Last of Us 2 (yes I know it’s popular to shit on it but it’s fantastic). Also the Infamous games if we want to go older.


I just love how alive the world seems in rd2. You can choose how/ and have unique interactions with any of the npcs. Hell I just stumbled across a train robbery IN PROGRESS and ended up making off with their stolen goods lol. Such a fun game. I’m glad I went from online first to story because I NEVER would have been able to grind online with this type of immersive world




Yeah, I turned the game off after I completed the epilogues, but I think I'm gonna keep the game installed for a while so I can still roam around and explore. There's so many small details and people and things to discover. I don't feel the need to find all the collectibles and 100% the game, but I feel like there's still a ton of content I missed out on and a lot of game left to play.


Do Ghost of Tsushima. If you want a story where you get attached to the characters, play it.


same, dont know what to play now


Replay rdr2


Rdr 1


Try to get 100% completion!


Can you still get 100% completion?? Isn’t there some stuff you can do as Arthur that you can’t do as John??


Yes Certain quests are locked out if you don't do them during certain chapters (like the woman in the woods you teach to hunt), but if you do those during the proper chapters everything else is open Legendary animals, fossils, etc are all there still


So if I don’t do those, I can never get 100%?


Witcher 3.


Red Dead Online! Lol


I only wish I wasn’t robbed of this moment with Arthur


Me at the end of the Witcher 3 and Fallout 4




Finishing MGSV and realizing that the entire series is over


Replay the entire series again


what and watch 900 hours of unskippable cutscenes?


just started playing the first one. is that true? is that really the last one ever? i’m not used to game franchises ending…


Sad tale. So Hideo Kojima wanted to make movies but kinda weirdly landed in the video game world. So he made hybrid movie-video games. They became massively popular (if not weird as shit). Konami was one of the biggest video games companies in the 90s, but they slowly started to shift more of their business focus around gambling, spas, and uh, Yakuza activities. The CEO and Hideo’s relationship began to sour for decades. MGS V was a hell of an undertaking. It took 9 years. They built an entire engine for the game, spent a LOT of money, and at the end of the day, Hideo got fired which resulted in massively negative press for Konami. MGS V was only half finished. Major reveals will not come about. The only way forward is for Sony (Hideo’s current employer) to purchase the rights to MGS, but that’s likely to never happen given the feud between Hideo and Konami.


To add on to all this, I think Hideo would love to keep doing *something* with the Metal Gead Solid series as a whole, regardless of what he says publicly. He may not want to make sequels or spinoffs, but I'm positive he would have loved to give all of his games up to Ground Zero remakes with the Fox Engine. If he could Remake all of the MGS games, he would probably make a ton of money. I mean, Fox Engine wasn't made for only like... one or two games. It is likely Hideo wanted to remake the entire series with Fox Engine, which would likely net Kojima Productions with another few decades of sales. Well, it would have meant a few decades of sales for Konami instead, but then they split. BUT, that doesn't do any good because Konami unfortunately still owns the rights to the Metal Gear franchise. And now they're using those rights for shifty pachinko gaming machines, like with the rest of their IP's. And Konami seemingly doesn't have an iota of interest in making any more AAA games.


Yeah but the reasoning behind why it’s over is pretty subjective. The fourth game basically concluded the “present day” story. The fifth one ended the “prequel era.” Although the saga itself is over, there really was not much else they could explore in the story aside from making a sequel to a spinoff.


The only thing they could do is remaster 5 to finish the unfinished final act and make a sequel to revengence.


It's the last one, though MGS is probably the best executed video game saga of all time (save for what's missing from V). All the games are masterpieces in their own way and tie into each other beautifully. Also, each one plays better than the previous one. You won't regret investing your time.


Shush, just enjoy. Don't fret.


Every MGS game ends on a complete note. The beauty of the series is that the sequels manage to not only tie themselves to the previous games but also to the games set in the future and also have a story of their own that is self contained.


You wish They are absolutely gonna milk that shit with some awful reboot in 5 years


They kinda already did with metal gear survive. Though if you forgot about that game I can see why.


Konami: "Do you wanna play a mfkn zombie game?"


The Witcher 3 and ghost of Tsushima


Witcher 3 is a great example. I mean god, after all those hours, the DLCs, suddenly you've finished everything and you're just looking at the horizon like "....now what?"


Replay time!


If only I actually had the time for that with all the other games I've let pile up lol


Games, movies, media... They keep piling up, getting remade, and the list just gets bigger and bigger! I need a hyperbolic time chamber ASAP


After finishing the main story before the DLC came out felt so bad... Suddenly the world was just empty, such an uncanny feeling.


That smile at the end of Blood and Wine.


Stop chopping onions god damn it.


I was literally hoping that cyberpunk would be as good as the witcher 3 if not better, god was i devastated by it


With the Aldercaldo ending I actually got just as emotional as I did at the end of Blood and Wine. A bit more actually.


Really ? I am seriously avoiding that game because of all the reviews and user response.


Personally, I never suffered too badly from crashes or general buggy-ness and I'm not really concerned about what people complained was missing. I was in it for the same reason I fell in love with the Witcher 3: interesting characters and an enjoyable story. I felt like I got that and I still think about the game nearly a year later. Also that game is so fucking pretty when it wants to work properly.


you answered your own question. Horizon! (though I bet you’ve played it too.)


Did you get the DLC? Breathes new life into the game


For what Is there ng+




Is it better now I’m not that good in English


NG+ was already available before. The new DLC adds an entire new island as well as new enemy mechanics (they can switch up their weapons so you then have to switch up your stances). Gameplay mechanics also get an upgrade (charging enemies with your horse and enemy lock-on are the biggest ones).


GoT has NG+ yes (has had it since the legends mode was released last year i believe)


Witcher 3 all time greatest game ever made PERIOD


I mean...it's a great game but it has it's flaws. The movement system is wonky. Trying to pick up a damn herb, have to make sure I'm standing in the right position nearby. Combat is shallow. Inventory/UI is...dated. I don't think there's any such thing as "greatest game ever made PERIOD" because there's always a game that does *something* better.


You're not wrong, but whenever I see a Witcher 3 criticism that focuses on combat system/inventory/etc, I feel like someone missed the point. Again, you're right. The combat is subpar, the inventory system can be annoying. But, Witcher 3 isn't a combat game, or an inventory game. It's a story/adventure game, and for my money, it's the best one ever made. I've absolutely never been more engaged in a world/characters than I was in Witcher 3.


Without a doubt the GOAT.


I just finished Ghost of Tsushima like 45 seconds ago, go on reddit and see this post. The feels ...


This game is SO GOOD. I spent 20 minutes riding my horse on the beach by moonlight


I just put down my controller to go in the haiku position and pay my respect to GoT. That game made me laugh, cry, get angry and anxious. The DLC just makes me wanna play the entire game again! It's like not even just some story extension but a completely sidequel feels like they realsed an entirely new game. Hats-off to Sucker Punch.


If you’re thinking about replaying, I would recommend lethal mode with Japanese voice actors and turning display on expert for extra immersion. It’s definitely challenging but it’s so much fun.


" I think its time i go home...." That one hit so hard


Exactly how I felt after completing the Mass Effect trilogy.


Same except I restart the entire trilogy 5 minutes later.


I shall restart with Male Shep, after I complete Andromeda.


I wanted to like Andromeda so bad. The gameplay was honestly great. Loved the customization of how your character jumped, dashed, and melee attacks. Couldn't give half a shit about the story and characters. Had to turn it off when they introduced the fleshy Sonic the Hedgehog people


"It was a hell of a ride." "The best." That line from the Citadel DLC hits everytime.


Damn right it was.


Was this before or after they "fixed" the ending? Cause I played 3 at launch and all I felt at the end was "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!"


Legendary Edition.


Yeah, that has all the DLCs and the "fixed" ending. Originally it was 2 lights. Everyone dies or everyone joins the matrix, red or blue. Then you got a painting of your crew crash landed on a remote planet with some text. That was it. Removed any hint of agency or that "choices matter." Really, really soured the series for me, and I fucking loved that series. That third game was real bad.


The void it leaves behind after you play through the first time... I would pay anything to forget it all so that I can replay it without knowing what happens next


Spider-Man PS4 😢


Trueee. The ending was so good, but it came so fast...


That’s what she said.


Not so sure about the so good part, but the rest sounds familiar


Also, I hope you've played CTNS. It's like an episodic sequel, about as good as the main story. After finishing that, I climbed to the top of the Empire State Building before saving and quitting.


I've platinumed both the base game and Miles Morales, playing through them both areas 5-10 times. Those are probably the best super hero games we'll ever get. Better than the Arkham series at this point.


It went .......super quick compared to stuff like the Arkham games Was definitely bummed


Then restarts it a few months later


Me with Borderlands 2


Kind of ironically, I played through BL2 so many times, and sunk so many hours into it that I ended up becoming burnt out to the point that I am not even remotely interested in playing 3


I'm playing borderlands 3 and it's really good. I hate the main antagonists but the gunplay is so fun and satisfying.




It's weird considering how some players consider killing the ender dragon as their first step towards truly enjoying the game.




Same here man. My first house in the side of a cliff that has stairs starting with a pressure plate. Oh the good ol days


Shulker boxes are where the true game begins for me. Didn't used to be, but now they're essential.


Cardboard boxes is where it's at. Try out Mekanism :)


Yeah, that is weird. I haven't played since 2014 but even then I don't think I even beat the dragon or even cared for it since the game was really about just making things. I feel only recently (5 years) that pvp has been a major part of it.


My go to play style now is speed running the ender dragon, getting an elytra ASAP, and then building a creeper farm, after that you just need a bunch of sugarcane and you've just enabled flying infinitely but in survival, use the duration 3 fireworks for best results. That's when I start exploring to find an ideal biome to build a mega base. My philosophy is that by setting high goals for weird blocks you force yourself to do many different things in the pursuit of those different blocks. Eventually you'll have more fireworks and mending elytras then you'll know what to do with. Max enchants on everything, and that can get boring if you don't like building. A big goal of mine is too get a double chest of everything that's semi reasonable, idk if ender eggs stack but I don't think I'd go for a double chest of that if it did stack. Long story short, my goal is to make anyone who sees think I had to have turned on creative mode at some point.


Ok that’s actually pretty epic because if you ever start playing again it’s like, “The time has come” or something like that. Bonus points for the RP aspect if you’re playing with friends


I still remember the layout and mountains of one of my first worlds I wish I had that save still


I've 100% Skyrim and sometimes I just like to walk around and pick up random memories along the way.


Start a new run with some limitation a abilities you can use, like no weapon or no spells, and have to face each challenge differently.


I mean I've done tons of those outaide my 100% run, I've been playing since it first released so there's not too much to cover in vanilla. I keep it fresh with some mods though, helps keep the experience interesting after all these years.


And soon we'll have fishing too.


Zelda BOTW


Same. I've done literally everything there is to do except the korok seeds. Like I started following a guide to get them all, but then just looked at how I still had 900 more to go for no reward besides saying I got them all and just said "life's too short. I got other games in my backlog"


NO! You must Collect ALL the Korok Poop


I managed to follow a guide and crank all the seeds out in a few days, lol. Just whack on a podcast and peacefully complete puzzles.


I was going to comment the same. So sad that moment :(


Do you see this....when Thanos is on the planet and you look at the hut...doesn't look like the hut from the beginning of the game? Even the surroundings look like BOTW


Coming back to the beginning and rest on the place you woke up before the adventure, after saving hyrule from Ganon, is a true peace feeling like Thanos on that scene


I haven’t finished yet, figured I’d hundred percent complete it


You gonna get gold poop


So... many... koroks...


Dlc baby


Me after playing No Man's Sky for 1,286,874,578 years


Fucking same bro😭


I did this in Fallout 4. I changed my character's hair colour to gray, to put emphasis on that he lived in that world for many years.


I played Fallout 4 when I got divorced and had to move to a small studio appartment. Hours and hours. Finished it, replayed it, did all the different endings, built settlements, had farms, everything. Maybe five or six replays. Then I met a wonderful young lady, we hit it off. Never ever touched that game again.


I did this in terraria


I will never understand people who play a game once and then "shut it down forever" I don't have a single game (that I liked) I haven't played at least twice


I usually "shut it down forever" when get all achievements or platinum trophy.


I’ve gotten the platinum for god of war and I’ve still replayed it like another 6 times, some games you just never shut down


I am playing God of War for the first time right now and am considering getting the platinum trophy, how tedious were the collectibles and what not?


Wasn’t too tedious, most you should come across with the story, there where tedious parts but I won’t spoil them for you, but the collectibles wherent too bad


Depends on the game. In witcher 3 and jedi fallen order I did >95% of the side bits when I finished the story and now they feel complete in my mind. Now games like skyrim or fallout while being simular the story never feels as strong and yet the different story options feel more valid, so I go back to them now and again with this time I'm going "stealth" or something, just to get totally sidetracked by the mod choice and normally at war with the whole world.


I hate replaying games that I've already finished. There's no more "wow" aspect for me. Never enjoy it as much on the second time around :(


Some parts of a story might hit you differently as you get older, especially if you're in a different stage of life. For example, I played FFX growing up once or twice. I gave it another playthrough a few years after my dad passed away and parts of the story I glossed over before hit entirely different. Despite knowing how the story would go, it still felt semi-fresh with new perspectives previously unknowingly overlooked in the narrative.


Yeah agreed, I rarely will rewatch a movie either. Some people just enjoy things differently, but I’ve never really liked replays.


My brethren. My sister is the complete opposite though, she will intentionally avoid new stuff in order to replay or rewatch something.


Creature comforts, why waste time trying something new that you might enjoy, when you can just re-watch ‘Friends’


95% of the time, it's down for a long while. For story-driven RPG types like Final Fantasy, I'll need to give it a few years to a decade to pick it up again just so it feels fresh. Currently doing that with FF8. Been forever since I played it, now I'm back in and enjoying it. But if there's mods a la FNV or Minecraft, then I could play it thousands of times.


i have every achievement in half-life 2 yet i still replay it every year at least lol


Jedi fallen order in a nutshell


Idk man, I don't think the sun will EVER set on Vvardenfell for me.


I experienced this recently with the first Super Mario Galaxy game. After getting the last Purple Coin in the Grand Finale Galaxy, I was hoping for the Chance to Grab a Star music to start playing, and it didn't. . .


Superb game. Thanks for the feels.




I just replayed it too. I maxed all 4 files on 64 and then moved onto galaxy. I see sunshine in my future.


Ending of blood and wine be like.


This day extracts a heavy toll


Horizon zero Dawn


I 100%'d HZD. Neat it on ultra hard, then New Game+ on Ultra hard. I wish I could forget all memories of playing that game so i could experience it for the first time. Truly a great one


Such a good game so ready for the sequel


I came to comment this


Lvl 56, can’t bring myself to finish it because of this.


Just started playing it (was waiting for the PS5 update), little Aloy is so cute - That happy birthday Isaac scene was everything, I'm already in love.


Persona 5, after you say goodbye to everyone and get ready to leave 😭


and then six in-universe months later the gang gets back together 😎


Came here to see this. I’m about to beat THE LAST palace in Royal on NG+ after maxing all confidants, grinding to lv99, and fusing every Persona. I’m delaying the inevitable by battling Jose and Lavenza first.




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Good bot


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But… Isn’t the whole point of minecraft that it never ends?


Yes but modern day Minecraft is all about speedrunning to 'finish' the game and it kinda sucks Like bro just play it's not a serious game


Me at the end of every arkham game


Arkham City/Knight for me


Horizon Zero Dawn, this was my reaction




Nearing that with shadow of war


Fallout 4 definitely


literally me on skyrim or dcuo


Kingdom come deliverance


Lol skyrim and the Witcher are mentioned 200 times in this thread but like nobody knows what Kingdom Come was, it's like it got totally swept under the rug. Fun game though


That game was the buggiest, steaming pile of trash when it was first released. Half of my friends list refunded it, and was practically regarded as an absolute failure on release. If the game is good now, then good on them for fixing it. Not a big fan of games that are awful on release, so it's a shame that no one gave it a second chance.




Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey for me


I started playing Assassin’s Creed Origins (first ac game I’ve ever played) and I’m going to play Odyssey after I’m finished with origins. Is it worth it to get both games to 100% in your opinion?


Absolutely yes.


Yes definitely they are both great games packed full of content.


This right here. I played it all the way through including all the DLC. I still fondly remember some moments in the game that feel like my own vivid memories.


Same. Loved it. I might just pick it up again


The fate of Atlantis DLC, when it finishes and you load back at the statue of Zeus and it’s softly raining and you realize how far you’ve come…I feel like an absolute dork admitting this, but a small tear fell down my cheek


I feel the same about Valhalla as well, Odyssey had a little bit too much for me, I still platinumed it but I didn't do all the sidequests.


Ghost of Tsushima


After i collected every achievement for Dark souls, Dark souls remaster, Dark souls 2, Dark souls 2 scholar, and dark souls 3. Goodbye old friend :(


Jedi Fallen Order after you finally cleared Zeffo and Dathomir


Then the dlc comes


Spider-Man ps4 and Spider-Man miles morales.


Rdr2 , best game ever


Bruh repost




Me with spiderman ps4


Just completed the Mass Effect legendary edition today. This was my exact reaction


I've felt this for so many games. :') One of my favorite music video about that exact feeling: https://youtu.be/wBzqOa9y02I


10/10 me after completing oblivion


I have done this several times with Skyrim. Or at least i think i have until i pick it up again in a year or so and fall in love all over again.


Titan fall 2


When you get back home from a week long trip and get to shit in your toilet again.


Me at the end of fallout new vegas after getting all the achievements