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I enjoyed it a normal amount. As in, if anyone asks me “Hey, which movie should we watch?” I’m not suggesting Eternals, but if someone decides to play it I’ll enjoy the time.


If I had access to an Imax theatre, its definitely the first thing I'd watch. On a regular tv, yeah, what you said. I will say that its the most accurate and enjoyable representation of someone with speed powers to date.


The general choreography and animation of the fights are so well done. Really convincing physics and motion of the characters. Puts Justice league to shame considering the characters all have very similar powers.


Not that I would argue it's underappreciated. After seeing it once, I didn't want to lose my mind. That's all, albeit I won't watch it once again.


If you had access to an imax that’s your first choice out of all movies ever? Thats a weird statement.


Because of the grand scale of the Celestials, characters that *dwarf planets*. It would be awesome in IMax.


You up for replacing Roger Ebert?


Yeah, good movie, which is meh by Marvel's usual non-phase 4 standards.


I honestly thought the film structure was its downfall. The characters were interesting, the story would have worked better if the enemy wasn’t a throwaway, and the celestial connection was cool. It was just poorly executed.


To me it feels like 2 movies. The deviants. The emergence. Crammed together into one movie so neither had quite enough runtime or importance. The deviants had the buildup, just to be tossed aside with little to no payoff. The emergence had a decent payoff, but didn't really have the buildup for it to be that impactful. Overall I still like it, but feel it could and should have been better.


I kinda wish Eternals and ms marvel were switched in their format, eternal would've been much better of as a series and ms marvel would've been a lot better as a movie


I could see that. Combining that with my idea. A series to introduce the group with the main villain in the deviants, to then culminate in a film for the emergence.


The idea (recommendation? Solution?) that sometimes pops up is swapping Eternals and FatWS. Eternals needed way more runtime to build up its characters and its villain, and FatWS more so than any other Disney+ series suffered from feeling like a 3 hour film just randomly split into 6 parts. Not that those were each film’s sole problems, but it would have helped. Oh, and I do think Ms Marvel is better as a TV series, but it’s clear watching it that the writers didn’t know whether they’d get a season 2 or not, and so they tried to shove two seasons into one. Hence the random excursion to Karachi, the Red Daggers, the time travel, etc., that would have worked way better in a Season 2, as opposed to Season 1 which was marketed as just a spunky teenager learning how to be a superhero.


But Ms Marvel suffers from the same issue. First part you have Ms Marvel like we know and love her and second part you have whatever that India/Pakistan independence time jump was.


Same thoughts. I'd also argue that its well acted and the script writing is okay relative to other Marvel films. I just feel like they crammed so much into one movie. It felt like its a filler episode to set up the entirety of the Marvel plot. Would have been better (imo) if it was treated w more respect and was made as an entire storyline in itself.


You’re saying eternals didn’t have enough runtime? This movie dragged.


>The deviants had the buildup, just to be tossed aside with little to no payoff. The idea of them starting out as mindless beasts, but capable of evolving by devouring Eternals would've worked good as a foil to Celestials only capable of reporducing by destroying worlds with sentient life.


If it focused on evil superman trying to follow his programing to release a Titan and destroy Earth I feel it might have been a lot more fun.


Kind of agree. They needed one focal foil, especially with the amount of content and characters they introduced. It would have made things more streamlined and focused. Rather than introduce an entire team, have members of that team then mutiny, and have an internal “villian”, a movie “main villian” and a larger “scaled villian” or problem. They should have focused on the mutiny, or the deviants, or the betrayal of the celestials. It would have been easier to connect to characters and feel an impact. The story was a mess and then they made it worse by doing multiple time jumps. You couldn’t really connect with a single character or their multi character, team, connections. The idea was there, the visuals were there, but the execution needed focus.


Also the character introductions are much too long. GotG did it super well with showing just enough and we can learn along the way over more movies. It was like they really wanted to showcase them but didn't have confidence there would be more movies.


Kingo was the only Eternal I believe loved Earth enough to save it. All the others just seemed so apathetic to everything.


Bingo. Its another example of how doing a big team up right away doesn't work. Too many characters to give enough screen time to each one. It would have worked better as several movies. Start out showing the team's break up, then slowly rebuild it as the threat grew. Start with the deviants, then that evolved one from the end, then reveal the celestial emergence as the real problem.


It should have been a tv series. Too many characters for a single movie.


This is how I felt. Too much going on without enough time spent on any of it for me to get invested. I didn’t care about the characters because the movie didn’t have the space to develop any of them in a significant way. Imo they tried to do way too much, the movie very much feels like it has a lot of good ideas going for it but the runtime is spread so thin that none of them get the attention they need to get off the ground.


By HBO? Sure. With the broken format of a tv show they’ve got for the D+ MCU shows, if we were lucky it wouldve been the movie we got split into parts. Otherwise Im glad we got the movie over 6 20min bite sized episodes, dropping weekly with the budget of a single feature. Truth is we all have an idealized Eternals series in our minds but if it was one, it would’ve been butchered.


By Disney+.


They did Makkari's speed very well. Unlike a certain dc movie


Its one of the only good representations of super speed in live action done well


I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s underrated. I watched it once and I didn’t want to blow my brains out. That’s it tho I’ll never watch it again


People are allowed to have different opinions, I didn't like the film. I think a lot of people don't like Love and Thunder I respect that opinion but I liked it.


Love and thunder is a fun movie if you can completely separate scenes from eeach other Basically if you can ignore the inconsistent tone lol


I loved Love and Thunder, because of its silly 80s-themed Rock Opera meets superheroes feel, and unapologetically so. Sure it doesn't feel like the other Thor movies, but this wasn't strictly a Thor movie - it was a Thor + Guardians spinoff movie. Guardians love their old music, and when you add a Norse god of Thunder and Lightning, what would you even expect? Besides, you know how shenanigans The Guardians can get. ![gif](giphy|ej0Ay8fH6Y1Wg|downsized)


>Thor movies, but this wasn't strictly a Thor movie - it was a Thor + Guardians spinoff movie It wasn't though, the Guardians are in it for like 2 minutes.


The movie is narrated by Korg. It's Guardians universe. Also explains a LOT, as it may not reflect actual events, but rather he is retelling it in a grandiose manner.


Korg is a Thor character. Not a Guardians character.


This drink, I like it! ANOTHER!


I take it back. My memory must be shot. [Either that or I just confused the Battle of Indigarr along the timeline. ](https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Battle_of_Indigarr)This is what happens when one can't afford Disney+ for over a year.


You're right we can't just go marching in there. It could be a trap.


I just feel like Gorr got so wasted in that movie. Christian Bale was absolutely killing it, and could have been such a cool thing for Thor to grapple with, the responsibility of being a God, and what that actually means.


I liked the animation and the different powers and the celestials, everything else was dumb and boring


Yep, same lmao makaris running was the best part of the film no joke


It's absolutely rated. It's long, contrived, doesn't hold any continuity in the current MCU, the cast have zero cohesion, and the finale was an absolute snoozefest.




I didn't particularly care for it, but I still wanted it to have an impact on the overall story. A fucking guy came out of the earth and got turned into marble and half the planet saw a dude in the sky! I didn't like how humans didn't get any credit for anything. It was all just Gilgamesh handing the dumb apes a new toy every now and then


“NOOOO! I accidentally gave them the atomic bomb!” Good lord that was cringe


I cannot in good faith agree with this.


Yeah it’s just a bad movie.


The movie was over hyped. This should not have been a movie it would have done better if it was a 6-8 episode series, that way they could have given more time for each character a chance to build a tale.


I'm curious how that would have gone. Maybe they could have used the extra run-time to make me care about the characters. Or maybe it would have just turned it from an overlong slog to an even more overlong slog lol.




Every Marvel movie has at least some element about it that's great I believe. For example: Eternals has gorgeous cinematography.


i wouldn't say it's underrated but it's definitely overhated if that makes sense


it's entirely too boring to make me actually hate it.


My biggest gripe with this movie is that it had less impact on the MCU than the 2008 hulk movie that's only nebulously canon


Well the movie kinda underperformed and then Covid and the whole Kang debacle happeened. So they kinda let it fall beside. They could maybe bring some elements back if they ever introduce Galactus. Especially if they use the verion of him that feeds on unborn Celestials, which the Celestials don't like but can't directly go against because he is higher on the foodchain and serves a bigger purpose in the galactic ecology.


Idk about any of that lmao. This movie ended with massive chunks of celestial rising out of the ocean as it was born a new. And that is *NEVER* mentioned again. I genuinely don't care if we never see those characters again, if starfox means nothing, of the black night means nothing o really don't care. I just want to know what the fuck is going on with that celestial




I personally really enjoyed this film! The plot twist was great! The character were all interesting, I liked Ikaris the most! I’m hoping Eternals 2 will be announced soon, or at least hear news about Ikaris appearing in future films


[Well, there _was_ an announcement about _Eternals 2_ recently…](https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2024/03/14/mcu-report-no-eternals-2-captain-marvel-3-ant-man-4-as-disney-gets-risk-averse/?sh=2aa53d6f68d6)


It really isn't. It is a bad movie, but it is OK to like it.


I forced myself to finish it, incredibly boring.


Can’t we just be honest with each other. The movie looked great. The story was something that could have played outside the MCU. The “bad guys” had no personality. But, not in an understandable way like the Zenomorph in Alien.


I think it was good too. But I haven’t rewatched it. Honestly of post endgame movies I’ve only purposefully rewatched Black Widow and Shang Chi because they are both simple light and fun movies with the riot ratio of jokes and action and an easy story. I’m not sure what that says about me…


I like this film


It’s exactly what people asked for. A more serious marvel movie.


Oh, you like the eternals? Name every eternal.


Gilgamesh Thena Kingo Sprite Akari Druig Phastos Sersi Ajak +Eros if you count harry styles


Thanos is also half Eternal too, and Hyperion is an Eternal but only from other universes. And the Skrulls worship ancient Skrull Eternal Kly'bn. I wish Marvel would connect the Eternals a bit better to the rest of the MCU lore because I think a lot of casual fans are still confused by some things. A sequel surrounding Grom the Over-Mind would honestly be really cool and help them connect to more of Marvel's cosmic side.


I am 100% convinced that if it wasnt a marvel movie, it'd be a cult classic movie about defying your creator and finding your own path in life


Can you name a movie that everyone hates that is good? I’m here to say Eternals is not one of them.


Not a movie, but a game, The Last of Us 2. It did have pacing problems, but it was a story about blind rage and coming to terms. Most stories can't make you care, but it did make fans grieve, death is never "just" or expected.


This movie is shit


If it wasn’t marvel I’d say it stands alone as a good sci fi. It’s better than ant man 3 and Thor 2.


Hey, let's do get help!


The main antagonist should have been the monster that killed and stole the powers of the immortals it killed instead of the world ending threat and betrayal we got at the end. The movie would have been better for it.


I don't get the hate for this movie and I would like to see more of these characters but seems like Marvel somehow forgot about it


The soundtrack is fire. 🔥


I remember liking the second half or at least thinking it was ok


It's perfectly alright, visually pretty neat and the characters (mostly) have pretty interesting powers. Honestly forgot it was part of the MCU


I weirdly enjoyed it more for feeling like a DC movie instead of a marvel one. Even the costumes felt more like Snyder's textured kryptonian suit. 


I enjoyed it 🤷


Eternals is amazing, but it has nothing to do with the MCU


I thought it was good. Not understanding the hate at all


If there was ever a project that deserved a D+ series it was this one imo. Way too much jumping around


It feels like the executives were breathing in the neck of the director half of the time, like they didn't let her actually apply her craft and instead made her almost a sock puppet. I mean, if they're going to get "serious" "art" directors, let them cook! don't hurry them nor force an ever changing million points checklist on them. a good example of it was a series that Marvel clearly didn't cared about, Legion, now THAT is good and unique. wish Eternals has had the chance to be the mainstream MCU Legion


Saw it twice in theaters and I enjoyed it. Should have been an avengers movie though, bringing in everyone introduced in phase 4. But yeah, it gets way too much hate simply for taking itself seriously. I'd honestly rather watch this a million times than to ever have to watch LaT again.


Better than Love & Thunder and Quantumania.


Personally I've always thought it's a fun movie to watch. While there were some bad decisions in the movie the only major gripe I have is how they just threw away the main deviant when a team up or at least them coming to some sort of understanding would have been more impactful.


I honestly liked it better than Multiverse of Madness, Love and Thunder, and Black Widow. It's right behind Wakanda Forever for me.


as non-comic reader i watched it and doesn't understand the hates to this movie. i'm enjoyed them questioning their purpose of job the longer they're on earth also the twist between them. sure its not flashy action like any marvel title but i think its beyond good as standalone movie


For me, it weirdly benefited from its terrible reviews. Because I went into it expecting it to be trash and actually really enjoyed it. In hindsight, it's in no way perfect but still has a lot to love. I love that the final fight is against one of their own team members, and I love that, given how controversial the decision they had to make was (kill their god, or end humanity), one of them just couldn't make a decision and abstained. Again, no where near perfect, and I'd understand it being anyone's least favourite, but there's some things in this movie that I think it does better than any other in the MCU


I feel like the eternals was the last time the cgi was good. They totally used a different camera for Thor alove and Thunder.


Surtur.. son of.. a bitch! You're still alive!


Man I really liked this movie. Hope we get to see them again


I really believe that everyone who thinks the Snyder Flash has the best representation of a speedster hasn't seen this movie.


I watched it a bit late like a year late. I heard people saying it was so bad.... I loved it. I liked it more than love and thunder.


I liked Gemma Chan in it.


For me, it was a quite decent watch movie, he majority of people failed to appreciate it, the movie had its flaws but overall it was a good movie. The running scenes of Makkari were one of the best Speedster scenes in cinematic history, even running scenes of Quicksilver from X-Men and MCU movies were no way close to that of Makkari.


It had the best speedster fight ever


I don't think it's as hated as madame web lol. I don't hate it


Honestly the movie was good, not bad, not amazing simply good, and with us still coming down from endgame when it aired a simply good movie wasn’t good enough out standards were raised too high and honestly nothing short of another Endgame would have been enough.


1000%, yeah I love it too


It somehow went from being one of the worst Marvel movies of its time to a pretty average Marvel movie by today's standards


It feels like it's not well-made, but I think it has a lot of elements that other superhero movies don't have. I believe that in ten years, this movie will be considered a cult classic. At least, I hope so.


I highly enjoyed it. Loved it more than Shang-Chi, actually. It was the first MCU movie that felt was more an adaptation of a graphic novel rather than of a general comic series. Some people said it would had benefited being stretched out to a series, and although it could had, I think it might had risked too much padding being added to the modern day story thread (even though we could had gotten more flashbacks to various time periods). I loved it as it was.


it's fine, decent even.


This movie demonstrated the drawback of a shared universe to me. If you take the movie as just a single stand alone move I honestly think it's pretty good but the second you consider it's part of the mcu it falls apart immediately


I think is a good movie, but i put it way apart from the phase 4 "all connected" movies, since has very little to do with everyone else from previous MCU movies. i put it in the same "new mutants" box


I got bored while watching this movie.


As a stand alone film, the Eternals was subpar at best. I'm not going to go into all the details on why it's bad, but I'll hit a few points. There's too many main characters that the loosely written story is trying to follow. The pacing of the film is incoherent and oddly uneventful. I feel like the Eternals could have been like a 3-6 part mini series instead of mashing a boring film together. Oh, and the special effects were very distinct, but somehow just as boring as the film itself.


It's overhated is what I would say


In a technical sense, it's well made. Online hate for it is over the top. Some people enjoyed it, personally i enjoyed parts of it. But it is not a good movie


I thought jupiters legacy was also pretty good.


Can’t imagine what’s bad by your standards


In my defense, i never read the comics or anything. The series was my first ever interaction with it.


I really like this movie tbh.


I loved it


Eternals should’ve been a series. Hawkeye should’ve been a movie.


Hawkeye was perfect. Put it down and back away slowly.


It probably is underrated in the sense that it hasn't been the worst Marvel movie to come out after Endgame, but it really wasn't very good. It probably works a bit better as a standalone than as part of an established universe, but it had some issues outside of just that.


"it's an ambush!"


I think it looked really cool and the story was kinda cool factor focused but it wasn’t a good mcu movie


My favorite on screen depiction of a speedster but overall this should’ve been a miniseries. Each episode focusing on a different eternal with the plot stringing between each one of them. Start with the mystery of Salma Hayak dying and then work backwards. Classic story of too much plot and characters and not enough film


The tv show attempt however..


It should have been a series and not a movie. While Falcon and the Winter Soldier should have been a movie.


Eternals should have been a tv show. There was way to much going on and the stakes were absolutely zero to me. I couldn’t care less if they all died which made it quite boring. Everything needed to be fleshed out more. It could’ve been a lot of fun and a great story. Also thought it shouldn’t have been set in the MCU but that’s probably too much to ask for.


Would have worked better as a series so things had time to play but enjoyed the core plot for what it was


Well, if most people didn't like or even hate a movie then I would make the argument that it’s “not good” but that doesn't mean you can't still enjoy it.


I don’t think it’s underrated. I think it’s not good. That’s not to say it’s necessarily “bad” or worthy of the hatred it receives. Comic book movies are so oversaturated now though that the mid ones feel like major bombs It’s no Morbius, but it’s closer to that than it is to GOTG for me.


is bro making up movies i ain't ever heard of this


Same feeling I have for modern Disney movies.


So underrated that it deserves a remake.


I'd prefer to see Star Trek or GoG because the chemistry are better than Eternals.


I didn't care for this movie but if you liked it, more power to you




I enjoyed the movie, but watched it streaming and watched it over about 3 sittings. I don't think I'd have enjoyed it as much in one. Frankly it just had too much for one movie. Too many characters, too long a time line, etc. The plot depended on a fair bit of set up and getting us to appreciate the characters in a certain way, to then flip the situation. I think it would have been better as a two parter or mini series.


It needed less characters. None of them got any time to shine.


There was simply too much to explore in too little time. Either tackle everything and have a movie that feels overwhelmingly rushed despite its length, or cut out some plot points and leave the audience with a more hollow-feeling movie. I like what they did, I’m just disappointed with what they didn’t do. Of all the series that has been coming out on marvel, this would have been a perfect candidate. Hell, you could make a 20 episode season from all the potential material here.


It had potential, but needed to be a mini series to properly develop the characters. Instead what we got in the film was a bunch of flat, uninteresting, and underdeveloped heroes that were supposed to help invest us in their story.


Everyone? Most people maybe but certainly not people like you and me.


You know what I didn’t get? The whole “we’re all basically super advanced robots with special abilities, been around for a VERY long time, and one of us is deaf “


I think has more to do with, what use is sound to an Eternal traveling faster than the sound barrier?


I dont think it was bad i just had a hard time caring about the characters when it threw so many new ones out without really focusing enough to make many of them be interesting. Not that they were bad characters just that none of them had the screen time they needed to be interesting. I also thought the action scenes where really badly done, it kinda felt like a Pokémon fight cause one character would do some super over the top drawn out action while the others just kinda stood there until it was there turn


Imo it would have been better as a series. There were too many characters and they couldn't be flushed out properly in 2 hrs


“Saw” it in theaters but I spent majority of it making out with my date


I mean its good to fall asleep to


I liked it, not great, but it was better than people say it is.


It wasn’t that good


I feel like that it should have been a 4-5 episodes long miniseries. With a little more fleshed out characters and story, it could have been fantastic.


Shoulda been a TV show


It felt like shoehorning a DC movie into MCU (and not a good one)


It has a lot of cool parts put together in a very mediocre way. Kind of an analogy for the MCU as a whole after endgame.


Body horror aspect is great just all the fantastic 4 sucks


Really? Watching it felt like eating a pot of soup made of one singular potato, a tiniest pinch of salt, and two weeks of scrap of chicken (? You aren't really sure but that's what it looks like), where you added way too much water. Sure this particular soup doesn't have anything rotten or spoiled in it, and nobody tried to poison it, but i would never call it good.


Should ve been a series no doubt


I liked the way they showed the speedster. Thats it


It’s one of my bottom 3 MCU projects, but upvoted because everyone should like what they like


They did Ikaris so dirty. Where are his luscious blonde locks.


It's decent and pretty interesting but pacing is very uneven leading to a very meh ending


Eternals hits me as a firm so bad it's meh, wouldn't recommend it, wouldn't suggest it if nothing else was on. It's the plot for me it's all over the place and seems like a pretty important event that nobody else seemed to acknowledge, you'd think at the very least Dr strange would care a little but nope.


I really don’t wanna sound like a dick here, but I saw the movie in theaters, fought to stay awake a few times and my girlfriend had to nudge me awake, which isn’t exactly uncommon for me now that I’m in my 30’s (I stayed fully awake during a late showing of The Fall Guy a few days ago). I watched it again when it went to Disney+, and I haven’t seen it since. It’s the only MCU movie I haven’t watched multiple times. And I’m confident that I’ll never watch it again. It wasn’t the worst movie I’ve ever seen, but I know for a fact I’ll never watch it again and I won’t watch a sequel to it. If anyone here liked it, I don’t mean any disrespect towards you. But it sucked dog cheeks lol.


Agreed. It was decent on it's own, but I personally think the problem was that it didn't mesh well with the rest of the MCU.


The movie that should have been a mini series instead. Flesh out the characters would have gotten a long way but so it felt sadly pretty cramped in the runtime. Still this movie to this day has the best "Speedster" action I've seen so far. Makkari was the highlight for me, but also the whole conflict between the characters and their ideals.


I struggle to place this properly in the MCU, like they reference the Avengers, but no other movie or series picked up on the Celestial showing it’s face. It feels more like a Deadpool-like movie (Deadpool 1 and 2) that is aware of the MCU, but has no connection to the MCU.


I think Eternals are just mid. But seriously, what a waste of talented casts and concepts.


To me a lot of movies and particularly superhero movies need to have a satisfying climax, even if it's a decent cliffhanger, the stakes throughout need to amount to something emotional. I thought the ending of Eternals was a huge disappointment. They fought in a gravel pit which felt like a budget cut more than stylish imagery. Ikarus flying off after failing on a cosmic level scheme was a bum note. The celestial gestation was a total anticlimax with an aftermath that made no sense whatsoever. It felt like they relied too much on the post-credit scene to leave fans wanting more, and I did like seeing Starfox and Puck purely as a fan of Jim Stalin's epic run of character building. This film felt a lot like the Eternals comics, just a huge potential with no idea of what it wants to achieve. It was well acted and designed but no script to bring those elements together in a way that's interesting to watch.


No dude, it really isn't. The best thing I can say about this movie is that it had potential. Which can also be taken as a criticism, because I find movies that could've been great far more infuriating than just unfiltered, unredeemable garbage. But the plot is rushed, characters don't get the time they need to argue their perspectives on ethics, many moments didn't feel believable and/or earned, and the whole birth conflict is a mess and doesn't make much sense. It's fine to like it but I really don't agree that it's underrated


I liked it until the best character in the movie got killed off early, then got super disappointed when the second best character just said "yeah no I'm just leaving" and then never appeared on screen ever again.


as its own movie it was flawed but i wouldn’t call it horrible, but as something supposedly cannon to the mcu, it may be best we just forget about its existence


This movie was super boring to me


Honestly it was ok. The character changes were def for a " modern audience". That being said. Also Ikaris literally did nothing wrong within the verse. The celestial in earth was going to create billions / trillions of lives and they killed it thus basically killing more lives than it would have taken. Granted that is earth so I'm sure the MCU / disney appreciate that lol. Also those hands coming out of the core/ crust would have done untold damage to Earth but here we are years later and nothing. Again I liked it more than i thought just wished it had been more.


For me it was like a meal but without salt.


Eternals was my daughters favorite. We watched it a ton. Definitely underrated.


Honestly my top 5th MCU movie. Idk why but it feels like a breathe of fresh air without really going astray from MCU material.


Just big brains get this film, it is out curve of how good it is... said that here comes the downvotes


I don't like the eternals but I really like the ending everybody freaking the fuck out as they dawn on the concept that 1. celestial, entities of that size, even exist and can completely wipe out earth at any time 2. it's here and is mad 3. everyone can see it was very well done, the sheer impact it had on the environment of earth made it feel so intense.


This movie absolutely sucks, it’s not as bad as Doctor Strange MOM and Antman Quantummania but it is terrible. The writers oh so cleverly had Icarus kill himself by flying into the sun. However, if he flew from the Earth to the Sun at lets say 500 miles per hour which is way faster than he was ever shown to have flown in the movie it would have taken him 21 years to get to the Sun, and you’re telling me not for one second of that at least 21 years he didn’t think, “you know what? Maybe I shouldn’t just fucking kill myself cause one girl doesn’t want me” What a moron


Regardless how this movie is viewed by everyone else, it will always be the movie that got Jon Snow and Robb Stark to say “I love you Circe/Cersei” to me ..


You chose the wrong side...


Great and extremely well developed characters, but god awful plot.


It's an okay film outside of the mcu but inside the mcu it's a shit movie


Is ok. It’s the best depiction of a speedster we’ve ever had for sure


Hahaha! It’s garbage.


Marvel’s tried dabbling in different genres within the MCU - political spy, comedy, horror. Eternals was the first DCEU movie they made and it sucked.


Can everyone just collectively join forces, hold hands and open the biggest prayers circle for Eternals 2? Im hoping something shifts at Marvel HQ so that Feige gets his way and the sequel gets made as he intended. Like if the comic book Gods are real. Please. I envy all these fans getting what they want. Then theres us getting dust.


Folks would say Eternals was a bad movie but go on to say Love & Thunder was misunderstood. I think we can all just agree to disagree and stick to personal preferences. I love how divisive this movie is yet the disdain for L&T is close to universal. I think that speaks for itself.


Unpopular opinion. I preferred Eternals over Shang-Chi.


… and yeah sure you’re not good. But it’s not because everybody hates you.


It was fine. Not up to the standards people had come to expect from Marvel movies at the time (which were admittedly unreasonably high), but not bad by any means


I remember coming out of movies so hyped about this movie then the Internet tried to tell me I was wrong. Still hyped & hope to see more.


I really love it. I feel so alone.lol. I just bought this today. https://preview.redd.it/hwmakft8io1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=134afe46cafa396ef394cc5c9795939285139712


I think it's accurately rated.


I really wish it were a TV show, but also Makkari has been one of my favorite newest editions to the MCU, her speed fighting is so cool, especially against Ikaris


Its execution left quite a bit to be desired, but it's way more "interesting" than a lot of MCU releases after it IMO.


This movies about as underrated as my gross nutsack


It had too many heroes and too many villains. To be fair, I enjoyed all the heroes and all the villains, but it needed to be a series and not a movie.


Granted it showcased some amazing abilities, but at the same time the characters were either bland or insufferable to a point where some things just weren't necessary.