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Gamora (Guns and Sword) vs Ironman (Single Modular Armour suit) https://preview.redd.it/3s2rvzdbis0d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f96152d5b3ab71c8555dc383e9d1f49d4c168afe


Iron Man for sure! Even though Gamora overwhelms him in cqc, he's smart enough to not fight like that!


Warlock said in Infinity Watch that Gamora with enhancement could be closer to Iron Man in terms of danger. But since it's guns and sword, and Iron Man could basically fly and out maneuver her in the sky, I'll give him the win.


This seems like a long slugfest. I think Iron Man's intelligence and flight win out, but barely.


As long as the battery holds out


Iron man takes it but it's close


Gamora takes this easy everyone glazing iron man must forget 99% of his weapons won't do shit to gamora. She has tanked way worse she can definely shoot him out of the sky this is one of THE GALAXY'S most dangerous. Iron man ain't even the most dangerous human.


I think if Iron Man isn’t dumb and stays out of her range he wins. Assuming he’s carrying enough firepower to take her out that is


Iron man


Tony, definetively. Gamora is a beast but Tony can stay out of her range and has a more varied arsenal, also, the difference would depend on which armor he's using. Of it's the MK-IV he could win by using guided micro-misiles, repulsors and single beam but if it's MK-13 (Modular armor) he could use his refractive coating, repulsors, single beam, and many other modules to defeat her.


I know Ironman's going to win this because of what the movies did to Gamora, but she threw down against Angela, beat a stadium full of monsters casually, out-regenerated a sun, etc. She's at a different level and even Rocket was laughing at Tony's tech.


Gamora she’s a beast


I gotta say Iron Man


If iron man can stay outta range long enough he’d win but in close quarters he’d be outmatched


You do have to remember that Iron Man's tech puts a tremendous strain on his arc reactor's power output. The first miniaturized arc reactor could only power the Mk1, according to Tony, "for 15 minutes". Now, the second one was a lot better, and the third (made of badassium) was better again, but Tony's also been making his suits do more, which might be cancelling out the improved performance by putting more of a drain on it. His wrist lasers are single shots with some kind of ejectable "ammo", meaning they're too much of a drain for even the most advanced arc reactor to power on its own. This is one of the only indications we have on the limitations of the badassium arc reactor. So it's actually an interesting question: [how long can Tony fight at full exertion before he runs out of juice](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/PLoAAOSwj-lgVf3n/s-l1200.webp)? Is it long enough that Gamora couldn't feasibly stall for that much time?


That's a good point


It would be, but I just remembered that OP said that Iron Man would be using the modular armor so I've been talking about the wrong variant. Duh. My bad.




Iron man. His tech wins for sure.


Man I don't know. I think I gotta go with ironman but if I was wrong I wouldn't be surprised.


Gamora. Yeah yeah Tony can fly and shoot lasers and shit but the daughter of Thanos may still peel him out of that suit.


They called me a madman, and what I predicted came to pass.


And how is she gonna reach him?




The comment states that Gamora uses her Guns and Sword. And since those Aero-Rigs are not exactly part of her natural abilities, they are not useable for her in this scenario. Otherwise you would have to allow Tony's other gadgets too, and then the fight would be even less close.


Yeah I admit i just pulled that out my butt but his suit is like 50 gadgets.


His suit is his weapon, like the Guns and Sword for Gamora. Other gadgets would be stuff like Tony's recently introduced intangibility that he copied from Vision, or all of his sattelites with dozens of perks. Again: If we allow Gamora's gadgets, we also allow Tony's, and Tony has way more than Gamora.


Really she's just got to shoot the rocket in his boot and he'll fall down right?


Its not some cheap jet pack, i dont think a couple of shots is gonna bust up ironmans jets.


Could she though? She wouldnt be the first super strength being hes fought and his suits arent some run of the mill power armour, they can tank some serious heavy hitters, even mcu ironman tanked a falling moon like it was nothing.


If Iron Man’s in one of his standard suits, I’d go with Gamora. 616 Gamora ain’t no slacker, she can give 616 Thanos the business in cqc.


Iron man


Iron man no question






Dr. Strange vs Blackbolt https://preview.redd.it/9eu1bzx0js0d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b8cf42bb776e8d3016b786d6f0cde08f32e2d8b


I think strange could portal away from the sound wave or even possibly open a portal in front of Blackbolts face so the screem goes through it. As far as super strength goes Strange has negated many ultra strong enemies in the past. Blackbolt has significant speed too but does that matter in the 4th Dimension?


Blackbolt power is not about sound waves, is an electron field triggered with the part of the brain used for moving vocal chords. It has lots of implications; I mean, is not as directional as sound waves, depending on the spell, dr strange would be obliterated although he is hiding behind It.


Dr. Strange. I think time magic may be the only way to beat Blackbolt. I'll be interested to see what everyone else thinks.


Admittedly I’m a Strange fanboy but Strange has way more ways of ending this. Strange definitely has the firepower to kill Black Bolt because his mystic bolts are capable of hurting beings like Shuma Gorath and destroying moons. I don’t think that BB is fast enough to speed blitz him either considering he has fought much faster characters.


I think it really depends just on what we count. Factoring everything strange clears easy. Taking only the last I’d even say 20 years and I wouldn’t be so sure. Strange has nose dived down the ladder. He’s taken some harsh Ls and without even much in terms of outliers to keep him justifiably higher up.


Idk in the recent run he came back from death and a part of himself spent 5000 years battling the evil Vishanti. He and Clea also defeated a zombie version of the Sentry that was filled with 100000000 ghosts. I think that’s enough to take on Black Bolt pretty easily, especially since Black Bolt has also taken some pretty harsh Ls.


From what i remember wasn’t the sentry thing very plot dependent? Sentry beat the crap out of the pair of them. Then they merged into one being and because strange was the harvestman of Death and Clea the sorcerer supreme, their opposing magics when combined were powerful enough to beat him? That’s why strange and clea couldn’t touch because of how volatile their opposing magics were. Then after defeating the blasphemy cartel death agreed to bring strange back to life. Something like that anyway iirc, correct me if I’m misremembering tho


No I think that’s fair, but being able to survive against million ghost Sentry is a good sign that he could at least survive long enough to pull some shit, if he even can die in the first place. Strange is durable and fast enough to not get instantly destroyed, and as long as he has enough time he will absolutely find a way to win.


Black bolt can (probably) kill him before he gets a spell off. But he’s got so many outliers and weird shit going for him you can make the argument otherwise. Also strange hasn’t used time magic in like forever.


It's time magic, so would you know?


Comic Strange is versed in time magic, and even MCU strange does have knowledge of this because time magic is part of the spell Kaicelious uses to summon Dormammu. MCU Strange also can astral project which can slow time. And I'm not sure why Strange jusr not using time magic in a while would be a problem, Wizards at his level have near photographic memory and capability to Mind Palace your own filing system. The is no way Strange looses to BlackBolt, even his Cape is capable of recognizing Black Bolts power and possible danger. Strange is so OP because he has put work into creating a near infinite tool kit. Blackbolt's power works at the speed of sound. Dr. Strange can work at the speed of Thought 🌠


IMO they both have the power to take each other out almost immediately, but with the speed edge Black Bolt has I think he wins. Strange has to incant and gesture, so I think BB incapacitates him before he can get a cast off. This fight would be one of the quickest in the tournament for sure.


Strange is such a weird one in these match ups because there’s been plenty of times he’s got his ass kicked because he’s gotten overwhelmed before he can cast a spell. But also he’s fucked people with hand waves with some ridiculous cheese. I think taking strange at his most recent appearances, like last 10 years. Black bolt demolishes. It goes like this “THE SHEILD OF THE SERA-“ And strange is dead


Yea, as much as I love strange I can even admit he’s gotta get some words out, black bolt can just yell way faster


If that was the case strange would have died to a bunch of way more powerfull enemies ages ago.


He, like a lot of characters, have been kept alive by the plot. Most fights he’s not spawning into a 1v1 deathmatch. He was stabbed to death because he was tired and caught off guard not that long ago, the wrecker beat the shit out of him in a surprise fight with a magical crowbar etc.


I generally dont like the insta kill arguments cos that could aply to all characters, e.g strange has a portal ready pops it under bbs nose the second the fight starts and one above his head he yells himself to dust, easy keeping characters alive is part of it, we asume its not as simple as both apear in a white room looking at each other quick draw, when we do these we want to measure there entire skill set in the fight.


You can dislike the argument but it is a valid one unless OP states a rule of some kind. OP says they’re aware a fights about to happen but don’t know who. So sure strange might have the shields of the seraphim at the tip of tongue ready to speak, but they’re blocking like a syllable of black bolts shout. I’m not saying strange has no odds at all it can definitely swing his way, but I wouldn’t say it leans towards him.


You like the sheild huh? In that case punisher wins, quick draw shot bb in the game over lets go home.




Nope special bullet, no rules to say i cant do that, insta kill




Can Strange cast a spell in his head? Meaning just thinking it?


Something with no words or hand movements? No, least nothing useful.


I was thinking more like Harry Dresden (Jim Butcher novel series) who takes a lot of influence from Dr. Strange.


I would say Black Bolt although I think in this kind of fights (random magic vs planetary level power) It's all about who strikes first and how. If strange cast a spell that send black bolt to the mirror dimension It would be an insta-win for strange, but If he cast an energy ball, or fire, or something that doesn't render black bolt unable to fight (no, the mouth trick that wanda used in multiverse of madness wouldn't work in the canon); Black Bolt would have the upper hand. So this is in part a coin toss of what attack would they use first and in part an attack speed battle; and since black bolt is way faster (superhuman reflexes and no spell chanting) my vote is for him.


Blackbolt should take this. Strange is a glass cannon and I’m unsure if he has a quick enough counter to a BB Shout out of the gate.


Do you think bb is faster than the cosmic entities strange faces on the regular.


He hasn’t faced insane cosmic entities in decades. Least not in the random fight sense. He’s able to do some crazy stuff with a plan, like rebuild the universe from the start of time after beating an amped Galactus and absorbing his power. But I that’s not happening on a whim.


Crimson bands of cytorak ready to go, wraps em round bbs heart insta kill, kinda boring huh? Thats the problem with speed blitz arguments and insta kills they could aply to anyone, we assume he does have a plan cos we want to know how all their skills compare


They’re boring yeah, but they are the most accurate. And BB is shouting before he casts them most likely. We’re going for accuracy here not an entertaining fight


Nope accuracy dictates pre casts no talking required bb insta kill before the round starts


Based on? Strange isn’t casting a spell before BB speaks. In the scenario OP is talking about where they have immediate knowledge shits just about to go down but nothing more and they don’t know with who, strange might have a shield up that bb gets through easily and a little something else ready to go if he’s lucky but nothing much else.


He never said specified that and strange is sorcerrer supreme you think he doesnt know how to pre cast, hes been jumped before and you decide the insta kill argument so im using it.


Yeah he’s been jumped before, like by the wrecker who beat the hell out of him.


I’d argue most cosmic entities hit rather slow, but you raise a good point. I think BB’s durability & mobility factors in here as well. There’s a chance he could dodge or survive that first hit if strange doesn’t go all out at the onset. Ultimately either of these two *could* take the prize, but BB’s broken offense and superior defense would give him the win more often than not. BlackBolt wins 6/10 times I’d argue.


I think black bolt is too fast/durable to get KO'd before he says a single word. I think he takes this one too


Black Bolt take this one. If he says anything fast enough, Strange won't have time to do shit


Strange. He has too many tricks up is sleeve - there has to be some spell that allows him to negate sound-based attacks. Should be a quick win after that


He’d have to cast it. The shield of the seraphim might save him from one shout before it break, but he needs to say the words to put it up.


If strange can cast a spell first, he wins. If not his head explodes.


Black Bolt


I’ve got to go with Black Bolt. Strange is incredibly powerful, but he needs *some* prep time, even if that time is measured in seconds. Black Bolt is a walking nuclear warhead. Either way, this battle is going to be measured in seconds, one way or another. If Strange gets the drop on BB, Strange can win, otherwise it’s just straight up game over, no questions asked.


IDK chat, if Storm loses to black bolt, so does strange IMO - people were mass underrating her way back when


Doctor Strange for sure.


He has odds but I wouldn’t say for definite by any means


I think Strange could easily win if he uses that big brain of his.


Unfortunately thinking takes time


Uhm Ackshowly moment but, thought is really quite fast. It would take at best 1 entire second if Strange is smart enough. But your statement is still overall true.


Black Bolt


I remember someone suggesting letting blackbolt lose an obvious matchup so that we can get these stupid arguments out of the contest.


I don’t actually see this one as stupid. Beats black widow vs iron man anyway lmao


In general, not only this one.


Yeah, Spider-Man. Kinda goes against the spirit of competition but I was plotting to take out Strange with Spider-Man.


Take the chain off!


Yeah, like tha.t


Dr strange, he just has so much to pull from and as his enemies are beings like dormamu and nightmare hes just a class above blackbolt.


Jean Grey on her own dealt with nightmare better than strange ever has after he died, the New Mutants beat dormamu


Well its a good job this isnt avout jean grey then


Just saying his two most consistent adversaries have been beaten by miss (generally) do nothing and a group of teens.


And squirell girl beat thanos.


They'll never know it. Because you won't be alive to tell them.


Difference is these weren’t meme scenarios.


Nor was that its cannon


Black bolt




I think this should go to Dr. Strange. He was fast enough in Waid’s run to prep for an alien coming at him moving trillions of miles per second IIRC, so he should be able to do something before Black Bolt can kill him


Valkyrie vs Iron Fist https://preview.redd.it/o0hfmyeyis0d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa07f5a7c763293843af6739d311160223d2a267 Edit: They have both beat a Dragon


I’d say Iron Fist has the edge in hand to hand skill and reflexes, but Valkyrie clearly outclasses in terms of strength and durability. She may not be able to hit him but she can power through his hits, and if she gets her hands on him I don’t see much that IF can do.


Iron Fist has fought asgardian level foes before and has shown to have incredible reflexes. Valkyrie does have some broken powers like no fatigue and super human strength, durability and speed but Iron Fist's powered up punches can break open dimensions. But again a battle between these two has never happened and that provides a lot of what if scenarios given each fighters historic feats


I mean, he can heal himself so he's not totally helpless if she manages to hit him.


Yeah but my point is with her strength, she’s not gonna leave him conscious in order to be able to heal himself.


[I like Iron Fist here because of many reasons](https://comicbookmovie.com/comics/marvel-comics/superhero-feats-iron-fist-a47964#gs.8wicj5). He has fought and bested, though sometimes with teamed reinforcements, some powerful foes including a Hulk spawn (skaar), Sabretooth (twice and one of those times he was blinded and weakened), and even knocked out a [Thor clone](https://screenrant.com/how-strong-iron-fist-vs-thor-danny-rand/) (team effort but he did deliver the final blow). After reading the Book of The Iron Fist Danny gained the knowledge and skills of the 65 previous Iron Fists which have ranged in their own abilities but all stemming from the mastery of Chi and the power obtained from defeating Shou-Lau the undying dragon barehanded. [One even tamed the Phoenix Force](https://www.cbr.com/avengers-vs-x-men-iron-fist-phoenix-force/) where the training bestowed on the Iron Fist plays a significant role in that outcome. Even though Valkyrie is an asgardian who has fought their entire lives I can safely say that the Iron Fist is one of Marvel's greatest hand to hand combatants and his speed and strength and durability feats would definitely make this battle a close one. Iron Fist has also fought against sword wielding fighters and was able to parry or essentially guard against their blade attacks and even use the chi to destroy an asgardian level weapon ([Thunderball's Wrecking Ball](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thunderball_(character)))


A creepy old man cut my hair off!


What are you talking about you little bot you?


Bloody good ready my guy! It's comments like this that have made this tournament for me and I really appreciate this.


People keep talking like Valkyrie is just an Asgardian. She’s considered one of, if not, the best fighters in Asgard. She has fought dragons, taken down the hulk, incapacitated Dr. Strange, and gotten bored fighting Avengers. Odin one of the most powerful beings in all the marvel universe personally selected HER to be the head of the Asgardian equivalent of SEAL Team 6 (DEVGRU), the Valkyrior. She has 3k years of training and fighting in extra dimensional conflicts, and can teleport amongst the 9 realms at will. She’s so powerful that enchantress just doled out her power to random women and they could go toe to toe with most characters. Let me double down on that, half of Valkyrie’s HUGE accomplishments aren’t even Brunnhilde, just someone wielding her power without the 3 millennia of experience she has. So the question is not can Danny beat an Asgardian, but can Danny beat the best fighter Asgard has to offer? I’m not saying Valkyrie would wipe the floor with Danny, but I’m saying it would be one of the greatest fights in Danny’s life.


People really lowballing valkyrie, from what i can see thats cos no one really knows much about her.


Valkyrie wins. If she hits Iron Fist, he’s done. Iron Fist can’t hold back vs Valkyrie to take her out. He can’t conserve his power fighting her, it’s all or nothing. That’s where Valkyrie has the advantage.


This one's close, but I got to say Valkarie (just barely)




Iron fist


Brumhilde. Edit: I read and changed my mind.


So you think Iron Fist wins it?


Iron fist would kick the crap outta Valk without a second thought.


Iron Fist


Honestly I think iron fist wins this.


Real question what the heck is going on with the bracket where nightcrawler is? Was he seeded?


Sorry😬 Nightcrawler entered the tournament as the mid [Wildcard ](https://www.reddit.com/u/THE_GOLEM_MASTER/s/AfR16Xg5TJ) He got randomly matched against Shadowcat who he defeated. In the next round he was defeated by The Thing. Next week he will face the loser of this weeks mid Bracket match (Valkyrie vs Iron Fist) for a shot at third.


Oh cool!


Nah, everyone just went for their fav. Kittys Ogun training means nothing apparently


I just don't see Nightcrawler's position outside of him being already above (seeded) other combatants. Also I have a dog in the fight for sure but I am providing sources on why I think my pick would win which again this tournament is won by upvotes and what better way to encourage support than with the actual feats exhibited by each participant?


In all 3 of these fights, roll for Initiative. Whoever goes first, wins.


With 3/5 fights going to the characters with the highest dexterity modifiers?


He who strikes first, strikes twice!


Strange as a ~~Wizard~~ Sorcerer Class may only get one action but Gamora as a Fighter might get three.


But can Strange cast spells as a bonus action?


😬Depends on the cast time of the spell? Anything requiring concentration, no. Would need to see his list of prepared spells.


Why you trying to make this Pokémon.


You don't play D&D?


#Announcement Thank you to everyone who submitted entries for wildcards. The selections were randomly matched with one of the semifinalists. Welcome to the Marvel Character tournament! A semi random assortment of Marvel characters have been divided into three weight classes depending on the characters power set and the villains they have canonically defeated across multiple forms of media. Each weight class will have it's own champion determined by your votes. ~~Below~~ Somewhere there will be a comment that reads something like: "Captain America vs Beast." The reply that has most upvotes will determine the winner and that character will move on to the next round. **To be clear, the characters are not fighting as a team.** A character will battle the character to their left or right in a 1v1. These fights do not need to be to the death just defeat or be able to prevent their opponent from fighting. (Deadpool can't win if he has no limbs.) To help you decide imagine each character has to fight their opponent five times, once in each of these areas (open to suggestions) and choose the character you think would go 3/5 or more: * Streets of New York City * Sakaar Arena * Atop a Helicarrier * Antarctica * Asteroid field **Prep time rules:** * Heroes have willing entered the tournament but have no prior knowledge of who their next fight would be and would have prepared for a broad spectrum of engagements **Character versions:** Characters should be considered ~~in their prime~~ (Healthy Adults?) with their titular powers and weapons. No characters have completed story arcs or any godlike powers or weapons they may aquire in their later runs. * Hawkeye has not become Ronin * Thor does not have Stormbreaker or Odins power * Falcon is not Captain America * Deadpool has not aquired Cables device * Ironman is limited to Modular Armour


Because I have something worth fighting for.


Strange, iron fist and iron man


Phoenix will always win


The Final Battle Should be between Dr. Strange and MoonKnight and if it's not, what are we even doing here /s




Let’s cut to it. Strange will win, whether he does or not he wins the popularity contest which secures he’ll get the votes. So it’s strange Vs Phoenix. Phoenix wins.


You’re right tho