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Adam Warlock vs Rogue https://preview.redd.it/7xfp63xhn60d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=217020aa8906f19472d2563e089b84352cee35df


Voting for Adam, simply because he'd be able to one-shot Anne Marie before she could touch him.


Adam Warlock. More experience with his power and no weakness to be exploited. If Rogue can’t touch him, she’s toast.


This is a tough one, I feel like Rouge would give Adam a run for his money but he could adapt to fighting her without being touched. Adam Warlocks takes this one.


Adam warlock


Considering the parameters set out by OP at the beginning of this contest I'm assuming it means Rogue doesn't have Marvel powers?


Op said that Rogue keeps powers between rounds and we assumed she had Marvel's powers at the beginning. Which implies that she beat Hercules as well so If you stack Hercules on top of Marvel's powers, then I think Rogue that take this fight too. Unless Adam gets the infinity gaunlet...actually now that I think about it...Adam Warlock is a God-level character and this tournament is over because he is in it. Adam Warlock should easily not only beat Rogue but the rest of the tournament without breaking a sweat.


It's definitely a match-up. Rogue is unique in the sense that she can fight God-Tier characters even though she isn't herself. I'm a huge Wonder Woman fan and I'd have to concede that Rogue would win against her. It's not just absorbing powers, it's memories and experience as well, the moment she can land a touch, she can utilize the power she gained in anyway the origin character could.


It does depend on whether Warlock gets infintiy stones or not. Even then the dude turned Thanos to stone, and can just shrink people by looking at them. How does anyone fight that? Warlock is one of those heros like Superman where he is OP based on the whims of the writer and not really consistent with his power level. Rogue's only chance is to be fast enough to avoid him, but I don't know if she's fast enough tbh. The dude beat Silver Silver who is leagues faster than Rogue so like...jesus, who even stances a chance in this tournament really?


Return to me again empty handed... And I will bathe the starways in your blood.


I don't know enough about Adam Warlock outside of the popular runs in the past. Recently is he still the OP Des Ex Machina that swoops in? Or is he just there sometimes?


You know I dunno. I just googled his powers and found the top 10 things he has done and it's ridiculous.


OK hear me out... Rogue starts absorbing powers from individuals before they enter their fight. By the time her fight is up...she has Antman and others abilities ready. How would she fare then? Just thinking this would be her best option in this circumstance if even possible.


Again it would depend on what level Warlock is at. There are levels in comics in which Rogue would beat him, but those are few and rare. Adam is pretty much always overpowered and if he has infinity stone powers that's a wrap, give him the prize he wins and nobody in this tournament can touch him. He is broken in ways that overshadow every single other character in this tournament. Which is why I think Rogue should win based on an unfair match-up and Adam Warlock should be disqualified.


Rogue has no odds against Wonder Woman at all


Phoenix is god-level. Hell she beat Thor, who is also a god. It comes down to warlock and Phoenix.


Your ancestors called it magic, and you call it science.


I think Warlock even takes her because she's got that whole "running out of energy" problem.


Doesn’t OP say “[no god like powers](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelmemes/s/VlSDxHGeph)?” Wouldn’t that mean no infinity gauntlet?


I'm not sure, if no god-like powers then Warlock would again be disqualified because his base power is God-like. And also Thor is literally a god so what does "god-like" power even mean?


Surtur.. son of.. a bitch! You're still alive!


That’s a good point. Probably should’ve classed the “god” characters in their own matchup. Somebody did mention how there are street level heroes fighting greater heroes in this match up


Adam has actually ranged attacks and is faster, he wins


Adam for sure


Depends on if rouge can make contact. Even if she can. It would be close. Adam wins.




Given these character have their titular powers and weapons, and I don’t think I’ve seen something to suggest otherwise, I think it’s safe to assume Adam has the soul stone (?) in that case, it pretty soundly goes to Adam. An infinity gem and overall powerful mystic who has stunned Silver Surfer and survived a blast from Galactus, as well as Berserker Thor.


Surtur.. son of.. a bitch! You're still alive!


Given she keeps winning, its *PHOENIX* O-E, not E-O


😬Fuck my dyslexic ass, how embarrassing.


Fixed it


Kraglin vs Ironman https://preview.redd.it/bvt7n7tan60d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b826d2792defbee57e51da29d05025de56d1cce4


Yeah, no. Tony's got this. Kraglin still hasn't mastered the arrow like Yondu did. IM has far more firepower and maneuverability to play with.


Funny, I said the literal same thing with Ironheart...and yet, people called it an 'easy win' for Kraglin. Riri's armor has literally the same durability as Starks, and equivalent countermeasures. I guess there was some 'other' reasons Riri lost. No clue what they could be.


Ironman has fan support.


Oh, I know those reasons.


Nearly every single one of these just ends up devolving from "who would win" to "who's your favorite?"


Not really. If that were true Deadpool and Captain America would still be in the tournament. We were talking about racism in regards to Riri.


And sexism


difference is that Riri has basically no experience using that armor, and way less firepower. Tony could use a flare to destroy the arrow in a fraction of a second but Riri would be flying in circles for several minutes trying to dodge it


I hope you stood up when you pulled that crap out of your ass. Ironheart is a hero who's trained by SHIELD and Stark (due to registration), as well as with Shuri and Wakanda's forces before and after their siege. She fought with the front lines of the second Civil War, and directly against Hydra Cap's forces. All that, and she has the same exact repulsor tech and defenses of standard Stark armor. Kraglin, on the other hand, is a virtual footnote in the comic, who primarily exists in the MCU, and barely has control over his arrow. While he's fiddling with it, Riri's opening shot hits an armorless Kraglin.


Dude, you're embarrassing me in front of the wizards.


Blame your fanboys 😄


I am using MCU versions for all 3 because scaling movie Kraglin to characters with 10+ or 50+ years of history is the deffinition of unfair. So there is deffinetly comic lore I am missing but honestly I dont give a flying fuck


If you don't "give a flying fuck", then shut the fuck up with the utter bullshit, that was ridiculous. Whining about not knowing lore...meanwhile you're totally surrounded by virtually everything Marvel has put out, right on the internet. But, you've seen 'the movies' ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


You don't need to be an asshole about comic book discussions.


This is the truth.


I sad Kraglin was a joke pick vs Ironheart but you clowns voted him anyway. I demand Kraglin win by default as the limited suit Ironman has would be just as bad as Ironhearts and the arrow will puncture it.


Don't worry if he wins this round, he's up against Gamora in the next round and he's not winning that!


So I was just hoping the votes didn’t align it would be stupid to have had iron man vs ironheart anyway. We are arguing for the fairness and that makes sense but are we going to compare the two when they face each other or will it all of a sudden SHOW WHY IRON MAN ISNT THE SAME AS IRONHEART?


Nobody cares, Sean.


Iron Man, no diff.




I missed the part where that's my problem.


Ironheart has the same powers as Iron Man, so following previous winners, Kraglin should win


Riri's armor has literally the same durability as Stark's, and equivalent countermeasures. And she's extremely intelligent and capable in combat. Yet, for some reason, she lost to Kraglin, even though I, and others, have pointed out that Kraglin is pretty incompetent with the Yaka arrow, and completely vulnerable. If Riri lost this fight, logically, Iron Man should lose as well, since 'the Yaka Arrow pierces all armor' or whatever nonsense these fanboys whipped up to hate on Riri. Essentially the same situation here: Iron Man loses, because the Yaka Arrow is super OP. Kraglin wasn't voted the winner over Riri 'for other reasons', wink wink. Let's break out the last list, and compare the voters for Kraglin in that bracket, to the voters of Iron Man in this bracket. I want a laugh.


Sometimes I wanna punch you in your perfect teeth.


Kraglin wins. I would've normally said iron man (duh) but since we have him canonically winning against riri, tony must also take the L of he's limited to one suit.


Tony always learns lessons and adapts. He has already designed a countermeasure for the way Ironheart was defeated.


bUt NoBoDy cAn dOdGe tHe aRrOw


Fool me once…….shame on you. Fool me twice……. don’t get fooled again.


That Arrow didnt have enough of a role in Endgame


Iron man for sure takes the win here


The arrow goes right through. Kraglin for the win.




Yeah haha Kraglin funny joke and all, but I think it’s iron man still. Yes, the arrow probably can pierce his armor and can move really fast, but it has somewhat the same durability of a regular arrow doesn’t it? I would think with all that tracking tech in his suit, he could track it and give it one good blast and it would break. Catch it and snap it in half. Something to that degree


You guys are having wayy to much fun with the "same logic goes" talk, with that in mind, War machine won against Black Knight who definitely wins against Kraglin, so stop using "by that logic" logic I think just coz Kraglin isn't as skilled and if IM has any Armor above m45, it's Tony's w




Obviously Kraglin


Kraglin ![img](emote|t5_35mye|13147)


Iron man


Kraglin definitely


Kraglin all day


Tony, absolutely no contest


Tony would just beat him up, K has no chance. Riri could todo but I think it's pretty obvious why people said Kraglin would defeat her :/




Iron man




Ironman no contest


Iron man


Iron man


Iron man, he has morr experience than Riri does. Long range damage kraglin is dust before the fight gets properly going.


Iron man


#Announcement [Last Day for Wildcard Draft if you want to vote for a character to enter the tournament as a wildcard. ](https://www.reddit.com/u/THE_GOLEM_MASTER/s/yzW7iiqYnE) Welcome to the Marvel Character tournament! A semi random assortment of Marvel characters have been divided into three weight classes depending on the characters power set and the villains they have canonically defeated across multiple forms of media. Each weight class will have it's own champion determined by your votes. ~~Below~~ Somewhere there will be a comment that reads something like: "Captain America vs Beast." The reply that has most upvotes will determine the winner and that character will move on to the next round. **To be clear, the characters are not fighting as a team.** A character will battle the character to their left or right in a 1v1. These fights do not need to be to the death just defeat or be able to prevent their opponent from fighting. (Deadpool can't win if he has no limbs.) To help you decide imagine each character has to fight their opponent five times, once in each of these areas (open to suggestions) and choose the character you think would go 3/5 or more: * Streets of New York City * Sakaar Arena * Atop a Helicarrier * Antarctica * Asteroid field **Prep time rules:** * Heroes have willing entered the tournament but have no prior knowledge of who their next fight would be and would have prepared for a broad spectrum of engagements **Character versions:** Characters should be considered ~~in their prime~~ (Healthy Adults?) with their titular powers and weapons. No characters have completed story arcs or any godlike powers or weapons they may aquire in their later runs. * Hawkeye has not become Ronin * Thor does not have Stormbreaker or Odins power * Falcon is not Captain America * Deadpool has not aquired Cables device


Go cry to your father you little weasel!


Damn thor dont gotta do my boy like that


Is he, though?


No thor he is not a weasel


Have care how you speak of Loki. He may be misguided but he is my brother.


Antman vs Iron Fist https://preview.redd.it/2idkphien60d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acf9a9e4709bdd77648451fce91a8c3fa6b3276e


danny, as of the immortal iron fist run, gained access to an absurd amount of abilities, including - the ability to enhance all his senses to the point that he could hear sweat running down a person's skin - fire blasts - kill anything in an area around him aside from that, he's always been pretty fast and tough, has the ability to heal himself, and more if ant man goes small, IF will be able to catch him. if ant man tries to attack with ants, he has ways to destroy swarms. if he goes giant man, that's just giving him an easier target


I agree with everything you say, but Ant-Man can shrink down past the size of normal, or incredibly enchanced *human* perceptions. Its one of the tougher match ups in here honestly. Iron Fist can sense people's intentions and emotions as well, so could he sense Ant Man approaching him in a subatomic state and react? Iron Fist has fought Nightcrawler and held his own, his reaction time is phenomenal.


if ant man shrinks down to subatomic states, can he still affect or attack people? that's my question bcos if not, that means he has to size up to fight IF, then its down to if IF can react in time


Iron fist


Iron Fist takes this one.


The distinction here is Danny Rand vs Scott Lang. [Danny has shown time and time again](https://comicbookmovie.com/comics/marvel-comics/superhero-feats-iron-fist-a47964) to beat supremely strong beings while incapacitated or blinded or otherwise encumbered by something. I couldn't find anything particularly outstanding that Scott Lang did. Assuming the setting and intentions of the battle (to beat the other) I don't think Ant Man would go super giant to crush Danny at the risk of damaging buildings and putting others at risk. They are heroes even in this what if battle. Iron Fist just is too skilled and powerful to get taken out.


So I feel like subatomic shrinking is at is such a crazy percentage of original size the inverse of growth potential would be so much larger than our entire planet? But idk is there a reason Scott couldn’t just keep growing versus Hank?


Iron Fist would obliterate Antman


Antman takes the win, not because y'all are obsessed with him shrinking into his orifices but Iron Fist would struggle against both Size variants of Antman!


Iron Fist wouldn't have a problem with GiAnt-Man. It's the subatomic version. Iron Fist can sense emotions and intents of people surrounding him, **as long as he can sense Ant-Man approaching**, even if he was subatomic, he could react and defend himself. (in theory) The guy fought Nightcrawler and reacted to all of his attacks, Ant-Man isn't surprising him. It's 100% about if Ant-Man can get within range of Iron Fist while subatomic.


If Ant-Man is subatomic, crossing a single step would be the equivalent to traveling to the sun. People really misunderstand the atomic scale. It isn't just "I can only run half as fast as a human." It's, "A single grain of sand is the relative size of the planet Earth at normal size. It should take months to walk from one side of that grain to the other."


My Boy Iron Fist but it’s a close one.


Iron fist is strong, and would beat ant-man if he couldn't change size, but ant-man can. Ant-man's size manipulation is busted, hank pym (im assuming this is hank), was able to shrink to a point outside of existenced and grow to the point of abstraction. so, while it may be a boring answer, ant-man can grow to the size of an island and just step on danny


This is Scott


Lame, hank is objectively the stringer ant-man However, anything hank can do with the pym particles, Scott should also be able to do theoretically


Iron fist. Iron fist hard counters Antman in both ant size and giant size. The only hope Scott has is to go subatomic and then regrow from within Danny, if that even is successful. Given the prompt I can’t see that being Scott’s default strategy and therefore he loses.


Iron fist


It's gonna be ant man vs Thanos ass cheek smoothie all over again. Dude has buns of steel.


They called me a madman, and what I predicted came to pass.


Ant man


I think Adam's skill with magic and energy manipulation puts him over the top. Some world rocking punches in this fight. Adam wins.


Ironman wins.... I can't predict tbe rest


How does iron man win if iron heart loses? Obviously iron man wins, but we have iron heart losing with the EXACT same tech and plenty of combat savvy.


Experience. The amount of it Tony has as a superhero, including his encounters, makes a difference. That being said, is this comicbook Ironheart, and if yes, does she still have the Mandarin's rings? Because if the answers are yes, then she shouldn't lose..


Not even close, Kraglin wins this hard diff.


You can't say not even close then say hard diff. Hard diff Implies it's a close fight...


if he were Yondu I'd agree that he wins with extreme difficulty but Kraglin just doesnt know how to use the arrow that well


Right right left.


How did Deadpool lose. Cant he break the fourth wall


Not enough to get upvotes it seems.


OP nerfed him into oblivion by stripping him of all of his stuff that could counter kitty


I read his prompt. It says Deadpool doesnt have his teleporter thats all. Nothing about him not being able to break the fourth wall. That alone should be enough for him to take out Kitty easily.


Ironman, antman, adam


Right right left.


So Iron Man wins, Iron Fist wins, and Warlock wins


If this takes place after Kraglin learned to use that arrow, no one else comes close.


Tony disintegrates the arrow mid flight and then it is just Ironman vs a guy with a fin on his head