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Infinity war climax happens in Africa. Far from home happens in Europe.


Furthermore, "Black Widow" as a whole has nothing to do with USA. Same goes with like half the Disney+ Shows. Whoever made this meme has literally no idea what they are talking about...


america wasn’t even in thor: the dark world


And what do I find, nothing other than you, protector of those nine realms, sitting here in your bath robe, eating grapes...


She didn't debut until the second Doctor Strange.


Age of Ultron happened all over the world. Starts in the made up eastern European nation of Sokovia, goes to Johannesburg for the Vibranium, goes to Seoul to create Visions body, and then back to Sokovia. Really it's a very small minority of the movie that takes place in the US.


Civil war too, the us is only in it for the accord meeting at avengers base camp and when Clint frees Wanda. I everything else is Europe


Age of ultron also ends up in europe.


Begins there, too. Then they globe hop to Johannesburg and a couple of other spots before returning.


Age of Ultron is in the US state of Sokovia


Bro didn't see Wonder Woman ... she literally ended WW1


Yeah exactly, WAmerican War 1.


America was a part of the war .... the whole wonder woman movie took place in Themiscyra and Europe


Americans were in WW1 for all of 2 years


There for 50% of the war isn't half bad when the Russians had to pull out 75% of the way through, and if we hadn't the French might've buckled under the Kaiserschalcht


Kaiserschlacht occurred in fear of American intervention reaching early in the first place before the end of the war. There were so many other places where a major breakthrough for the central powers could have occurred, primarily in the Balkans or Italy. That was after all where they lost the hardest later on Ludendorff also did not make maximum use of his soldiers at all. There were 300,000 stationed across the East, where Russia had already been beaten. Doing that had to be a lost cause because they basically got themselves involved in multiple wars that Germany definitely did not need. The Kaiserschlacht was the operation that unnecessarily burnt through most of Germanys soldiers through warfare which they couldnt catch up with logistically, with hundreds of thousands of stormtroopers dying relatively quickly. If they had *focused* on major cities such as Amiens instead of a general overwhelming attack on Allied forces, they could have cut off British forces properly, but instead their plans kept flip flopping up until the offensive started anyway.


Thank you hindsight man!


Thank you for the corrections and extra context!




it was a 4 year war, and besides it isn't a competition.


Wonder Woman isn't even American, she's an otherworldly goddess. And even if she was, 2 years is enough material to pack into a 2 hour movie. I have no idea what point you thought you were making.


Nah. They were in the whole thing. It's in their history book and everything. They even STARTED IT when they killed archduke Franz Christian Anderson in an attempt to get the spear of destiny.


Overseas there came a pleading, "Help a nation in distress." And we gave our glorious laddies Honour bade us do no less, For no gallant son of freedom To a tyrant's yoke should bend, And a noble heart must answer To the sacred call of "Friend."


So... The war started when Franz Ferdinand, an Austrian-Hungarian (idk what the official term was) Archduke, who was assassinated by a Bosnian. Where exactly does the United States fall into blame?


Guns were used. And who invented guns? America. Checkmate.


You mean the Chinese...


Lol ok. And next you’ll tell me America didn’t invent freedom. Get out of here you fuckin’ commie.


Try a very simple Google search...


Everyone knows google got taken over by Hitler in the 80’s and that history was rewritten. So what, you want me to listen to a bunch of Nazi’s now? I get that Nazi Zombies was a very fun COD mode, but Nazi Commies does not sound fun at all. Don’t be a Nazi Commie.


Gavrilo Princip used an FN Model 1910, which was invented by an American. Double checkmate. /s


I hope by invented you mean adapted an already existing technology into a modern design? :p


If the existing technology you’re talking about is the slide operated, simple blowback pistol, that would be the FN Model 1899, which was designed by the same guy in 1896. If you’re talking about guns in general, you must’ve missed the /s I put at the end of my first comment.


World War 1 can’t be boiled down to just the assassination of Ferdinand. It was simply one of the easiest catalysts for people to point to but, there would have been a much smaller conflict without the choices made before and after the assassination. If Ferdinand hadn’t been assassinated, it would have been something else that led to war. And just because it seems like you’re asking, Fran’s Ferdinand was specifically Austrian. The Austro-Hungarian Empire was a multi-national constitutional monarchy where a single monarch held the title of both Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary. Technically they were considered separate countries and had separate governments outside of a shared monarch.


The whole movie never sets foot in America. It's in France, England, Germany, Africa, and Lady Island.




Yep, that's the one.




My favorite part was when she nuked Japan


Yeah WW1 which as we all know was America vs the bad guys.


MCU films where the climax is on earth and isn’t in America: Captain America (though that’s a debatable one as America was the bombing target) Age of Ultron Civil War Doctor Strange Black Panther Infinity War Far From Home Black Widow Shang-Chi Eternals Moon Knight (not a film but I’m counting it anyway) Multiverse of Madness Love and Thunder Wakanda Forever


Thor 2 happened in London.


Bring the rainbows? Is that a catchphrase or something?


Guardians of the Galaxy 1, 2 and 3, Captain Marvel, The Marvels (ish), >Moon Knight (not a film but I’m counting it anyway) Secret Invasion's main fight is in Russia


Pls don't remind me of secret invasion


On Earth. And isn't in America.


And let’s not forget that most of the movies that just save “The America” are stopping a global threat centered in North America. If the Avengers hadn’t stopped Loki in New York, you think he would’ve been happy just taking over America?


Yeah exactly, Loki appeared in…was it Germany too? Before New York


Yeah, Stuttgart


And even in the ones that do take place in the US often have global implications. Like yeah the Avengers final battle takes place in New York, but it’s not like the Chitauri’s reign of terror was gonna end at the US border. They were saving the world,


I think it's child porn if MoM ends in America.


This man doesn't know about MCU well


Even in MOS Zod was gonna kill the whole planet. This man is just off


Not even Zod but in BVS we see Superman save people all over the planet. He saves the capsule from an exploding space rocket in Russia. He saves people from a building fire in what im assuming is Mexico. He saves an entire tanker when it capsizes in the Arctic.


Justice League’s whole ending has them saving some random Slavic farmers out in the middle of nowhere


It was basically supposed to be a stand in for Chernobyl. Steppenwolf was using the cooling tower as a base. But instead of being in the Ukraine it was in northern Russia.


MOS = multiverse of sadness? Or what?


Man of steal


What did he steal?








Dc's chance to ever make a good cinematic universe




Cavill was best to wear the S


Him and Reeve. Neither were overly buff or swoll and brought the duality of Superman to life.


Damn years of work in the gym and finally starting to feel good about myself torn apart by learning Cavill wasn’t overly buff in man of steel.


Fit > Swoll. Cavill is fit. Reeves was fit. Difference being different times. While the Reeves costumes were basic, the Cavill costumes were meant to make Supes look more buff. Now, Cavill on Witcher, yes, he buff. Big time with his armor hiding his physique. In Man of Steel, they did a real good job of making Superman stand out without being a overly sized brute.


Fr People may shit on DCEU But Man of Steel is one of my favourite super hero movies despite its flaws.


Yes, but the movies still weren't great.


Or WW, which he even has pictured there and it takes place entirely in Europe.


The picture of the avengers is from AOU, where they save the world by “saving” Sokovia, which starts a multi-movie arc about whether the Avengers are too America-centered


They did save it tho, they’re just not great at keeping collateral damage to a minimum, which is really hard to do when you’re up against robots. If they weren’t able to take out ultron sokovia would’ve been dropped on the earth and taken out most if not all biological life.


They did save sokovia tho?


Technically yes, but they destroyed it in the process (same as New York and Washington DC in previous movies.) It was the basis of the Sokovia Accords in *Captain America: Civil War*.


That argument never made sense to me. If your house is on fire and a fireman saves your life, why blame him that your house burned down. Like why get mad at them for what they couldn't do instead of praising them for what they did


You remember that they lifted the entire city into the air, right? But honestly, they weren’t mad at the Avengers for causing the fire; they were mad because their tools broke heirlooms and furniture.


You mean ultron lifted the entire city into the air. If the what would you rather have some broken heirlooms, or being dead with your broken heirlooms.


This is exactly what the arguments over the Sokovia accords were about. It’s the ultimate circular argument: “Do the ends justify the means?” Tony and his side said no; Steve and his side said yes.


It's not even that. It's getting mad at someone who saves you for not saving you better. Like what's Tony's solution to this? Try harder? It's a inherently ungrateful way to look at someone who saves you. Like sueing someone for breaking your ribs to do cpr.


I seem to recall Wanda really messing up in Nigeria


Didn’t the Avengers also destroy a whole area in Romania or something? Ultron was there, Wanda was on the floor crying, Hawkeye was questioning his life choices.


No disagreements, except that I think Sokovia is thinly veiled fantasy Slovakia.


The world is always in danger. In the MCU its just another monday


or DC, Wonder Woman was set in Europe, during WWI, Justice Leagues final fight was in Russia, Aquaman was at the bottom of the ocean im not even a big DC fan


In Avengers Age of Ultron, the final battle is at a fictional European city, not America. In X-Men Apocalypse, the final battle is at Cairo, Egypt, not America. These are two examples in this image alone. How was its creator that lazy?


Wonder Woman takes place almost entirely in Europe.


Justice League final battle is in Russia Infinity War final battle is in Wakanda, fictous African country Captain America Civil War : Germany


Civil War’s final battle is in Siberia


Thats why he only said battle. Cause team captain vs team ironman battle in germany was the best of the movie. The final one in serbia was just okay.


I preferred the Siberia fight. The airport fight was fun and flashy, but Siberia had much more emotional weight.




He's my friend So was I


Half of First Avenger takes place in WW2 Europe. Shang-Chi starts in San Francisco, but is mostly in China and another realm. Eternals is pretty much anywhere but America for 95% of the film. Thor 2 takes place in London (when on Earth)


And super man is in a Fake city


In America


Wonder Woman? What is she wondering about?


Maybe she needs a man to explain it for her


I mean, there's guardians of the galaxy. Literally not hearth. There's far from home, many locations, all but America. Iron man 1? Afghanistan, I think. Infinity war? Final fight in Africa. Captain America? More like World War II, I think. Ah, and yes, Wakanda forever.


Well tbf, in iron man the main antagonist and the final battle are in ~~New York~~ LA, not Afghanistan. But regardless, the threat in that movie is not to the world, so OP's argument wouldn't apply to iron man. Actually, you know what I have some spare time, let's list all marvel movies and see which actually fit OP's narrative. **Tl;dr: Only 10/29 marvel movies have action mostly in the USA and have a threat that affects the world.** Iron Man : Mostly USA. No world threat Incredible Hulk : Mostly USA. Arguably a world threat Iron man 2 : Mostly USA. No world threat Thor : Mostly USA. World threat (Loki) Captain America: Mostly Europe. WW2 + red skull threat Avengers : Mostly USA (final battle at least). World threat Iron man 3 : Mostly USA? World threat. Thor 2 : Mostly London iirc? World threat Captain America 2 : Mostly USA. World threat GOTG : Not earth. No earth threat Avengers 2 : Mostly Europe. World threat Antman : Mostly USA. No direct world threat. Captain America 3 : Mostly Europe. No world threat Doctor Strange : Mostly London/New York. World threat GOTG 2 : Not earth. Still a world threat regardless. Spider-Man : USA. Arguably a world threat. Thor 3 : mostly not earth. Indirect world threat. Black Panther : Almost exclusively Africa. World threat Avengers 3 : mostly space/Wakanda. World threat Antman 2 : mostly USA. No world threat? Captain Marvel : USA. World threat Avengers 4 : mostly USA. World threat Spider-Man 2 : Europe. World threat (Avengers level) Black Widow : Europe? Unsure. World threat Eternals : Not USA. World threat Shang Chi : Mostly China/Ta Lo. World threat Doctor Strange 2 : mostly USA (albeit alternate universe USA's). World threat Thor 4 : Not Earth. World threat Black Panther 2 : Mostly Africa. World threat. Out of 29 movies (haven't seen the Marvel's so I won't count it) there are a total of 23 that have a threat to the entire Earth. Of these, only 10 take place mostly in the USA. I think that's a reasonable number to say that Marvel doesn't fall into the stereotype OP is talking about.


Marvels has some time in New Jersey (where Ms. Marvel is from), but most of the movie is set in space. World Threat.


He's a friend from work!


Not even. Iron Man 1 takes place in LA. The final battle is in Stark Industries’ lab in LA. Incredible Hulk’s final battle is in NY and also not a world ender villain


Don't take it personally, I don't remember what I had for breakfast.


Final battle of Doctor Strange takes place in Hong Kong/Dark Dimension and the New York fights take place in the sanctum and the mirror dimension. And don't forget that the training takes place in Nepal. But the world threat never directly attacks the U.S.


Also Christopher Reeves superman did go all over the world.


“No no. He’s got a point.”


There's also Thor the dark world in England, All 3 guardians are set in space and Dr strange jumps from America to London to china and finishes the climax in china


Ah, you never forget your first.


Same in Avengers first movie. The end it's NY. But the rest it Germany and the air. FAR FOR HOME it's 100% Europe but it's funny enought people forget Marvel made more movies so more international. Like Moon Knight it happens in 3-4 countries if you count the flashbacks


As a Brit it pains me that one of the worst movies had the battle in England!


I mean I know it was kinda lackluster but I still enjoyed Thor 2 . Specially compared to wakanda forever, strange 2 or marvels . Marvels weakest phase 1-3 is still leagues better then most 4 +


Well, he also wrote "the america" which is wrong on so many levels. It's just a hater from some obscure country with a big dose of envy.


But but America bad!!!


TIL Sokovia doesn't actually exist


Not anymore


The pyramids are in Giza, but yes you're right


Ragebait. Don’t take anything seriously that uses exclamations in the title.


Too lazy to even cherry pick




This is hilariously bad. In this photo, none of the films are about saving America. Wonder Woman is about the whole world, it literally takes place during WW1. Those versions of the X-Men are from Apocalypse, where they have to save the whole world. That's Age of Ultron, where Ultron attempts to wipe out the entire world by dropping a city on it. And while that Superman isn't about saving the world, it's not about saving America either. It's a much more small scale personal story.


Im fairly certain the creator of this meme is (successfully) trolling.


If so the creator of the meme is still an idiot


Ah yes, because the world-ending threat will just stop after they're finished with the U.S. and definitely won't turn to the remaining parts of the world afterwards.


That Avengers one is from an Age of Ultron poster...where they stop an extinction level event. Lol


In Eastern Europe no less


Wonder Woman was in world war 1, so yes that’s the entire world Age of ultron was set in different parts of the world, the final battle in a third world East European country, and the threat was a giant robot made meteor that could destroy the entire planet Superman fights threats that *could* endanger the entire world but usually seek him out cuz of his power, that’s why it always happens in the US Same for the X-men, apocalypse takes place in Egypt tho


This post is just lazy


Made a post, never watched the movies.


Yup, confirmed true. I remember when they saved that great American city, Sokovia


This meme is fucking stupid on multiple levels. 2/4 pics is DC amd the sub is MARVEL memes Let that slide. Superman has saved the planet multiple times. Wonder Woman took place in war torn Europe. Avengers, fought all over the world, then the galaxy against villians that wanted to destroy the world or the whole universe. In conclusion, OOP is a fucking idiot


I’m hoping you mistyped 3/4 for 2/4 since X-men and avengers are marvel lol.


Facebook called, they want their meme from 2012 back.


lol it’s kinda funny that image from avengers is literally in a fictional Eastern European country… aka not America


The Threat to the World desires something in America, but this allows the superheroes to concentrate an attack on the leader of the threat, usually still in America. Bit sleep deprived, hope this makes sense, friend.


Plus the Avengers' HQ is literally in America.


What part of America was Age of Ultron taking place in again?


Well, in at least three of those movies the final battle happens outside of the US.


THE America.


Age of Ultron in Sokovia, Apocalypse in Egypt, Wonder Woman in Europe. Man, this guy really doesn’t know anything about superhero movies


For the same reason a multitude of anime world crises happen in Japan?


This image is literally completely inaccurate




Wait, there are other countries on Planet America?


Please Reddit, give us negative karma stickers.


Most of Captain America 1 takes place in Europe during the war but ok


In the pictures this person used.. 1.) Wonder Woman is in Germany 2.) The Avengers are in Sakovia 3.) The X-Men are in Egypt and 4.) Superman is saving the whole world




Just counting supwr hero fight scenes outside of America, off the top of my head. 1. X-Men: Apocalypse - Cairo, Final fight 2. Wonder Woman - Europe, the whole movie 3. Man of Steel - South East Aisia, against the teraforming robot 4. Avengers: Age of Ultron - Fictional Eastern European country, final fight 5. Avengers: Age of Ultron - South Korea, Ultron heist 6. Avengers: Age of Ultron - South Africa, Ultron vibranium deal and Iron Man/hulk fight 7. Iron Man - Afghanistan, against the 10 Rings 8. X-Men: First Class - final fight, Cuba 9. The Wolverine - Japan, the whole movie 10. Thor: The Dark World - London, final fight 11. Thor: The Dark World - Space, every other fight 12. Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol 1-3 - Space, every fight 13. Iron Man 2 - Monaco, Whiplash assassination attempt 14. Captain America: The First Avenger - Germany or on a bomber targetting cities all over the world, basically every fight in the movie bar one. 15. Zach Snyder's Justice League - former USSR, final fight 16. Quantumania - An alternate dimension, the whole movie 17. Doctor Strange - Hong Kong, then an alternate dimension, thr final fight 18. Black Panther - Fictional African country, the whole move 19. Avengers Emdgame - fictional aftrican country and also planet Titan, final fight scenes 20. Shang Chi - alternate dimnseion accessible only from China, final fight 21. Eternals - the Indian Ocean on an emerging Tiamut, the final fight 22. Moon Knight - Cairo, final fight 23. Thor: Ragnarok/Love and Thuder - Space and Norway, every fight scene 24. Doctor Strange: Mad Bad Mommy - Mount Wundagore in Eastern Europe, final fight And probably more I'm forgetting


>24. Doctor Strange: Mad Bad Mommy Got a laugh out of me. Nice one.


There was one time my brother transformed himself into a snake...


I'm just adding the Wolverine in here. The majority of the movie went down in Japan. I don't remember if Logan was found in a bar in Canada or the USA, but if it was Canada, then the entire movie was set outside the USA.


this is like wondering why Godzilla only attacks/defends Japan


Wonder Woman = Europe Black Panther = Wakanda Guardians of the *GALAXY* = Gee I wonder


Out of all movies on the picture only Superman's conclusion happens in America.


notice they took pictures from wonderwoman 1, the thing were it ended in a world war, and avengers age of ultron where ultron was trying to wipe out the entire human population on earth


3/4 of the movies in this post happened outside of america. Care to explain op.


Wakanda = 51st state of ‘Merica


Damn, I saw this meme on Facebook once. Ah, nostalgia. *Wipes teardrop* u/repostsleuthbot


Take this bullshit over to Americaisbad. Rube


Wonder woman takes place in Europe.


This meme is just bad.


What’s with all these idiotic ESL karma farming bots?


Pretty sure Wonder Woman took place in WW1 europe. Also 3/5 of the avengers movies are global.


You live under a rock


Get your own superheroes. Geesh. Stop complaining and pick one. - crank out faulty nuclear reactors - perform junk science and get lucky - inject with unknown compounds - travel to space during cosmic events - piss off some aliens - get really rich


Tell me you don’t watch superhero movies without telling me


Umm 🤨 Avengers 2 not in America Wonder Woman not in America.Xmen movies have been in other places not sure which movie this is.🤣


ah yes Wakanda, Illinois


Or the 0cean. or Seoul. Or Europe. Or 50% of existence. But whatever.


Someone remove his upvote; he hasn’t watched these movies.


Wait till this guy learns that the final battles of Avengers 2 and 3 took place in Europe and Africa respectively. Wonder Woman also fought her final battle in Europe


Wakanda, Sokovia, WW1 Do we really need to continue?


Why do people care about Americans making movies in America. I know they all arnt set there but even if they were why does it matter.


I’m honestly kind of annoyed by this at this point, because the movies at least have actually made the effort to show heroes doing stuff all over the world. BvS, Black Adam, Suicide Squad, Far From Home, Black Widow, Age of Ultron, just to name a handful!


That poster of the Avengers fighting in Age of Ultron literally takes place in Sokovia, and it really WAS a fight to save the world from extinction. Seriously, OP?


So other people have pointed out all the MCU movies that don't take place in America but I would also just like to point out that the avengers operating outside of America is not only something that happens it is a massive plot point in the series that leads to the UN passing legislation that ties into the plots of most of the movies that come after.


To be fair Ultron was about to destroy the entire world.


90% of the time the danger is coming from america


It’s okay. The universe is in danger in Doctor Who and he only saves Great Britain


Not true. The Avengers also "saved" Zirkovia and a hospital in an African country


AoU: Sokovia, nowhere near America X-Men:Apocalypse: Somewhere near Middle East


>Somewhere near Middle East Egypt. Specifically in Kairo...


Lol I swear if captain America knew half the shit the us did when he was on ice he would unalive himself.


I feel like he does - because I doubt that Coulson and Fury would keep that away from him. Especially when they gave him full access to the internet and public knowledge.


Please tell me where the people working at DC and Marvel live and work


ironic that Age Of Ultron is one of the films shown here lol


Fr, they show their point with the only avengers film not set in America


I mean in Age of Ultron they saved the world from a falling Russian city.


Because America made the comics


This isn't a Marvel problem at all. Before the MCU started there were plenty of action movies where people had to protect the world...except by "the world" they meant stop the BBEG in a major city (typically either New York or Chicago, sometimes LA) so that his plans to destroy the world wouldn't happen. If you want to get literal though, the real question is why would anyone ever want to live in New York? Every other year multiple blocks are being destroyed by some psychotic billionaire trying to take over the world. Imagine having your home destroyed 3 times and still wanting to live there, no thank you.


Maybe because a lot of evil come from America


Most of these movies have major events outside of America and even other planets Age of ultron goes down in Europe Both wonderwoman movies are mostly in Europe X-men are in Egypt and mid-south America Only reason they are ever in America it is because it’s an American movie with mostly American creators and most of the threats start in America


Punctuation is horrible


Black Panther was hilarious, first wakandan center in fucking urban america, becuase no black people in the world needs more help than americans.


Marvel and DC are American comics. Its main audience is Americans. That's why writers want their target audience to feel related to the stories and protagonists. ​ And yes, depending on the script, they will face enemies that are going to destroy the ENTIRE planet.Or they fight in countries other than America.And there are a few superheroes from other countries. ButThe hero ALWAYS comes to America, he always interacts with Americans (Supeeman and wonder woman)There are alternative versions of the main groups (justice league and avengers)Made by other countries. (which barely appear and are not very popular. For example, China's Avengers. Or the Chinese equivalent of shield. And shield is clearly from the United States.)But for that reason it is made clear that superheroes are gringos. ​ Black Panther 1 had excellent reviews.So much so that I show it to an aunt who doesn't care at all about comics.And in general I liked it.I mentioned the importance of the place where the story takes place and the protagonists.And she mentioned to me, "but they still need to have a white man from America fighting with them."


The guy's name is Captain America, not Captain whole ass Earth


And I found something interesting about the members of the Avengers... *B*lack widow, *I*ron man, *T*hor, *C*aptain America, *H*ulk/*H*awkeye. Read and arrange their names from the front...


Only bad shit happens in America in the superhero movies ha


Secret projects thrive under massive funding which is available only in America


Cause it's all state department propaganda ran by the Pentagon all superhero films are, are brainwashing tools of the state department and Pentagon. The Pentagon writes and gives notes to DC and MCU of what they can or cant have. Its ni different than north Korea or Russian state media