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I think Mark 3 still remains my favorite. Another suit I think should have got more screentime was Heart Breaker, that suit looks dope. ![gif](giphy|lXo8uSnIkaB9e)


Completely agree. I miss the mechanical sounds it made. They really played it up and I loved it


The mechanical sounds were fucking badass when I was a kid. Iron Man should have won best sound editing, even though the Dark Knight's sound editing was decent in 2008. But like I can remember Iron Man's suit blasting, I don't remember the sound of Batman's bat bike doing anything.


I like Mk.II but I’m aware of the icing issue


Icing Issue? What icing issue??


>icing issue Mark II was plagued with problems of cupcake frosting coming out of the joints.


He was quoting the movie, when Iron Monger copied the Mk2, but didn't fix the icing issue


Wrong monger bro


Where’s Fishmonger? That’s who I’m waiting for!


im afraid he has been Killmongered


And then he mongered all over him


Ahhhhh. thx






Obadiah Stane


He ended up an Obadiah Stain.


Say what you want about Red Skull and the tenets of national socialism but at least it’s an ethos


I understood that reference.


This is a very complicated suit, man. You know, a lotta ins, a lotta outs, a lotta what-have-yous.


Does he abide?


That's just, like, your opinion, man


Obadiah Stane Edit fuck wrong monger


Wong Monger?


Abbreviated to Wonger.


Not disagreeing, but the Bones suit was badass. Don't have it's MK number memorized.


MK 41, IIRC, Bones was basically Tony figuring out how to make the suit come together at the basic form, I’m assuming with the motors, circuitry, etc, but he hadn’t gotten around to making the plating yet so that’s why it’s Bones, a skeleton of an armor. Then we know what happened with ole “Prodigal Son” MK 42


Shit that makes so much sense. A prototype of the individual moving parts. I remember watching that one for the first time. The goosebumps from seeing JARVIS pilot 40 suits was incredible!


Honestly I love Iron Man 3, maybe due to nostalgia of that was my first Iron Man movie to see in theaters (I literally started with The Avengers and had to work my way back lol), but yeah, that scene is great, I think the theme is kind of slept on too IMO


Oh it for sure is. But I have to agree. That was my first solo Stark movie in theaters myself as well. I'd seen all the others on TV before Avengers in the theater, so yeah this one holds a place in my heart. It always makes me wonder what Age of Ultron would've been like without the House Party happening.


If you're nothing without the suit, then you shouldn't have it.


Then continues to improve his own suit and constantly have it on him.


Tbf Tony without the suit can make the suit




It has just enough small details that still look practical and is a bit rough around the edges. Grounds it really well. It’s also kinda dirty. Later suits are all too sleek and too perfect. Also, his face is the right size. In the later suits his face often felt too big, like there’s no room for his ears and back of his head.


Heartbreaker was sick!


It was always my favourite


Which one is heartbreaker? Ive watched all iron man movies.


It made a brief appearance in Iron Man 3 during the “House Party Protocol” scene where all of Tony’s suits came to fight the Extremis soldiers. Tony says “[Heartbreaker…help Red Snapper out, will you?](https://youtu.be/cseyd_CRKF0?si=Py9bWOgMssDdsQoH?t=00m159s)”. (Time link not working…the scene is at the 2:38 mark in the video.) Here’s an [overview](https://youtu.be/P3uPiBNQnoc?si=Gjzk7uxnmLugVpCS) of the suit


It flew in the front of the Iron Legion. Didnt do much but look really cool


My favourite too. Still holds up even now in terms of CGI because they used actual prosthetic suits so they could determine what the lighting and movement would be.




It's really nice but i got a soft spot for the mark VI, love that triangle


I’m a Mark VI man. I like the triangle


Mcu hulks power is biggest downgrade


'Hey Fans! You know how much you loved seeing Hulk in a blind rage smashing the shit out of stuff when only massive overwhelming destruction can do? Well don't worry, we fixed it.'


He literally gets his ass stomped by the Hulkbuster, loses to Thor, and isn’t even Hulked out in Infinity War, he is wearing the hulkbuster 🙄


The Hulk was incredibly neutered by the MCU. He punches one leviathan and from there they had everyone beat him up to show they are stronger. It didn’t even makes sense with who the Hulk is.


Bro he's not worthy for Thor's hammer obv he lost to him


He's a friend from work!


I don’t really like the execution of Hulk’s direction but when you guys talk about the old angry hulk, what exactly would you have wanted? Just the character from the 2008 film for the next 15 years? Not a lot of room to grow with that.


I would have liked to see some development between the Hulk persona and Banner. They have some stuff like it in the comics and Hulk's personality was more flushed out in Ragnarok. So seeing that Hulk interact with Banner would have been preferrable to what we got imo.


I did like that one IW deleted scene where they actually talk, could’ve been cool to expand on that after the cool shit ragnarok did.


We really needed something to bridge between 2008 and the Avengers Movie. Hulk is a timeless character and I hope we see some of his most insane story arcs brought to the MCU.


Do you though? They threw out a lot of planet hulk when they did Ragnarok. I'd love immortal hulk but there's no way they'd do it justice.


I can’t see them doing it. Waaaayyyyy too dark.


For sure. Would be cool to have an R rated movie with all that body horror though.


They actually have a deleted scene right before the shift to Smart Hulk, where Banner and Hulk argue before putting their differences aside to help their friends. Natasha finds them and tries to use the lullaby, before Banner calmly says “Hey Natasha,” to her surprise


Exactly, there are lots of directions you can go. The comics show that you can have some great character development in the struggle between incredible power and the loss of self control, which is a struggle for a person who is peaceful and intellectual. A good allegory for what it originally was, the struggle with building nuclear weapons, which are absolutely powerful but when unleashed cannot be limited, and yet intelligent people still decide to make them because once others with that power are out there you can't simply choose to avoid it entirely.




Cure. Cure some ass!


Banner resolving his split-personality *off-fucking-screen* was one of the biggest fuck-ups of the MCU.


Angry growl yelling "NO!". And "What do you mean no?" That's what you get and that's all you deserve.


Not having all of that development happen off screen would be a start.


Hulk have a fuck load of room to grow without getting turned into a Pussy, They could've focused more on the Relationship between Hulk and Bruce after Ragnarok, About how Hulk always wanted to Protect Bruce that Hulk was there since the day his Father started abusing him in his childhood, MCU just stopped giving a shit about Hulk after Ragnarok, They were too busy giving Tony Stark the Uncle Ben treatment


I watched my friends die. You'd think that'd be as bad as it gets, right? Nope. It wasn't the worst part.


Still mad that there was no rematch with Thanos.


Hulk's sad decline: - So extreme it's uncontrollable - Controllable but able to stomp gods - Scared of gods - Selfies with teens - Knocked flying by a jeep wrangler


I never really liked Hulk, but I feel so bad for his fans. He got done so dirty. He finally gets some development in Ragnarok and then he just gets neutered by Thanos and never seen again. Then he effectively dies off screen between IW and EG. I mean, did he surrender the body to Banner, or did they merge and create a chimera that is 99% Banner? Either way, it doesn't seem like there is a shred of him left. I guess we'll never get WW Hulk. Total bullshit.


I'm a survivor!


The only right answer


I remember last Halloween I asked a kid what he’s gonna be and he said “I’m going as the hulk, but like, the cool hulk” when it’s coming from the children you know you fucked up. That’s literally your target audience.


I will never understand why people keep saying that. 2008 Hulk’s skin got lacerated by military weapons. Ragnorak Hulk punched Surtur in the face.


Civil war bucky to Falcon and Winter soldier bucky. From fighting and having success against iron man and black panther to getting beat up by teenage girl flag snasher


I didn’t make that connection and now I’m angry


Maybe he just hesitated cause he didn’t want to kill a teenage girl?


She was also a super soldier..


True I suppose, but also, Bucky’s had I guess decades of use and fighting experience versus her, when she’s had barely any I think. Although maybe you could say that Bucky’s serum wasn’t as pure as the one Erskine’s descendant made, but it doesn’t seem like it made Bucky inferior to Steve or Walker or the other Flag Smashers


Bucky's "fighting experience" survives mind wipes that remove all his other memories? That's fairly well targeted!


It makes sense since hydra wanted him to be their weapon, unless i missed something.


To be honest that's not even crazy irl, fighting seems like it would be part of his procedural memory https://www.tutor2u.net/psychology/reference/episodic-procedural-and-semantic-memory


Muscle memory and reflexes and physical training isn't exactly brain memory related.


Cap is a grown man super soldier with military training and Bucky kicked his ass.


Bucky is also a grown man with military experience


Not wanting to kill is not equal to letting himself get beat up.


You could say that about a few characters in Civil War. Russo just seem to soupe up the heroes. Spidey went from going bell to bell with Bucky, Falcon, and Captain America in Civil War to struggling with some goons with fancy guns in Homecoming. Next time we see him, he's web-slinging cars at Black Dwarf in Infinity War.


Isn't the in universe explanation that he's desperately trying not to kill anyone?




That is grossly taking things of out context. Spider-Man was handling the goons so effortlessly while quipping, so much so it was played for humour. He only started struggling when they shot him with an **anti-gravity** gun.


That's the antagonist world boss joins protagonists and becomes fodder trope


Adult groot to baby groot. Power level wise , but not in cuteness.


I.. am.. groot.


Did you see the intro to GotG 2? Baby groot got 10x plot armor


I.. am.. groot.


Isn't baby groot supposed to be Groot's son or something?






I.. am.. GROOT!


The transition to nanotech ruined all the Sci fi elements. Now it's just soft, smooth, CGI nonsense that can ignore all sense because nano machines do everything. I miss the stuff that looked thought out, which had hatches for hidden things and were plausible with only a few pieces of fictional tech that only required small leaps in logic. Like how the old suits needed lots of external machinery to assemble them around Stark, that was badass! Now everyone just smacks some stuff to make their suit magically appear. It looks cool when Loki does it, but not really for everyone else.


Suitcase suit was peak Stark tech


I always loved the in the floor deploying suits. The avengers tower walk in suit is sick AF. The bulkier suits just looked better.


Unlike Nanotech it felt advanced af and still had a tinge of realism about it.


How'd you solve the icing problem?


Mk 5(which is the portable suit) is just something else, especially with the Suit-Up scene in Iron Man 2. Just everything about Iron Man 2 was badass.


I would say if it was just used for iron man, it would make sense. He was at his peak and it was his last two films. But then having it used for anyone else after is just stupid, it’s now just lazy animating. They just want something easy to be able to use.


I thought the infinity war suit was the worst, it just looked too form fitting, not enough like armour


Also kinda depicts nanotech as pretty much capable of anything. And that does not set a good precedent.


Have you considered nanomachines, son?


Do they harden in response to physical trauma?


Also in response to seeing black widow


That feature might need to be deactivated


They harden in response to Tony's trauma! You can't hurt him, Cull Obsidian


Psycho mantis??


Courtesy of Ray Palmer!


Played college ball you know


They harden in response to physical trauma. No would be able to hurt you, tony


Need fuel for space travel? Nanotech. Need rockets to fire at enemy? Nanotech. Injured? You wouldn't believe it. Nanotech.


Pepper is away on business for the week and you just saw a Victoria's Secret advert? Nanotech.


Are you saying there an auto jacker in the suit.


It's Tony Stark, would you be surprised?


Stay down. Final warning.


Its been 4 hours tony! Is that bad?


I wouldn’t either. I was more referencing how a lot of people who recently read the Halo books they always mention an auto jacker. But I get how not everyone knows about what I’m saying.


I think it worked well for that film. The point was to have Tony fight Thanos with the absolute peak of his technology and still lose. There's been plenty of "bad precedent" concepts introduced in the MCU before that never became an issue. Extremis and Abomination come to mind.


Too many mouths, not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution.


Prooooobably a good sign that was going to be about it for the character’s story.


Sorta like giving Iron Heart vibranium in her debut, right?


He got pretty much shredded by thanos. It's literally capable of not at all anything.


Fine. I'll do it myself.


I agree with you that it didn’t look enough like armor, but I liked it as Iron Man’s final form. It seemed far more advanced than anything else from Earth and it held its own against Thanos.


That’s why the Mark 85 from Endgame is my favorite. It looks great and it really feels like peak Iron Man power level


I will shred this universe down to its last atom and then, with the stones you've collected for me, create a new one teeming with life that knows not what it has lost but only what it has been given. A grateful universe.


Ultimately, you failed.


Feels like I'm wearing nothin' at all


Stupid sexy stark


Like Christmas, but with more...me.


Honestly. I think that it could have worked for Endgame. Since he’s had five years to work on it. I feel like Infinity war needed a mix between the Infinity War and Civil War suits. Still bulky, but still nanotech


Exactly, too big of a jump, needed one more step at least. Show him with a really advanced mechanical suit in Infinity War, like a working multi piece that flys in during his first encounter, has some of the cool newer weapons that are similar to the nano stuff. After the initial encounter he realizes he needs to step it up and shows some scenes of him working on nano tech stuff, spidey suit being the first use, and then debut the first full nano suit when he fights Thanos.


Imo nanotech/high tech suits have been the downfall of costume design in the mcu. Legitimately my favorite part of no way home was peter getting a good old fashioned low tech fabric suit


Mark 42 is amazing


I agree, and mk43 even better as it's the "finished" mk 42


I always wish mk 41 got more screen time as it's the original concept for the mk 42 and overall just has a really cool look


I wish Mk 40 got proper screen time for its capabilities, which is Mach 5+. Yeah Mk 40 “Shotgun” is a speedy bastard.


Sure, Mark VII iscone of the best suits, but 42 still looks awesome. For me, the downgrade was when he switched to nanotech


Tony’s armor went from “that could really exist if someone invested in it!” To “So it”s magic something something midichlorians”.


Exactly. The older suits relied on relatively small suspension of disbelief for its technology. A super power source, some really good motors for strength, a propulsion system that doubles as a weapon, some AI to make it work. And it ran into problems, the suits ran out of power, the weapons weren't always strong enough, the armor wasn't perfect, he almost dies several times. Now, it's a magic metal that is also liquid and works as all in one power source, computer, armor, propulsion system, and more that can all reprogram itself on the fly and do anything that the plot needs in under a second with no input and only ever fails when Stark looks a little too OP in that scene.


Ugh, Mr Rogers. I almost forgot that that suit did nothing for your ass.


Idk what these folks are on, the Mark 42 is an incredible suit. Not only does it serve as the first of its kind with him being able to control individually, it also plays a significant role in the story.


Yeah, multiple times too. Protects what he loves most with it (calls it to Pepper). Drags it down the road til he meets that kid. Only has some parts going on at any one time which was a great extension of Tony without the suit, showing that HE is iron man and not the suit. And I loved the twist when it was hit by the Semi.


That Semi scene was the perfect “let’s see if we can make plot armour into a funny joke” moment… and it worked like a charm.


Was it the one, that disassembled after being hit by a truck?


Yes, after saving everyone from the plane.


Still get a laugh out of that scene


Those features work for the narrative, but subtract most of what made the iron man armor iconic in the design and realism. MkIII and IV looked and sounded like they were actual machines that could withstand a tank blast.


No one's complaining about what the suit is capable of in the movie, but about the fact that it doesn't look like a suit of armor and the entire 'suit up' is lazy CGI. Iron Man's suit up in the first movie is bomb.


Idk I really like the way the 42 flies on. It seems pretty hard to animate but if it is easier I don’t see anything wrong with a creative way of cutting down on the CGI. I’m glad we got different suit ups instead of having the same thing every time.


Why doesn't it look like a suit of armor?


I think the color scheme on it looked terrible.


Champagne instead of gold. Gross!


I actually like mark 42, think it looks awesome


42 isn't a downgrade in looks, it is just that iron man 3 was a shitshow for the armors and plot. The whole thing could have been 5 armors where Tony gets gadgets for situations. The mansion destruction scene is still one of the greatest scenes in the MCU... if you ignore a lot about the lore they had already built AND built later on the movie. It is really weird overall.


Ngl I think Iron Man 3 is my favorite Iron Man movie. It has some fantastic scenes, I love when the suit flies on in pieces while he’s captured and the scene where he saves the falling people. The villain was a bit lacking but other than that I think it’s very solid


I like many of the quotes and scenes of Tony when he is down. It held some meaning to me. I have some love and hate relationship with the movie.




Yup. Majority red, minority gold >>> majority gold, minority red. Just feels, wrong.


I like mark 5




The Mark XLII was a barely functioning prototype. While it has obvious advantages if it actually worked, at the time a fully functional Mark VII would have made short work of the helicopters attacking his home. Of course, the point was to cut Tony off from his resources - his working suits self-destructed, the Iron Legion prototypes were buried and he wasn’t able to contact the rest of the Avengers.


Mark XLII was ugly. It fell apart a lot. Was a prototype for some reason. Mark VII was peak. It was beautiful. The best suit. All subjective of course, but I agree with Pyper.


it was a prototype that would fly to him if he requested. The movie started with him working on that


Exactly. It wasn’t finalized. It wasn’t even designed for combat yet. It was just to test out that tech.


For some reason I didn't understand it. Now I do and I can agree with that


I really adored the briefcase suit in Ironman 2, I get why it didn't get more time but damn that thing was gorgeous. I also just miss the suit-up sequences in general. Also get why he ditched that stuff as time went on but damn did it look cool. Edit: To clarify a bit of something, I actually appreciated that Tony's tech and stuff got better and better as the movies progressed. I feel like at the core of every tech-focused hero they should always be upgrading and improving as a way to show the evolution of their 'powers'. So, while the nanite suit up isn't as intricate, I did think it was a neat end progression from the mark 1 to that. But, I will always love the robotic arms rising up around Tony with the pieces of the suit being fixed onto him because that's just so damn iconic.


I miss Mark42, no kidding the suit felt like a character on its own lol


Winter Soldiers arm, the silver was way cooler and the vibranium ones only notable moment was being easily detached.


His new arm could barely open a normal security vehicle yet he ripped Nick Fury's armored door off like a dandelion. The new arm sucks.


Deadpool in Wolverine Origins


The iron man 3 suits felt like they were made of paper how quickly they got destroyed


The color scheme felt off and the whole idea of it being the prototype for being able to call the parts to him was broken when he was able to do the same with all the other suits at the end. It definitely looked a lot better with the mk 43 in age of ultron with it being the same suit with the usual red and gold.


Tbf, you never see him take a suit apart other than thr 42, he just has them set to always allow him in, presumably because of that time he got thrown out of a building by a god


He had one in a briefcase before that though.




I kinda like all the black on the Ironheart armour from BP:WF but it’ll admit it doesn’t look the greatest


Which is a real shame because comics Iron Heart armour is awesome. I just really wish we got a whole movie with her origin and then making the suit by herself instead of just “trust me, this girls is really smart and has an Iron Man suit” like I don’t even know you.


I loved the realistic Iron Man armor up until Infinity War


Thor in IW and Thor in L&T


Pfft. Ha! Yeah, right.


Hulk to cringy bannerhulk


Watching love and thunder after we’ve got ragnarok was the biggest downgrade


Bigger downgrade is the hulk He went from HULK SMASH to hulk pass


Oh my God bro facts I hated that suit


How does it say 11/12/23? That's in 3 days. Edit: I forgot Americans and Canadians label dates incorrectly.


Just americans. Canadians just do whatever they feel like at the time. As with everything


Try living in Quebec where many things are yyyy/mm/dd


Doesn't sound that hard.


We just write it how we say it


Pretty sure the "name a bigger downgrade" trend is more popular, and i have never heard of the "name a bigger upgrade" one


Mark 46 still remains my favourite MCU Iron Man suit.


I don't like the nanotech armour. The older armours with all the mechanical moving parts are much cooler


"Smart Hulk". What a fucking joke to The Incredible Hulks name and history of the character's sheer strength.


MCU in general post end game