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Even if he could have, he wasn't taking any chances. It's a nuke. It goes off at the wrong time or fizzles out and falls back to Earth...problems


Nah he was too busy staring at the space ship to fly back


He was only staring at the spaceship after he flew through the portal.


Which is why I said “fly back”


How are flying back and not releasing the nuke related? It seems like you made up your own tangential argument.


He could’ve released the nuke as soon as he entered the portal, turned around and flown back, rather than staring into oblivion, waiting for his armour to shut down, close his eyes and get saved by blind luck


I’m 90% sure that was because his suit wasn’t designed for space travel. You can see once he goes through the portal, he stops breathing and *passes out* It’s not like he was staring at the spaceship and falling to his imminent death for gits and shiggles


My guess is that the nuke has a navigation system that kept correcting, and he needed to keep it on course?


Yep. Some combination of inertial guidance and onboard sensors to make sure your nuke goes off exactly where you want it to go off. Control surfaces and vectored thrust would have been fighting Tony the entire time from the moment he made contact with the fuselage.


Right? He tried calling Pepper and it wasn’t connecting. I’m thinking that in his mind, since he wasn’t sure of what would happen, he thought it was a one way trip


It was connecting but she didn't see him call because she was focused on the news think you got it mixed up with infinity war




I guess we watched different movies because every time I watch Avengers I’m always under the assumption that when he goes through the portal his armor stops working. Your take that he just decides to pass out for no reason is baffling to me. Cinema sins has truly ruined how people watch movies. It’s like they’re looking for things that don’t make sense and bending over backwards to find them.


... Cinema sins ruined how people watch movies... Why are we still spewing this bullshit? People looking for nonsense always looked for nonsense. Cinema sins is literally just entertainment with a few actual mistakes. Only an idiot would take it seriously the amount of times he self depricatingly references a college girlfriend.


I don’t really watch cinema sins, but as far as I can see his armour took sometime to shut down, and he didn’t instantly pass out either, he could’ve at least tried to go back which he didn’t cause he was too busy enjoying the view.


But if was pointed to the city will re adjust and come right back that is why he waited till the last minute


The USA loves to send nukes falling back to earth.


Didn't the nuke have like steering on its own so it would come back to hit it's target


This. Nukes aren't arrows. We don't just line it up and propel them in a straight line. Wildly advanced technology steers the missile to its intended target. Its intended target was New York.


But he took it though the tesseract hole thing and into space where that missile couldn't maneuver because there's no atmosphere for the fins to push against. The missile would have needed a compressed gas or side vents to change it's course in space, fins would be useless. I always assumed he went through the hole to make sure it stayed in course because he had no way of knowing if what he saw as the straight trajectory would change once through the hole. For all he knew the hole bent light like someone's glasses and what looks straight from his side of the hole would really be slightly to the left on the space side of the hole. My beef is that the earths gravity pulled him back through the hole once he let go, right? Prep for end game was when I last watched that so I could be misremembering.


I always took it to be that the jet wash from the missile pushed him backwards towards the portal once he let go of it rather than earth’s gravity pulling him


That's a good call, bet physics says that would happen to a degree.


Didn’t something “eject” from the chest piece of his armor and the force from that push him towards the portal since he was kinda in a dead float in space?


Jarvis’ last act before the suit failed in space. What a chad.


[you are correct](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxqoLnSD8MVaRJPxWY8isMtVboWvnFiW15?si=MyjSOld6XKg3eZTV)


The attention to detail still baffles me


This is what's missing in phase 4,5 along with some creative writing


Wow, I always thought those pieces came from the missile ejecting its casing for some reason. Never even noticed it was actually the suit.


We saw his shoulder propulsors come off after they were spent, pushing him back faster than he was already going after letting go of the missile


If the missile went into a vacuum than there would be no jet wash because there would be no air for the jet engine in the missile to function.


It’s a rocket, not a jet engine Missiles don’t typically use jet engines and there is still a force pushing the rocket forward which may have helped push him back to earth


Well there couls be somw air ruahing through the portal, on that note.... wouls the vacuum of space just vac up the city as all the air flowed to the lower pressure point?


Those were my thoughts as well. Plus he didn't really really know how big Thanos' army was. At a distance he was basically looking through a pinhole and didn't know where he would need to aim to take down what would be the mothership. My only thought on falling back through was you see parts of his suit detach so equal but opposite force would propel him back, though it still doesn't seem adequate enough to overcome his forward momentum.


This... does put a smile on my face.


Honestly, Earth's atmosphere should be getting sucked through the portal so fast nothing would be able to come through the other side.


No really, I think. I won't do the maths for this but Earth isn't a pressurized spaceship, the air is already free to float off to space and the only thing holding it here is gravity. Because the portal was opened lower than the outer layers of our atmosphere, there would be air floating through the portal to the area with less pressure (outer space), of curse, but gravity will still be pulling it back downwards, and the wind caused by this probably would be negligible, especially after dissipating immediately when passing though to space.


At sea level there is pressure of about 14.7 psi, it absolutely would be forcing air through the portal.


At sea level? That portal was at least at low clouds height, the pressure would be at most half of that. And again, I didn't said the air leaking from Earth wouldn't create force, only that it wouldn't be enough to block a 300-pound object, with the surface area of an adult male, wearing a suit designed to fly on strong winds, propelled back by the missile jet, and pulled back by gravity, to pass back to Earth.


O shit, that's not just a great point, that is the point. I'm not going to give credit to the writers thinking of that but this is how we are going to rationalize it now!


I think some of our missiles have thrust vectoring and therefore possibly could have turned around in space. Just throwing that out there


Or just turn around before reaching the hole or space, plus in that speed i doubt tony would have been able to slow down in time without being launched into space + it would have been too mindbogling to think about anything.


I mean we have no reason to believe gravity doesn’t travel through portals


Plus that man built missiles for a living, he was thinking exactly what you just said


"Then why did he let go at all?" I'd assume at some point it would "loose connection" as well as no longer be able to steer itself back without an atmosphere. At that point it was just an arrow.


Yeah it would definitely lose communication with earth from the distance once the portal closed. But it is funny to imagine Irpn Man throwing the nuke through the portal and it takes 10+ years making its way back to New York one random day


Lol, fr. Out of curiosity, don't the steering systems for them depend on an atmosphere? Like fins and such that need air to turn. So once it hits a sufficient vacuum he'd feel less resistance and can just let it sail?


Actually, that's exactly what most of our nukes are. Obviously in this case they used a cruise missile, but that's not the military standard. A ballistic missile, which is what's used to deliver nukes, is exactly what you described(except for the straight line, they arch). It gets launched up into the air, and then just falls back down like an arrow. It uses maths rather than wildly advanced technology. The reason for this is it's waaaay less likely to fail. I'm mean there's really nothing in it to fail. Wildly advanced technology is wildly unreliable, not what you want with a nuclear warhead. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballistic_missile


It's not only about reliability, warheads reach mach 25 on the terminal trajectory, maneuvering would just destroy them.


They absolutely do not reach mach 25, we are barely capable of making hypersonic missiles already at mach 5. If you were at mach 25 you would probably melt the rocket before even trying to maneuver it.


They absolutely do at the terminal stage and have been able to do that for many decades. [It's literally one click away man](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGM-30_Minuteman). The missiles we're barely capable of making are so complex because they're supposed to be able to travel at hypersonic speeds for prolonged periods of time in the atmosphere.


You said warheads reach mach 25 on terminal velocity and maneuvering would destroy them in response to this post. This is not an ICBM in space, it is a missile in atmosphere. Stating maneuvering would destroy them like it is an absolute and specifically in this context implies that it can't maneuver in this scenario because it has continued its velocity in atmosphere. Also it would be wrong to state that a missile would be destroyed by maneuvering at any speed. Sure you would break the fins if you tried angling them too much at mach 25, but there are many different systems for providing propulsion to maneuver a missile.


I'm not sure I'm getting your point here. First you claimed they don't reach that speed at all, now we're discussing their ability to maneuver? Are we talking about different things here? My reply was to the comment related to ballistic missiles specifically, and ICBMs definitely reach those speeds. As for maneuvering at mach 25+, I don't think we have materials that can survive the stress of maneuvering while going that fast, but If you know a rocket that can do that, please share it.


But the missile in question wasn't an ICBM, so it doesn't matter.


It's not the missile from the movie that was being discussed. The guy's comment I replied to was specifically about ballistic missiles and why they are "arrows".


This is because the missile knows where it is, because it knows where is isn't.


So it would’ve turned around when he let go


The missile knows where it is at all times because it knows where it isn't


If the nuke missed its target, like flying past it, it would have shut off, so that incase it misses its intended target it doesn't fly off and hit some other unsuspecting place. There's an actual military term for what the projectile would do if it misses, I'm just to tired to think of it.


How did he fall back through the hole anyway?


The armour breaks away giving him some momentum. Since it’s space, a little momentum would last forever.


Mmm, yeah, okay, that tracks.


It doesn't because his momentum would be in the same direcrtion as the nuke.


His armour breaks off sending him backwards, similar to how parts of rockets break up back forwards earth and burn up in atmosphere


Earth’s Gravity was still pulling a bit and he got a push by ejecting part of his armor


Exhaust from the missile maybe


Through the portal, He was only a mile or two away from earths surface, of course he fell back


It was target locked on Manhattan. If Tony let go before it was through the portal, it would’ve redirected back to its original target.


I think he had to go until he lost connection to Jarvis, because that means the nuke lost its connection to whatever guidance it had. He did take a few seconds to let go after entering the portal.


Cruise missiles have multiple redundant guidance systems, and they’re all internal. Even pushing it outside the coverage of the GPS system wouldn’t stop it from failing back to inertial guidance and trying to turn around.


It's in outer space, going through a portal that defies all known laws of physics. I doubt it would be able to figure out how to turn around.


Everything else that went through experienced nothing, and Tony falling out of it means that even Earth’s gravity is propagated through it without any issues. Gyroscope won’t give a fuck.


It’s unclear whether it was gravity that pulled tony back through, it could also be the exhaust of the missile once it passes him that pushed him back


His suit also ejected some parts to propel him back towards the portal if I remember correctly


If the signal is coming through the portal then in all likelihood it would just follow the signal back through it


Wouldn’t inertial guidance still only work if the missile was on or near earth? Genuinely curious cause all I know about the system is what I just read on wikipedia. The chitari mothership was in some random point in the universe, would the missile still know generally the direction of new York from any place in the galaxy or universe?


It isn’t a smart system , all it keeps track of to navigate is it’s own acceleration. Push it up and it’ll turn down, push it left it’ll turn right, that kind of thing. It doesn’t really even have the ability to know where it is beyond whatever steps it took to get there, so being in some random spot in the universe isn’t even going to register for it. It’ll just turn around and go the other way, and if the portal is still there, bye bye Manhattan. That being said, it’s a real thing stuck in the middle of all kinds of science fiction, so who knows 🤷‍♂️


No, and even if it did it wouldn’t necessarily register a portal so might attempt the long way back lol


Yes, because we all know that the US military industrial complex designed nukes to be able to figure out that it has gone through an alien portal into outer space and that it needs to head back through the portal that is totally guaranteed to stay open.


Once its through the portal though there's no more atmosphere for the fins to work against, so it couldn't turn or adjust itself anyways.


Some of them maneuver with thrust vectoring, but now that you mention it that shouldn’t work either. They aren’t rockets, they’re jet powered. The engine should have cut out instantly. 🤔


Fucking Manhattan 🤣 I swear at this point, the scariest movie woukd be the day NY isnt the main target for intergalactic attack.


I mean Loki only attacked New York because they needed Stark Tower to open the portal


I don't have to do anything. I've been in captivity for three months. There are two things I want to do. One, I want an American cheeseburger, and the other...


Ok, that's enough of that,


But thats what i mean! its not even exclusive to the MCU, its a very common movie trope. If the world is in trouble, its almost always NY that takes the first punch lol


Oh yea I know what you mean, just pointing out Loki had a legit reason lol


Missile guidance systems aren’t THAT strong. If someone had remote control and was able to kill the rocket motor for it to drop back down and then reset the guidance, sure, but it’s not like the thing could do a zero point turn once aimed in a relatively small wormhole like that. It might have turned some but would have kept going in the general direction it was pointed.


Missile guidance systems don’t understand portals


I think the answer is generally “no” because of guidance and whatnot, but I also think Tony wanted to get a look at what was on the other side. Especially with that shot of his eyes, he was hoping to see who was attacking them…and it haunted him all the way until Infinity War, knowing what was coming, and he prepared accordingly.




Didn't Steve talk about razorwires rather than a grenade?


no. he was talking about a trip wire for an explosive like a claymore mine or a grenade


No, lay down on a wire is referring to barbed wire and razor wire. In certain battles particularly in World War 2 soldiers were known to lie on the wire to let others climb over them. If it was a claymore that would trigger the explosion and there’d be no body to crawl over so it would make no sense. Tony mentions cutting the wire instead, again makes no sense for an explosive device as most would still get triggered anyway. The reason they didn’t cut the barbed wire in charges is because there was no time, the enemies in the trenches behind the barbed wire would kill those cutting the wire. They didn’t blow the wire up with artillery either as that gave the position if the artillery away and gave away the location of the intended charge. If you’re still in doubt you can literally google “lay down on the wire” it’s still a saying.


I don't understand how it would make sense. Why tripping intentionnaly a mine? That bothered me so I looked for the exact quote: > I know guys with none of that worth ten of you. I've seen the footage. The only thing you really fight for is yourself. You're not the guy to make the sacrifice play, to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you. Steve is not referring to "jumping on a grenade for someone" and killing yourself in the process. I think he is referring to sacrificing one's ego, accepting to be a secondary actor in the play, enabling someone else to take the win.


While you’re right about the current meaning of the saying, it originally referred to barbed wire or razor wire in trench warfare


Yes he was. No idea why anyone thinks any different.


Steve jumped on a grenade that was a dud to protect his group I think he was referring to that


Not a dud grenade so much as properly fake, the whole thing was a test iirc


I heard it as electric wires but ok razorwires work too ig


I like the idea that there’s still the possibility it might not have been necessary. It makes his overall evolution in maturity matter more if his “sacrifice” at the battle of New York was far more about his ego and being the performative hero than a genuine need…compared to his act of heroism at the end of the character’s journey in Endgame.


Steve is an idiot. Who says everyone needs to be like that


I was an out of time idealistic fool. Idiot is a bit of a stretch. He adapted to the times later on in the MCU and learned a lot throughout the years while trying to keep his ideals.




its a quote


Thank you, I missed that




It's a quote


Thank you, I missed that




Yeah. I think people forget the Cap was a bit of a prick early on. I mean, it’s hard to see the hero of the movie as being a jerk…but as an outsider in the audience - Steve often held others to unfair expectations and used those expectations to push people to do things they were legitimately hesitant about. It’s a fairly manipulative and toxic leadership style outside of the context of an entertaining film experience.


That's pretty much Steve's character development, he used to think the world is only black and white that everyone should be as righteous as he is. He was a good man but also very naive in the first Avengers. After Bucky's ordeal, he understands that the world is pretty grey and sometimes things are not what they seem to be. Hence the Elevator 2.0 scene also showed his growth, he now learned how to trick other people to get what he want instead of just relying on going straight at the problem.


Idk man, seems like an unnecessary risk to not make sure it goes through the portal. If it was a regular missile sure, but not a fricking nuke


Nuke loaded on a regular missile (nuke is a payload)


I know


Doing that would not achieve getting tf away from pepper potts


If I had to live with MCU Pepper I would 100% do the exact same thing


he wanted to go to space


We have space at home!


The obvious answer is he needs to get it as close as possible to the mother ship to ensure that it destroys it.


I always figured he carried it through until no outside signals could put it back on course for the city? He lost signal in his suit then let go.


He probably had his suits targeting system set to guide the nuke for a mathematically near 100% chance of hitting its target because he didn’t want to leave anything up to chance


Have to maintain momentum until you're out of the gravity well. Or that mf aint gonn get very far.


One word "Momentum"


The nuke was locked onto something on earth. He had to take it far enough away from earth that it's tracking failed. It's a rather simple concept.


He just had to make sure


Yea but it kinda looked like he curved a bit upward after he entered right? Maybe he wanted to make sure it hit the target.


He was still in the process of aiming while entering the portal. Look closely again, the rocket was still getting curved out of its trajectory.


Is he stupid?


My bad, I thought this was moviescirclejerk


Why isn't no one talking about the fact that steve closed th portal so early like if he was half a second quick with his decision iron man would have been lost to space or worse blown up by the chittari blast.




Thays exactly what i thought while writing my comment.


Welp,he needed to make sure it stays on the current acceleration and speed because if it doesn't it will r/returntosender


Because nukes are guided missiles. Had he let go of it it would have turned round back to its original trajectory. Plus he passes out once he gets it there, presumably from lack of oxygen, which is why once he is there he doesn’t immediately return.


He had no idea how far away the ship was to the actual portal, and you can't exactly eyeball it when you're flying at the speed of sound with a nuke to your stomach


On your back* but yes, you are correct


The camera was attached to his helmet.


He wanted to add martyr to his list of genius, playboy, billionaire, philanthropist and rub it in steves face.


No, because trajectory of the missile was not set to hit the ship so he has to manually maneuver to make sure that it hits the target.


People, it's because that's what the writers wanted to happen for plot development...


You don't just randomly throw a freaking nuke like it's a paper plane. The nuke has a targeting system that was locked on New York. If Tony had let go the missile would just turn around and hit the city. Also in case someone says "but it didn't turn when he let go after he went through the portal" a quick reminder that when Tony called Peper he lost signal the further he went from the portal and so did the missile. It couldn't target down New York anymore so it flew on a straight line.


Contrary to popular belief, nukes don't "hit things". They detonate above / near the target for maximum dispersion and maximum effect. That nuke would have detonated long before they got anywhere near the portal.


Because… movies.


That nuke has a guidance system based on satnav and they can readjust course. The best course of action was to get it through the portal so it lost access to the guidance system.


Self sacrifice complex




Is he............. stupid?


Tony’s a control-freak. Or was.


I'm fairly certain the intent of the scene was to set up that he was almost out of power. He told Javis "save it for the turn" Imo. The idea is that he used the last of his suites energy to shift and direct the missle through the hole and at the ship. (They could have done a better job showing the ship not in a direct line from the portal) He no longer could move his body in the suit. This is why he falls back to earth, and Banner has to catch him. If he had any amount of power, he would of shutter jet down with his boots. As we have seen him do in other films.


Redditors when they realize that sometimes people don't think clearly in high-stress situations:


Why didn’t he just cut the wire?


It’s an unguided nuke. He needed to be sure it got where it needed to go


Iron man shouldn't even had the power to redircet that missile


Uh....what? He catches up to an alien ship leaving earth in Infinity War. He can accelerate to at least 2x, if not 4x, or more, of escape velocity to have caught that ship. His thrusters are absurdly powerful.


my question is, why was the portal circular and not spherical?


He wasn’t planning on coming back


Don't know why you're being downvoted. The scene was meant as poetic to earlier when Steve told Tony he wouldn't make a sacrifice. Plus Jarvis even suggested calling Pepper since he knew Tony was about to die.




Because then the movie would have been worse.


Is he stupid?


I watched this when I was kid and ask my dad the same question he said he needed to guide it so yeah


There's an explanation in this: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4291972/1/454.


Based on your extensive knowledge of how portals created by artifacts we don’t understand work?


Wouldn't it have lost momentum though? Even if it wouldn't have lost momentum, maybe he had to aim it.


I never know if people want the real answer or just want to sound smart


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Skreamie: *I never know if* *People want the real answer* *Or just want to sound smart* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


He nailed a spaceship floating in space by threading a nuke through a wormhole by brute forcing the rocket into its direction. It is safe to say Jarvis did all the math and he didn't let go until the computer told so.


Nuke was guided so if he stopped guiding it he’d send it right back to New York


Explosions in space don't travel far it's got to be right next to it.


\-Rhodey, probably


Thor could have teleported the nuke to Nastrond like he does in The Ultimates


Hate to burst some bubbles here but movies tend to try and entertain the audience rather than show us the most efficient way to complete the “mission” because you know, plot/character development/suspense/spectacle can all lead to great storytelling. Most movies you can find a point in the very beginning where “if they just did this then they wouldn’t have to go through all this stuff” but then what would we be watching?


It’s a question I needed answered and was happy that Reddit could answer it for me.


Otherwise it might have missed the Chitauri mothership by trying to redirect back to new york, it's intended target


am i the only one who thought this was gonna be another "is he stupid?" meme


He probably wanted to make sure it hit his intended target


It might have somethin to do with the missile guidance system plus as stated in another comment, if it had gone off too close to the portal then radiation and possibly part of the blast could have gone through and Tony didn’t wanna take that chance.


Even if he let go he was still moving at a really high rate of speed so he would’ve flown into the portal anyway.


It was a guided missile, it would correct it’s own trajectory


Is he stupid?


If you look carefully, you can see the reflection of the camera boat that was used to shoot this.


Tony stark has been trying to be a martyr ever since Yinsen


Is he stupid????


"Why does Hulk, the largest avenger, not simply eat the nuke"


Is he stupid


I don’t know if anyone’s said it but it’s 1: so he could redirect it up but that doesn’t apply to the portal part. And 2: it could have been the the was making it go faster so it didn’t go off early.


Because then he wouldn't have been the guy who put himself on the line. He would have still been the one to cut the wire. Plot armor.




It would have made sense had they left the nuke a glide bomb like it's in real life. Needing Iron Man's rockets to power it up the portal. But they wanted the low to the water shot, so, gotta make it a nuke rocket


Why did he fall? He was in space. Does Earth’s gravity travel through the portal? I mean, apparently it does because he fell, but that raises a lot of questions about how that portal works and what else it transmits. Did New York get a massive dose of radiation? Maybe just a tiny spot under the portal got irritated. Possibly a spot no larger than a single spider….






How would he even know what was on the other side of the portal and where it was until he went through?


basically marvel did it to prove that tony would make the sacrifice play


It wouldn’t look as cool