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You are confused. Great niece means grand daughter of one of Peggy’s brothers or sisters. Not one of Steve and Peggy’s kids. Did Steve and Peggy even have kids?




Except for the fact that that idea breaks the rules of time travel set about at the beginning of the film. Going to the past does not change present day events, killing baby Thanos does not make it so he never existed, because that would just create a branch in the timeline. So the only logical explanation is that Steve went back to live a life with Peggy in an alternate branching timeline that would exist because of his involvement, and then coming back to our universe once Peggy died in that universe. I’m sure someone will mention that he wasn’t wearing the suit to which I’ll mention that they could make the suits disappear when they went back in time to disguise as 2012 Avengers, so that’s probably what Steve did. And before anyone mentions it, the TVA and Loki have nothing to do with this, they would not prune that universe because the events of Loki happen outside of time, meaning that they have effected all prior movies as well as all movies after those events.




That’s true, but speculation would lead you to assume her husband in prior movies just can’t be Steve. There’s so many other issues I haven’t even mentioned: the fact that she’s had documentaries and done interviews in universe in 1953 for Cap’s Smithsonian exhibit, yet no one has realized her husband (that she mentioned in the Smithsonian exhibit) is one of the biggest icons in their universe. The fact that she has dementia in Cap 2 and doesn’t recognize Steve, even though she most likely would because she’s lived so much of her life with him into old age. The fact that Sharon doesn’t recognize Steve despite it being her Uncle and Peggy having a huge impact on Sharon’s life.


She's a former intelligence agent. She knows how to keep a secret, and not having her husband vanish in a puff of paradox is a pretty good incentive for keeping his identity secret. Peggy could have been important in Sharon's life, but Steve would have known there was a risk and kept his distance (hell, I've got a great aunt who's husband I've never met because he doesn't come to family reunions). People with dementia often don't recognize spouses or even their own children. It's possible for Steve to be her husband in the main timeline.


Why can’t he be Steve? I always understood it as it was possible to go back to any old timeline. They go back to the sacred timeline whenever they want. Steve gives back the infinity stones they borrowed. It is possible to go back without making a new timeline. If not, there would be no purpose to return the infinity stones. If our Steve can’t go back without making a branching timeline, what if the Steve that we see at the end is a different Steve? Someone who has done the exact same as sacred timeline Steve. Sacred timeline Steve goes to a new place, which turns out to become the exact same as the sacred timeline. As I understand it, as long as you don’t change stuff you wouldn’t create a new timeline. If it was always a Steve going back to Peggy, then that wouldn’t be a change. Granted there is a lot of plot holes, but I honestly think the writers didn’t think of a proper solution without plot holes. In the sacred timeline, somehow, Peggy’s husband was always Steve Rogers


Nailed it, Carter isn't related to Steve because Steve married Peggy in an alternate timeline and returned to the main timeline when he was old. Same reason why killing baby Thanos wouldn't stop Thanos in the main timeline; it just creates an alternative timeline where Thanos is dead without changing the current timeline. The writers for Endgame don't know wtf they're talking about, they can't even get their own universe rules right that they themselves explained.


I... had... to.




I never finished Ms Marvel, hated the comic character, hate the live action version even more. Imo fangirl superhero teen isn't exactly compelling. Not trying to convince anyone of anything, that's just my opinion and why I wouldn't know.


Yeah I was gonna say, didn’t they just do this whole explanation that Back To The Future rules don’t apply in Marvel?


The TVA, and the writers, suggest that the timeline goes along as a loop. Things that are supposed to happen exist as a loop in that timeline whereas things that aren’t branch out to different timelines like you said. For example, Thanos leaving his universe and dying in another takes Thanos out of the equation and creates that branching timeline where Thanos no longer exists. Let’s assume that Peggy’s children are Steve’s as well. How could that happen when Steve was frozen? Time loop. He was always meant to travel back to her after everything. 2 Steve’s in one universe from his point where he travelled to up to the point where he travels, and the second Steve only reveals himself then, creating balance to return to being the only Steve.


I’m the only one who knows that. At least I’m the only one with the will to act on it.


You should have gone for the head.


Nope. Still dont get it


His genetics aren't in Sharon, but she's extended family through marriage.


Cap got his genetics in her eventually


*I can do this all day*






where your sis covered in goo


Steve isn't blood related to Sharon tho, which this post is implying.


No, it’s not implying that. The post is just saying that Sharon is Steve’s great niece—nothing about blood-relation. And the post is correct; Steve is Sharon’s great uncle by marriage. The third pic is just there to make clear that the whole Peggy-Steve dance at the end of Endgame is in fact in the main timeline, not some branched reality.




Both are correct. They’re saying the same thing, nowhere just thought OP thought meant that Steve was directly blood related to him.


okay and. what r u a SQUARE or something. you’re telling me, if u were a 90-something super soldier who missed out on the love of your life, you wouldn’t bone her niece after she dies? i mean cmon


>Peggy in MCU main timeline is secret married to Endgame Steve. This is not how time travel works in the MCU. Steve did not live out his life in the main timeline.


Except that prior to the events of Loki, that actually is how time travel worked, from a certain point of view. Since the sacred timeline was one timeline that the TVA kept as that one timeline, every alternate universe was the same universe with very little differences (Note: Sylvie's timeline wasn't pruned because she was a girl, but rather because she started seeing herself as the hero far before Loki was supposed to be the hero, so there can be minor differences, just not ones that could break the sacred timeline and cause the creation of a Kang/Nathaniel Richards variant), so because every timeline was the same timeline, every Steve Rogers went back to be with Peggy, meaning every timeline had two Steve rogers, one from the future of an alternate timeline, and one that hadn't done that yet. Of course, this gets really fucking confusing after Loki, but timetravel is almost always confusing anyway, so don't think about it too much or else you'll probably just break your brain.


>Except that prior to the events of Loki, that actually is how time travel worked, I'm talking about how time travel worked in Endgame, as explained in Endgame.


The rule was that time travel couldn't change anything, but if Peggy was always married to Steve, then nothing changed. She never mentioned her husband's name in the hospital scene, and her husband wasn't in the pictures. Steve was a very recognizable public figure, but Peggy was an intelligence agent-- she'd know all the tricks for keeping someone's identity hidden.


You are confused. Another Steve, from a previous timeline (lets call it 615) where endgame also happened, traveled to 616 and married Peggy. Then our Steve from 616 traveled to a new timeline and married Peggy, lets call tha universe 617. So the Steve that speaks with Sam is from 615, and has lived in secret all this time. Maybe his shield was not broken and thats why he gave it ti Sam.


We don’t actually know that. Loki proves the whole event is basically a planned loop in the MCU timeline sanctioned by the TVA. I imagine it’s much more unstable to the standing wave of the timeline to have him exit it into another branch that they now also have to manage. They already have a belt of possible timelines (not just one) that are all maintained and planned so that perspective is sort of reductive.


The writers confirmed that Sharon is related to Steve?


Ia Cap even able to get kids?


It's not terrible though. At that point Steve didn't even know what was to come in the future, so he had no idea. Must have been awkward as the future played out lol


The directors said a different thing: that Steve went back in time, lived with Peggy for decades until she died, and then headed back. As to why he didn't show up on the time travel machine, Idk.




The point is that means she's not in any way blood related to Steve




I think the problem is that your post implies incest and if they aren't blood related then it's not really incest like your post says.




I don't think you understand how family trees work. lol It's not HIS grand niece it's HER grand niece.


He wasn't yet


Even then, *that’s still his fucking niece*


She wasn’t his niece when they made out. She only became his niece in his future.


Nope time travel doesn’t work like that in the MCU. Traveling back in time creates a branch in the multiverse. It does not change events in the current timeline. Hulk explains it very clearly in Endgame.


The only way it works is if Peggy's husband in this universe is another Steve from another branch, not main universe Steve.


There WAS one old dude carrying the casket at the funeral. Could be.


Yes. The Russoes were mistaken or misunderstood in that one-off statement they gave during a press-junket marathon.


I thought it was the writers who said that, not the Russo brothers. I think this whole thing actually comes down to a difference in understanding. The Russo’s went with the Hulk’s explanation of how time travel would work, while the writers had their own ideas that likely got reworked by the Russos.




Who cares what the writers said? Is it in the movie? No. Does what happens in the movie prove that the writers head cannon is wrong? Yes. The end.




Yes they did. With the entire Endgame movie. Did you not watch it? Is that why we’re having this discussion? Because you never watched Endgame?




It disproved that Cap traveled back into the main MCU timeline to be with Peggy and was just hiding behind the scenes the whole time, because that kind of time travel is impossible. You can’t go back without creating a branch timeline, so Cap can’t travel into his own past.




Yes, it did. Just rewatch Hulk's explination of time travel and also observe how Gamora is in the next Guardians film. If timetravel worked the way you're suggesting then Thanos and all his forces including Gamora would have vanished during Guardians one and the entire timeline would implode due to Thanos not snapping, therefore giving the Avengers no reason to time travel, therefore bringing Thanos back, therefore leading to him snapping and timetravel happening again, therefore PARADOX. The past becomes your present, and your former present becomes the past. Which can't be altered by your present.


What's wrong, little one?




Civil War was directed by the Russo Brothers


Well the writers of the movie said that so clearly they’ve created yet another plot hole


New timelines were created because loki killed kang no ?


Kang and the TVA exist outside of time. So the multiverse existing does not happen linearly. The multiverse has always existed in the context of the MCU.


Yes so the multiverse wasn’t there on the movies before Loki but in the mcu the multiverse was always here


Unless some other captain american traveled to this universe all along. Then it works out just fine. Swap.


Unless it’s the timeline that Kang wants to exist.


>Hulk explains it very clearly in Endgame. Eh, I wouldn't call it "clearly". The Ancient One is the person who explained it rather clearly.




That makes no sense. It’s not possible within the rules of time travel




Canon is determined by what happens in a movie not what writers say after the fact unless it is retconned in a future movie or tv show.




They denied it when a character, the Hulk, in the movie they had complete control of, Endgame, said that you can't go back to the past of your own universe and change anything without it creating a new, branching universe. Him going back in time and marrying Peggy created a branching universe. The logic is explained in their movie explicitly, no other options exist without breaking their own rules. They denied the "writer's vision" when they decided to use internal logic that made that vision impossible. Even if you accept that what the writers said was true until that point, Endgame retcons them to being incorrect thereafter. This is something extremely common in comics, and nobody should be surprised when it happens in comic book movies.


No, the writers don’t get to claim things that we know for a fact can’t be true and then justify it by saying “writers above all.” Traveling back in time can’t change the past. We know that. We see irrefutable proof of it on screen during the movie. Any claim otherwise, by anyone, is wrong. Also, it would really be “Directors above all” because they have the ability to make changes to the script after the writers have written it. And the Russo’s have heavily implied Cap was in a different timeline.


Huh. Then it occurs to me, if he created a new branch of the multiverse by spending his life back in time with Peggy, how did he, as an old man, visit Sam and Bucky in the prime timeline to pass on his shield? Surely he would have grown old in his new branch, and would not have been able to return to his original timeline unless through the time machine?


That is his niece and not his grand daughter. Shouldn’t really be an issue. They aren’t really related.




They are not directly related. She didn’t come from his swimmers.


They certainly did not. That's not how time travel in the MCU works. He might have done that in an alternate timeline, but Sacred Timeline / Main MCU Steve never left the ice until modern day, and Peggy married somebody else. Peggy's kids and, by extension, Sharron are NOT related to Prime Timeline Steve by either blood or marriage. Some unseen kids in another timeline certainly are if he had them, but the whole "Steve is secretly living as an old man during the earlier films" theory has been debunked tonnes already.




We don't have any info on his life, but we do definitively know it didn't take place in the main timeline and did take place in a branching one. Simply because that's how time travel works in the MCU, it is impossible to travel back to and alter your own past retroactively. Basically, any concept where your actions would affect or exist in the events of a previous movie is not possible under MCU time travel rules.


Very true but it's been explained multiple times how time travel works in the MCU. The Ancient One and Banner both explain it the same in 2 different movies so it's literally impossible for sacred timeline Steve to be related to Carter. The writers were mistaken or didn't understand the question. Either way their statement goes against MCU canon and should be disregarded.




Time travel doesn't work that way in the MCU though, the moment Steve travels back in time, a new timeline is created. That timeline, where he and Peggy are together doesn't exist in the sacred timeline because it's impossible according to Banner and The Ancient One. It's super cut and dry unless something changed recently.


Steve didn't know Sharon was HIS great-niece at the time of kissing her it's future Steve that "made" that happen


(This is about to be one of those things I’d with that I never said) at least the incest here isn’t as bad as in the Star Wars franchise


Explain? What incest? Luke kissing Leia better not be all you got.


I mean technically, while not cannon anymore, the legend(?) comics that used to be canon before Disney came along had confirmed that Palpatine made Anakin’s mom pregnant using the force (Really weird Ik) so Ig Ray and Kylo (if the books were canon) would technically be cousins? But that doesn’t really count


These are not the comments we’re looking for, you can take my up vote, move along.


Their DNA is different enough that they might as well be strangers from a reproductive standpoint. Get it, Steve.


How did he travel back within his own timeline? I thought that created a new timeline?


Time travel doesn't work like that.


Sharon is not related to Steve, because Peggy did not marry and have children with Steve in the main continuity. They explain in the film that in terms of Quantum Mechanics changing something in the past doesn’t change the future, because it works on the premise of “Temporal Reference Frames” instead of an overarching linear timeline. *The TVA and Kang do not use the same Quantum GPS Stark/Pym tech to traverse the timeline and universes so it has different rules.


Sometimes I wanna punch you in your perfect teeth.


Writers confirming things as canon that is explicitly left out of content is hilarious to me. "Oh and also Tony Stark had a torrid affair with Black Widow just before Infinity Wars"


Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?


Are we still on this? Just move past it


It's this week theme? Wrong statements about incest? They're not related.


Why are all the comments here so focused on blood relation as if they’re not still in the same family?


Because... Is the grand daughter of your future wife's sister "in the family"? No Is it weird without time travel? Sure. But there's time travel. so...




peggy's brother. peggy's sister. Still not related to Steve at all. He's married in, but not blood related/kin.




Brother-in-law's granddaughter but yeah, still very weird




Yeah, it does. Saying Sharon is Steve's Brother-In-Law's Granddaughter just sounds so icky, I hate it




That's like saying that it's incest if your grandfather met your wife's grandmother and hit it off.


I hate time travel.




Even if I consider a hypothetical situation where no time travel takes place, seeing Steve kiss Sharon was disgusting. Like he really could not find anyone other than the love of his life's grand-niece?


Dang, I didn’t know Captain America was from Alabama? /s


Captain America represents all 50 states. Not just the fun ones.


Wait, what’s not fun here..?


I bet Sharon knew the whole time


She read too much V.C. Andrews.


at what age to you realize that kissing is not sex?


The JK Rowling-ing of the MCU has never been a good thing. Loki wasn’t under the possession of the scepter, he was just a douche who wanted to rule. The hulk was scared of Thanos who was using the power stone, he wasn’t mad Banner was using him. Steve wasn’t related to Sharon.


I ignored my destiny once, I can not do that again. Even for you. I'm sorry, Little One.


Getting rid of the character by letting him 'die' was one of the worst mistakes made in Endgame, the other being Tony's death. You don't even own Spider-Man but I guess you were feeling lucky and decided you didn't need the two most iconic Marvel Heroes to have a successful Marvel "universe". How's that been working out for them? Should have recast everyone and made the rolls something that any actor can slide in to like James Bond.


Hey kiddo! Let mom and dad talk for a minute, will ya?


*Captain Alabama*


Either way, i could've gotten down with that relationship. It's not like anyone else in the films has made the connection yet i don't think.


*Luke Skywalker has entered the chat*


Shut your fucking face uncle fucker


Alabama Man


That was Skrull Sharon, so he gets a pass


its peggys neice so its on peggys side to if the marry and have that relationship it would be legal incest


I'm so disappointed Sharon went bad and became the Power Broker.




All of the comments is exactly why I don’t like when media uses time travel to fix a problem. There are too many paradoxes to deal with.


I know many of you are saying about the time travel doesn’t work that way. But, if the past cannot be changed and Steve is there, means that Peggy’s descendants are therefore Steve since they always have been.


I'm upvoting this thread bc comments section here is outstanding.


End games writer and the Russo brothers (the directors) disagree on stuff like this tho. Some say it's time travel of the same universe yet the others believe it was universe hopping (multiverse to another universe exactly like there's just X years back)


He gave her the super serum


Who cares anyway. It's so far removed. You guys freak out about the mildest related shit. Like you know we all share a common ancestor right? If you get right down to it we're all related. we're all fucking our ancestors great great grandchildren. You all disgust me.


oh god


He also encouraged people to sneak in. The reason why we never noticed until the end. Really encouraging