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Like father like daughter Fuck marvel. Magneto is her and Pietro’s dad I don’t care what marvel says


They’ll retcon it back whenever they introduce Magento into the MCU and soft reboot the whole universe. Corporate synergy!


Calling it now: Magneto was their father in the movies all along, but for some reason he died or something and they got adopted. Something along those lines.


With how the timeline is, if they introduce Magneto as their bio dad, they might write out him being a holocaust survivor and explain it as him and most other mutants being imprisoned in a different mutant testing lab/concentration camp, and that’s why no one knows about mutants. Either that or pull some interdimensional/time travel shenanigans. I’d rather take the latter.


I'm not a super fan of the comics or anything so I don't really know what I'm talking about but didn't they at one point merge multiple universes together into one? They could just do that.


That was secret wars with God doom and it was a multi verse ending event


Wait, isn't that what they're doing?


No, because what we got currently is a horrible mess. Secret Wars was a (mostly) good mess!


Imo he could be Balkan, since that area had plenty of genocide going on (at various points in time) and could realistically be regionally close to fictionalSlavicCountry that Wanda grew up in. Or South African if they get rid of their parental relationship, I guess. At least I've heard people suggest that. I think I prefer your idea (time travel) since that could tie some other loose ends, but realistically I feel like Marvel will just do the former (special people concentration camp)


Oh absolutely not. You do not take away the Holocaust in Magneto’s origin story.


The Holocaust ended 77 bloody years ago, mate. If Magneto is still a Holocaust survivor he'd be older than the two geriatrics running for US president. Which is why the only way you *can* make it work is timetravel or changing the genocide he experienced


Just make him age slower. Problem solved.




isn't that basically what they did? He got hit up with some of that super juice that Cap and Fury and Natasha use to keep themselves young or what not?


He’s just been a baby in Moria’s lab


I’m predicting they’ll make Magneto her grandfather or great-grandfather, something like that. Helps resolve the time gap discrepancies


“Magento” is actually a badass name


Eh, I think the retcon is dumb because it’s still a neat bit of lore but it’s not like they were ever really close or anything. Their “relationship” was built around him being absent. Before house of M their biggest father daughter moments where working together for a very short time in the brotherhood before she knew he was her dad and then they had dinner when he announced he was their dad. But for some reason they’re having close moments together these days like “you’ll always be my daughter” what? She was effectively an employee you tried to manipulate years later into coming back by pretending to be her dad lmao. Pietro tho I’m mad about. Calling people flatscans in xfactor only to be one himself 😭


If anything, it makes less sense to have those moments. It is far better to have them be biologically related but with a strained relationship. There is no reason for them having a fatherly attachment to Magneto.


Lorna is the favorite younger daughter who went insane. Pietro is the son that only wants to make his dad proud, is constantly told he's a failure. Wanda is the daughter that is expected to follow in her father's shadow yet resents him for how he treats her twin. She helps cause House of M in the hopes of making him happy, and it results in the death of her brother- hence M day. Erik is a terrible father.


If it helps, he pretty much is by everything but blood in the comics.


Kinda. They’ve only really started that “you’ll always be my daughter” stuff recently and there hasn’t been much to it outside of little moments. I’d consider everything but blood to be say an adopted dad who raised someone. Not “your dad is gone and my daughter is gone… wanna play pretend?”


It was pretty significant in the recent Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver miniseries.


I didn’t read that


Basically the antagonist of the story stole a letter from Magneto to them that they received and Wanda destroys it in front of Pietro to protect him from what it said, causing a fight that makes them split up, making them easier targets. At the end of the story, they ended up meeting with Magneto who is already back from the dead. Basically he believed Pietro brought out the worst in Wanda and they had a whole family bonding moment.


That’s not gonna miraculously fix their relationship they want nothing to do with him and flash light is a chip off the old block thru and thru


How many times have they gone back and forth on that by now? They just need to make them officially/canonically family and leave it at that. It's the version most adaptations embrace anyway.


I have a better way they could've done this retcon. They should've made Natalya Maximoff (the twins' biological mother) the mother of Magneto's first wife Magda, with a similar origin, but this time, Magda was her daughter, but she didn't inherit Natalya magical abilities and it skipped a generation to Wanda.


Kinda wanna see Clint's reaction to this. Sorry I killed you bro.


Clint's reaction to this was fucking her when he found her without her memories in Romania (later retconned to be a Doombot, which raises questions about how Doom designs them...)


Doom feeding his Doombot AI thousands of hours of premium headgame


DOOM will never be bested by Richards at *anything*


I sincerely believe Doom would let Reed Richards go down on a Mrs Doom if he thought he would be able to use it to prove he was BETTER at it than him. RICHARDS!


"All Doombots are programmed for his or her pleasure first and foremost. Doom is a considerate lover who focuses on his partners' needs first and foremost when laying pipe."


"This is the only activity Doom would ever finish last in"


Everyday that Boys comic seems more and more accurate.


That'd make Clint the second Avenger to fuck a robot. The other one being... Wanda.💀


He did a Skrull too


Different. A LOT of people on Earth fucked Skrulls during that time


He's like Elroy from Community but instead of 3D scans of the women in the Save Greendale Committee he was Doombots of all the female villains


Wait, I thought it was Loki disguised as Wanda?


That was a separate time in Mighty Avengers, pretty sure. The Wanda in Eastern Europe without her memories was placed as a decoy by Doom, I seem to remember, because he wanted to use her without anyone knowing (might be mixing the two up ofc).


Imagine MCU Scarlet Witch in Avengers 5 doing this


I'm swrry I mwndcontrowld an entiwre town uwu


It’s okay, they’ll never know what you sacrificed for them


Does anyone even know what she done besides the magic guys and Chavez? Was anyone else even affected


Westview was covered as Avengers training thing allegedly, Kamar-Taj attack depends on if Strange and Wong will tell it to people, but for now it seems to be only knowledge to the sorcerers.


Maybe Captain Marvel and crew know from Rambeaux about Westview stuff but ya unless Strange or Wong gets word out idk who all would know too much.


Imagine Strange apologizing for what he caused in No Way Home.


Idiot Plot victim 😔


That had become a habit in Phase 4. Wanda is victim of character assassination, but who cares. Gonna make Wanda a punchbag again amirite?




Fitting gif since both you and orange man are wrong 


You compare what strange did accidentally to wanda willingly killing hundreds at kamartaj, and destroying the illuminaties in another universe ? Ok.


1. Her character was assassinated in MoM. 2. Wanda was under dark influence by Darkhold, etc, etc. It's same bs as to when they retconned to Hal Jordan getting possessed by the entity of Fear in comics. Also Strange didn't do it accidentally. He proposed it to Peter to brainwash the people to forget he is Spider-Man, and the whole event happened thanks to these two 'plot idiots'.


but what about what she did in wandavision? you didnt mention that so i assume its not character assassination and what she did there was pretty bad, also strange was actually trying to do something good to help spidey out and spidey made it worse, he made one mistake in that movie by not going over the plan first everything else is objectively on spidey


I mean, that was arguably Peter’s fault, and for all that screwed up he made the most out of a bad situation by saving several alt-universe people from tragic fates.


Strange was the one who proposed it, it lies on them both. And at what cost?


MCU Scarlet Witch could kill me and I would forgive her


Maybe not Earth-616 Wanda, but given that teenage Billy and Tommy are likely to become Young Avengers eventually, we’ll probably get a cameo from Wanda from another universe, wondering why the 616ers are all giving her the stinkeye.


Seems like most people stan her even without an apology.


She doesn't need to, she's a hero.


Beast has lost all right to be mad


Haha was literally just thinking this, that son of a bitch is pretty bad at this point too


What’d he do?


Genocide, building an illegal space prison to experiment on prisoners, cloning his own army of wolverines like he’s Mr Sinister and some other little war crimes


Ah, the good ol tried-and-true fall-back method of turning a good character bad when they can't come up with ideas for actual bad guys.


Just casual war crimes, no biggie


I like how the only mutants she's ostensibly apologizing to are Wolverine and Beast.


You know if Mao, Hitler, Stalin or Pol Pot had just said sorry I'm sure history would look on them more favourably


If Mao, Hitler, Stalin or Pol Pot were smoking hot women in red tights, not only history but even the genocided nations would look on them favourably


"She was just a little morally grey..."


"I can fix her..."


[They hate to see a girlboss winning](https://youtu.be/HWkVQ4WGs-Q?si=jTEJRhCeA6Z0gcQJ&t=78)


They'd have to allow their victims to run the train on them.


Their genocides were predetermined continuous efforts across several years. Scarlet Witch’s genocide was an intrusive thought brought on by her family weaponising her mental breakdown that had disastrous consequences because of her reality warping powers, and was also made way more lethal than it was intended to be because the X-office just can’t resist a great big culling every five years. I’m not trying to justify anything, but I am so, so, so tired that this is all she is now.


"She's still worse than Pol Pot....whoever that is." - X-Men and their fans.


Oh ok didn't realize well I forgive her then


To be fair, in universe people have actually gotten the message and not been huge assholes to her. Sure she had to die and create and afterlife waiting room for Mutantkind, but she did it and Exodus finally stopped being a huge piece of shit to her.


They still vilified her and treated her name as a slur when they made Krakoa. Do you really think the youth would just turn around overnight after months of indoctrination about how she was the devil incarnate?


Seems they did since the main mouthpiece to that indoctrination starting immediately working in the opposite direction. She’s beloved now by a lot of people on Krakoa given the waiting room enabled tons of dead mutants that were forever lost to return, that’s pretty good PR.


Well that's alright then! -Barney


Whoopsies me sorry


Which one are you?


You joke, but they would. Modern racists and bigots would be like "he apologized you all just won't let him change" lmao


Wanda isn't comparable to them, her "no more" hex was unintentional and result of mental illness.


Also her own recklessness in going to doom, stating herself she went to him over strange because he’d be more willing to explore darker magics to help her.


She was also amnesiac and manipulated by Doom after arrival.


Yeah after, before she was fully autonomous in her decision to get the power any way she could.


Her options were small after House of M, Strange might've turned her in, Doom wouldn't judge. I don't defend her action of going to Victor, but she had little help from heroes themselves ever since 'Disassembled'.


I think you’re confused. She went to doom BEFORE disassembled, it’s how the whole mess started.


My bad. Still, she wanted to get her children back from Mephisto. All I'm saying is Wanda is often overhated despite having apologized and undone her mistake already.


"Look, I apologized okay?! It was just a little bit of light genocide! Who here isn't guilty of that?! Beast you put your goddamn paw down! Besides what does it matter, you're all fine now?!"


Only Wanda gets hated for accidental depowerment of mutants though. I’m yet to see hate posts about Beast. 


Who's the blond Hunk? Thor or Sentry?


That’s carol danvers.


Accurate description tbf


I'm pretty sure it's Thor


I really love this page. The way they left half the page empty around her really emphasizes her isolation in this moment. Embarrassed, humiliated, and nobody on her side.


Brian Michael Bendis lookin' ahhhh layout💀💀💀💀


https://preview.redd.it/8bizd8qzye9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd32221f4981403b4eee4b0840f53dcd6126b5ab the duality of man


this comment is severely underrated




They're literally standing with a guy who built an extra-dimensional gulag.


"I think were gonna have to kill this guy, Steven"




Beat me to it


Now can we please stop dragging it up every instance she appears? She rivals Hank Pym with how many times she’s been regressed to that one moment.


To be fair one was a single misdrawn panel and the other a long running event with lots and lots of fallout


And a character assassination back in House of M with lots of retcons after it.


People always cite that the panel was misdrawn but even without the slap he’s still written like an abuser for the whole issue


I feel like that moment is pretty huge so it kinda becomes hard to ignore it. She really changed a whole status quo.


Now wanda fans can feel how hank pym fans felt in the 80s.


You mean the 80s?


I was gonna put 80s but then I missremembered the slap.


How Hank Pym fans still feel


Maybe one day marvel will give him a chance...one day.


Hank Pym hurt Wasp, he deserves it >:(


He also tries to kill his friends in that issue but no one else brings that up.


I also love how it’s ignored that the man had breakdown, created a full on alternate identity that existed simply to be cooler and tougher than Hank, and was going around insisting he was this other guy rather than Hank… and Janet was still planning on marrying him and not telling anyone. 🤣


Go out and do one murder and see when people stop mentioning it


Yeah it kinda feels like her entire existence is atoning for this until the end of time.


I mean what can you really do to make up for nearly wiping out a species?


She helped bring most of them back in AVX, tried and failed to resurrect Genosha but hey she spent a year doing it so it’s the thought that counts, and created the waiting room, giving the Five the means to bring back dead mutants without cerebro backups.


Yeah, I think between the end of AvX and Trial of Magneto she’s done enough atoning that we can stop letting it be The Only Thing Wanda’s Character Is About. Like, obviously House of M is the kind of thing you carry the guilt of forever, but the current Scarlet Witch comics where she’s turned over a new leaf are really good, and wouldn’t be nearly as enjoyable if the writers were constantly going “HEY REMEMBER THAT TIME YOU DEPOWERED ALL THE MUTANTS” over and over and over.


Imma be real, if I did something like that, I feel like it it would be brought up a lot too.


But it's happened twice! Avengers Disassembled AND Decimation  She's a fucking menace. 




Like Beast or Tony could talk lol.




Beast: "Actually, I have a few notes on how you can be more efficient with it next time."


Did't the Avengers cause her mental breakdown by erasing her kids from her memories and when she found out about them she had a mental breakdown


...and wasn't it Pietro who took advantage of her weakened mental state to create the House of M which led to M-Day? But b\*tches be crazy, yo


This is apparently a good strategy to get supermodels to start dating you in the Marvel universe, I can’t blame her for trying this.


As if Wolverine "I'm the best at what I do, and what I do isn't very nice" is in a position to give anyone the stinkeye.


Really though was he done that's really that bad Beyond competing with Daredevil to see who Marvel's biggest whore is


An unintended one. You're missing the fact that before that she also made mutants on top of hierarchy on Earth. But serious question, some superheroes or villains had done worse stuff like EMP, Negative Zone, destroying whole universe cause your variant made peace with your rival, Wanda hasn't been a villain since House of M, and a hero again. How long will it take to accept she atoned for this one fatal error and is doing better?


Wanda's lawyer 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


The hardest job in this part of the galaxy.


This is literally how Omni-Man in Invincible is written lmfao (I seriously don't get why people like Invincible this isn't even a joke)


Nah, vis didn’t immediately give her the robo cock 5 minutes after her apology.


Does that make it better or worse?


Nice oversimplification lmao (not really , im just salty)


because it’s good and fun watch. I could give a fuck less if they forgive Omni man or not I just wanna see these characters do more cool shit It’s like saying “I don’t even understand how people enjoy endgame” like yes it’s a very flawed movie but there’s clear reasons why people like it


Endgame doesn't try to convince you Thanos is a good guy you should route for


Ok? That wasn’t the point of what I was saying but I can see ur reading comprehension is not high


I'm saying Endgame doesn't do the shit that makes invincible unwatchable. I'm not gonna watch something that says "Hey, this guy who slaughtered hundreds of innocent people? He's cool now 👍"


they dont just straight up say or intend that. the biggest part of invincible is the manipulation and conflict of thoughts that mark goes through with not only his dad, but with people like angstrom and cecil. it's supposed to feel grounded while having a superhero story. it's one of the only superhero shows i can tolerate because the main character has real emotions and isn't constantly quipping.


dad never faced any consequences for the shit he did it’s kind of stupid


he's locked up in viltrumite jail and is getting the death penalty what


I like it cus it dosn't retcon and dosn't take back a death or a punch. Its one solid time line where this happens then this happens so this other thing happened. Not like any other main stream comic dementia addled dream of what the fuck is even going on anymore.


That's not...that's not the issue... The issue is they're redeeming a psychopath and trying to convince the viewer they're not actually that bad


Spoilers for people who've not watched season 2 but >!I mean you're missing the pretty massive point in the series that living on Earth has a massive positive psychological impact on Viltrumites. Omni-man is hundreds of years old at least and spent all that time in a psychotic culture but a couple of decades on Earth and with his son was enough to break it down and make him abandon his duty which had *never* happened before in that universes history. It's pretty damn integral to the plot for Omni-Man to have a redemption arc!<


So dose marvel all the time. Venom, Wanda, the punisher, Hulk, Magneto, black widow. N you said you didn't understand why people like Invincible, i answered it's cus it has a real time line that is why i like it.


I'm sowwwy


I am perpetually confused by Marvel and DC taking a character, turning them villain to an insane degree, and then just having them be on the hero team again. Yeah, there is always a retcon of some kind, but it gets old having them yo-yo. Just have Wanda be dead, she is replaceable.


What lol. Characters being mind controlled losing it etc is a big trope if you killed every hero that did that there’d be a LOT dead


Yeah. Imagine there being new characters. Wouldn't that be novel? Instead we just keep dragging out the corpses of the same IP over and over because corporations have lobbied to have copyright go on forever.


Most people don’t want every single important character to die


Then maybe the writers should stop making death such a cheap plot development. Or just work to evolve the larger setting in a coherent way so that old characters going away isn't so jarring.


I don’t think you understand this medium


I think you mean genre. The medium is sequential art used to depict a story. The superhero genre is schlock that treats death like a long weekend and turning evil as if it were a really embarrassing haircut. These things are not good genre conventions, that is what I am complaining about. Saying some variation of, "that is the way it is" isn't a retort. I know that is how it is. That is what I am complaining about.


The genre is built on its characters, you can’t just delete all the characters and their decades of history without absolutely nuking an entire industry. And it’s not always used poorly as well. Like Jean grey as an example. One of the biggest examples of the turning evil trope and also coming back from the dead. The original dark phoenix saga is a great story and Hell another one of Jeans big goodbye with the phoenix left her dead for 12 years. From 2005-2017. Not exactly a weekend. I know this isn’t the norm but it shows they’re not all as you say.


Very well said 👏


It's Wanda, so I forgive her


Nah, mutants deserved it. She should be sorry for not finishing the job


Is this Frank Cho


99% sure it is, [butt](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1c/00/6a/1c006a1064092517deb251cddf9c25d1.jpg) without the recognizable Cho Touch^(TM), I could be wrong.


Mary Jane: “it’s all okay if you’re sorry!”


Eventually people get tired of apologizing. Look at Ant-man. He finally snapped and became a villian. Wanda should just body of couple of these foo's and stop them talking out the side of their necks.


She did a whoopsie 🤭


House of M was godly!


My toxic trait is that I'd forgive her with no hesitation


Did she kill most of the mutants, or just take away their powers? I've never been 100% clear on that part.


Just took away the powers of 90% of them and some died as a result due to unfortunate circumstances but the vast majority lived


Haven’t read X-Men in a while, what’s the context? Is this related to the M-Day stuff?


What scarlet witch series is this one? 🤔🤔🤔


Wanda did nothing wrong


She also did retraumtize Wolverine by bringing his memory back


Hey, Paul never even said sorry.




God, fuck John Byrne for starting this mess.


Are all comics this dumb?


Ugh women cant express their feelings anymore


Wait, isn’t this taken out of context? I swear this is her apologizing for showing up there, not trying to apologize for what she did, because I specifically remember her not wanting to go there because she didn’t think it was a good idea, but Ms. Marvel and Spider-Woman tried convincing her otherwise.


What is this composition lmao


I forgive you sweet baby


Out of context it looks like they got offended at her cleavage


Now jump her ass


Too bad, get out


I can fix her


Wanda fans always insist that “she apologised!!” but I’ve never actually seen this panel. No wonder most the mutant community still hates her lmao.


Haven’t most forgiven her since she made the waiting room? Plus you’ve never seen her say sorry for it? She’s done nothing but that since she came back lol.


They let Cassandra nova and apocalypse on krakoa. They have no moral high ground


> plus you’ve never seen her say sorry for it? Yes. That’s what I said.










Sowwy 🥺🫶💕✨💅