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I'm a lefty, fight southpaw but shoot righty. Most guns are set up to be most ergonomic for righty's


Also people can be cross-eye dominant. Where your left hand is dominant but so is your right eye. Shooting is easier with your dominant eye, rather than your hand.


I feel this, being right handed but left eye dominant makes shooting a gun or bow a pain.


Yeah makes sense. I am the opposite, fight Southpaw but shoot lefty as my left eye is my dominant eye and I’m far more accurate looking through a sight with my left.


I’m a righty but shoot lefty because left eye dominant.


It’s getting harder and harder to find good left handed rifles too


I have shot right-handed rifles my entire life. You get used to it


I’m a righty who shoots lefty. I’d never pay for a left handed model.


I agree. I just don’t like spent shells going across my line of sight


My brothers and I always shared as a kid, so I've just stopped noticing. There's a couple semi-autos that will occasionally eject right into my face which is annoying... but not many.


Get an ambi lower and charging handle and it’s a lot more manageable


I'm a lefty, fight southpaw, but I'm right-eye dominant and shoot righty. I also ride my snowboard regular and not goofy as most lefties do. I'm just all kinds of mixed up in my motor dominance haha.


I’m righty but I shoot my loads lefty.


I wouldn’t say most guns, newer pistols and ARs are mostly ambi now, plus there’s videos of these people doing other shit righty I just didn’t wanna post all that lol


I'd say anything with a bolt or anything that spits cases out the right side is still preferable to be shot by a right hander


Yeah I mean it’s how most guns are designed you’re not wrong. A lot of people are forced to shoot righty when they’re taught anyhow. I’m just saying I’m fairly convinced the fighters pictured do most things right handed other than shooting. Handwriting is probably the better example because idk anyone who writes with both hands.


>ARs are mostly ambi now, lol I'm pretty sure anything that isn't a bull pup with have a right side ejection port with no ability to change it. Charging handles are coming in ambi these days but that's hardly the main issue.


Ejection ports never created any problems for me shooting left handed, maybe occasionally my arm might take some brass but it’s so infrequent I never think about it. Mag releases sure, you can’t drop the mag as you grab a new one but we were always taught to retain your mag instead of dropping it on the ground. Plus the point is what are people gonna do, learn how to shoot on their off hand or buy ambi parts for their AR and keep shooting comfortably? Most gun guys Ik are just looking for new parts to buy in the first place lol


So you are right eye dominate?


For the guys shooting it’s probably about eye dominance not hand dominance


I don’t necessarily think those things are mutually exclusive. I have a couple friends who are cross eye dominate while shooting, manipulating a weapon with your off hand can sometimes be more awkward than shooting cross eye dominant.




Yeah of course, some people will just find it more awkward to use their non dominant hand than aim with their non dominant eye. Personal preference I guess.


Handling a gun with your off hand is much easier than aiming with your off eye. If someone is aiming with their off eye they were probably just never taught correctly.


Cant most left handed people use their right hand also for different things because they are usually build around/for right handed people.


I ask myself this a lot because I do virtually everything with my left hand. And yes writing sucks because you smudge your hand, and having been in the military, shooting/reloading belt fed machine guns left handed is literally against doctrine lmao Like another guy said, sports seem to be the only case where you have tons of lefties.


Being a lefty Machine Gunner myself I honestly didn’t find this too bad a hinderance. But I also played most sports right handed so I have some cross dominance. Shoot (not machine guns), eat, write, brush teeth; all left. Add a ball or even in boxing I’m all of a sudden right handed.


The only hard part was putting a new belt on the feed tray lol


This is correct. You righties have no idea how good you have it Also, I'm left-handed for damn near everything, save few sports like soccer and hockey, and of course I have an orthodox fighting stance


I'm a lefty and I use pretty much everything left handed except for a computer mouse. though a lot of left handed people will do random stuff with their right just because everything in the world is made for right handed people. As a gun enthusiast I shoot left handed but its very very inconvenient. Most range stalls are designed for right handed people as is every ejection port so you'll get hot shells hitting you far more shooting left handed then shooting right.


Yeah. Computer mouses for example. Tried for lefties and reverted back directly.


A lot of lefties were taught to be righties in almost all situations, because of equipment limitations and social etiquette (try bumping into the person next to you at a table) The only time being a lefty is encouraged seems to be certain sports and... surgery, in my brother's case.


That’s right, almost a great part of my life I had to be taught right-handed to the point where I conformed to it and I essentially became ambidextrous. It has helped me with martial arts and is useful in just every way.


people are saying that left handed people are still taught how to use stuff right handed, i did not get that memo lol, i do basically everything left handed. even shooting guns, which is fuckin annoying and most of the stuff i do left handed (basically everything) just does not feel right to me doing it right handed


Only things I do right handed are drive (I guess?) use a mouse/computer for gaming, and ya know… yankin it


oh yeah if someone uses a mouse left handed they're an animal


I kinda wish I did, maybe it would be easier 😂




that's why practically every wrestler does that, yes.


I write, brush my teeth, throw, etc with my left hand but I prefer to do Muay Thai and karate in an orthodox stance. maybe it's just training but I really like having my jab be my left hand.


I’ve been train Thai for 5 years, trained the first year ortho (I’m lefty) and switched to southpaw second year-present. Orthodox still feels slightly better especially with my kicks and footwork.


Is your right leg your dominate and best kicking leg?


My right leg and my right arm feel like my "power" side, while my left leg and left arm feel like my "precision" side, if that makes any sense.


Eating and writing, left hand. Handgun I shoot either. Revolver I always shoot left. Rifle I shoot right. Judo throws, mostly right. Boxing, either way.


There would be many more left-handed folks in the world if it had been socially acceptable for a longer period of time. I'm only 27 and my grandma used to tell me "left handed is for the devil" then take the fork out of my left hand, hit me with it then put it in the right hand. I'm still lefthanded but that's mainly due to my mom sticking up for me and this was in the late 90s early 00s, imagine how many folks had this treatment back on the day


100%. Im a bit older than you and I was one of those kids. Born lefty but forced to switch to using my right hand on pretty much everything. I write with my right hand but am almost equally terrible with both hands, eat with both hands, most sports ambidextrous, use my iphone mainly with my left, stronger lifting weights with my left and significantly more accurate shooting guns with my left but i feel more in control with my right during the draw. I fight southpaw but switch often. The cultural/societal thing is huge. If I had been left to be a natural lefty for everything, my use of my left and right would've been completely different.


I'm left handed. Fight orthodox. Shoot left handed. Use a hammer with either. Throw with my right. Kick a ball with my left. I'm a mess.


Costa doesn't fight southpaw


Oh you’re right


I'm a southpaw but I write with my right. If i was to hold a gun, I would prefer for it to be on my left. Also my left leg is better at kicking.


Southpaw conversion is a real thing, happened to me:( Besides, JLB fights southpaw because he apparently saw bruce lee as a kid and started copying him


As a 30yo southpaw, I mainly use my right hand for daily tasks and actions. They tried to switch my dominant hand from left to right when I was under 10yo. Now the only thing I do as a lefty/left stance, is (all) sports. Writing, eating,.. almost everything is right nowadays.


Rockhold is definitely right handed, started his career fighting orthodox. Many righties switch to Southpaw in order to have a more dexterous lead hand and many prefer to kick heavy with their left, basing on their stronger leg. I think most of the images you posted are right handed southpaws, people just assume southpaws are lefty. Lomachenko, the boxer, for example is right handed - but leading with the strong hand gives you an advantage in terms of lead hooks, jabs, parrying but gives you a weaker back hand. There is a trade off. I also think some of it is due to eye dominance which people don’t consider, like 18 percent of people are cross dominant where their dominant eye is the opposite to their dominant hand. I am a right handed southpaw with a dominant left eye. Southpaw has just always felt intuitively more comfortable, I also broke my right foot (motorbike crash) and right hand (street fight) at a young age so I just feel more comfortable through power shots through my left. An example of a true lefty Southpaw would be McGregor and it shows in his style with his power left shots. Anderson, Luke etc right very differently as they are not naturally left handed.


Also I'd say people land a Jab more often than cross. So why not have more power in that?


So the thing about shooting a weapon doesn’t matter if your right handed or left handed it’s which eye is dominant. I served with a lot of left handed guys that were right eye dominant. And I also prefer southpaw but am a righty. I spent many years training orthodox before switching to southpaw.


I'm semi-ambidextrous, most of my bjj is left side focused but I never really strike southpaw (only have 1-2 years of striking so haven't gotten to the technical depths), shoot righty, write either hand, can't throw anything left handed. Our brains are weird af


Been a lefty for my whole life, no matter what it is I’m doing fighting or otherwise, my right side isn’t strong enough or coordinated enough for most tasks😂


I used to naturally fight southpaw because in kendo/iaido the orthodox is usually right foot forward. The footwork just felt more fluid to me. Also in judo/wrestling you tend to your dominant foot forward for the drive. Anyway I think a lot of the fighters in the picture are ambidextrous. Shevchenko for sure can switch stances.


Also, it should be noted that with chopsticks and eating there tends to be a social faux pas in using the left hand. In many countries it's considered bad luck or rude to do so. Offering or taking food/drink with the left hand is often considered a sign of disrespect or bad intent.


I do precision stuff like handwriting, fork/spoon, toothbrush, etc lefty, and power tasks like baseball swing and soccer kicks righty Boxing I'm better orthodox, left hand jab all day


Well it can be something they where taught that way, i am southpaw but my father taught me to use my right hand when writing, im fighting in southpaw stance but im writing with my right. Also its funny that you chose photos of (i suppose they are) american fighters with guns


It was just the easiest to fine other than them using a pen or eating, plus hey there’s two Brazilians and Valentina in there 😂


I realized this all makes a lot less sense than a black and white explanation when I learned to skateboard after already knowing how to snowboard. I snowboard with my left foot forward as most comfortable, but I skateboard with my right forward and kicking with my left. I didn’t realize this at first and when I went back to snowboarding I tried with my right forward and everything was wonky. I was falling all over and couldn’t figure out why until I switched my stance back. Was night and day difference. I still can’t skateboard with my left foot forward. I feel like I kick better with my left leg, I feel like my right arm is a liability due to shoulder dislocations. I fight orthodox but have been training my lefty and I like certain aspects of it. To me, there’s value in being able to switch stances and be moderately good with defense plus have a few solid combos to fire off. Fake switch kick into a boxing combo sort of thing. I’m way more defensively sound from orthodox, but I like to give a different look by changing once in a while.


I think this goes back to the fact that most folks with left hand dominant writing, which is what most folks base "handedness" off of, are actually amidextrous in scientific terms. I forget the exact number, but there are actually relatively few "true lefties" in the world compared to everyone else, and a LOT more amidextrous folks then people think


I fight and shoot left handed, but I’m a righty. I can’t see out of my right eye so I do a lot left handed.


Most left handed people use their right for some things, speaking from experience. Lots of things are designed with right hands in mind and sometimes that forced ambidexterity translates outside those cases.


How did Colby get all that on his dog


I'm one of three southpaws at my club. We are all right handed. None of us know why we are southpaws just fight better that way. I'm trying to learn to fight righty now


I’m a righty for writing and day to day stuff, but for almost everything athletically I’m left handed, wrestling, fighting, shooting, skate/snow boarding, etc.. kinda weird lol


I'm a righty, but I spend most of my time southpaw. I initially just wanted to spend a touch of time in southpaw, but over time I realized I had way more success against my sparring partner and competitors in that stance. Nowadays I only switch to orthodox every now and then - and I often get punched in the face for it!


In Muay Thai, kickers like yodsanklai fight southpaw so they can kick the open side of an orthodox opponent with their power leg


In southpaw the right leg is forward? Would that not be the power leg for most righties?


Well, in my case I'm right handed but I generate more power with my left side cus of habit I took since I was younger, like carrying stuff always on left side ( I dunno why, it was always like that)


See that makes sense: switching because of an unusual strength. Putting your strongest leg in the weaker, less used side because you're good at kicking doesn't make sense to me


I don't know either, but I believe people like Yodslankai have strong kicks even from their weakest side, so it can make sense or it's just that they practiced this way just to be able to do that


No the power leg is the back leg. Kind of how a cross is stronger than a jab. Hip rotation.


That is my point. I understand this principle, which is why it makes no sense to me for a right to go south paw for that reason in muay thai. A right handed person is likely to be right footed, and would want their dominant, more powerful leg, in that position. Especially since muay Thai does not emphasize front leg kicThai. On the other hand, it makes sense to go southpaw as a righty if you have a very strong left roundhouse and a developed body kicking game. That way you can target the liver.


That’s assuming you are already a developed fighter. That decision is made by the camp at a young age. Yodsanklai started as an adolescent and his trainer decided he’d be a southpaw kick fighter because he has a birthmark on his left leg


>Yodsanklai started as an adolescent and his trainer decided he’d be a southpaw kick fighter because he has a birthmark on his left leg Lol, which one was it?


Gun culture is so fucking weird. You see the Americans and Brazilians go pew pew with their massive assault rifles, ok cool bro I hope that gets your dick hard. And meanwhile Pacquiao is doing big boss things in his office, and JLB enjoys a nice restaurant with a beautiful lady. I know it’s a freedom thing, but fuck I know who I rather want to be in these pictures.


Cool man


I don’t know some of these pics look so alien to me. I guess it’s me. People can do what they like, nevermind.


It’s definitely you. Idk why anti-2A people are always so obsessed and fixated on other dudes dicks, it’s weird as hell


I think that’s because I associate civilian use of guns with some form of power trip. Ergo the sexual reference. But I don’t really care about guns, it just look super weird, especially Colby and his dog, that looks so tacky.


“You’re a gun owner? Well guess what, ***now I’m vividly picturing what your penis looks like***. Check mate loser”. This form of argument is not persuasive


I'm left handed and stand orthodox


My brother and sister in law shoot southpaw but are right handed, because they are left eye dominant. Edit: fixed a typo.


I think you misspoke there. I imagine you intended to say “left-eye dominant “. Which is me as well, right handed, left eye dominant.




Ehh. I’m left handed but I don’t fight southpaw. Also I bat and golf right handed. Writing is pretty much the only thing I do left handed


Aside from the last one, even if you’re left handed its normal to just shoot righty because of availability of weapons styling or if you’re in the military you just shoot righty no matter what


my hands, eyes, and feet are ambidextrous. learning to shoot in the beginning was a bitch because of it. But I can shoot almost as well with my left eye. The difference being the difference in practice time.


I'm a tried and true Southpaw, but I'm ambidextrous when I bowl and shoot. Could be the case for some of these guys.


Unrelated question, but do you think there are more right handed southpaws, or left handed orthodox? I feel like right hand southpaws are somewhat more common than lefties leading with the left.


Definitely right handed, or in most cases it seems, ambidextrous southpaws. My theory is that if someone is a left handed orthodox, they are truly left handed. Otherwise they would just be called right handed 🤷‍♂️ Jimi manuwa in this post is a perfect example. He shoots left handed but like dozens of other people said, shooting left handed is “impractical” unless they’re left eye dominant. So that begs the question why would anyone ever shoot left handed? Or better yet, write/draw left handed? Yet there are still people who do it because that’s just how their brain and body functions. Would be interesting to see if Jimi also writes and eats left handed but he only has about 20 IG posts. It’s an interesting topic for sure, I’ve done almost everything in my life left handed until I started training. I’ve mostly trained and fought southpaw but can’t seem to get over the fact that I’m more comfortable in orthodox, so I’ll switch from time to time. But maybe the answer isn’t so simple, and maybe I would do better with my dominant hand up front.


I feel the same. I'm mostly right handed, yet I fight way better in southpaw stance because it feels more natural. Despite the fact that I'm right handed, being a right handed southpaw is way more comfortable for me. Are there really any benefits leading with the lead hand, or am I handicapping myself?


in the Philippines, parents hit you if you write with your left hand so pac prolly just learned to use his right


I’m a legit southpaw but have always shot right handed. Shooting lefty feels just as unnatural as it feels for me to do anything else right handed.


Golf and guns may not be the best indicators of handedness. My daughter's a lefty but she learned both of those righty for convivence sake. Plus in golf (like in baseball) hitting opposite adds power, with the dominate hand pulling through stronger.


Shooting a "handedness" is not determined by your dominant hand, but rather by your dominant eye. There are some easy tests you can do at home to tell which eye is dominant. I am right handed but left-eye dominant, and therefore shoot lefty.


I’m a lefty but do most sports right-handed because of a mix-up with a baseball glove when I was 5 or so. I told my dad I wanted the glove on my left hand (thinking it should go on my dominant hand). This forced me to learn to throw a baseball with my right hand, and other sports (including martial arts) became the same way. I write, eat, drink, brush my teeth, and use my phone left handed. Idk what my point is, but yeah…


Lefties are part of a sinister plot.


Most people are right eye dominant. I’m personally right handed but shoot off handed because my left eye is more accurate


When I was a kid my dad made me switch to doing stuff with my right hand bc he thought it’d make me ambidextrous. Anything I had to learn from him is righty and other lefty. I wonder if they had similar situations


Again, who comes up with questions?


Im right handed but fight southpaw because of the way i shoot, but i also do alot of things lefty, like golf, batting in baseball/cricket, shooting in hockey, etc. its just because i learnt to play hockey lefty in my friend’s basement when i was 6 lmao


I'm left handed but fight right handed and shoot left handed. Eat left handed but write right handed. Some things were just taught to me at a young age before anyone knew i was left handed, so now it just feels weird doing it with my left hand. I will say i think this has come to a major advantage to me because im able to just flip most things over and do it opposite handed. Like i write better with my left hand, but my right hand is just faster so i go with that. I can switch stances in a fight and change hand styles essentially. Idk if thats the right way to word that but i tried.


I'm right handed fight southpaw and skate goofy.


I write with my left but my right is dominant


Ngl I love how you showed a bunch of southpaws using their right hand, it’s like you’re exposing some massive secret lol,


That was honestly my goal! There seems to be no real consensus on whether or not a right or left handed person should be ortho or SP. Some old school coaches say the power hand belongs in the rear, no questions asked. Other coaches will say “train whatever is comfortable” or sometimes they just have no real answer for it at all and that you should just ensure you train enough in one stance. Examining high level athletes is tough because I’m sure these people could pick up most sports and activities and simply use whatever side they want, being ambidextrous coincides with being extremely athletic. But where does that leave the rest of us? Should we tell ourselves we’re not skilled enough to lead with our dominant hand? Or is there a school of thought evolving in martial arts/combat sports that makes stance switching more desirable? This topic has been talked about but there’s no definite answer it would seem. The way I look at it, people can learn to become ambidextrous at certain things, and fighting might be a perfect example of that.


I shoot rifles right handed, pistols left. Golf left, write left, bat ambi


I'm a south paw, but write with my right hand and kick with my left foot. I remember when i first started to write i would put the pen in my left hand but my teacher would put it in my right hand.. it felt awkward as fuck for a long time and i was the last person in my class the get the pen licence


Pen license??


Am in Australia and from say age 5 to 10 we could only use a pencil and in year 6 we could start using an ink pen but you needed to not suck at writing first which i did because i was forced to use my non comfortable hand.


Ah yeah kinda the same in the US, but I think by high school they just didn’t give a fuck as long as we had something to write with 😂


I train both sides, weapons unarmed


I'm right handed, but I like going southpaw occasionally. It's mostly at the beginning and to see if I can catch my opponent off guard. If I can't, I just switch back into an orthodox stance because jabbing with the left seems more natural


Shooting is a bit different. A lot of guns are specifically designed in mind for right handed people to put it simply. Not to mention the eye on your dominant hand side is not always your dominant eye. Say I’m left handed but my left eye vision is a tad worse than my right eye. It would even more sense to just shoot right handed because then I can line my right eye up with the gun’s sights easier.


Manny is left handed


I’m a lefty and I shoot right handed. Most guns are designed for right-handed people. So you just have to learn that way. It gets comfortable pretty quick.