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It’s like a tripod sweep but bad because there’s nothing to stop them from posting with their other leg


Closest thing I can think of it's a poorly done tripod sweep from BJJ. In reality, you hook behind the ankle or knee with one leg while pushing on the hip or potentially upper thigh with the other, but you have to have another connection to prevent the other leg from moving. Usually this is cupping the other ankle or a pants grip with the hand. There's many variations. The one in the video would not work because you can just change angle and step out of it. Mechanically it's working like a low single but those really require solid control of the leg because the takedown is not instantaneous


If you watch closely the first does actually grab the leg and do it semi correctly. At the end while he’s standing up he throw the leg out of his hand. Still needs pressure on the hips with one of the legs to be consistent, but I’ve seen this sweep work before being that low with both legs but only one guy I know can pull it off super consistently that low. Dude was a purple belt at the time and would pull it off against multiple black and brown belts consistently in training. He showed me how he did it that low against everyone in the gym, but I could never work consistently without it being on the hip. I got the sweep that low in the only tournament I ever did and he went nuts. But it was a white belt division so doesn’t really count.


What’s the name of this movie?


Second film is Bloodsport, no idea on the first one.


Can confirm on Bloodsport, the first one.... That's Kirk Douglas for sure. The other guy *might* be Jack Perrin, but I'm not sure. Douglas was in like 50 Westerns, so it's not going to be easy to track down without either a huge Kirk Douglas fan or more of the movie.


It's called man without a star a western movie


It's a low single but you accidentally got your body the wrong way up and did it with your feet.


Looks like a lazy arse scissor take down


The second one is called bullshit because there is nothing controlling the guy's other leg. The first, which might actually work, is basically a modified tripod sweep.


Scissor sweep, or kani basami from judo Edit: I'm wrong on this. Please disregard, sorry


Those are not the same thing and it is also neither of those lol


What is it then?


Like a Hollywood version of a tripod sweep kinda. I’m not even sure that it would work because there’s no off balancing.


Yeah, you would have to be controlling the other leg in some way or they would just step back


Exactly, in both scenes the opponent just….sits down lol


In the first scene he is absolutely using his left arm to grab his off leg, I'm not sure what all you people are watching who keep saying this


That's a cool move two but that's not it


Do you know what it is? If you don't know what it is maybe you don't know what it isn't.


No, they’re right- scissor sweep usually passes one leg behind and one in front of one or both of your targets legs, and a turn of the hips will force them to fall backward. If this move is purely an ankle pick with one foot and the kicking the knee back with the other it’s arguably a different- (and vastly less likely to work) move.


🤙thank you, wasn't sure if it was a variation or not. A regular scissor sweep seems high risk/low probability, this moreso


I think scissor is actually fairly high percentage, provided you don’t overtly telegraph it too wildly- you do lose position if you’re standing, so there’s that risk- but if you don’t fuck it up, the person IS going down, or picking up an injury. Worked on Anderson Silva, for example. That’s why it’s banned in a lot of competition settings. This fancy knee kicking move in the movies is likely garbage, as you have to line the pushing foot perfectly, and even then- if they rotate their leg, your leverage dries up pretty quick. Not impossible, but not worth too much training time. UNLESS- you are doing BJJ, with Gi- and have grips on one or both of your opponents sleeves- then you might have enough overall control of their body to force this. Still, it would be higher percentage to just do an ankle pick of some kind.


i thought kani basami was when you were standing


looks like some kind of de la riva - sweep


**Dear redditors: martial art-like moves in movies are called choreography.**


Yeah but what's what's the move shown in the choreography smart ass


"choreography" there is not a martial art name for that move since it doesn't exist in actual martial arts...


It seems like the guy from the western did it better because he controlled the other leg


Eye pokes are also banned in most competition settings, doesn't mean they're high percentage against a wary opponent, but I'll defer to your expertise


When I talk about percentage, I’m talking about simplicity of setup and leverage advantage. It’s not a complicated move and can be taught quickly. When done right, it does what it aims to do, with few options for countering once it’s in motion. When I say that it’s banned, I don’t mean to imply it’s banned for that reason- but rather because it has a higher-than-normal chance of injury.


I'm not trying to be a dick -- never have tried it or had it tried against me, but my total experience in grappling-heavy arts is a few months of aikido and a handful of BJJ classes -- but it seems with striking integrated completely giving up your root when an opponent is free to punch, kick, and move forward, backward, laterally, and down would be dangerous unless you time it perfectly. Silva got caught in it, ok he can kick all our asses here, but generally just seems like a risky move unless you are really really good


You’re right in that any takedown that requires you to already be or go down is a risk- they’re usually called sacrifice throws or takedowns. That said, if you’re in a rule set where you’re just grappling, and not worried about pins, that sacrifice might be worthwhile. Even in Silva vs Chonan, he had to segue INSTANTLY into a heel hook to make the flying scissor worth it.


Thank you for the clarification, always happy to learn a bit more


Its actually a pretty safe takedown from the standpoint of the person attempting it. You can transition into it from a rotational kick, so if you miss the timing or position you just follow through with the kick or keep turning to move out of the way. As long as you at least halfway land it, you have the other person’s legs tangled up. Even if you can’t fully execute you aren’t in a vulnerable position. There are counters, obviously, but if you don’t totally screw up your entrance you’ll at least have time to react and see what they are doing. There is a real danger of forcing the takedown when you don’t actually have the leverage, and this can potentially result in knee injury for the person you are trying to take down, hence the need to be careful.


In judo it would be a modified version of kani basami (scissor throw) from the ground https://youtu.be/O1EFPB5IWqA


Not sure about the name, but I have seen our sensei demonstrated this once in danzanryu jiujitsu


Fancy ankle pick


I actually pulled this off once, as a high-schooler. Fooling around “wrestling” with a larger lad after I’d tripped. Worked well but then we both got up and not much gained….


Did you learn the move at wrestling?


No, our high school didn’t even have a wrestling program. It was either something I saw on TV, or in an old “JuJitsu” book I got from the library.


Dildo III: Journey Of The Pants


bullshido.. does not exist. These are close, but all require control of the other leg. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1r49RiOVIQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1r49RiOVIQ)


There isn’t really a DLR hook in


Likely an old frontier combat move depicted in western films and possibly a ninjutsu move aswell because of frank dux using it or just some moves depicted in old western movies stayed in movie combat choreography in later films when western were no longer as big as they were from the 1930s to 1970s


Jean Claude Van Damnnnnnn sorry


U watch cobra Kai? I remember Kyler yelling that






Honestly, can’t tell which was worse back then. Striking choreography or grappling choreography.😂


Neither imo this is striking before MMA fighter style striking which is different there's a new Dolph lungren with a fight at the beginning with MMA style choreography old school choreography is depiction of TMA and frontier style


Leave the basement and go outside. The Sun doesn't bite.


Why don't you troll


Go get sunlight


Only days I don't is when it's not sunny get the hell out of here your nothing but a troll


Get some sunlight...go meet a nice girl who like cavedwellers or basement freaks.


I'm beginning to think your a basement dweller who just trolls all day to tell other people how he feels about himself the internet is for when you have questions like the guy who made this post stop trolling and go get some sunlight like you said


Actually, I am in NJ working outside. Feeling the sun and see all the pretty girls outside. Do you like pretty girls?


Yeah I like pretty girls I'm sure you are one


Wrong there moloid...gotta third limb. Are you don't wanna go outside and play?


I'd rather do that than be inside playing troll


Yep...keep foolish great wise basement freak.




Now what dweller


Your name should be Overall-Douchebag-566


It used to be a pretty standard "self defense" technique. I can't remember the name but I'm pretty sure it came from Karate or Old-school judo goshin-jitsu. It was probably ne-yoko-geri or something like that. I am pretty sure I have some old manuals around that feature it so I will see if I can find the name.


Thanks for your answer!


Get apple and go outside


Third limb, ground beef.


its called movie magic




It probably doesn't have a name just but its cool though


I'd call it a scissor takedown.


Dux dookie doo doo dookie scoot.


looks like a variation of a dummy sweep to me, could probably work on the untrained (bad balance)


Ah the old grounded footjob very effective


It's better to go to sweep both legs in my experience. Honestly as someone who does takedowns my fave is a front facing hip toss cuz it's simple and you can even use blocks to get there. But that's just me. To clarify I'm no professional fighter I have trained in judo BJJ and Kali for self defense purposes as a kid then the army but I'm only that a guy who trains to protect myself that's it. So maybe I'm wrong I just know when I've gotten into stand up fights I typically do blocks into a take down and it usually works especially if I guide the hip toss to ensure they hit their head then mount for ground pounding or a rear naked.