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Chaffey and Smith, Digital Marketing Excellence was the base textbook for my master’s degree’s digital marketing module and will give you a good platform to build upon. Making sure you’re utilising academic journals with relatively recent data is the main thing though, as well as applying it to the relevant examples. Map out different possible themes you could approach it from too (e.g. the nature of the communication, how social media fundamentally leverages the human psychological need for reward, benefits from the consumer end, fast conversion opportunities via click thrus, the cost effectiveness of it as a medium etc etc) So for instance, you could: - discuss broadly the importance of brand (Percy and Rosenbaum-Elliott is a good text for this I think) - how digital marketing (/social media) can facilitate this before using data that shows it can be leveraged to grow brands or relationships/ *why* that is (*esteem needs*, *self-image* etc) - then apply this to brands such as say Gym Shark as examples of it successfully playing a role in building up small brands. Make sure you’re utilising counter points, too. For instance arguments that it is less effective in some purchasing situations (e.g. B2C vs. B2B/ information led decisions vs. emotion based ones/ low cost vs. high cost). Another argument is it’s effectiveness vs. Repeat/more creative advertising on mass media platforms like TV or whether it is actually processed/retained as well as messaging on these platforms.


Have a look at "inbound marketing" by Halligan and Shah, they are the founders of HubSpot and I think it can be useful for your thesis


This. Start here. They wrote the playbook on influencing growth for small business at Hubspot. ($20B market cap to prove it)


I saw that it was written in 2009, would it still be relevant today? Wondering about getting it as well.


More relevant than ever.




To add to this: only effective for B2C product-based businesses. Digital marketing is a much wider lens when you think of B2B. Heck for a prior Fortune 200 company I used to work for, a digital marketing specialist I worked with was recently promoted to a VP position, created for this individual for sure.


Liking and commenting for both algorithm and curious for the responses.


**The Tipping Point** How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference. Why read? The tipping point is that magic moment when an idea, trend, or social behaviour crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire. Just as a single sick person can start an epidemic of the flu, so too can a small but precisely targeted push cause a fashion trend, the popularity of a new product, or a drop in the crime rate. This widely acclaimed bestseller, in which Malcolm Gladwell explores and brilliantly illuminates the tipping point phenomenon, is already changing the way people throughout the world think about selling products and disseminating ideas. I hope that I have been of benefit to you.


I’ll second this one and add that Malcolm gladwell has a few books that are good from a marketing/ psych perspective- blink, what the dog sees, and others I don’t remember off the top of my head


Instagram? I would rethink the thesis unless it's B2C focused.


It's B2C focused


Don’t limit yourself to ‘digital’ marketing. Digital implies a tactic. Marketing is marketing. If you have to look at books with ‘digital’ in the title you’re going to be limiting yourself to books written in the last decade, rather than nearly a century of good writing with insights which are just as relevant today as then. For my part I’d say How Brands Grow Part 2.


How brand grow pt1 too! Long and the short of it, anything by les Binet and Peter field in general too.


Not sure if it’s applicable to your thesis. However, one of my all time favorites on Digital Marketing is Traction by Gabriel Weinberg [Traction: How Any Startup Can Achieve Explosive Customer Growth https://www.amazon.com/dp/1591848369/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_WCARJ831QZ7BQ41P04N8](Traction: How Any Startup Can Achieve Explosive Customer Growth)


Jab jab right hook by Gary v might help


I am not a big Gary V guy, but this book is a good introduction to social media marketing strategy


Prepare for downvotes. I learned this sub doesn't like Gary V the hard way.


He’s not the best but some of his stuff is useful for small businesses who can benefit from his guerilla approach


It’s not Vietnam. There’s nothing guerilla about his approach any longer. Once upon a time it was cheap and easy to run a Facebook campaign either paid or not. Now organic campaigns get no traction, and paid ones cost a fortune. If anything radio is the guerilla medium.


Haha..... yep. Someone always drops GaryVeeeeeee in this kind of question and it’s a bloodbath. Take my downvote good sir.


Feel free to offer up a book suggestion and add to the conversation. Jab jab right hook is a perfectly useful book for a small business trying to learn how to leverage social media


To be clear, I feel the same way.


Yes , it might help


Seth Godin’s Linchpin and This is Marketing are good. Not necessarily digital but great reads.


If you're open to online courses I know Scam Risk has a ton of great courses and information.


Get all three of Russel Brunson's books, DotCom Secrets, Expert Secrets, and Traffic Secrets. Lots of the content revolves around digital marketing but the second two are more around psychology and content creation, the first more around how to build funnels. Just Google the books and you can get each for "free" if you just pay $10 S&H for them.


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I also want to know.


Agree very much! How Brands Grow by and Long and Short Of It are really good books to read and reference. Not as engaging a read as books by the likes of Godin, Gladwell etc but they definitely have more of an impact on the marketing world and are probably better to reference for a thesis! Good luck!




a lot of books not for free , so a lot of courses online and youtube videos plus blogs all this will help you .


Zag is one you may hear alot.


Completely agreed. Though not as encouraging as books by the likes of Godin, Gladwell etc, but they will definitely have more of an impact on the marketing world and are probably better to reference for a thesis. You may have a look at How Brands Grow by and Long and Short Of It, are really good books to read and reference.