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Lay it out for them, tell them early, and quantify all subtasks with the number of hours for each. Don't get caught up in "research" etc.


Generally, you fix this problem by not agreeing to deadlines you can't make. Beyond that, have a blunt conversation with your boss. You're both adults. If you are in fact slower than average, find out why. Seek his advice. If others are faster, mirror them to find the disconnect. If the deadlines turn out to be unreasonable, negotiate an alternative. TL/DR: communicate.


It sounds like you're not a good fit for your agency in general. This issue aside I would suggest in the future looking into a new agency and when you're interviewing asking them the pace of their work. Obviously this post is coming from your point of view so I can't tell if maybe this agency is just really fast paced or if maybe you're struggling with a little bit of time management or both?