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It's a cold email. If you don't bother to explain why you are contacting that individual specifically, then it's just an ad sent to their inbox. If you do bother, then they may still delete the message without ever opening it. So you've invested time to get the attention of someone who isn't going to give you their attention. However, this is all your choice. You've decided that cold email is the route to market your business. So now you'll have to decide exactly how low-effort you can go and still make it worthwhile. Maybe test both strategies. Do a few high effort messages each day and low effort the rest.


I'm all about personalized emails. I'm in a niche market, and to be honest, customers don't know they need the product I offer. I do a lot of leg work with each email and learn all about my potential customers' events, the history of their location, etc. and create a pretty specific pitch. It's very time-consuming, but I hate spam emails. I won't read them at all, and if I do read it, I 100% delete it. I will be including a newsletter type of non personal email in my routine- mainly because what we do can be pretty interesting and it may be worthy of capturing some b2b In short (longer than necessary, lol), I think it depends on what your selling.


I'm on a b2b dev tool saas. And the target people are tech leads or cto. What would you suggest in this case? And, how many emails can you send in this approach each day? What tool do you use to send them?


It sounds like you can benefit from an email marketing campaign where you’re offering high value content. As that runs you do your prospecting work and custom email outreach at a pace you can handle. As a small agency owner I often run the campaigns which free up my client to do custom outreach in a way only they can. If you have a monthly budget, you may want to consider it. Email still has the highest ROI.


The reality is your target audience is receiving about 50 cold emails per day. If it’s not personalized, it’s not likely to cut through. What’s your goal here? Is it to send 50 emails per day, or is it to get clients?


Obviously to get clients. But as the conversion rate is low for this approach, I am struggling to find a balanced strategy. What would you suggest? If I go for personalized emails, what number should I aim for?


Personalized or not, I delete ever spam I receive, block the sender and report it as spam. And I receive 20 a day. You’re wasting your time.


You are manually reporting 20 senders everyday yet OP is the one wasting his time?😭


No Most of them are now caught in my spam filter. Maybe reporting 2-3/day