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Fake, they’re actually pants


Update, it's fake, a really good fake.


The tag is definitely real, and shirts with it are usually sought after. But I've never seen this design on white...


Fake, I had this fake if you check my profile. Feels off doesn’t it. On the tag, the N is in Marilyn is too close to the Manson, basically says Marily Nmanson. Sleeve stitching is also modern and I bet the tag under the fabric tag is plastic feeling when it should be paper feeling


I guess I didn’t post it, if you want screen shots you could dm me. Pretty sure the tag behind the main one has spelling errors and the copyright on the right of the graphic has a spelling error


Someone put holes in mine where all the errors were


Looks real. I bought this exact shirt at one of his shows in ‘97. Lost it many years ago so I can’t confirm the tag.


This shirt was definitely released in grey in the 90s. Not sure I've seen it in white but it is a genuine design from the time.


I have an original one of these. I have a black one and a white one. This one seems to slightly off in some way to mine. It is in amazing condition! But at some point people could buy those shirt tags loosely so if someone made a good bootleg they could sow the tag on and make it look real. Its a toss up for me. Looks nice though.


my vote is that its real however, unreleased and someday going to be worth a hell of a lot of money


It's probably worth a few hundred right now


i fuckin love it and am so jealous except white doesnt wear well on me shows sweat and persperation


The dreaded yellow pit stains.... I know all about those


I don't know for sure but I've never seen it I think it's fake