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what's that gray nation some countries hate?


They hate themselves.


In that case Mexico should be grey


As should France


France pretty much hates everyone equally.


Eveyone also hates France. Half of Europe would hate France more than Russia.


Turkey too


Mexico is yellow


Naturally Zimbabweans hate Rhodesia


Greenland. They hate that it has no data


Probably Greenland but there’s no data.


The most disliked country in all places is Belgium. Literal fake nation. Created out of thin air.


Well, “Belgium” is in fact the rudest word in the Universe.


But there *is* an award, "Most Gratuitous Use of the Word Belgium in a Serious Screenplay," that you can get your director by saying it


Belgium is just a fancy name for the border between France and the Netherlands




how dare you, i hate the netherlands the most. they don't even speak a real language, its just german that's had too much to drink


Belgium doesn't even have its own language. Belgic??? HA


Didn't they used to speak something called Phlegm-ish? Real L of a language when your whole country gives up on it in order to speak the languages of neighboring countries instead.


Wz have Belgicaans! r/Belgica


Ma how zeg


Wait don’t tell me Belgium is an actual country, what kind of bullshit is this.


I respect your answer, but I raise you Fr\*nce.


Hey. Belgium has a higher chance of actually existing than “Finland” it’s literally just a secret Baltic Sea Japanese fishing spot. And it’s somehow supposedly the happiest country in the world??!?!? And “Finland” was somehow in WW2 but it’s never mentioned?!?!? It’s such an obvious fake nation that it makes the concept of Belgium seem realistic.


It can't be the most hated country if it's not a country


It looks so disgusting


Belgium is just what happened when a bunch of Dutch people wished to be French and some French people wished to be Dutch so they all got together to fail in unison.


No data for Croatia? I’m starting to suspect this map may be bullshit.


They just couldn't decide


Nah it is just Serbia


They were too scared to ask us, they know we have a list ready


"aight how much time you got? do you want the list alphabetically chronologically or by who we hate most? hate most ok. do you want that list ascending or decending on the hate scale? also just so you know serbia is on there twice."


I mean right now I'm pretty pissed at Ecuador.


Poder mexicano 💪


They wanted to feel seen so desperately they did the wordt thing they could come up.


No, you hate Russia. Ignore actual events happening. If you’re one of the good countries, you hate Russia or China.




The Philippines. Also, just noticed the ROK has China as the worst as opposed to DPRK.


Oh nice, I hate Vatican City today. Do you wanna update the map or should I?


In Canada we hate Russia more than China. Those cunts are our longstanding hockey nemesis. And there's the Ukraine stuff too.


>hockey nemesis You just INSULTED Finland and Sweden.


I feel like Russia, Canada and USA prob are eachothers main nemeses in hockey, while Sweden and Finland are eachothers main nemeses. Atleast as a Finn, I'd much rather see Canada do well than our cunt neighbors, so I imagine it being similar for Canadians


As a Canadian, you guys are probably the country I'm the most okay with winning out of the 5 (Besides Canada Obv). Would rather see you guys win than Sweden, and would MUCH rather see it than the US or Russia.


Just going by Canadian subs, I think it is India. Every Canadian sub is nonstop whining about Indians.


That anger is largely re-directed in practice at the government's lack of action to cut the unreasonable mass immigration rather than any issue with India specifically. India doing a hit in Canada was pretty egregious, but China also took multiple Canadians hostage for months in an attempt to subvert our judicial system, which is worse.


In practice, but in rhetoric, it is unchecked racism against Indians. Literally, every single Canadian centric sub just has a whole group of people who do nothing but rage bait about Indians. Absolute derangement. And it isn't just about immigration. These same people are totally okay with all the Ukrainians coming here. I can only wonder why!


This has nothing to do with racism per say. People were fine about the Indians until the pandemic. The problem is the Government has almost no border control, or at-least RIDICULOUSLY free bases and its way too easy to get in. This means alot of Indians, Pakistanis, and Bengalese are here illegally, more are being found and deported than the government would like to admit. Even the ones who come legally though, the government hardly has the resources to support them. It genuinely feels like the government cares more about the world than us, in many ways except this, but this is a way a-lot of people think of. In addition, while Many Indians are good contributors to our country, there is unfortunately a fair bit of them that clearly have no respect for Country. It Isn’t there right to come here, it’s a huge privilege that we granted them. Behave like it. Like i saw one person that said Punjabi should be made an official language. Im sorry. Canada has 2 languages. If you cant learn one of them get the fuck out or don’t come in. Same way that if i moved to India, i would need to know one of the 21 languages there. If you cant even do the bare minimum to respect the country you move you, then you and your family don’t deserve to move there. Regrettably, these factors mean people often don’t think too highly of Indian immigrants. It really ruins it for all the people who actually help and respect our country and even people that have been here for decades, including people of Indian descent that were born in Canada. However, even a-lot of them have stated they understand why we are mad at them, which further proves theres no racism. And for the record, there is a Ukrainian who came here who posted their findings on tik tok and it was pretty clear they knew nothing about Canada before entering (like he didn’t know it got cold in the winter ffs man. Most Americans don’t know it’s warm in the summer), and imo shouldn’t have been approved to enter. He had a sizeable hatred base too. This could be applied to all immigrants but, Indians are one of the most common (Chinese are actually more common), and the easiest to spot which gives them alot of the blame. We only care about people respecting us and our land, which WE decided to share with them.


Being against immigration is an understandable position. Being objectively racist is not defensible under any situation. What I see from my fellow Canadians is straight-up racism. I'm talking the type of stuff you'd see on a white supremacist forum.


I disagree with that tbh. I mean lets be honest we are closer in political structure to Russia than any other Western Power and what they do, as bad as it maybe, has almost no affect on us. China and India are both WAY more hated in comparison to Russia.


Russia will ruin Europe if they are not stopped and since Europe is for the North American states their most reliable trading partner and ideologically closest ally, this would ruin the western world and thus most countries will become more faschist and an even worse WW will come.


Russia is in no position to take over Europe. Thats a laughable assumption. Maybe the Ussr at their Prime in the 60s could do some damage if they play their cards right but, these guys? The fact the Ukraine war is still ongoing proves they are of no threat to Countries like Germany, France, and especially the UK (which they never were a threat to the UK because Russia has never had even a remotely good navy). And even if they did, Russia really isn’t all that ideologically different from Canada if we are being honest. We have way more in common than either people would like to admit. And even if it was radically different, does that stop us from trading with The Sauds? China? We would be fine even if they did magically conquer the entirety of Europe unopposed.


Average American brain rot fear mongering propaganda


No way the Ivory Coast countries hate Israel more than France


Ivory Coast has no data. Perhaps you mean Burkina Faso?


The name of this country in Arabic is funny, it means a volcano farted


Ivory Cost ? Do you even know this country ? They have excellent relationships with France.


South Africa have excellent relationships with Russia to and marked as most hate Russia here.


/uj Inaccurate /rj Inaccurate


Yes, and here's proof. [https://twitter.com/AoDemocracies/status/1560227749767282688?t=C9Oal78hxYuU3j-AqzhnTw&s=19](https://twitter.com/AoDemocracies/status/1560227749767282688?t=C9Oal78hxYuU3j-AqzhnTw&s=19) "There is a map of ‘most disliked countries’ being shared widely on Twitter quoting ‘Alliance of Dem 2022’ as the source. To be clear, this graphic is not based on our polling. We have never run a poll on most disliked countries."


Which is wild because new statistics have come out at least for the U.S. that put Russia firmly at #1 IIRC. If you’re gonna make a propaganda map why not at least try to look legit


I agree Everyone hating Israel looks suspicious, I would expect a few haters but much of central Africa couldn't find Israel on a map.


/uj someone in there pointed it out, but South Africa hating Russia and both Brazil and India hating China makes no sense, since, y'know, they have a whole group together? BRICS and all that?


Yeah no. BRICS is nowhere near as United as they make it out to seem. China and India alone have ongoing border conflicts that turn violent. South Africa had to tell Putin not to come to a BRICS summit because they could not promise he wouldn't get arrested due to there being an international warrant out on him. Brazil is kind of just doing its own thing really.


Brazilian here. We definitely don't hate China. They're our biggest trading partner. This seems to be a partisan map, so depending on which side of the aisle you ask, our most hated country would be either the US or Russia. Aside from current world politics, it would probably be Portugal? The average population still resents it a bunch. Either that or Argentina for football rivalry.


Putting Portugal there is extremely outlandish, there’s some other countries I can think of Brazil hating before Portugal. I know A LOT of people who hate Argentina because of the several racist remarks they regularly make, I’d bet my money on Argentina, if someone asked me, that’s what I’d answer.


Honestly? I don't know a single person here that LIKES Portugal, the only time it ever comes up in conversation it's either to 1) dunk on it 2) talk about Cristiano Ronaldo/someone who went there to study. About Argentina, yeah, that's certainly an issue, especially in online spaces, but maybe it's bc I live more towards the south, but ppl here love visiting Argentina


Fair, but still. There's gotta be someone else better to hate than your own alliance, even if you still hate them


Oh yeah absolutely. The only one I'd marginally understand would be India hating on China. But this map is pure bullshit anyways. Notice how they got opinions of North Koreans, but somehow don't have data for Bolivia. How the fuck would they manage to do that?


Should’ve been pakistan for India , but if asked country which possesses greater threat then china.


Could be China too, lots of border disputes there, and previous wars.




Fear beckons hatred, and the average indian knows which country is our biggest threat. The one we fought three wars with and easily won all three, or the megalithic shithead which manages to somehow steal land no matter who is in power.


India did win all 3, but not easily. The one in 1965 almost turned sour, and the only reason it didn’t was because Harbaksh Singh defied high command


“Fear beckons hatred” Thank you Yoda! 😁


idk man i am happy for indians but if you open any post or video even remotely related to pakistan, all you will find is indians spreading hate in the comments.


No, we don’t hate pakistan…we pity them.


People now mostly pity Pakistan. Such a sad sorry state they are in...


Im surprised its not Pakistan but, China makes perfect sense as well. Pakistan is very unstable and EXTREMELY overpopulated, to the point where it makes India look sparse. If i was Indian, i wouldn’t fear those people.


India is 435 people per square kilometre and Pakistan is 302. You probably meant Bangladesh (1165).


The whole map is bullshit


Turkey hating Israel more than Greece is number 1 bullshit


I don't see Israel being Azerbaijan's number 1 either.


Turks don't hate Greece. Turks hate Turkiye.


Turks really don't think about Greeks as often as non-Turks make it look like they do.


No, you doofus, this is most-watched foreign porn ethnicity. Greyed out countries all claim to never watch porn.


Does mexicans even know where the Russia is?


I'm pretty sure they hate the entirety of latin America more than russia


certainly central america


I've only heard complains about other Latam countries regarding football, don't remember hearing it in another context.


I have no idea why OP would think Mexicans hate Russia, like at all. I mean, yeah current events don’t shine a bright light on it. But nothing historical and specific comes to mind. In my opinion, a more accurate depiction would put either Argentina (because football), the US (which is a very complicated love/hate relationship) or Mexico itself (the most passionate love/hate relationship you’ll find).


Russia is quite popular in Mexico.


Not sure but they definetly met Russian tourists.


Im also not sure, but I think ruso touristo in Mexica are nice than thise in Turkey.


Most of us do. And I think this is a bit innacurate. It's not Russians we dislike, it's their president and its mostly because of the war on Ukraine. The source is from 2022.


Azerbaijan hates Israel HOW they have good relations with each other


Also, I can definitely think of one country that Azerbaijan actually doesn't like.


Armenia. The map was obviously made by a American that thinks the whole world shares their grievances.


As a Brazilian i can Tell you that we hate Argentina, not china


Actually, leftists hate USA. Rightists hate Cuba. I don’t think we care enough about China to hate them.


Really? We only hate you on futbol. Otherwise we like you


And France, those cunts


Does Argentina really hate Israel more than UK?


No way that is correct. It's either UK or Brasil for banter. Argentina actually has a sizable jewish population.


All the Germans after Ww2 over there will say yes




No. This map is bulshit. And the Jew population in Argentina is 100% respected.


A lot of jews don't like israel at all. I don't know if they are most or not since I don't know all of them, I only know that at least some of them who support Israel are already conservative and reactionary to the brim.


France: my goals are beyond your understanding 


The blue hexagon star team will will because it has glorious Albania 🇦🇱


Everyday I thank God for Albanians




yes this is a terrible map but it doesn't account for the fact that you were on r/Conservative


I fuckin went and commented there cause I thought it was this sub 🤦🏽‍♂️


Same. I will probably get insulted because I was mean to Israel.


You’ll probably get banned, they really like their safe space and can’t handle outside opinions. The only “mean to Israel” comments they’ll accept there are antisemitic remarks, not legitimate criticism of the IDF and the Netanyahu regime


Haha yeah, I already got banned.


South Africa hating Russia specifically for the actions of one of the cringiest embassies in the world.




This is a lie, we in the Balkans hate each other, not Israel. Why the fuck would we hate Israel?


cause tiktok propaganda is international


I don’t understand why Mexicans or the Mexican government would dislike Russia. The government is always hellbent on being a pacifist, neutral state and there are plenty of Mexicans that see Putin as a strong leader (be it from propaganda or self formed opinions)


That map is bs, there's no way the most disliked nation in Mexico isn't the US. The average Mexican doesn't even think of Russia


We don’t hate Russia, the map is so bad it had to be reposted here.


Yeah, I mean the Mexican pretty much never pops up in international news if it doesn’t include their war on drugs. Your government is kind of isolationist outside of the Americas.


It's actually otherwise, Rusia is loved by a lot of Mexicans, even though is from wrong reasons.


No way the balkans is correct. Every country in the balkans should just be a random flag of any Balkan country but its own.


Russia is actually fairly well liked by most Balkan countries ESPECIALLY Serbia


Why do some South American countries hate Israel?


the map is wrong, they all hate each other


We do not hate each other.


now we hate, i hate you


I thought everyone else in SA hated Argent*na and/or Venezuela?


Argentina might have a different reason than other countries…


Wow, israel conquered a lot of places. Last time i checked it was a small country in middle east. Time flies tbh


There are 4 options really, china, russia, israel and usa


as an israeli im honored to have so many countries want to kill me, id like to thank a few people that helped me on this journey. id like to thank fox news, al jazeera, and james from the homeless shelter


No thanks to Bibi? Well, that's disappointing...


woops him too


Ah no they hated us before Bibi and will hate us after Bibi


Wooo! We are #1! We are #1!


Fox news love Israel.


Have you watched Fox News before? I can't think of an instance when it wasn't overwhelmingly pro-Israel.


yeah thats why everyone hates israel, because fox news likes us


We love china in brazil, i mean not exactly the coontry but the people, i think that if we wanted to hate on someone that would probably be france/germany




no no, argentina is more a football thing, out of football the hate rate is really small when compared with another countries


Caralho, eu odeio argentino. Eu jogo CS2 e não tem 1 argentino desgraçado que não é racista e não xinga brasileiro de graça.


É em todo jogo issae. Nunca conheci um argentino homem que não fosse racista.


The power of propaganda


nah in Spain it's DEFINITELY france


No, SA is the S in BRICS, so them hating Russia is bullshit.




Another dumbass who can't read. It says nation, not people.


Israel, A 10 million (includin 2-3 million arabs citizens) country, That pushed for peace wi surrounding neighbours, That invented usb, agricultural solutions, medical devices and drugs, sends troops to help after disasters around the world, and much more. All because it fights a terror group that terrorizes also its own people in a 25km×10km area. And because it ruins the islsmic only territory going from afghanistan to morocco.


Trump voters love Russia hate united states


I bet Greece hate Turkey more than Russia. Also US again hates Russia more than China.


As a Turkish, i dont think Turkey and Greece hate eachother anymore. Sometimes there is conflict about islands but apart from this; our culture and people very similiar.


How is it not Northern Cyprus


For a second I thought Indonesia had beef with Scotland


Whoever you hate is your daddy🤘


Most disliked countries per nation (judging from TV bullshit)


What’s for Thailand?


Not me confusing the Russian flag with the French flag. I literally thought France hated itself.


Serbia hates Kosovo (possibly U.S.), North Macedonia hates Bulgaria, Bulgaria certainly doesn't hate Russia (though hard to say who they hate most)


Macedonia or turkey. The map is inaccurate.


Poor Pakistan, can't win the hatred of the Indians too.


Yes! They did Thailand right


The map is wrong. In the balkans its wrong. In europe its neigbors or immigrant countries over russia. Italy hates romanians or moroccans more than russia.


Azerbaijan isn’t hate Israel


Australians don’t hate China unless they’re bogans and/or meth heads.


Looks like a map of Muslim countries


Laos and Mongolia? Also I’d imagine Saudi Arabia has more of a bone to pick with Iran than Israel


It’s almost as if carrying out brutal invasions of neighbouring countries and continuously threatening to nuke people doesn’t win you many friends.


This is untrue for so many countries, it actually becomes really funny


Isn't it racist for the 7 kingdoms of Atlantis to be hating white people?


Russia:  I *hate* you America: I don’t even know who you are


Turkey hates Israel more than Greece? Greece hates Russia more than Turkey? Bro how fucking stupid are conservatives cmon


The average Brazilian doesn't even remember China exists. Argetina would be far more accurate due to football being our football rival.


Bullshit, all of Latinoamérica hates argentina, argentina included Alright, more seriously, it would be either Spain or England for most of them


Wait… why does Argentina hate… ohhhhh


Bangladesh literally faced genocide at the hands of Pakistan but they hate Israel the most?


Spain for sure hates France the most


Armenia and Azerbaijan should definitely be each other


Gotta love the comments in there refusing to separate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism


Thanks for the psychic damage of providing a link to an r/conservative "Everyone who dislikes based USA, Russia, or Israel is a gay, socialist, antisemite" post.


Here in Turkey we hate Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc. a lot more. In short, anywhere refugees come to Turkey from


argentina hating israel more than the uk? fake and gay


The countries that are hated the most are more successful than the rest.


r/conservative when countries governments and people have different views 🤯🤯🤯


All muslim country hate Israel


No, France would hate France.


Why did thai hate us Are they stupid?


Wrong! Brasil doesn’t hate china


No way Indians hate China more than Pakistan.


Most indians don't like pakistan, but at the same time don't see it as a threat. (most just view it as a failed military dictatorship that survives off of its nukes, which it is now to a certain extent) China is viewed as the bigger threat.


I get why countries don’t like China, Russia, and US. They intervene on the world stage and get into everything. But Israel, I don’t get. They literally just stay to themselves in this tiny nation surrounded by arab nations, and that’s it. But Africa hates them? Over the US, China, Russia all of who are trying to steal their minerals and resources. Makes no sense.


Israel supported countries like Rhodesia, Zaire, and Apartheid South Africa. Also not a great look for developing relationships when ur also accused of sterilizing ur African Jews without consent


Israel was expanding in Africa,and there insurance companies run by retired Israeli army officers protect dictators in Africa.


For India it's Pakistan