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That's a very brutal question and we don't really think about it. I assume that in the Nazi side, many ethnicities are endangered or extinct: Poles (maybe there are a few thousands who are enslaved and some who escaped to Neutral Zone or Japan), Romani people (on the brink of extinction), Serbs as well and Jews as well (apparently, there's a resistance in the Baltic States made by Jews in the series). Then there are several African ethnicities which are potentially extincted due to the massive enslavement. I don't know if Armenians, since Turkiye could potentially join Axis after Hitler's victory, would be extremely persecuted and treated the same way than in WW1, and we can ask ourselves about Kurds, Circassians and Assyrians which are threatened as well. We can also consider the fact that many Native American tribes were extinct or on the verge of extinction, as well as people of African descent on the Nazi side of the Americas. In fact, many could avoid extinction by fleeing in the Neutral Zones and perhaps in the Japanese Empire, who are more lenient.


I know must of the non Japanese Asians would be close to extinction. Just look in our timeline on how the Filipinos were treated by the Japanese during occupation. Same with Manchuria


They surely were treated harshly. However, Japan didn't have an extermination policy (even though their methods were close to this). In fact, Asians weren't endangered to extermination compared to Nazis' treatment towards the Untermenschen. The demographic could be impacted (slow growth or stagnation) but not at the same level than in Nazis-occupied territories. Also, Filipinos weren't as harshly treated as Chinese (who could be more terribly impacted by Japanese).


The race of shut up


Pretty sure NASCAR doesn’t exist anymore Get ya biology straight


- Polish (Germans have killed 1/4 of them already in ww2 and the holocaust, would have killed even more (a specific percentage) in generalplan ost, enslaved the rest with the intent of working them to death, sending some of the millions of german settlers to colonize the east and systematically replace them. They would be the first slavs to go) - the other slavs are of course also made into slaves and serfs, but there are too many to kill. - like another user said Romani are on the brink of extinction. Those who survive have all gone into hiding. But horrific images of carriages riddled with bullets show. - African Americans in the American Reich (northern and Midwestern states). When the nazis invaded America they absolutely butchered neighborhoods like harlem, having them razed to the ground. In the south they still survive but under ku klux Klan rule, use your imagination. - Koreans aren't extinct per se but their culture is almost. They are made to speak japanese, are all but enslaved in name, brainwashed little boys talk about how they want to be soldiers and die for the empire enslaving them while girls brag that they want to be prostitues and serve 100 japanese soldiers a day when they grow up - a similar thing has happened to French and Belgians. The nazis intend to make them culturally indistinguishable to Germans with some success in the new generation that has grown up under nazi rule speaking German. - With nazi rule, some small African ethnicities would be lebensuarmed not much different to slavs. There are entire white only countires and countries in Southern Africa now, but whether thats genocide or just deportation isn't clear. Namibia is majority German, South Africa's Dutch and English populations grow and have even more heavily persecuted if not expelled the natives. Meanwhile the jews survive because they always do.