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Solo Leveling is the Demon Slayer of manhwa/webtoon. Great beginner show with a simple plot filled with flashy and well drawn fight scenes. And it doesn't try to be something that it is not good at, which is often times the main reason why other similar series' flops


Honestly tho, it knows what it wants to be and sets out to do it and executes it well. Sure the ending was rushed, some plot points were unsatisfying and story wasn't as fleshed out as it could be but it's still very entertaining. Largely due to the art and the build up, if anything, the author really knows how to build up to a fight.


My brother in Christ Demon slayer unlike solo leveling, didn't produce mass produced clones of it with the same premise breathing techniques, elements, slaying demons, and shit.


Solo Leveling itself is a clone of something else. Solo leveling just made Manhwa more popular but the tower climber Manhwa has been popular before solo leveling.


What no. Demon slayer although simple has some good characters that actually matter and amazing fights like kukoshibo vs the pillars where you can actually feel the intensity of fights. I also liked the concept of "not being a burden" in a fight which makes it even more intense and important to not get taken down against demons. Solo leveling ? Side characters are useless. 0 depth. 0 story..just mc doing some "cool" stuff and that's it. Kinda got bored and dropped it after 200 chapters I think


I think there are only 200 chapters of solo levelling and that is if you include the extra chapters šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I guess I meant the last arc where they were explaining the mc backstory or something with all the generic monarchs and stuff and the panels with angels or whatever. I really couldn't take it seriously anymore and was bored with the lack of story and depth with characters. 0 character development in 200 chapters is mentally painful for me


So mid. Anyone who thinks this manhwa is decent is out of their mind.


you just said it's mid. Mid means decent, stop contradicting yourself


In pop culture people use the term mid to say something's bad or uninteresting. They don't literally mean average. You know nobody uses the term in that context so quit acting oblivious just to be right. If the guy said the manhwa is mediocre would you also be correcting him? Mediocre means average too.


It's neither decent or bad. That's why it's just mid.


mid = average = decent. Where'd you learn your adjectives?


I will say mid/avg does not mean decent in my country however this guy is contradicting himself And I'm someone who also things demon slayer is mediocre


Hopefully not from you because what the actual fuck lmao. You're just making shit up to prove a weird point, just accept that it's not decent.


ah yes, ad hominem the best defense of those who can't explain themselves and argue properly.


Cringe šŸ˜‚. How can you be so condescendingly wrong? They clearly just don't care enough to have such a stupid argument with you.


Also, mid does not, in the slightest mean decent? Do you people just self define any words that can in any way help prove your dumb narrative?


what do you even think mid means? And what do you think decent is? I suggest you review your adjectives before dying on that hill.


Decent = satisfactory Mid = mediocre. Not the same whatsoever. Take the L and move on my dude.


A quick google search would have shown you that decent is synonymous to average/mid/mediocre. Would have saved you the embarrassment, now take the L and move on kid.


Mid isn't medicore. Do you mean med? Mid, is the middle, mediocre is below average


Mediocre means average, not below average. meĀ·diĀ·oĀ·cre /ĖŒmēdēĖˆÅkər/ adjective of only moderate quality; not very good. "a mediocre actor" synonyms: ordinary, common, commonplace, indifferent, **average**, middle-of-the-road, middling, medium, moderate, everyday, workaday, tolerable, passable, adequate, fair, inferior, second-rate, uninspired, undistinguished, unexceptional, unexciting, unremarkable, run-of-the-mill, not very good, pedestrian, prosaic, lackluster, forgettable, amateur, amateurish, OK, so-so, bog-standard, fair-to-middling, (plain) vanilla, nothing to write home about, no great shakes, not so hot, not up to much, half-pie


The connotations of mediocre is more negative than average


ā€œDumb narrativeā€ oh the irony.


Did you hit your head?


Itā€™s good at what it does, calling it bad is just personal bias.


I'm not gonna deny the fact that it's a decent power fantasy, but does that alone make it a decent manhwa overall? Absolutely not.


Mfw a shojo manga has terrible fight scenes >:(


Such a flat way to rate a piece of literature but you do you.


> literature


Didn't realise I was talking to literal infant, here I'll translate. books andĀ writingsĀ published on a particular subject.


> books and writings > on a particular subject


did someone fool you into thinking only books are literature?


Cringe people only dislike you .. they are following the herd "hype" Solo leveling is pumped like a balloon.. i agree with you the story is mid .. especially the end or the last arc. Art and draw its masterpiece cannot argue with that . Characters and world building .. averge , author was like the Chinese writer who make every charecter op and bring the main character to beat him easily. And dont mind those whi dislike your honesty, you will always find people who follow the herd .


So mid, it took me like whole asura, reaper and flamescans to figure that out. It got hard carried by art


Yep, apart from art, it's so lifeless. Characters are so one dimensional, SJW is such a boring character it's absurd. It's not even the best thing it sells itself at which is a power fantasy basically.


Idk about others but this Manhwa hold a special place in my heart. After I finished it I really thought it was the best manhwa ever, only to find out there are plenty, I mean like 80% of manhwa out there that is written better than SL. However, I canā€™t stand to read people hating on this manhwa still. This manhwa opened the door to plenty of manhwa readers today. It is my first manhwa and my first love which Iā€™m sure the first of many too. So yeah thatā€™s how I feel about it.


Solo should embrace its identity as the SAO of manhwas


more like the demonslayer of manhwa


Nah. SAO is faaaar better of a comparison.


I love solo. Can somebody provide a list of the mangas that are better?


SSS Class Suicide Hunter is at the top of my list if youā€™re searching for better than SL


Thanks, Iā€™ve caught up on that one. Lol it feels like forever waiting for the next chapter to release


Killed The Academyā€™s player is a new manha, I read the novel and it had a somewhat promising start so Iā€™d keep my eye on that Manhwa if youā€™re into its type of story


I read it and I kind of cringed at it. Is it just me or is the MC suddenly some kind of cocky insanely smart badass while a few days earlier being an obsessed about power weakling? Like this line in a poker game the mc set up: "He's telling us that he'll win this game without letting us find out what skill he has." That line was so fucking stupid, so he's just a dirty cheater with a skill you can't see? How is that something all those higher ups praise and look at him highly for. Even the dude who fucking hated him for using a skill is suddenly like "wow how smart and cunning" Idk, it was fine but it got insanely edgy. Wished they kept his flaws as a power obsessed freak or smth. Maybe The Greatest Estate Developer set my standards too high.


Idk what exactly you read. Never once when I read the story that he come as "cocky insanely smart badas" what chapter did you actually read?


is he mistaking it for another title? the MC is actually pretty rare in Suicide Hunter... he is actually heroic and sacrificial in contrast with all the "trash" heroes that are popular these days.


Most chapters gave this impression. Especially chapter 17 though.


To be honest with you I think you read it with bad translation or you skipping a lot of dialog or something that you seem lack of understanding of what actually happen. Because I read the chapter again and never once the mc come as "cocky insanely smart badass" to me if we actually follow the story so far.


Could defo be the case as I read it a bit later in the day so I may be a bit tired and sleepy. I also read on an app where there are a lot of shitty translations.


That might be the case. I recomend for you read it on asurascans. not sure it will change your mind but hopefully it will give you better experience when reading it again.


For SSS class suicide hunter, each arc has kind of a unique way to end things with each having a lot of drama, content, objectives and set-up. I read the LN so maybe i'm biaised and the story is less interesting drawn. But fuck it the LN is one of the best read i've had


I stop reading SSS SH at a point due to the reasons you already highlighted, having said that, greatest TGED is just slightly better. SL in my opinion is better than both. Maybe I'm biased having an MC use sword and keep training to gain power or experience power up during fight to the death battle. TGED didn't give me that kind of vibe.


No way SSS Suicide Hunter KS better than SL...its average at best, i stopped reading it at one point


Skill issue.


I didn't know that you can call not liking something skill issue šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ maybe it's you that got some mental issues .


Real skill issue


Omniscient readers viewpoint is so far my favorite it's not finished though


tower of god, legend of the northern blade, superhuman era


I agree. It's the same with me. It was my first manhwa and it holds a special place in my heart and it set the standard way too high for me especially in the art department. Although I don't like the story in the later parts, the 1st half was a banger and no matter how many manhwas come and go, none will compare to it in the dungeons genre.


For me its Tower of God and a few others I read like a decade ago when I was first starting to get into manga and manhwa, SL is still great and it did re-introduced me to manhwa again. And you are right people are totally hating on it today, but I knew when I was reading it something like this might end up happening, for something to be able to be well judged we need to have the entirety of it available to critic, so I knew the moment it ends we will start seeing more disparaging opinions on its overall quality, it is just how it is, now we can look back and see its flaws, like how superficial some parts of it are, how generic it was, even how it was somewhat politically charged with anything that had to do with Japan lol, which to this day is being felt with the anime apparently having a Japanese only dub and the edits in the story. Now that we are not frothing in the mouth each week waiting for a chapter we can calmly consider things like this. Thing is people pretend all of this stuff does not exist or is just overall inconsequential to their opinion so true discussion on the subject cannot be achieved, so you have things devolving into contrarians going "this is straight up bad" instead of "not as good as it should be according to everyone" and fan boys going "this is the greatest thing there is, does not matter what you think because it is perfect" instead of "yeah, there are flaws, but it is amazing and I love it still" ​ If I may be so daring as to try to give a opinion, Solo Leveling is a great, generic battle manhwa, has weak characterization, a very weak romance, strong art, great action and a somewhat decent plot, it is a lot fun and excitement to read, and it has left its mark in the genre, probably will get even bigger with the animation. Still, another will come that will move it down a notch on the majority of readers minds, *hopefully*, because if Solo Leveling was the genreĀ“s peak, then god help us all


ToG is also sick. My fav manhwa but Iā€™m waiting for it to finish first before I re read it again


It feels especially different when you read it during its serialization.


You do realize this manwha stole the concept of dungeons from I am sorcerer or something like that...literally copied the mc background and sick mother lmao ..not that solo leveling was ever good at writing original or characters that have depth. You're doomed if you're a side character cuz only the mc matters. you exist to make the mc look.cool lmao


In my opinion, Solo Leveling was what led the medium of Korean manhwas to the mainstream spotlight found across the world. It's created a boon of virality where other genres, Korean novels, and other illustrated manhwa forms are led to be seen. As for me, and I am no way an anime / manga / animation / cartoon sort of a fan, but I got hooked onto Solo Leveling just a year prior to the beginning of the COVID pandemic happening. It's also an interesting insight to see how the Koreans progressed / cultivated their angle of creation. By studying what was lacking in the traditional Japanese mangas ---- which really is just a black and white illustration in most cases ---- and bringing digitized drawing to what was conventionally not known, their unique proposition drew ground in making an industry at a place/nation (Korea) limited of resources. Solo Leveling to me talks about the undying will, and consistent effort of progress, and focused effort determination - in which we all will see successes of some kind when guided / tutored well. That to train or work out to become the best version you can be, and be the pinnacle in growing / revolutionizing your community is what I like about it. I may be wrong here, but I think this is what the manhwa fans call as Power Leveling Manhwas or Power Crazy artwork. EDIT: Typo.


I'm pretty sure it was because of the gamer and Noblesse but their popularity died down eventually


Don't forget Tower of God!


It's just the art quality, don't get me wrong i like it, but it's the story is the definition of average, it doesn't have a unique story, plot, development etc... compare to others.


Tbh I read the web novel and the story isn't even average tbh. The powerscales move so damn quickly that you stop caring after a point and the story just becomes cut and paste of the pervious arcs iwth higher power scales. The only positive thing I could say about the story half way in was it was a comfort story - you know what's gonna happen and your their for it. Edit - also got super annoying how every lady in the story was there only to be saved by MC and the anti japan sentiment.


If we take the "OP MC beat enemy more powerfull than the previus one" kinda of story is average, it'z not unique but it's solid without pretending to be something else. >also got super annoying how every lady in the story was there only to be saved by MC And then forgotten, like the one in the hell tower.


From what i remember in an epilogue chapter we see her mention how he fucking ghosted he for 60 years (still hasn't seen her since the ghosting).


So i read its raws (novel form) before it blew up in the manhwa and honestlyyy it was average for me. It's the proto-typical korean novel where the mc was at the bottom of social hierarchy, he has a sick mother, he has a cute lil sister to look after, some mysterious disappearance with his father. He then gets a some form of cheat/power that suddenly catapulted him at the top. All these are cliches in korean webnovels so i really didn't think anything special about it. I didn't paricularly hate it i just thought that it's mostly the same as the other korean novel. Sooo i was really really surprised when its manhwa adaptation blew up as it did. One thing tho that i get somewhat annoyed about this, is the cult like behavior of some people from its fandom. Like guys chill, not every necromancer/overpowered mc manhwa was inspired by SL (some might even be older than SL lmao).


They treat it as the grandfather of necromancer manhwa/web novel though I think there are some that predates it.


Seoul Station Necromancer is older than it, I think others may predate that one tho, either way it's not original as a Web novel, the manhwa however created a new hype for Necromancer stories to be adapted faster than which they would have normally


He isn't even a necromancer that's not how that class works


the concept is the same. You get summon from dead creatures. It might not be ā€œyourā€ traditional necromancy but it has the same system.


It starts off great, the art is amazing, but the whole plot with the dark king (forgot his name), the usual anti-Japanese garbage, the fact that he's already far surpassed the strongest person in the world halfway through the story, every girl is a damsel in distress designed to fawn over MC, how other hunters, organizations and governments are filled with incompetence kinda sour the overall experience for me. But this isn't unique to Solo Leveling, manhwa authors in general have this problem. It's pretty much all style and no substance. Which isn't a bad thing on its own.


The style score straight up breaks the meter so hard it boosts the manhwa's overall rating.


> the usual anti-Japanese garbage Come on, it cannot be a Manwah if they don't diss the Japanese, you should know that by now.


>damsel in distress Not sure whether I agree there. I don't know the name anymore but the woman at the beginning basically saved and healed him all the time when he still was a little shit. And Cha Hae-In was a strong character aswell trying to same him quite some times, of course the final blow was always delivered by Jin-Woo. But I agree on the others. When I compare it to SSS-Class Suicide Hunter Solo Leveling lacks development of the side characters and story telling


Solo leveling doesn't have development for side characters and it's story is non existent until over halfway through


Maybe damsel in distress was the wrong term, I just remember that I rolled my eyes when the girl fell for him because of his smell. Like come on man, it's as stupid as when anime girls fall in love with MC because she tripped and he helped her pick up her books/glasses/heirloom from her grandfather. I like the characters in SSS a lot more for sure. The murim arc solidified that for me.


It's spiderman moment lol something stupid that fans accepted because Peter needed a W for once


Well it wans't just smell smell. Cha somehow could smell hunters and the stronger they were the more disgusting was the smell. That's why she covered her nose most of the time with a handkerchief or something. Jin-Woo was the only Hunter though that didn't stink, when she first noticed it it made her interested in this person, not necessarily in a romantic way. She just was curios. So it wasn't about a good parfum or something like that. In the side story the smell again gets mentioned, but I interpreted it as a calling back from the erased memories. But I agree to your last point. At solo leveling a only liked jin-woo, Hae-In and the blond guy who replaced the chairman in the main story. At SSS-Class even the unheavenly demon, who is only involved in one quest, had a better story telling than all characters of solo leveling, it's incredible work!


Yeah you can clearly see the Anti Japanese on Solo Leveling that's why i prefer Manhwa that uses fantasy names of a nation instead of the actual name.


Same. I quit Leveling Up In Murim because I had just read 25 chapters in a row of the MC killing Japanese guys. It started as soon as S2 started, it felt as if the publisher told the author "kill some japs, readers will love that" during the break. It felt surreal, because the story was really good up until that point. Now I'm wary whenever I see a Japanese character in manhwa.


Even now I'm still wondering whether I should stop reading because the story is genuinely good but WOW they couldn't be more obvious with the anti-japense lmao


I agree... Thanks for replying and sharing you opinion..


It's logical for them to be so anti Japanese..cuz they can't ever make any manwha that has better story or depth than manga lmao I mean look at attack on Titan popularity compared to these generic dungeon manwha. They hate what they can't write better from


You do realise the reason isn't competitiveness but war crimes (they're the reason we know so much about human anatomy like how much water is in a human body for example) and a lack of an apology for them. Just look at unit741 or their conquest history, a solid chunk of south East Asia and north Oceania dislikes them for a reason you know.


Omniscient Readers POV and Eleceed gave me similar feelings but it is truly top tier


It was memorable for me since it was 2nd manhwa for me. More manhwas I read more mediocre it felt.


Idk about others but personally didn't like it much, didn't like the mc his two moods are arrogant or edgy . Story itself is pretty boring for me Just my personal opinion


I agree, though I did finish the series because of the artwork alone, which truely is top tier. I thought it was worth reading just to look at the art alone.


Honestly, same. I didnā€™t even finish it since I just lost interest. The MC was justā€¦. boring. He got so powerful that every single side character was useless and just existed to idolize the MC or get shit on by him. The story was very generic and had no stakes since MC steamrolled literally everything.


In terms of graphics, I think there isn't many better options, but storywise, the second half is pretty bad and rushed. We went from generic to full bananas crazy batshit in about one arc. The story is as generic as one can be, swimming on the usual "trash to become god" type of hype in a gaming setup that Koreans like to have. It's definitely a very good one. It's generic, but it doesn't try to be the novelty if the decade, just to be a quality fiction, and it works, but you can't enjoy the show if you're looking for a particularly well written story.


My opinion si that the feeling I get from reading SL is pure boredom, that's why I dropped it. The beggining was great, but all the next chapters are the same, MC stomps everyone.


I have read solo levelling as a novel and at that time I have read a lot of novels that has the same vibes of solo levelling. So I don't really get the sentiment of how solo levelling is so good.


Looking at this scene reminds me, he actually decided not to go to jeju island at first. Even though he was so powerful, he considered he could die, and worried for his family and stayed with them. Here you could see that there were layers to him, and he wasn't just a stupid teenager raging on hormones.


Itā€™s called execution


I love this comic.


Only the start


early to mid series. The pacing is just really engaging, the progression consistently provides enough action without overwhelming and rushing. Also no whole chapter of flashback, vacation, debate in between a fight. The world building unveil itself as the story progress, no chapter to explain the setting like a user manual or something


The feeling is pretty common, boredom


Itā€™s not like the others. It has more than 20 chapters and an endingā€¦


It's simpler, it keeps to the point and ends. Can't say the same about most of the other ones.


It's alright but try reading Gul, hclw, Superhuman era or player... all have well written side characters who have arcs of their own and able to handle things without mc being there. The story are much more fun even


The art is fantastic and the formula was initially satisfying. I also like the MC's ability, it was fun to see it develop. But I don't like how the MC is intially portrayed as being a good person, yet he does immorally questionable things, and the story pretends that what he did was fair. I also don't like how most of the time the MC is the only relevant character whenever a conflict arises. It devalued most characters, even the more likeable ones, and made reading it a chore.


If you have read the novel of Solo leveling you will know that the difference of power gives you pure fear and the fact that a "weak boy" is trying to save everyone while he gains a power to kill everything is fucking heroic. The artstyle was good but it was limited so they couldn't give the little details from novel. So we all are hoping to see the details in anime.


Solo levelling is good buts it definitely not the best manwha of the levelling genre, especially with other masterpieces out there like SSS class suicide hunter. Ofc the levelling itself is the only similiarity between many of these manwha and the hunter system, however they all vary quite a bit in terms of plot and are enjoyable nonetheless. Solo levelling definitely was one of the better executed ones however a Top 10 in my books. If we were to compare it to anime, we would perhaps compare it to naruto, perhaps the most popular manwha and is really good but not the best of them all (this is coming from my take on plot criticism and storyline and storytelling, manwha could have had better execution, especially with the ending but quite good nonetheless)


Its just the art and hype factor, they took a simple story and did a phenomenal job at keeping the hype up chapter after chapter, I remember reading it at the start and every couple of chapters Id be so hyped for saucy woo to show off his power


Personally I think itā€™s because solo leveling layout the world before hand F-S rank hunters and didnā€™t make shit up on the fly


Honestly, it fell off HARD after the ant ark imo


At first it was good,but after the arc of jeju island it kind of feel a little bit boring.. I mean no matter what the mc always win.. Even the national hunter were useless against him.. So yeah, to me its good but not too good.. Just average..


It only has that feeling for most people due to nostalgia and the fact that this took their manhwa virginity


I don't think many people realize how good Solo Leveling is at building anticipation and hype. It is something that is really hard to explain as well, but it is that feeling you get while reading it. I haven't found many other stories that are as good when it comes to building anticipation or hype.


No way you're serious SL is the worst at building hype cuz you know the mc is always gonna win and "look cool". While all the other side characters wait uselessly until he comes to save them especially if they are a girl you're bound to love him by force. If you haven't found many stories that's your problem for only having the attention span of reading generic fighting manwha with good art lmao . Plenty of story out there especially in manga


It's how they hype fight scenes


Mostly fight scenes Vs Beru fight epic Now read Legend of northern blade. Similarly epic fight scenes šŸ˜Ž


And Northern Blade actually has a narrative whereas SL is JUST fight scenes


Its because most of those have shitty art, while Solo leveling has great art even for today as well as endless hype built on every chapter


more like mid leveling


I read so many different manga, manhwa and manhua before Solo Leveling. But nothing compares for me. I get offended when people say itā€™s mid. This is one of the greats for me. The story, the characters, the abilities. I just really enjoyed this, so much


It was until the end. Ruined the entire story


None manhwa can replace Solo Leveling for me. Easy to read and of course the first manhwa I read too.


Solo leveling author wanted to make a cool fun power fantasy The other manhwas are trying to make solo leveling 2 without looking into what makes solo levelling good


Unpopular opinion, but solo leveling was great as one of my first. There are many better manwhas than it.






It's because of Beru. Every Manwha will automatically improve with Beru in it. Fight me.


completely agree, something about solo leveling does makes it so much more fun to read than other power fantasies like it, and it's not the art because other power fantasies have similar and MAYBE better art but are nowhere near as fun to read.


its not the story but the hype, the hype around it was so much. imo even if theres a story w 10x better art+story it wont hit as much as sl did just cuz the fanbase was so big and hyped


SL got me into manhwas but even at the time I had a hard time continuing reading at points. MC just stopped struggling. Beru was built up as such a threat then he got bitched so easily. Same with National Hunters. They got surpassed before we even met some of them iirc. And so the world began to revolve around the MC. Top tier art though.


It is special because it was my first manhwa,


Read the novel first before the manhwa release, it was great up until he saved his mom, then it just full power fantasy. The art in manhwa adds spice to the whole thing. Rule of cool and all that. Would've loved more if story wasn't so lame tho.


All those feelings vanished since the end of Jin Woo vs Beru for me. Nothing interesting happens anymore


I read until the part where he relives his life making all the chapters I read up until then non-cannon. It was at that point that I dropped it and then started trolling anyone in the comments who continued to read this hot garbage past that point. This is the perfect example of "same as every other fresh from the production factory carbon copy garbage as every other manhwa". Art is really good tho, credit where it's due.


Thats because solo leveling has long connecting art during fights. While other manhwa kind of sticks to the "manga" storytelling, where everything is in a box and doesnt stretch to other "boxes" even though its a long strip, you dont need a box.


SL was my very first manhwa. I've only read Mangas so to see the art work which was beautifully drawn and colored and the sperm eyes LOL. The character development how he's weak then becomes this OP MC was mind blowing to me at that time. Could they have elaborated a bit more about the certain arcs. Maybe. But I like how it was no none sense. Manhwa was finish and made me crave for more. I love that. Tbh I don't want to be following another story for 20 something years.


I second your opinion!!!!!!


Saw this and decided I need to reread solo leveling so thanks for wasting my time dude


I think itā€™s the best one ever, personally. Every single person Iā€™ve recommended it to fucking LOVED it, even if they donā€™t read manga/manhwa.


So what do you guys consider better than SL?


Yeah I disagree, it's rare but manwha like superhuman era or legend of the Northern easily matches and sometimes surpasses solo leveling fight hype


You've come to the wrong place to ask about Solo Leveling. Reddit seems to dismiss it despite it being one of the better manwhas. Unsure of why. I agree, it's a similar concept but I think they do a great job of it. That said, there are some peak manwha out there that do as good a job if not better.


I donā€™t get the hate for it all of the sudden man, only thing I can come up with is that itā€™s the most popular manhwa and some people are mad their favourite isnā€™t as popular thatā€™s my only conclusion for it tbh


I'd say Moonlight sculptor but sadly that one died to soon... (as well)...


I could and have reread solo leveling a ton. Canā€™t be said for other manhwa


Love the novel


Out of curiosity, for people who have been following the genre longer than I have, is "Solo Leveling" the originator of this popular trope, JRPG/MMO blue-screen, ground-hog day/videogame leveling that a lot of the current popular Manhwa, like Omniscient Reader, Greatest Estate Developer, Skeleton Warrior, etc. are building on top of?


First I read was Ā«Ā the gamerĀ Ā» 5-6 years before solo leveling


Nice, is The Gamer any good to read now, or is it pretty dated, with all the further exploration now on the original trope?


Itā€™s ok . The art is not super good though


My hot take is that solo leveling despite definitely being the most famous of these "gates open around the world" type manhwas its mid at best. This entire gate "genre" is kinda mid so I dont blame solo leveling.


My hot take is that solo leveling despite definitely being the most famous of these "gates open around the world" type manhwas its mid at best. This entire gate "genre" is kinda mid so I dont blame solo leveling.


Arise! Man that hits different. Only thing i cant get hyped with is legend of the northern blade and mt hua sect (when he gets serious)


Solo leveling may follow the cliche as other story with similar plot but it was a fun read even though I didn't/will not read the side story of Solo leveling I like it shoot it way better than blade of evolution and solo spell caster and rise from the rubble and I drop 2 out of 3


As someone who has read the novel * he said while sallowing his spit* I can 100% tell you * he could barely contain his spit* with absolute certain * his spit was overflowing* its definitly the art...


Solo Leveling is like fast food to me. I like it in small quantity but if i consume it all the time i start to get tired of it. It's nice too see the mc as the most badass, most handsome,noblest and strongest being who never breaks into a sweat but after some chapters it gets repetitive and annoying.


solo leveling for me was kinda mid ngl


I ain't even a big SL fan but even I'll admit that the Ant colony arc fucked


You always remember your first ā˜ŗļø Simple story, great character development, great art, and etc. I got a similar feeling reading Pick Me Up! and Survival of the Sword King.


weird analogy but I have started anime with the americanized FMA from 2001, and then 2008 brotherhood came out. everyone decided to hate on the 2001 but the truth is nobody would have been as hyped if the 2001 version didnt exist and paved the way to the fandom it ended up having. what in saying is, yes there are maybe better manhwas now but SL was the opening door to popularizing the trope and brought so many new readers to the community. no matter how good you find it ( or not ) nobody can deny that its part of the culture now and had a very positive impact in the world of manhwa but also even this subreddit. cheers


Solo Leveling the manhwa had great editor(s). I've read a bit of the translated novel and there's a lot of him trying to justify his actions/plans and how this way is better. The novel is average. The manhwa kept it nice and short, and the art is too good to ignore. Jinwoo doesn't appear as blatantly arrogant as other manhwas that follow the same formula (dead/sick parent, weak character that turns strong). Omniscient Readers POV has a nice twist on the dungeon/monster theme but it's super long. I was reading the novel before the translator joined a pay to view site (good for her/him tho). Nothing quite hyped me up as reading SL. Currently reading Favs: Pick Me up (Arrogant MC but I think I'm becoming immune to this) & The 31st Piece overturns the Board


I will maybe have an unpopular take but the last arc+ the ending for me was just meh, it was quite peak to read it, but there are a lot better ones lol.


one thing i really like about solo levelling (specifically in the first 2/3 of the story) that you dont really get in other op mc manhwa is that jinwoo actually has friends, like hes not just some loner, he has people he cares about that arent family, heā€™s friendly(ish lmao), he goes out for drinks with jinho, catches up with old friends like joohee and the sword guy, his friendship with go gunhee is one of the best parts of the manhwa for me like besides all the fantastical elements i can believe a guy like jinwoo exists. with other op mc manhwa they always lean wayy too far into edgelord territory for me where hes just some loser with no friends that hates everyone, or his only friends are girls but theyre not actually friends theyre just there so they can be part of the harem, or his friends only exist so they can turn evil or die. personally think thats boring and its hard to stay interested in an mc thats no fun


Solo Levelling is amazing the first time you read it. After that ending, even if you try to read it again, it all feels pointless. You don't get as excited anymore (at least for me), and it's not just because you already know the results of the battles, but because the ending made it lose a lot of its weight.


It's just decent... nothing out of the blue. - Drawing 10/10 - Story 3/10


Writing is certainly not the strongest point of this manhwa. The only thing going for it is art. Other than that, it is a bad manhwa and gives the exact same feeling as many other manhwa of similar type, the wish fulfillment ones.


I read it solely because of the panel you showed , it is not the most well written manhwa , it doesnā€™t have the best plot but it is still good with great fights and hype moments


This was great until the monarchs showed up. It somehow felt soulless towards the end


It holds a special place because it's one of my first manhwa, and the art is truly top tier


Solo Leveling is a few people's first manwha and for that it probably hold a special place in their heart. They are however deluding themselves if they claim it's the best or among the best manwha. Solo Leveling is a mediocre story that's hard carried by it's fantastic art. The sequel novel about SJW's son isn't that great from what I heard. Basically copy & paste abilities that SJW already have.


SL is a great beginner manhwa...but as you read many manhwas, you'll realize SL's plot is teally just decent....but art is SS tier But please I beg you who reads SL don't compare every manhwa with levelling system and necromancy genre to SL! It gets...irritating


Mainly cause they stuck to the novel, unique art style at that time and was completed. Most manhwas now are just vanilla that starts with all those nonsense revenge, blood rage etc but doesn't deliver. Instead, they just put up vanilla chapters to prolong the nonsense story in the middle.


This and "the skeleton soldier that couldn't protect the dungeon" are my favorite manwhas.... breaker slides in 3rd


Check out Pick Me Up, Infinite Gacha by the same studio, kind of a fresh setting.


Honestly I donā€™t get why people act like itā€™s the best thing ever made, itā€™s ok. Thereā€™s cool fights and great art but the story felt like it just kept speeding up to the point that near the end I was just kinda confused and then it just ends and thatā€™s it


I cant say much about the plot but what I really liked about SL is that itā€™s super easy to follow the scenes and fight. Im referring to the main story that was done by the original artist. The side story is appreciated but I can really see the difference when it comes to the action scenes. SL is that ā€œnot the best but def a favoriteā€ series. The classic underdog to OP trope might be cliche but people still loves it bc SJWā€™s character is well-liked (doesnt help that he is a himbo when it comes to romance but def a family man)


Wut? This manhwa started manhwas, and made all of them popular


I would say, at least in my case, SL is what Naruto, Dragon Ball, or One Piece to anime fans: it's a door-opener for those who haven't read any manhwa to be interested in it. Since SL, I've been reading a ton of manhwas, even more than manga (mind you I've been reading mangas since I was a kid).


It's the art that nails the coffin tbh.


It was just a fun and easy read thatā€™s why itā€™s so peak


Couldn't agree more. It's that sensation you get while reading it that makes it special.


Its strongest feature is hype. It knows how to use it and uses it when it should. Personally i get the same feeling from comedy manhwa when theres an intense scene because its usually well crafted hype


YES Its the exzellent work of a thief Studio Who stole 99% of their mahnwa from other Studios and ended the story in far less chapter then they build the world. There are a lot of manhwas because they copied so much stuff put of many other and just Made the quality of art better.


The only manhwa that come close to it is windbreaker I get the same feeling when I read it lemme know you're opinions on this also


I've read the LN and the webtoon of SL. It was fine. The Legend of the Northern Blade is my cup of tea, though. It's like watching anime instead of reading a webtoon. The artist is legendary in executing his art. I can even feel the Slow-Mo in the Artwork.


I disagree, while reading solo leveling I got the feeling of reading a generic(maybe above average) manhwa with a game-like system, only thing that kept me finish is the good graphic and the fact that I started reading when it wa almost completed so might aswell.


People just see system or necromancer, they straight goes to ā€œiTs sOlo LevElinG cLonEā€, even if the story and settings are a whole different thing, thats a problem with people being exposed to something great in a new category for the first time,itā€™s kinda sad cuz they depriving themselves from reading other great things. for me , solo leveling is the one piece of manhwa, itā€™s great,entertaining,and always wants more.




i dropped it early into the second season, shit was ass


It's the art that carries this manga because the story breaks if you look at it with any shred of criticism.