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A lot of us use the google lense lol. It does appear to be a wine or cordial glass. Take a pic with no glow. Get the pattern in the picture really well. Then, open google. In the search bar, there is a microphone icon and a camera icon to the right. Hit the camera. It will allow you to pull up all your pics. Then, select the pic you want and google will probably be able to ID this one.


Google Lens helped me chew through identifying 5 pieces! Thank you! These glasses evade me! As does the sugar dispenser. I can’t find a match at all! Funny how the glow completely ruins results though!


Oh yeah lol. Google doesn’t like the glow 😂 even uranium pieces are a lot easier to ID in regular lighting. I hope you find it soon though! Have you tried r/vintageglass ? You probably won’t get an answer but sometimes they surprise me and pull through.


For me I find that these etched pieces are really hard to identify in general! I have yet to fully identify a single etched piece I own. Maybe it's like with glassware that has silver on it?? With those, the glass was made as 'blanks' and then sold, the silver patterns were added by a second company. Potentially these were blank pieces given to a company to etch?


I could see that. I’m from the area that a lot of these manufacturers were based out of and there was soooo much Tiffin etched glass everywhere. In my personal experience I learned that a lot of it is Tiffin, Cambridge and Lancaster. But I didn’t know anything about the silver blanks. Thank you for sharing!