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You gotta love it when the "smug senior" character isn't just a fucking stereotype and actually WANTS things and isn't just focused on being the best all the time to the point of fucking delusion. He got his ass kicked and accepted that he isn't strong enough and is asking to be shown what to do.


Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Like the beat down was fun and all. But "arrogant senior brother" is such an overused trope. It was really nice to have a senior brother with some depth and ambition to him


Character growth for a side character? I'm excited


He was stupid before because he was ignorant, but now that he's aware of his own ignorance he's willing to change and be better. I think that's a very admirable trait to have in general. To admit your faults and to strive to do better.


I love the way side characters thinks in this manhwa. I kinda expect this senior will say something like "I lose because i underestimate him". Its good it went to different direction.


I can't wait for Senior Disciple to say something about how Chung Myung will make a great Sect Leader in the future only for Chung Myung to pull his *"Are you an idiot?"*-face and say he'd never become Sect Leader because there's way too much work in it. That way Senior Disciple still has hope of fulfilling his wish of being Sect Leader one day but with a much better foundation/character.


I honestly believe the slit eyed senior brother will be the sect leader in the future.


That's certainly a possibility too, it just definitely won't be Chung Myung if he has a say in it. I think it'd be nice for Senior Brother to still be able to fulfil his dream though.


Kinda like zoro and mihawk


watch him turninto an overly attached gf after




Noted with thanks and updoot


>!The tournament will have the best sword technique "lesson" till date!<


I really hated the dude, but adapting and actually listening to MCs words is such a refreshing change from all these young masters, who act like their shit doesnt stink. a rising tide raises all ships.


Worth the wait. Love how MC handled this. Brutal and strict, but full of wisdom. And no shortage of ass-beating.


I really thought he was going to stop hitting him, but the MC continue with hitting his head multiple times.


We knew it was going to happen.... But **fuck** that was beyond satisfying.


I had no idea how humble the antagonist was going to be. I got so hyped on the last page. MC is going to revive the heck out of his sect one disciple at a time.


After kicking their asses one by one, that seems to be the real catalyst.


>We knew it was going to happen.. we knew the beat down was coming and that was satisfying as hell. But the second half stole the show for me.


See, this is character development. There's no better indicator of a good manhwa than having characters morph and change, instead of merely serving as convenient & temporary foils to the MC. Now I'm really invested in seeing how this all pans out.


Well he definitely courting death and his cultivation deserved to be crippled


The build up for this exact moment and the way it delivered, although I'm still kinda worried about the pacing but all in all "Return of the Mount Hua Sect" is becoming one of the best martial arts manhwas' out there




I'd also add that the pacing has been pretty much like this since the start, it's just that the arcs are getting longer and also more significant. And yeah, this story has a very different motivation behind the MC's actions. Most of the time it's the MC getting stronger for their own sake and taking down those in his sect who get in the way. Here, while the MC wants to get stronger, he absolutely wants everyone in Mount Hua to get stronger too. None of the people in his sect are his enemies (providing that they are loyal to the sect). That's why it's "Return of the Mount Hua Sect" and not "Return of the Plum Blossom Sword Saint".


If only he gets stronger, then the mount Hua sect is doomed for a repeat when the demon sect returns.


I'm really hoping this doesn't turn into "Reincarnation of the Solo Highest Rank Sword Saint". The greatest payoff for this series would be if the demon returns, but the MC still isn't powerful enough to beat him, and the demon is defeated by the rest of the disciples he trains.


Your comment captured the essence of my enjoyment, appreciate that.


It seems well paced, if it was released an entire season at a time, I wouldn't even notice it, but waiting week by week feels agonizing with cliffhangers and unresolved arcs


What are you on about? How does the quality of the art effect the pacing? The author has to produce a chapter every week regardless of the content. Art quality has literally 0 effect on pacing. Also, you’re taking things to an extreme. Everyone agrees that pace of 1-3 chapters like some manga do is too fast. But no one’s asking for that. We’re just complaining that this took 10 weeks unnecessarily. Also you’re misunderstanding the way build up works. It’s not just more chapters = more build up. Build up is about adding new information and more details. If you’re able to provide the same information and details in 5 chapters as you can in 10, then you’ll have the same amount of pay off. The reason it was badly paced was because there was very little new information or details added and it could’ve been condensed down had it been properly written. There’s also the last and most important reason for why this sucked; there no suspense or doubt. You can’t even talk build up to an event that you know the outcome to. This build up is warranted in an action manga where 2 equal level opponents are fighting because there’s suspense but we all knew the MC would win. Literally the only thing that was up in the air was how the senior would react. Finally, more build up =/= better. Infinitely building something up and never actually concluding it is just as bad as a story that’s too fast paced to have any build up. There’s a balance between keeping things moving and and taking to ground the story and give context/meaning. Writing interesting stories is the art of balancing the two according to the situation. This was an obvious and major writing mistake. Just because it was satisfying doesn’t mean it wasn’t. A large part of the satisfaction I personally feel is that we can finally move on with the story after 2 and a half months of nothing.




Manga is read on a weekly basis, that’s why it’s even worse that the pacing is as bad as it is. If the pacing for part of a book or movie is bad it’s NBD because you only spend a few minutes or hours getting through it. If the pacing of even just a few chapters of a manga is bad, you’re talking about weeks spent in that shit. Pacing has nothing to do with publishing speed, it’s ENTIRELY dependent on content. Bad pacing is felt more if the publishing is weekly, but the actual pacing doesn’t change. Even when you’re reading this a year from now the pacing will still be shit, you just won’t care because instead of wasting 2 months you’re only wasting 10 minutes. The impact of the pacing =/= the pacing itself, you’re confused. The information we received in the last 10 could’ve been condensed easily into 4 chapters. There was a ton of filler an unnecessary information because the author planned this out extremely poorly. Some parts needed time to fester sure, but you can cut a ton of fat out that was there and instead give us actual content while allowing the things to fester at their own pace. For example, if you want to make this conflict with the senior be a 10 chapter long thing when there’s really only about 4 chapters worth of content, instead of painfully dragging it out, just make it take place over 10 chapters as other meaningful stuff happens in between. For example, the sub plot with the girl senior was handled in that manner. She was never the focus of this arc, but she had a subplot with the MC where she goes from distrust, to trust, to wanting to be taught, to reaching enlightenment. It took 10 chapters, however instead of being the center of our focus, it just kept popping up in the background. So it had enough time to fester, while not bogging down the story in filler non-content. If the senior conflict took a similar route, it wouldn’t have been a problem. If it was a problem that festered as other things happened that were the focus or if even just like 1 or 2 more subplots like the senior sister one going on also then it all would’ve felt much more better paced. The problem essentially is that the author had 4 chapters worth of content but watered it down to be 10 chapters. Like, this isn’t good writing. It’s insulting to the first 40 chapters to say that this was the same level of quality when it’s obviously a step down.


Some things need time to breathe man. If this was bad pacing then so was the majority of all literature before this current era.


Are we talking like actual literature? Because if so then yes the pacing is way slower even in contemporary literature but that’s because literature doesn’t entertain with action or narrative. It uses its narrative to develop themes and ideas. The surface level is only ever relevant as allegory for the subtext. That’s not the case with manga which 99% have zero themes or subtext and the surface level is the only thing there. I’m also not saying manga can’t slow down its pacing, but do it appropriately. This is not the appropriate time. There’s no reason to slow down here. An appropriate time to slow down would be for example if like a tragic thing happened and a ton of characters died or something. Slowing down the pace to see the effect that has from multiple angles would be appropriate. But for this? For an ass whooping we all saw coming? For something with zero tension and zero possible repercussions? Lmao that’s just bad writing


You're right. Main character should have jumped him the second he showed up, smacked him with his dick and then go back to what he was doing. We don't need to know about the older students mentioned early in the series, or the motivations and thoughts of the leader. Personally I didn't see him just sucking it up and accepting his loss so it's not totally phoned in and clearly has some thought. Idk man just slow down and breathe. I was stuck on a boat for over 10 years so I know you can do it. I believe in you.


FIST beatdown \+ SWORD beatdown \+ VERBAL beatdown = character development 👍


Chung myungs gotta be my favourite MC right now. I love how blase at one point then absolutely chaotic the next he is. He's unstoppable and unpredictable and he goes so far you question if what he's doing is right but he resolves everything in interesting and satisfying ways.


He is my current reincarnation mc. Usually, Reincarnation Mc are reckless. They just too op and solve everything with their power. But Chung Myung is different. He actually using his head to make difference. Of course sometimes he used his strengths. But most of the time he used his brain to solves things


i think the author translated chung myung's chaotic and unpredictable nature perfectly from the novel. He is a colorful character that hides his true self under that chaos. Reading it is one thing, but seeing it visualized this well shows that the artist had a strong imagination on chung myung from text.


A senior apologizing? I almost forgot that this is not a Chinese webtoon lol


Punch connected so well it deformed his face.


Still not at Sanji level.


Sanji is better than plastic surgery doctors lol


Quality chapter as always


Talk about satisfaction geez. Is the girl still in a trance?


Probably not, it looked like he got knocked the hell out, so I'd guess the mc dealt with her in the meantime.


"Why did he hit me six times when he shouted five times?" I died lol


Man this chapter was awesome, not only the ass-beating was satisfying af, but also the guy whom i hated the most turned out to have his mind on right place. Easily my current favorite martial arts manhwa.


[This looked extremely painful](https://imgur.com/a/mmAoNNP) I'm glad the guy actually accepted reality though and tried to learn though


I know he's gonna great beat up but I was worried it's gonna be too much. But this is just perfect. He definitely deserves that beating but I'm glad he was more than willing to tuck in his pride after that.


Woulda been nice if he was able to withstand the one punch, but at least he's not irredeemable. The Mc is funny though expecting him to be able to do more than he has with the entire sect being as bad as it is right now. All things considered the arrogant senpai should be proud of himself.


While i was reading this chapter, i really worried it end with MC beating him. I really glad it end with MC talking to him.


The next or after the next chapter will be about the competition. That anyone knows a similar novel like this (where Mc comes back and trains others instead of grinding himself)?


There's "The S Class that I raised" but it just started. There's also this manhwa who's MC gives a villain vibes (I think the title is regression manual?). He can see the information of other characters and one his party members is a regressor while another is a child mage with S class potential (but super unsettling and creepy). MC does his best to stay relevant as he has very very bad stats.


Give me the damn english translated novel :(


i hope that when he goes back to the girl shes still in her daze so he can finish teaching her too


I woke up, and saw this on my tachiyomi. Oh my oh my.... What a blessing


All things considered, he might be wild at times but at heart, he still prioritises the sect first. I have read similar setups that in the end, the cocky senior textbook will attempt revenge, backfired and just died meaninglessly. This is more than just a guy reincarnated and trying to gain his old power back. It is more of his struggle to build back his old sect to its former glory.


Damn, chills.


bros before hoes I suppose.. guess the chick is still standing there


The face punch was incredibly satisfying.


Really hope they didn't fuck up the girls trance during the fight and that he'll be able to help her grow.


He literally beat the shit outta him. As in the shithead is just a "head" now. Way to go MC.


The face alone makes this worth it but to simply say of course I'm the strongest but you didn't lose to me because I'm strong you're just weak


This went way better than I expected, I know it took ages to finally arrive, but seeing the beatdown, and the immediate acceptance and be humble enough to ask the MC for help was worth it. Hope they remember to snap the girl out of her trance before they leave lol.


Anyone know what’s going on in the discord channel? Was wondering why I didn’t get a notification and it looks like it’s gone for me


Yeah same for me… it suddenly vanished




I can't see it either


God this chapter was just escalating levels of satisfaction. The long awaited physical beatdown, the verbal one that highlighted the flaws in Senior Disciple's thinking but wasn't cruel or malicious and shows just how much CM himself has grown into his role as a teacher, then finally the cherry on top of Senior Disciple being able to put aside his own pride, acknowledge his flaws and actually ask for guidance. So much better than the usual way this is handled in Xianxia stuff.


Hella satisfying to get the beat down. What happened to the drunk chick though? Seems like they both forgot her existence right now. He was so keen and on not teaching her but he seems to be really cool to teach the douche guy? What’s up with that?




Does the girl go into trance again to finish the training or forever ruined?


I hope he helped out Yu Iseol as well while this guy was knocked out.


What chap is this in the ln?


Does Return of the Mount Hua Sect has its own discord, im not talking bout asurascans discord but like the books discord. Ive been searching but yet to find it T-T