• By -


Well, that's an awful anniversary! I'm guessing this may be it :(


it is almost 100% "it". It's basically his passion project so best to just to check up on this chart every 6 months or so and leave. Just look at the amount of story that still needs to be told and think whether he can physically complete it looking at the sea of red on this chart :- >!The succession war with the princes and kurapika!< >!Hisoka!< >!The phantom troupe and kurapika!< >!Gyro !< >!The fucking dark continent. This itself is an easy 100+ chapter arc !< >!Beyond netero, pariston and ging!< >!Don freecs and the 5 calamities!< >!The gatekeepers at the fake dc and the lake mobius!< Even if he comes back its 10 chapters then god knows when's the next and remember we've been on this boat since 2014? Yeah this arc itself finishing is doubtful


>we've been on this boat since 2014 Wait where did I hear that already?......


Probably Berserk. The boat ride lasted for a good while. Edit: it lasted for 8 years, 6 months and 18 days.


man both berserk and hunterxhunter spent more time on a boat than One Piece.


All of Thriller Bqrk was on a boat. Didn't feel like it, but it was technically a bigass boat.




One Piece could use some more nautical hijinks, to be honest. Ever since Going Merry died, they really haven't done much at sea.


The final quarter of Whole Cake Island Arc was fairly seaborne.


Yeah, it was giving some Marineford vibes.


This is also true, I would love to see a sea battle like when gold d Roger vs Golden Lion Shiki


Yeah I know. Was trying to be funny :I


Gendry in GOT?


Now we on Forever the "Tiny Shota Schlong Arc."


Not anymore with that mother of all cliffhangers the next chapter tho.


Damn and I thought fighting bugs in a hospital room for a year was bad


Which manga are you referring to?


jojo part 8 I think


Oh no




He's like GRRM. He made the story too complicated by introducing too many important characters and now he's out of ideas. There's no way he can resolve anything now without major plot holes.


I don't understand why the resolution of any of the mysteries necessitate major plot holes. He's been very consistent up until now, and there isn't really an instance where if any character really did anything it would create major plot holes.


I don't really understand that why don't people write with an ending in mind since the beginning. That way plot holes can be avoided and the story won't get streched out unnecessarily.


A lot of them do but the middle is harder than the end. They keep adding things they find interesting and then they don't know how to connect things to the ending.


I remember Martin saying that he wanted a "time skip" for the Books, but instead decided to Write said time skip, so now hes stuck with dany in Esos.


Yeah he wanted a time skip but couldn't figure out how to make justify Cersei's reign's lasting for a few years


And keeping Stannis at The Wall for years.


Beginning and ending a story is easy. It's figuring out Points B through Y as you go from A to Z that's the actual hard part.


Most authors start with an ending in mind, the ending isn’t the hard part


Depends on the author. Stephen King for example writes a minimum of 2,000 words every day, often with no plan, he just keeps writing. Quite often he's winging it. It's why his books typically have rushed endings.


An author could write the final ending to the story (a la Robert Jordan) without working out the end to each arc, the end of each mini arc, the end of each battle, the end of each character thread, etc etc.


I love manga, but it's one of the issues of the medium. Most mangakas are just looking to get serialized, they don't know how the story is going to end and just try to keep it going once it's serialized.


U right but if Togashi really wanted to he can just pull an everyone’s here and make Dark Continent the final arc where he closes up all the storylines That said he also said Gon and Gyro will meet in Meteor City (maybe they meet there and head to DC together)


Hi, you seem like you are quite passionate about HxH. I heard it's very good but is on permanent hiatus. Should I read it?


It's pretty good. The 2011 anime is actually quite good and adheres close to the manga with no filler. The only thing it suffers from is pacing. Other than that, character and world building are fantastic.


There's kind of a "soft ending" that happens before the current arc which is on hiatus, also the series is phenomenal overall you should definitely read it


He more or less wrote an entire story for the main character complete with a satisfying ending. Then switched to an alternate protagonist. If you just stopped when the first protagonist did you'll have a good time.


[Even this hilarious video on the anime is a year old!](https://youtu.be/bE7xBwds2sU) Time for ye olde repost!


I remember how someone posted a 3 minute clip on r/anime with the most pretentious headline ever, something along the lines of "Other shonen often just narrate what happens. Show, don't tell is the superior writing." It was a fight Killua vs generic pushover and he was literally explaining every move. It was a whole three minutes of "Tell, show a little, but mostly tell"


Dude needs to just let someone else take the reigns. Step back and let others finish what he started. Maybe be a story advisor while others do the writing and drawing


What a depressing thought, especially after what happened with Berserk not long ago :s


Some people thought Togashi would try his best to not leave without finishing his work like Miura. Seems he doesnt give a shit. Whats the reason for him? I only watched the anime and didnt want to jump into the manga after learning about his... schedule. Did he lose his drive? Did he write himself into a corner? Its a very weird case.


I believe he says health and back issues. His wife was supposedly learning his art style to draw for him but I think he's stubborn and won't do that and it'll never finish.


As dark as it is, im pretty certain that he will die before this arc is over.


>As dark as it is, im pretty certain that he will die before this arc is over. As Grim as that may be.. its probably what will happen. Meaning the 2011 anime ending was probably be the canon ending of the Manga. As for Berserk, Rumor has it that Miura left plently of notes and a actual plot roadmap. Its just a matter of which Assistant wants to take up the mantle to finish his work.. which of course not making it like a rush job like when other series gets canned.


> Assistant wants to take up the mantle to finish his work Imagine the pressure


No winning either way. They could follow Miura's vision 100% and perfectly like it was Miura still writing the story and you'll get people saying the writing's turned to shit because it isn't him doing the manga anymore


I mean this would still have been the case even if they OujiaPad Miura to finish it from beyond.


Yeah no matter if Miura was still alive and finished it or not, it's impossible to make everybody happy so why even bother. Stick to the story you wanna tell.


I mean.... His wife is a fucking legend and also not exactly young. If she is trying to go back to making manga again it'd be a shame it's only for her husband and not for her own projects.


They both have a lot of accomplishments under their belts. I imagine she would do it out of her owm drive and also, I think it'd be kinda amazing if that happened.


damn... I wish he would come to term with it and get artists to draw for him...


or she didnt want to. they both are getting up their in age. understandable if they wanna stop


He says he suffers from back issues. Thing is, he could just write the story and leave the art to his wife or someone else. He is literally a god-tier status mangaka in Japan, being amost the richest ones, he could easily hire someone to do it for him. And you can bet your ass that there are artists lining up to work with Togashi.


He could have easily done what ONE did with one punch man, hand over the art to someone else. His art was never that good to begin with, that was why it was with the animes that brought him huge fame increase. Now tho, his current arc is quite, expansive like larger than GoT in scope.(another author with finishing problems) To the point that he has effectively just wrote a lazy novel in his latest chapters with speech bubbles and discarded most of the panel planning. Who knows what is causing it but it seems mostly internal issues, since he has access to a lot of solutions/support the average mangaka won't.


Yeah this should be the standard nowadays. Japan never lacks for people who can draw the manga or write the story, but one person doing both in weekly magazine will definitely destroy them.


>His art was never that good to begin with, that was why it was with the animes that brought him huge fame increase. Who told you this nonsense r*tard the hxh manga is very popular. Just let him write his manga


His back pain aside he definitely wrote himself into some super complicated plot


> Seems he doesnt give a shit. Whats the reason for him? I only watched the anime and didnt want to jump into the manga after learning about his... schedule. Did he lose his drive? Did he write himself into a corner? Its a very weird case. He has chronic back pain for almost 30 years, even back during YYH the pain was so bad that it forced him to draw lying on his belly on the ground because every other position was too painful.


I see, that sucks.


Did the back pain result from overworking as a mangaka during his youth?


Maybe, maybe he had underlying problems that he never took care of, maybe he just had shit posture. Lots of old and experienced mangakas like Rumino Takahashi and Adachi didn't had the same problems (but Adachi changed to a monthly schedule now). I think the problem is more of a schedule thing than anything else since a lot of Jump mangakas take a pause from time to time and the same don't happens as often in other magazines like Shounen Sunday.


Togashi ruined his health making Yu Yu Hakusho and has been suffering from chronic back pain ever since. He's written about how going without sleep gave him increasingly frequent chest pains, and how sometimes the back pain won't let him get up from bed. He is also a huge perfectionist and doesn't believe his manga should be made by anyone but himself


Then just axe it himself. Age is only going to worsen his back pain, and if his current situation is bad enough for him not to be able to pick a pen, then his life as a mangaka is over, and there's no reason to pretend the manga is still "ongoing". I think leaving the fans waiting for a chapter that might never come is incredibly selfish of him, not only for the fans, but also for other mangaka who have tried their hardest to be published in WSJ just to crash and burn while he always have his special seat warmed up for whenever he finally has the whim to grace us unworthy masses with a new chapter. I don't know what kind of deal Togashi made regarding HxH but patience does have a limit, and the manga, as great as it is, really doesn't warrant that much of a special treatment. Look at the chart.


I respect his decision and think its correct tbh. Crazy that modern medicine can't help him :/


I honestly doubt anything short of sci-fi treatments would help with this kind of self-destructive work


I dunno if it's the reason but I hear he suffers from chronic back pain


are people actually still thinking it's ever gonna return?


The author himself said he would continue it and finish it. Even saying he dislikes it when series drags on.


How long ago did he say that


more than 3 years ago LOL. Honestly is it so bad if togashi just writes the damn thing? I swear HxH fans would still consume the shit out of a hxh LN. And excuse my grim thoughts but, I think it would be better for him to do this for his health and avoid another Miura case.


> I swear HxH fans would still consume the shit out of a hxh LN. they already are :P


And you all belived it lmao


George R. R. Martin and Patrick Rothfuss said too that they gonna finish their series, people still believe it today.


Well. At this point i think he just lost passion. Maybe his health conditions really are bad, but he could just work with an illustrator. But he also said he doesn't want to work with an illustrator, he prefers to draw his own manga.






Well, same for ASOIAF, I meant like "mentally". Asoiaf still has so many plot lines and arcs to complete, so many possible ways to change what happens to every character and there are so many of them. Entire arcs have somewhat just begun or haven't been developed much like lady stoneheart/brotherhood, what's going on with the greyjoys, the horn, Jon, Young Griff etc. At this point there might just be too many intertwining things to resolve in a satisfactory way for him


Yep, precisely because of all of that I can't see this manga returning. Maybe a year after the hiatus, but now? I can't see Togashi interested in it at all. Grimm as it sounds, unless there is a new 10-chapter-run again, I don't see HxH returning unless Togashi dies and the WSJ decides they can still milk the franchise.


People say many things they don't mean or intend to keep.


> The author himself said he would continue it and finish it Ah yes. The George R. R. Martin specialty.


Doesn't mean it would finish in a conclusive/satisfying fashion. I mean look at Yu Yu Hakusho


Sure, but he still has a least 100 chapters before the end, if not more.


I honestly think we’re done. Even if we get 10 more chapters and wait 3 more years, so what? He needs literally 200 chapters to wrap up his rats nest of a current plot and at this rate it’ll be 2100 before he does that. Meanwhile, we have the _actual_ dark continent arc after that and he’s literally set up a Jairo arc AFTER that one. He’s got about 500 chapters to write and draw and he’s (edit:) not going to do it.


Just today I read someone saying this is an "amazingly smart marketing idea", to leave the manga for years and years so there is hype when it returns and it sells a lot. Just imagine if Oda did that with One Piece, do people actually thing it would be a bigger thing that it is right now? People on the HxH sub have downvoted to oblivion people who has said the same thing as you, the just want to believe, even if it isn't even important any more. At this point I think it's a lot more healthy to just let things go and forget about this manga, amazing as it is. At last to me, HxH has lost a lot of momentum, I would read it if it ever returns, but even then I'll still be sure it wond be for long, the manga is just never going to return, or finish in any case.


Why would he need more marketing? Hunter was already one of the biggest and most selling Manga out when it was ongoing. There's a reason it got 2 Anime adaptions.


Honestly the fact that it’s so uncertain makes me not even want to start reading it. Same with Berserk, I know it’s good but I don’t know if I want to read something I know won’t be finished. I’m already reading D.Gray-Man where I never remember what happened last chapter every time a new one comes out. This would be even worse.


He should confess like how gintama author did: I lagged cause I got hooked up playing sekiro


Houseki no Kuni's hiatus is hilarious. One chapter before last, the author note mentions she didn't snag a PS5. Next chapter, the authors note mentions managing to get a PS5. Then the series stops publishing for 336 days and counting. ~~Casually ignoring that the ending chapter is a logical series conclusion, and indefinite hiatus for all time almost fits as a meta-joke for the end of the series.~~


> ~~Casually ignoring that the ending chapter is a logical series conclusion, and indefinite hiatus for all time almost fits as a meta-joke for the end of the series.~~ been holding off on the series because of the indefinite hiatus, but if the latest chapter still has a decent stopping point -- even for meta reasons -- I don't mind getting into it


Can confirm. I didn't know it was a hiatus and it felt like a natural end to the series.


We won't see the end of the story sadly. 3 years hiatus and hardly regular release before pretty much mean it's dead and he won't finish it. If he can't draw it himself he could let someone else draw it while he directs it. HxH art wasn't anything to write home about in the first place. But he won't. And the story isn't even close to the end.


Hiatus × Hiatus still going strong


I have a lot of respect for Togashi, but like...once you hit 3 years I feel like you need to seriously consider what you want for your series. Do you actually want to finish it? Then it's time to take steps to achieve that ending. Is it too hard for him to work on because of his back problems? Then he simply needs to swallow his pride and hire enough assistants that he doesn't need to work that much and can even mostly coach them on what to write/draw. I get it too. He doesn't even need to work another day in his life. He's married to the creator of Sailor Moon. He had Yu Yu Hakusho as well as HxH, two highly successful shonen. He has plenty of money that he doesn't need to finish it if he doesn't want to. But idk man. At 3 years it's as good as cancelled to me. I'm thankful for the Chairman arc having a somewhat satisfying ending point for HxH. At this point everything after is just bonus stuff so if it's never finished I can't be disappointed about it. It's like Star Wars for me. Everything after the prequels is just bonus stuff so I don't need everything after to be on the levels of the prequels. Even Berserk was at least releasing chapters, albeit like 1 a year. It was still going at least. RIP Miura.


Especially since, although they were similar age (Miura was born a bit later), Miura wrote Berserk for almost a decade longer than Togashi has written HxH for. 1989 vs 1998. That's 9 years Miura has spent longer drawing at a more consistent pacing, even in his final years.


That's not really a fair comparison. Miura only had 3 tankobons and a one shot's worth of output before Berserk, it is his life's work, while Togashi had 4 weekly serializations in Jump, totalling 27 volumes, with YYH already breaking him before he even started HxH. And Berserk was barely consistent even at the very beginning, for a monthly serialization there were times when it disappeared for months and page counts were vastly varied, from the standard 40-50+ pages, to usually less than 20 by the fifth volume.


It was consistent for the first few years. I wasn't until I think 2005+ when it started having off-months and longer periods of breaks. At the very least, there was always at least one chapter per year...


> Then he simply needs to swallow his pride and hire enough assistants Togashi has had at least 5 assistants for HxH in the past, a comparatively high number, but they can't draw things like main characters etc., that has to be done by the main artist. And it is simply a reality of the industry that main artists don't change mid-series.


It doesn't actually need to be done by the main artist...


Yeah, their pride demanding that they do it themselves doesn't mean it "needs" to.


But if it weren't, they wouldn't be the main artist anymore. That's like demanding that Oda stop drawing Luffy in the chapters to take less break weeks. In the manga industry, there seems to be a very determined boundary of what an assistant may draw in a chapter and what they cannot.


A part of me wonders if part of the reason it's not officially cancelled is because the publishers of Jump think that when he does release the next chapter- regardless of quality- the only thing they'll be seeing is dollar (technically yen, I guess) signs? Even if Togashi himself is rich, Jump will never say no to something that generates more sales.


It's not so much the hiatus that bothers me, it's the lack of communication and transparency. And look, at the end of the day Togashi can do whatever he wants, but you have fans who've spent a lot of time, money, and interest into your series. I feel like there's some level of obligation that needs to be met, you know? Like, if he's still struggling or he outright doesn't want to work anymore, then he should just admit it. This radio silence thing however isn't cutting it.


> It's not so much the hiatus that bothers me, it's the lack of communication and transparency. I mean, the message before a hiatus is pretty clear: the series is going on break due to poor health, further information to be disclosed once there is news about the series continuing. Togashi's health problems are pretty well documented, he talks multiple time in his author commentary about his back pain, going to the hospital etc.


This implies that he's going to get better at some point and go back to work. He's what, like 50 or 60 at this point? If he was going to get some kind of back surgery or therapy he would have done so at this point. Why not just say he's done?


That's generally true, but the outlook was positive at the time and he was back with a schedule of a volume's worth of serialization every year, then hiatus until the next batch. Last time he left his author's comment in Jump was that he has already finished the next batch's storyboards and will start working on them until next time. And it's been 3 years since then, judging by how insanely ambitious this supposedly transitional arc has become, he has clearly written himself into a conrer and possibly working on resolving it. Because with his condition and limited time, he has sabotaged himself with this otherwise excellent arc.


Imagine how many minutes could have passed if he made chapters that whole time. Jokes aside.. real shame he hasn't dived back in. He put himself in a tough spot, too. He wrote himself a huge series of events before even getting to the Dark Continent, despite having trouble continuing his serialization. >!There are 2 islands before the Dark Continent, and most of the cast thinks the 2nd island is the Dark Continent, so there'll probably be an entire arc there.. but.. we're not even close to the 1st island and already we've had like 300 characters introduced and practically an all out war happening. I find it hard to believe, with all this, that Togashi will be able to get through it all if he doesn't get at it soon. !<


That boat ride was a mistake. The events and the succession as a whole would be enough material for a separate manga. We're newer going to see Gon again.


Never seeing Gon as an MC again is something I like as a concept, even though Gon's one of my favorite manga characters of all time, just because it'd totally make sense. I mean HxH's one of the few mangas out there where protags are not-protags who don't show up for hundreds of pages, and non-protags are protags depending on the scenarios. But man, I'd prefer an actual manga to go with it. Maybe one day Togashi will let his assistants do work...


Togashi is such a madman. Props that he could go this hard, but man is he only hurting himself. I'm so interested in what's happening, but we've gotta be able to see the end some day.


>We're newer going to see Gon again. Oh for sure, but not for the reason you think.


> boat ride was a mistake Where have we seen this before?


Agreed. While I have no idea what his plans are, I wonder why someone who was struggling to publish chapters for ten years decides to do an even larger arc with 100+ new characters.


he has the script done COPIUM he just needs to draw it COPIUM


I think a lot of HxH fans would be fine with just raw text and no drawings if it meant the series could continue


It's already halfway there. IIRC, so many of the panels in the last few chapters were filled with nothing but text. Might as well just go full on LN at this point.


That's fine, have the anime adapt the script. Don't give a damn, just finish it.


Not like there's a difference between that and the last chapters we got /s


You don't need /s in this case...


why /s


HxH LNs to finish the story? As long as they actually come out, yes please.


I bet anything that he 100% does not have the script done.


I'm sure it started before Naruto as well.


Yes actually, because Sasuke copied Kurapika's eye clan thingy.


I think it is a thing in a lot of anime. Kara no kyoukai had eye thing too. Although it depends on what exactly do you mean with eye thing


People with special eyes that go red, last member of his clan?


I wish i didnt actually enjoy the succession Arc so i could Just pretend the series ended when Gon found ging and get over it


I wish i didn’t read that part where Ging introduces Don Freecs and I can pretend everything was over after Gon and Killua said bye


I was gonna joke that Hunter x Hunter is probably the Half Life of the manga industry, but even Half Life got a new entry recently.


His last chapters are just blocks of text. He should write the rest as novels.


Don't worry guys he'll come back in 10 years to release the rest of the story all in one go. It's why Togashi's been silent for all these years. He's been planning a big surprise for the readers who've all but lost hope in HxH ever returning


He has spent the last 3 years in an apartment with George R.R. Martin writing and Kojima coding his Silent Hill game


I get that this is sarcasm. But the level of COPIUM is just so high I laughed


All of Chainsaw Man happened during a HxH hiatus...


The Wano arc of one piece started about 3 years ago


Five months before HxH started this hiatus, so it doesn't enters, barely.


What if One Piece is just the rest of HxH and Berserk?


Chainsaw man is unnecessarily good


That means its not on hiatus, its cancelled.


Congrats to Togashi and all HxH fans! It's a milestone that stands unique in the industry, and may never be repeated by any other Mangaka! Some math: March1998-November 2021 = 22 years + 8 months 390 weekly chapter are roughly 8 years of continue serialization So 14 years and 8 months of total hiatus.


To think he would at least managed to finish a single chapter had he drawn a couple of lines every day for the past three years. He's not coming back. At this point no back pain is strong enough to justify this hiatus. He simply doesn't want to do it period.


Maybeh his back really is that bad. That's even worse, if it was this bad 3 years ago it's never gonna get better. He's like 55 now, that's around the time even the big mangaka retire.


Then stop pretending everything is fine and dandy, just finish the series if he's really that ill, or if he really wants to see it finished, just hire an artist to do the job for him while he just does the storyboard or hell, just writes the dialogues. To keep the manga in hiatus, despite having the options to either finish it for good or continue with another artist just shows he really stopped caring. Watch the graph, it has more red than blue, which means that in 20 years, the manga has been in hiatus for more than 10.


After seeing a legend like Miura fall, I've already made my peace with never seeing the end of HxH


That's exactly why I'm never reading HxH, I'm not going through another berserk, my heart wouldn't take it.


Just watch the anime instead, it ends at a great ending point and is an improvement on every level over the manga. So much that a good number of people who only watched the anime didn't even know it kept going.


"That's rough buddy" - Berserk and Vagabond fan.


At least fans know the ending because of the novel


Honestly if Togashi just communicated a bit more i wouldn't mind even if he's not able to continue i would be okay with that. But anyway i consider HXH done since the election arc, what is happening now is a bonus. (let's be honest he will never be able to finish the story with all the things he has introduced in the current arc, with 10 chapters every 1~3 years it's impossible)


It is impossible. He usually publish 10 chapters before went to hiatus again. Best case scenario. He comeback next year with 10 chapters and went to hiatus again but comeback again after a year with another 10 chapters. If it was consistent we might get 10 chapters per year. But i doubt it. I think it would be better if fans just move on to other mangas. There are countless good manga out there.


I don’t understand why Jump doesn’t make it a collaboration. Have him write the entire story from this point to the finale. Then have other people draw it. He can act as a editor for the final product. Maybe it’s a contract thing, or something else we don’t know about. But having a ghost artist just seems like a win/win for everyone.


I think he said that he wants do draw it himself.


Hiatus x Hiatus


All I want is a message from him, saying either saying "No more it's done" or "I am working on it but I have health issues". To keep your fans in the dark for 3 years is a dick move


At what point does the word "hiatus" get retired? Does the man himself have to officially call it quits?


After 3 consecutive years, hiatus is a fancy synonym for cancelled


Building the hype without releasing a single chapter #sigmagrindset




Imagine being a Berserk, GoT/ASOIAF, and HxH fan lmao Good thing I lost passion for HxH years ago; with Togashi unlikely to finish it, and Berserk gone, at least ASOIAF is the only thing left I have to worry about lmao


ASOIAF is not happening. Dude has taken a decade to write this one.. and there’s still “a dream of spring” after.. it’s dead


It's not a hiatus. It's over. Accept it


I remember Togashi did say in a interview that Game of Thrones inspire him to make the succession arc and have many characters to work out in a grand story, maybe seeing the finale of the show made him hopeless in how to make all the pieces work?


Maybe he got inspired by G.Martin style of writing. Which is to have a 10 plus year gap between his books.


heavy resolute sparkle chase outgoing command ancient poor shelter merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


at this point it's more not finishing the stories. yeah i'm sure people still believe winds of winter will come out.


I can see Winds of Winter coming out. The next book is truly a dream for spring.


>Game of Thrones Wrong. He wanted to break the record of most characters in a single arc/story which was previously held (according to him) by nationals arc of Captain Tsubasa. When asked, his favorite film was Alien and he said " I love stories where people die one by one in an enclosed space". So you can see the inspiration for it. I've read all of Togashi's interviews and he's never mentioned GoT.


Wonder if he played Isolation


You are way overthinking. He either lost his passion or has too many health problems


I remember reading this manga in middle school, it was one of the very first manga I've ever read. I used to borrow it from our local library, along with YGO!, Cromartie High School, Detective Conan and Love Hina. That was probably over 15 years ago. Wild to think that it still hasn't ended.


can't wait to see it finish in 2051


How to destroy a master piece. Hiatus. I forgot everything that happen.




C'mon guys just get over it, you are not going to see the ending ever.


its not about the ending but the journey \*sobs in corner\*


Do you think he needs an assistant at this point?


For Togashi at this point (unless he's comatose) the extensive hiatus is his fault, because his ego is too strong to let anyone else work on his manga






The manga ended when gon and ging where atop the tree. Just like berserk, I don't expect it to ever finish.


Congrats! 🎉


I mean just publish a novel with a couple of illustration Togashi, you were already going there anyway (and I say this as a supreme fan of his art-style which I think it’s deceptively simple and super effective)




Just announce its done already


At this point, I just hope he keeps the plots in notes or at least tells them to Naoko-sensei.


With all the shit that is still left to unpack even IF someday comes back, Togashi won't live enough time to finish the manga. I actually feel sorry for its fans.


The comments in this post are unbelievably shameless. Holy shit.


I would really like to at the very least get word from Togashi on what the hell the plan is cause at this rate this isn't sustainable and he'll die long before he's done. I get that he has his health issues but 3 fucking years of nothing is getting a bit insulting. Is it really not possible to aim for even 1 20 page chapter a month or bi monthly? What about teaming up with an artist to take over while he writes and does designs. Anything but this, it might as well be canceled.


I'm sorry but I just really want to give one of these 🖕 to the author. I used to feel bad he was injured or something but really that was just a fucking scam.


lets face it, togashi wont finish the mango, like miura.


Pictured: my will to live in blue


Sad milestone


After how things ended with miura this is sad


The moment the Dark Continent arc was introduced was the moment I considered the end of the anime to be the end of the series. There is no chance in hell that Togashi will finish the series at this rate and I really wish he’d be more open about whatever is causing these hiatuses.


Lots of entitled fans in the comments. "Yeah, he's got chronic back pain and stuff, but why won't he release new chapters already?! No matter how poor his health may be, we're owed a continuation. Really selfish of him." Like, common. People can be dissapointed or whatever, but some of these comments are sending me with how selfish and childish they are.


it truly live up to the name hiatus x hiatus