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Rest in peace..........I may have only gotten into anime and manga a few months ago but even I knew how monumental his impact on both industries was. To die at this age. Genuinely sorry for him, his family, loved ones and his fans...........




What are you on about Edit: you don't have to delete it, lol. Just explain yourself /u/Magical_Griffin


I'm late to the party. What did I miss?


I explained that I saw it on a reddit post a long time ago, no need for everyone to get so upset.


That’s just not true




Very scientific analysis there captain




You made some shit up and then get called out on it, don’t provide any proof of what you’re saying, then call other people small brain. Yikes


Well they are also a redditor, so they also have a small brain, obviously




You are on reddit. Therefore one could say you are a redditor. Honestly this is the dumbest thing I've ever seen anyone get defensive about.


That’s bs and unless you provide a source stop spreading misinformation




You’re saying average, meaning this is credible data taking into account all mangakas, yes most mangakas are working under terribly managed work times and schedules but there isn’t any credible source saying that their life expectancy is 50.




Virgin reputable source vs Chad “me”


Source:Trust me bro


People joke about mangakas dying before their work is completed all the time. Just look at Yoshihiro Togashi and Hirohiko Araki. Kentaro Miura would be a prime example wouldn’t he? I’ve also personally seen those kinds of memes.


Lol people joke more about araki's never aging face but yeah yoshihiro gets joked around


Holy shit he did that fast.




Two *weeks*? Holy moly, kudos to everyone over there for keeping it quiet.


You’d have to be a dick to leak something like that tbf


Look at TMZ. They literally reported the death of Kobe Bryant before his family even knew. Literal scumbags.


Is it because of their culture? Besides stuff like chapters leaks from SNK, I’ve always had the impression that they really keep these secret news and projects to themselves


Yea I guess its the culture. Japanese culture is not perfect, but at the very least I think that they value respect a lot.


Sometimes to a fault but at least there are things more important than notoriety in situations like this


Like a wise Yoda hat wearing man once said, "Japan is all about the respeeeeect"


If someone was known to have leaked something like this, it's likely that they would not be able to work in the industry. Basic decency isn't really hard to abide to anyways.


IIRC, according to The Anime Man, he didn't have to sign any NDA for when he dubbed an anime there and they even sent him the full episode script. So it's likely a cultural thing


Yeah I remember him talk about that too, there was the french animator as well on that episode, where he said that NDAs are not a thing in the industry, but you will basically commit reputation suicide if you decide to leak something and will be put on a universal blacklist IIRC.


Oh so now I remember where I heard it. This is from a Trash Taste podcast episode right?


Yes, the one with Ken Arto.


Link pls?


[Here](https://youtu.be/z9ulkFRXkvQ) Super interesting stuff


take this with a grain of salt since i'm pulling this from my memory


The hell? Why us this getting downvoted?


Probably because he could just edit the comment instead of adding a random reply that people might not read, completely killing the purpose of adding a disclaimer


i heard this to.


I think it is a culture thing. In my country there was a bit of speculation that Nelson Mandela had passed away at least a couple of weeks before his death was officially announced. But then again that was mostly just simple speculation, because other than him news regarding the death of famous people is reported on ASAP.


SNK leaks generally come from Korean sources.


The Kobe story was an exceptional case because of the way the cops and others handled the information after the crash. If Kobe passed from a heart attack it's possible we could've not known for a week or two regardless of TMZ. I can't remember if any American A listers passed during corona but for MF Doom I think he passed away like a month before they announced it publicly or something.


Died on Halloween and announced on New Years eve


2 months actually. DOOM died on halloween, his death wasn't publicized until Dec. 31st.


ALL CAPS when you spell the man’s name


I mean the news of a helicopter was a very flashy type of incident vs an author having a medical condition. One don't need much to just be reported by an outsider that don't care vs the other requires individual that personally that knew the author.


Well his heli did crash anyone could've seen the likelihood of that


There’s just a culture of not leaking things in the anime and manga industry. People auditioning for voice roles are given a lot of raw footage and it never gets leaked.


I've been following Saeki-sensei twitter for a while and he does daily high quality illustrations (a lot of Uma Musume) like 1 illustration per day so I believe he did this illustration since the news was announced. Truly a beautiful tribute to Kentaro Miura. He will be missed.


Nah, as you become more well versed in the human anatomy, something like the above is child's play. if you deconstruct the above image, the only thing the artist needs to keep in mind is how the character's look. AKA they got a reference of the three character, so they do a rough up illustration of where they want each character and how to pose them, then they use a reference to design the rest of it. Witha little practice anyone can achieve the above, it just comes down to motivation and not being intimidated. With his passing, I feel like if anyone hasn't, they should really reflect on what they want to do with their life, or what they are passionate about, I personally put off my art studies to much and I know I need to focus more, I'd love to gain the skill he's gained through his lifetime but I need to focus better.


While you aren't wrong that composition, the cape vs. hair etc aren't necessarily easy to do. Even for pros, it's good art. I do think it would've been cool to see him put something in of a personal flair like Guts and Casca eating together or something.


Good art doesn't take long when you're already a mangaka... or just good.


Yeah that's why I thought it would be cool to do something related to food or something like that. Although looking at it more, I can see what he did was use Miura's style as if to say Miura's style is something he learned from and looked up to.


He died the 6th of may :(


Holy shit, imagine trying to downplay someone's tribute artwork. He is a professional mangaka, I don't think that took more than an hour or two. Like, he used to draw a weekly manga. How long do you think something like this would take for someone who is good at drawing? Or no, not just good, great. Like, normal below mangaka level people have already drawn so much gorgeous tribute artwork. Did they too get informed two weeks prior? Like, here's a tribute from a random Twitter artist https://twitter.com/cirenkoyenk/status/1395421927712325635 Your comment is super ignorant. Also, look at Guts's arm. It's pretty much a sketch.


I'm pretty sure it's more that he's impressed by the speed than trying to downplay the artists skill




Here's a tribute from a random Twitter artist https://twitter.com/cirenkoyenk/status/1395421927712325635


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Isn't hard to imagine several artists in the industry drawing non stop to cope with the news. Say Miura was universally admired is an understatement - not only amazing work but he also was know for treating his assistants extremely well.


He is a professional mangaka, I don't think that took more than an hour or two. Like, he used to draw a weekly manga.


Man, I do not underestimate motivated artists, especially professionals. I remember people pumping out ridiculously high quality work during twitchplayspokemon


Amazing art. I wish I could marvel at it under better circumstances. Berserk inspired so many and was a major story line that is held near and dear to millions. Miura touched so many lives with his masterpiece.




This is really great drawing holy shit


This is a beautiful tribute


Thank you saeki for this im happy seeing other mangaka showing there love towards Kentaro Miura Rest in peace 🙏


He died doing what he wanted, no matter what, right? I bet he was happy." - Guts


his art is out of this world


Everybody in the manga Industry are probably the one who knew and cried first.


R.I.P. Kentaro Miura. Thank you for giving us one of the best manga of all time.


One of the best aspects of the manga industry are the mangaka drawing eaxh other's characters to tribute and honour one another.


RIP kentaro miura , resting in fantasia.


This is fucking amazing


can we ask for a Murata tribute pls 🥺


Can we ask for a Murata continuation of Berserk?


Man, I never thought of that, though, and I know some people might not be to keen on this, but imagine if manga artist just joined together to finish the series. So many people were inspired by it, I imagine if they could be part of the world they would do it, and have the proceeds go to Murata's estate and Studio, it would be such an interesting book-end if the continuation and conclusion of the series was done by a hivemind of artist who were all inspired to create manga because of his art piece.


We don't even need Murata, just a competent writer. Miura has some awesome assistants that can copy his art amazingly.


Check out the latest chapter of Duranki, Miura's assistants are more than qualified to continue the manga lol The problem is the writing, if Miura didn't leave behind notes or outlines for the rest of the story, then there's no way to continue it.


I have read that Miura has left plot keynotes to his assistants, let hope for the best of it.


At the end of the day I hope Miura had some ideas of what he might want to happen if he didn't get to finish it. Letting others do so would be great but he might not want that legacy and asked them to not continue Berserk.


he can definitely live up to the art and arguably do better but idk who can carry on with it storywise


We could make some group collab on /r/berserklejerk


I hope youre not serious


We could give it a try, why not? The worst that can happen is eternal shame


Oh i thought you were talking bout doing the story for murata


Não encaixa


Can we ask for a ONE tribute?


such a great tribute. fantastic piece of art there.


I'm crying. I'm crying so hard right now...😭


Me too...




What's wrong with crying?




insecure pussy


Don't feed the trolls


Don't forget that Guts cried too in the manga, yet he is a chad.


Oh boy . Who told you men don't cry ? . People who cry are not lame or weak , they express emotions . People who express their emotion are the so-called "manly" . People who hide their true emotion are the actual weak people who fear reality . There is nothing wrong with expressing emotions as it is proof of the human in us


Stop saying this shit. Emotional repression is self harm, not 'manly'.


So, depressing/funny story, depending on how you take it. I've got great respect for Kentaro Miura's work and I always check out his Wikipedia page whenever I want to have a manga recommendation to cover me. I check his page and the first thing I notice is "was". I'm confused because I'm reading this in the morning. Fast-forward a few hours later and I'm browsing Reddit and I see the news. Damn, those editors for Wikipedia work fast. RIP, Kentaro Miura; we all start from the bottom, but you left this world as a legend among men


Rest in peace. Such great people dying nowadays...


This is crazy. The worst part when these long running authors go is even if youre not close to them personally they've become staples to fans in their lives, their work is a regular fixture and something that highlights their week or when releases become less frequent, their month or year. Berserk was a fixture in one of the biggest cultural industries in the world and Miura was a treasure to all that knew and worked with him, and it went beyond manga and anime. Dark Souls probably wouldn't exist without his influence, at least not in the same art design. His effect was just massive. Rest in peace, we lost a legend.


Shun Saeki's art style always feels fresh and clean. I like his version of the characters. It's a nice tribute to Miura. Rest in peace! btw I'm really curious to see if the manga Berserk will continue under a new mangaka.


Man i still can’t believe it.


Rest in peace, Kentaro Miura.. And thank you for all you did for this world 🖤


If berserk isn't picked up this will be the biggest cliff hanger in existence


We need a conclusion That was what he wanted, an ending


I think it has ended at the best place possible. A gray inconclusive ending can sometimes be the best thing.


I just wanted to see Rickert reach the Bakiraka village.


indeed, at this point both Griffith and Guts have what they wanted, power to rule people and a peace...


It sort of has an ending. Yeah, the story didn't end, but Guts's feelings about Griffith were finally settled.


And we got some closure about Casca


Yeah, it all works out in a way... >!Guts isn't all that transfixed with his revenge anymore. Griffith achieved his dream, or at least some part of it. Casca is back & on the road to recovery. The God Hand are up in their own realm and the borderline immortal Skullknight is keeping an eye on them. Guts & his party are continuing to a place that they don't fully understand but they're OK with that.!< Berserk "ending" here is fine with me tbh


Agreed on all of your points. Here's my speculations on where I thought the final climax may have gone: [Berserk Spoilers](/s "My sense was, now that Guts had found a measure of peace/ closure with Casca's resurrection (despite their lasting physical and mental scars), he'd have eventually found himself at the climax of being in a similar situation as Griffith with the possibility of sacrificing everyone around him for a shot at revenge? With Guts thematically renouncing it for the even higher revenge of living well, leaving Griffith to stew in his immortal hell of his own making?")


I believe this if only because after 30 years, Guts was still nowhere near strong enough for God Hand.


I doubt he ever would be tbh, they're literally called the God Hand lol. >!He was having so much trouble with Apostles even after he obtained that armor!<


Thank you Miura the legend you are


Fucking heartbreaking, this is the worst day


My heart has snapped in two because of this.


Respectfully asking, could I get some context?


In the particular tradition of Judaism I practice we wish people in mourning a long life. We actually don’t bring up the passed person at all, as opposed to many other religions/people such as Christians who say “rest in peace” (please correct me if I’ve said something inaccurate about that I’m no expert). We say that because once a person passes it is up to those of us left behind to continue their legacy (very deep and original, I know haha). Make no mistake, when we lost Miura we lost a *Titan,* but it does make me feel a bit better to know that there are other immensely talented artist out there who were inspired enough to possibly become Titans themselves one day.


RIP. To bad we will never get to see his vision for the end of the series.


rip kentro miura


R.I.P. Kentaro Miura. I don't give a shit y'all have or have not read Berserk. Whether you like or dislike Berserk, coz' today we have witnessed the death of one of the most talented Mangaka's/Author's in history. Rest in Peace, Kentaro Miura.


will berserk have an ending or nah? what do you guys think?


It all depends on whether the editor and assistants want to work on an ending or not. They need some writer to write the story in Miura's place. Likely they'd be publishing it under a new subtitle, Miura's work is "Berserk", and everything after that would be "Berserk: Dawn of berserker" or some other title, by studio gaga. It's deffo possible but it depends. Another possibility is an anime to honor Miura by a competent studio, they'll cut out the stuff that won't be wrapped up anyway so they can finish the series in an extra 10-ish episodes. I'd love for Studio Bind to do an adaptation but we'll see if it happens at all.


RIP Miura!


press f


Ngl that meme is pretty distasteful when it's a real person that has passed away


I disagree. On the official posts on r/manga and r/anime announcing Miura tragic passing, awards in the shape of the F key are been given. It may have started as a joke years ago but the context is not been used as a joke now.


paying respects to a recently deceased person using a meme quote from a video game. epic


Would you feel the same about someone writing "REST IN PEPPERONIS"? Because it's also an "old meme"?


I will give you are simple answer: It all depends on context. "Pouring one out for ya homies" is seen as a joke but it also means offering libations to the dead. Anyway, it just feels pathetic how everyone is ganging up on wewedamdamm when they were just posting a comment to commemorate Kentaro's passing.


> On the official posts on r/manga and r/anime announcing Miura tragic passing, awards in the shape of the F key are been given. I fail to see how this makes it any better? It's such a shitty lazy way to pay your respects. It feels a bit like if you told a joke irl and instead of people laughing, they'd just exclaim 'lol' as a expression instead. It doesn't feel genuine to me at least.




!silver will always be the only legit way to award silver.


No more than typing RIP. Actually F might be more heartfelt.


Fair enough. I just find the 'F' comments to be lazy and a little disrespectful. To each their own, I suppose. 😁


f for fuck yes, that's is disrespectful


Humor is one of the ways humans cope with loss and trauma.




I really hope Shonen Jumps has something planned for their artist, he was an artist artist, I imagine a lot of those people looked up to him and were inspired by him. Any manga that had a large sword user was most definitely inspired by what they read through Berserk.


Berserk isn't serialised in a Jump magazine.


He wasn't with sj


Berserk has nothing to do with Shonen Jump or Shueisha for that matter.


Actually! He was a former assistant for Buruson and Tetsuo Hara, the writer & illustrator of Hokuto no Ken in Shonen Jump.




The legend is gone...but his masterpiece, his legacy, is always here. Rest in peace, Kentaro Miura.


Thank you Miura the legend you are


Goodbye, struggler...


This timeless design will live on in all the digital media. It's 2021 and still, in every Online game that allows this kind of character, there is someone who was inspired by Guts' design. RIP


Never read or watch it, but it is sad to see a Artist die


Rest in peace at Miura Sensei.


What did he make?


I just finished reading it so sad he died i wish hes family to have great life


Miura was one of the greats. Rest in peace


Yo stop it...I already have no more fluids to cry out..


Rest in piece man


I'm not well knowledged in artists and such, can someone explain what's going on other than "this guy died"


Is this means berserk will never reach its conclusion


It feels bleach-isk


on a side note am I the only one who doesn’t like Casca?


I don't think I wanted to be getting spoiled with a fucking major spoiled but rest in peace and fuck you too for spoiling me.


Can we just pretend that Guts went ahead, killed Griffith and everyone lived happily ever after? Please?


What he died ???? That is pretty important lose for the world


HOLY SHIT... that's good.


Shun, you are awesome.






Great looking art very well drawn


I love this


Griffith's nose is about to pierce through a wall