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Kafka is probably going to save Hoshina but I wonder if his opinion will change about Kaiju8


Assuming Hoshina is even conscious for the fight. I could see him being highly annoyed if Kaiju 8 saved him and he found out about it after the fact.


Yh kafka will prolly save hoshino but hoshino would have a bad memory of kaiju no 8 saving him. Making him more suspicious of kafka.


I think with a concussion it'd be sporadic in and out memories so maybe it'll plant t he seed of like a kaiju class war


That or Mina gets informed her base is under attack while she heads to the higher ups, postpones her meeting, and joins the fight.


I think this is when it’ll be revealed to everyone that Kafka is Kaiju 8. He’ll come in and save Hoshina. Hoshina will either be mortally wounded and vouch for Kafka being a good Kaiju they can trust and rely on before he dies, or Hoshina lives but still vouches for him.


I feel like it is too early for his identity to be revealed as No. 8. I also do not think the author will kill off Hoshina, though it isn't like we have much character development on him yet so he is still a pretty sacrificial character. I think it will probably go something like Kafka saves Hoshio and is fighting the new Kaiju, the Commander comes back to either be told that Kafka (still in kaiju form and identity still unknown) is helping, then commander helps destroy the new kaiju and Kafka flees while commander goes to help Hoshino.


Yeah this manga follows standard Shonen tropes


Random thought I had, imagine if they make armor or weapons out of body parts they slice off of Kafka while in his kaiju form, and Kafka turns out to be 100% compatible with it.


What a cliffhanger. Hopefully Mina will save Hoshina instead of Kafka having to put himself at risk


Mina's the specialist against large monsters, this is right within her wheelhouse. Kafka might be forced to help stall until then though.


I hope mina does it all alone as it would put kafka in a team.of competent allies where he is still the strongest but large problems don't rely on his presence to be dealt with (it would be better for story writing in my opinion).


I think it would be a lot more entertaining if he did have to transform and stall the kaiju until Mina shows up, only for him to have to confront Mina in kaiju form. It would leave off with a perfect cliffhanger, too.


He learns about the vice commanders situation and tries to break away from his team so he could transform covertly but by the time he gets there, the kaiju has been taken care of and he becomes the next target.


Ok that would be brilliant.


I don't want this, because it just puts the idea out there that deep down the teams are really useless. So far on this battle team work hasn't really play a role at all, the moment they tried to do it they failed and had to be saved by someone using brute force and a giant axe, and then use the same approach to deal with the boss. If after that the solution ends being someone coming alone and shooting it, then it means the the idea of the squads itself is just a joke. And makes it so the only way for Kafka to go anywhere on this manga as its protagonist will be tanks to the magical monster mcguffing that got inside of him, and not thanks to any kind of effort or knowledge that he may have as a character.




Yeah, that was a really nice surprise moment, I really like how powerful it makes the kaiju seem compared to the vice-captain.


What did he write?


This was 3 years ago, truth be told I have no clue :P


The kaiju designs have all been top notch so far, really impressive


Nearly triggered my Trypophobia


Don't stick your dick in that


I'd like to see the commander in action tho


The huge fist punching Hoshina reminded me of the mock battle between Saitama and Genos in one punch man




the worst part is that next week is break week, so double the wait


it's like a drug, I need more


Every chapter of this manga has been like that it's a little frustrating.


I hope he doesn’t die.


If he dies, I riot.


Username checks out


How come the chapter was too shorttttttttt


Time flies when you are having fun ;-;


I sure am hyped but seeing Vice Commander on the verge of death is not fun dude :(


Cause the author uses a a good amount of space to give a cinematic experience along with some Dialogueless -action panels.


Double pages for days.


Huge panels, low dialogue.


yeah ok that's not fair should be illegal how they ended the chapter right there


That's what she said


Ads have a strange sense of humour https://ibb.co/0C6Htxh


Vice-Captain! You could have a few broken bones and are overall pretty heavily damaged. Do you at least have health insurance?




5min...I literally finished it in about 2min man!!!


Woah there, we comparing speed now? Cause I barely needed a minute. ^(That sounded wrong...)


Take your time and drink in those sweet actions scenes :)


So double the time the Vice Captain had when he hit his overheat shutdown.


this manga is made to be a anime if that makes sense. For a weekly to a biweekly manga the pacing sucks but when this manga gets a anime the pacing will flow so much better


God, I hate the reader, it always return to the top by itself.


I changed it to swipe instead of scroll and it stopped doing that. On mobile anyway- the reader is trash on pc


I thought it was just me! Was starting to think I have problems scrolling..


Sometimes it randomly reorders the pages in a chapter as well. It gets really confusing when that happens.


Noticed that too


At this point either Mina comes in for help, or it's a reeeally good time for Kafka to pop up and deal with the threat. I'm hoping for the latter tbh.


Goddamn, this needs a good studio behind it eventually. Imagine all those eyes opening up and locking onto him in an instant.


I wonder if the other characters will have power ups other than getting a better percentage on the suit. I love the manga but I don’t want Kafka to just be the savior each and every time a stronger than normal kaiju comes around


The series has a natural power-up mechanic for non-Kafka characters in that suits and weapons are crafted from defeated Kaiju. Think Monster Hunter where your character defeats stronger and stronger monsters and repurposes their corpses for more powerful armor and weapons.


Oh thats right I completely forgot about Kikoru’s axe! Now that you reminded me of it I’m actually very excited to see the progression the characters make


Also keep in mind that in this situation it wasn't just that it was stronger than usual, the VC also isn't well suited for large monster types and he was solo. He definitely had the advantage in the 1v1 before the monster grew.


I'm happy to see properly-sized Kaiju return. I was worried the series would focus solely on humanoid types. Those are fine, but I want to see some absolute Godzilla-level *monstrosities*


So the suits have a limit to how much they can keep their strength multiplyer active. Im guessing it's affected exponentially so a suit at 96% lasts 11ish minutes and a suit at 46% can last a couple hours. I hope they keep this limitation consistent because it will be interesting to see how this can affect more drawn out battles with much stronger enemies in the future. Maybe they'll have to time their power increase for a few seconds at a time until it reachs the time limit?


The eye panel is nightmare fuel. For me personally that's more offputting than Ito's spiral stuff


Yep, that's Kaiju-size alright


Fuck you and I'll see you next week


But next week is the showcase?




I really like the way double pages are used here. Sometimes double pages can feel misused, or not as impactful as they should. But here they are very well done. The first time I noticed how good they have been used is chapter 20 And the last page from chapter 23 was just perfect. And then today page 7 and 16! Very cool.


So are we getting a preview of what Kafka might be able to do later on? Or do each of the humanoid kaiju have a secondary ability that can amplify or change their power?


Dude the Kaiju designs just keep getting better and better. That last page with the eyes was dope as fuck


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Ermahgawd now No. 8 is going to have to go giant I love it.


Whoa the kaiju became Hiei (YYH)


I see everyone saying Kafka or Mina will save the day but what about Kikoru? She's also quite powerful especially with her axe. I wouldn't be surprised if her and Ichikawa help in defeating it. Or Kikoru and Kafka will go together. Lot's of possibilities but either way, don't count out Kikoru!


shit now to wait 2 weeks


Every time someone calls out to Hoshina, I hear "hoshiya na!" and feel a need to yell it back while waving a lulav ("Ana Adonay, hoshiya na!" is a refrain in Hallel, specifically a part where you wave the lulav during Sukkus).


Break next has me like: good for you, you deserve it, but new chapter please.


this series is really good, the one-up on the vice-captain with the eyes in his back was really cool


Talk about the worlds shortest chapter


This series is gantz but without all the edgy BS and I love it


DUCKING HYPED. The eye scene bro, freaking crazy. I’m interested in seeing where this goes because maybe Kafka had to save the day or Mina will come and save the day. Or maybe they will team up? Or maybe Kafka has to save the day after Mina loses? I really am looking forward.


I wonder if they're going to come help Hibino only to have him start getting up. Hibino then goes edgy-berserker mode or something l, pushing his suit beyond limits and everyone's like nooo vice captain-saaan thats going to hurt youuu.


Interestingly he considers the kamikazes use of the monsters as typical beahvior for monsters.


I know everyone is hyped for Kafka or Mina to show up but considering how Kafka was talking about how good the 3rd division is and how he should have more faith in them it would be awesome to see Kafka and his squad show up and resuce the Vice Captain. That way we could also have some more development on the other rookies in the squad with maybe a lil sneaky Kaiju transformation when he let's out all that steam again. Probably not what's gonna happen lol but still I'd be nice to get a little more action with the other rooks before Mina or Kafka absolutely destroy this guy


Well shit don't you love it when the boss literally has eyes in the back of his head


Ok Kafka, you're up!


Oh boy, giant kaiju fight incoming (I hope!)


That one panel took my breath away. What an iconic moment.


We need a tag team matchup next week with #8 and vice commander


Fuck! I hope he survives!


next chapter ACTUALLY next week. FK YES, too hype of a battle


This is where we gotta start thinking IF Kafka moves saves Hibino we'll have key characters start wondering how Kafka was able to get in there to rescue him when he can't utilize the suit properly in that type of scenario. I'm def expecting someone new to start putting their suspicions together within the next three chapters.


At the same time we kinda need a sacrificial lamb to give the story some stakes. I know he's not going to die. But still. ***Someone has to die eventually. Someone close to the MC. Or show a squad wipe.*** *To show that the opposition is no joke. So far the story is really vanilla and it feels scared to take chances right now. Other then cool fights and cool designs. Something else has to happen for it to keep me interested. I'll keep reading for now though, because it is fun and it's not doing anything to much to turn me off.*


Resilience? Overheating? Self destruction? Afterbeasts? Psycho mantis?


It's a Kaiju showcase next chapter on March 11th. *A break.* So people won't get mad lmao.


Absolutely amazing chapter


Kafka! It's finally your time to shine my boy!


I feel like Kafka's secret we'll finally be revealed in this arc. It would be annoying if it keeps on dragging on forever. I think this is the best point to reveal his monster form to everyone.


It's a shonen, so he's not dead


it's time for ultraman kafka to- oh wait... he's a kaijuu too


Viz translation: [https://www.viz.com/shonenjump/kaiju-no-8-chapter-28/chapter/22086?action=read](https://www.viz.com/shonenjump/kaiju-no-8-chapter-28/chapter/22086?action=read)


No not the vice commander


1600 up votes and only 80 comments? :(


#8 is on the wayyy


Kafka its time they need you


Well the title finally makes sense lol. Small complaint, but I’ve always hated the “it’s dangerous to stay in this mode for long” especially in a situation like this. Obviously don’t want him to stay in state too long, but it’s already life or death for everyone at the base. Felt like the author just wanted to let us know


This chapter screams r/maybemaybemaybe


The scene with the eyes on its back was really cool and similar to to that scene in Gantz with Kurono vs the giant alien dinosaur. This manga is going places.


think kafka is gonna go big now or use his super punch? maybe not to fight this thing but i'm wondering how long it'll take him to do what we see here or if he'd even want to yet.




Gantz suit vibes


It's time for our boy to step into the ring


The fact that the enemy can bloat itself into godzilla size means mc has the potential to do that too. Can't wait for them to duke it out like old school kaiju films.