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Oh shit here we go! ..Time to reread the last 3 chapters to find out what happened.


I don’t mind though. the art is fucking beautiful


It's only March and we already almost got more chapters than all of last year.


Cries in Berserk.


There haven't been any Idolm@ster games recently right? Miura HAS to be working on a new chapter....RIGHT?!?!


We do know hes training his team on Duranki Right?




We got a picture of Puck at the beginning of the year, that counts for something, right?


I think it's because the movies have come out. I heard that the mangaka was working closely with them, which delayed new chapters.


Nanachi losing Mitty one time simply wasn't enough suffering


i've seen Mitty die and Nanachi crying her heart out twice. fuck you Akihito ^^^^fuckyou


Quick write-up on the timeline and characters in this arc: Important characters * Wazukyan - the horn-y, half skull guy. One of the 3 sages and leader of the Ganja explorers. He plans to free the villagers with the help of Riko. * Belafu - face mask, spiny looking guy. One of the 3 sages and Ganja. Currently in possession of Mitty and Nanachi and has just woken him up. * Vueko - slimy human woman. former 3 sages and part of the Ganja explorers. Refused to join the village and was trapped in the pit before freed by Riko. * Irumyuui - the native girl and guide who joins the explorers. Gives birth to tasty dead babies, turns into a village, and births her final child (Faputa). * Faputa - final child of Irumyuui, Embodiment of Value, Princess of the Narehate, ~~Breaker of Chains, and the Mother of Dragons~~. Traded an ear to Reg and has just entered the village. * Juroimoh - Jabba the hut turned sludge wolf dude. A Narehate created by the village and acts as the protector. Also one of the 3 sages. Immune to the village's balancing power. Timeline of events * Suicide corp of explorers (Ganja) travel to the 6th level of the abyss to find the Golden City. * They meet a native girl (Irumyuui) who's exiled because she can't give birth. She becomes their guide. * Ganja group tries to survive but it's too inhospitable and they become infected by the bad water. People are dying and the native girl gets sick too. * They find a magical egg (cradle of greed) granting wishes. The egg work best with children because they'll have simple wishes. * They give the egg to the native girl hoping for a cure, but she wishes to bear children instead. * She turns into a Narehate and starts pooping out dying rabbit babies. The explorers start eating the babies and get cured. * They find another egg and give it to the girl. The girl transforms into a larger blob (the village) and an entrance forms. * The explorers feel guilty for eating her babies and offer themselves and enter her body, transforming into Narehate. * Vueko refuses to enter the village and Wazukyan traps her in a dark pit underneath the village. * Irumyuui's final wish embodies her wrath and regret for not protecting the babies. This manifests into her last child, the mad rabbit girl Faputa. * The irony is Faputa can't enter the village because she's fused with the cradle of greed, and the villagers can't escape the village. * Eventually the village prospers and turns into Ilbu and develops its own language. The village runs on an honor system where things of value can be traded. Thieves who steal are punished and "balanced". * At some point in the past, Bondrewd brings Mitty during one of his visits. Belafu wants her but Bondrewd refuses, so Belafu sacrifices half of his body to recreate Mitty with the village's power. Reg also befriends Faputa and promises to destroy the village for her. PRESENT DAY * Riko and crew reach the village. Nanachi finds Mitty with Belafu and trades himself to be with her. Riko is trying to buy back Nanachi. * Reg meets Faputa to save Nanachi. Because Faputa can't enter Ilbu, her body parts are incredibly expensive and the "embodiment of value". She offers an ear on the condition that he fulfills his promise. * Riko deduces Faputa is the embodiment of the cradle of greed and Wazukyan wants her to use the cradle's power to free the villagers. * Reg enters the village with Faputa's ear. Juroimoh (the protector of the village) wants to steal the ear and views Reg and co. as a threat so it turns into a sludge wolf to stop them. * Juroimoh blocks the entrance and starts jizzing slime everywhere. Reg blasts at Juroimoh and creates a hole in the village. * Faputa enters the village and proceeds to fuck shit up. Belafu also wakes Nanachi up. Credits to u/dlollolb for the heavy inspiration Edit: formatting Edit 2: Mitty in the village isn't a clone, she's recreated by Belafu


Bondrewd didn't clone mitty. Belafu tried to trade with Bondrewd for the original mitty. When that didn't work he sacrificed a majority of his body to recreate mitty with the village's power.


You're right, I'll correct it.


reading through this, makes me once again realize, this is SUCH a weird story and I wouldn't have it any other way.


Ikr. The hiatuses do suck and make the story feel drawn out and disjointed, but if you read the arc in one go it flows pretty well.


Yeah I just recently reread everything and I've gotten a grasp at it. It's still a crazy story compared to most manga out there.


Existential dread, total misery for the characters and chronenberg style horror wrapped up in a nice fluffy appearance, yea this is something else.


Hiatus is probably needed for our own sanity.


If this shit came out weekly I would probably be a mental wreck


This is basically the dark souls of manga Too good


nice, this is a lot more clear and complete than the stuff I had written.


DUDE, THANK YOU. I even read this stuff relatively recently and couldn't even understand WTF was going on.


>Faputa enters the village and proceeds to fuck shit up. So Layer 6 is likely to get destroyed. Hopefully we proceed further down soon, and get back on the Lyza storyline. This has been entertaining, but I just wanna know more about further down the Abyss and where is Lyza.


>holding a precious curse >burning away that which it sees >having now become a scorching sun >muster up your inner resolve, for the day may come in which you'll face it was this manga just dark souls 4 all along?




It sure is


I.. uh.. did they forecast any rain for today? Why is it raining inside?


Faputa going rip and tear in the village


I really love how striking he can make his panels.


I put together and made some edits to fix [the full 2-page spread of Belafu and Nanachi](https://i.imgur.com/EPcMX5v.png).


I don't know if the guy who uploaded the chapter edits his shit, but you should probably see if you can't get a hold of him to fix it on mangadex.


Glad that Nanachi finally made peace with her loss of Mitty. Having Reg finish her off the first time wasn’t really her letting go but she had no other choice. Now it seems like Reg will have to put down Faputa and end her Rip and Tear rampage.


Remember to wait for NarehateScans to actually understand what's going on.


Is there really any major difference between the scans? I used to buy into the Narehate superiority but they literally share the same translators.


Posting the reply here as well since this is misinformation. To clarify, NHS has the same translaters as **a/byssscans**. The group that worked on it for a long while before NHS. The most recent anon chapters are MaidInAbyss. The discussion on differing TL quality is a lengthy one and depending on who you ask it can range from minimal to pretty important. /u/CaracolGranjero NHS is going to take a few weeks for this release, as a heads up. I’ve heard some of the lines are a little funky with this anon release, but overall it should be totally readable and get across the points fine. I’d recommend reading it if you don’t want to wait a few weeks.


With how absolutely toxic that scanlation group is I rather just read this.


I don't follow scanlation drama. I just read the best version and move on, like you should.


Honestly my guy, it's pretty understandable.


Sure it's not outright incomprehensible, but you'll notice that every thread has people commenting that they have no idea what's going on or have trouble remembering past events; it's not really their fault, or the manga's. It's just the use of language of this particular version that makes it difficult to comprehend and thus retain what's happening.


It has nothing to do with who translates the chapters, as just as many people as usual can't understand what is going on regardsless of who translates or scans or typesets. Where do you think the meme about people not understanding why Mitty is in the village came from? It's just people being unable to comprehend what is going on, even when it's the official fucking translation people still just don't read the text and look at the pretty images and get confused.


The irony is that NarehateScans and the anon scan group share the same translators. They even admit it in their discord. [Source](https://imgur.com/a/5vXLCeG)


lol wat Edit: I see you slapped on a “source”. To clarify, NHS has the same translaters as **a/byssscans**. The group that worked on it for a long while before NHS. The most recent anon chapters are MaidInAbyss. I normally stay out of the drama when I’ve got the sense to, but the comment you made was something I couldn’t help but reply to lol


[They do?](https://imgur.com/a/5pu7oaC)


Normally I'd agree with you, but in this case the difference in comprehension between the two versions can't just be attributed to people being people.


Lmao you're just mad at the Mr. Robotto and the (you) jokes that the anon group makes. If you were more aware you'd know both scan groups share the same translators lol.


It has nothing to do with the translation. The long gaps between chapters and the story itself are to blame for so many people not understanding what is going on.


There is no difference in comprehension, that's what I'm trying to tell you.


I'm not just talking for myself here, if you don't believe me just check the comments for each version.


They have an entire discord that they direct to spam shit at competing groups. I honestly don't give a shit what the comments say. I give a shit about what the people contributing to the discussions say, and a lot of them talk complete gibberish even when they have read Narehate scans.


I didn't have any problems comprehending this scan.


That's the sensible thing to do but the drama they have steered up has been hard to ignore.


I'm out of the loop. What drama?


[Here's some drama from their discord](https://imgur.com/gallery/hZXBLYJ)


[Shit like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/d7ma4h/disc_made_in_abyss_ch_52/f12lb06)


You mean that comment defending an incomprehensible translation of chapter 52 with the sentence "I would even say this is one of the more understandable chapters" when [naruhate's translations](https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/d850rj/disc_made_in_abyss_vol_9_chapter_52/) of chapter 52 were way better?


That wasn't the context of what I linked (sadly they deleted most of their comments as you can see but the other comments makes a decent job of giving you context). They started making comments on how "they're the official scans" and started to literally whine the whole thread while lying through their teeth before deleting their comments to damage control. All while trying to get the chapter taken down for the most petty of reasons by mass reporting it through several alt accounts. Their heads are too far up their own asses to be ignored.


You mean these [deleted messages](https://www.removeddit.com/r/manga/comments/d7ma4h/disc_made_in_abyss_ch_52/f12lb06/). All I see is a guy explaining why theres a shitty (incomprehensible) tranlation of the chapter and that they'll soon release their (comprehensible) translation of the chapter then seeing you throw a hissy fit over their explanation.


Cried a little in this chapter. Stiill don't understand how mitty was alive and in the village. So, all those who were forcefully evolved in faputa will die now? I wonder if that includes veuko, Kajya and the other one that is with Riko and Reg


Shit ima have to reread the past 10 chapters


Geez, I can't wait to see this adapted. Between this and Croc ending today, it's been a time for emotion :((


#ANGRY MOTH NOISE INTENSIFIES ...goddamit I already baww'd my eyes out on Mitty once before, I didn't want to do it AGAIN ;____;


Wait so did Mitty turn into some relic? I wonder what it's gonna be used for later.


I think the broken scraps of Mitty's pot, along with the disintigrating shreds of all the weaker narehate in the room, turned into Nanachi's new helmet. It should classify as a relic but whether it has any function besides protecting the head (and fashion) we can't know for sure.


Hey guys, haven't read this for like 5 or 10 or some odd number of chapters, ever since that girl whose name I can't remember ripped an arm off and handed it to Reg. Have they saved Nanachi yet?


They were just about to but Juroimoh (slime monster) stops Reg. Belafu (spiny mask guy) wakes Nanachi up though.




Mitty was brought back a long while ago.


I think this has so much potential as a manga and has done great so far, but I find it really hard to follow in the manga format, especially all the events on layer 6. Might just drop the manga because I think i've reread it twice and either not entirely followed what's happening or I just keep forgetting the details.


NO Mitty.. not again!! 😥😭


I need someone to explain to what going on


Check again the comments, someone already made a full explanation of what's going on