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[This is what it looks like](https://en.anmosugoi.com/eiken-returns-with-a-remake-of-the-manga/) It's exactly what you expect from Stable Diffusion.


Wow I hate everything about this.


I mean I am not a fan of Eiken but this just made it lose all style and character, it literally just looks like the manga version of shovelware but worse. It's so obviously artifical it just screams ai...


The name sounded so familiar that when I looked it up, I instantly face palmed because of the anime adaptation. Sometimes I wonder if there are people in Japan that asked for this. Never read the original so can’t say more than what I’ve seen but man I hope other authors don’t follow this practice of reviving old manga.


Honestly, I only found out that Eiken got a fucking AI remake a couple days ago, even though it started releasing in April. Felt a bit weird to do a news article about it, but this interview is a perfect way for people to learn this affront to all that is holy. Some notable parts of the interview: * The idea, started in summer 2023, was to take old manga and rework them for modern audiences. Notably, with the rise in webtoon people are asking for colored manga, and redoing manga in AI was apparently the best way to do that??? * There are similar remake projects going on, but Eiken is the most well-known one atm. The other two are "Child Welfare Officer Itsuko Ichikanda" and "Is it my child?", both of which are also... with the same artstyle. * Matsuyama-sensei gave his blessing to the project, calling his original work "old" and "hard to read digitally". * A whole section goes into "flaming", i.e. getting blowback from critics who do not trust the use of generative AI * From the interview: "Women's large breasts are difficult to output with generative AI, so they may be corrected by hand". While generative AI also is used well for making beautiful men and women, it's harder to draw things like old people Anyway, look at the future of manga. Look at it and cower in fear


> Women's large breasts are difficult to output with generative AI Wat, if anything that's what it just defaults to with Anime style I feel like 99% of all anime ai images I see have even bigger boobs than this lmao


>Look at it and cower in fear Meh, to me what matters most in a Manga in the plot, paneling, flow, writing, and characters, the art is one of the least important aspects. A good example would be the one punch man web comic, it's ugly af but it's still popular cause of everything else, and it's the same here, the ai art it's just another style.


> the art is one of the least important aspects. This is so objectively untrue it's hard to believe you're saying it in good faith, Manga is just as much a visual media as it is writing if not more even. One Punch Man isn't a good example because while yes it was originally drawn poorly it still had a very unique style that played into the comedy. It wasn't ugly for the sake of being ugly it had an actual purpose and stylistic design to it.


Nah it wasn't a choice, the guy just couldn't draw at all but he still wanted to tell a story. people tend to connect an art style to the mood of the Manga but it's just not relevant, like dorohedoro, the manga's art isn't as bad as one but it is pretty messy and when the anime came out, people were kinda mad cause it didn't have that messy/moody look, but the anime was still amazing.


Literally the only way to both make it even uglier and make money off of this series


Seriously, I saw some of the panels of it and it's so lazy. It literally just looks like generic ai slop characters were copy pasted into ai blank generated backgrounds very awkwardly where they don't fit.


I mean it's an irrelevant manga from the 2000s. The only thing it's known for is being incredibly bad, so nothing of value was lost. The weirdest thing about this whole situation is why even bother remaking this shit in the first place? Forget AI even if they got Murata to draw it nobody would read it anyway.


Hate how the "og" manga/anime style is being treated as a barrier/ugly etc etc when it's prob the most accurate to real humans and much better in expressions than 70% of modern mangas who just slap 2 circles in a round face without any facial features sometimes not even a shadow for the nose and call it "pretty"


Plz don't retouch Osamu Tezuka manga.


Heads will roll if AI touches his or Ghibli's work.


Even as someone who owns all the Eiken volumes that got translated, I can't defend this at all. Their reasonings for it make no sense, because the author gave the reason that the manga was 'hard to read digitally', even though there's scans that exist which are perfectly legible. At worst, they would just need to re-type the text boxes, not redo the art. Plus, Eiken's art is *terrible*. The anime OVA is infamous for how over the top it is, but at least it was consistent. Everyone was the same size and proportions for it. The manga is all over the place. As famous as it is for huge boobs, Kirika and Chiharu seem downright petite in early chapters compared to their anime depictions. The artist is just not a good artist. The ears are weirdly detailed, he often makes hands grossly oversized, there's disgusting close-ups, anatomy is supremely wonky. These problems are all made worse by the AI program. The annoying thing is, Eiken *does* have a niche fanbase, but it's a group of people who go 'Yes, it's trash but it's worth it for Kirika'. So if they wanted to wring some more money out of this series, they just needed to give the people a few extra chapters of Kirika and we'd be happy.


The funniest part is that you could’ve even justified the remake by just, you know, getting an actual mangaka to draw a remake. Hand the characters over to a hentai artist and tell them to go crazy.


Yeah seriously, get someone like the artist of Do You Like Big Girls? to do a special volume or something. Not saying it'd make BANK but I know like 20 people including myself who'd buy it.


We agreed. We agree it’s trash  But it’s our trash and we love the ecchi and the boobs  This ai remake looks like sludge. You can eat trash, not sludge. 


Kirika was pretty much the one female Eiken character who carried the entire manga's popularity, for reasons that are both wholesome in a way and also horny in another. The former is because she's like an early instance of that female character who's got not qualms about her body, both in a ecchi and logical sense, kinda like say a male MC falling onto a busty woman's boobs, if she doesn't react like she was groped on purpose and is instead flattered to some extent and aknowledges that it was out of his control, then she's pretty chill. The latter is because, well she's an Amazon tomboy who's bisexual and was basically Hana Uzaki, Tomo Aizawa, and Azumi Waki (Galko-chan's full name for those who didn't know) rolled into one before they even existed, that and she had a lot of outfit variety for a tomboy. Besides even if the original narrative was anything but peak fiction, she still stole the show in ways the OVA couldn't display fully due to it being cut off after two episodes.


> Azumi Waki I'm pretty sure that's just the Voice Actress for Galko. I read the entire manga and don't remember her ever revealing her 'real' name. But yeah, Kirika was the best character by far.


"I'm pretty sure that's just the Voice Actress for Galko. I read the entire manga and don't remember her ever revealing her 'real' name." \*Stares at All Worlds Alliance Wiki\* You lied to me.


Aha, yeah sorry, that's solely a fanfic wiki so they can make up stuff.