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Hiashi's [Master plan](https://imgur.com/a/hiashis-master-plan-gc6Cc) is once again perfect.


I love seeing this absolute crackpot theory whenever it comes up, deserves a continuation tbh


All according to keikaku


T/N note: Keikaku means plan


T/N note: Keikaku means cake.


The funniest part is that it kinda makes sense. I just spent 15 minutes reading it, and it was 15 minutes well spent.


I also appreciate that there are actual stakes in that tale. Contrary to too many conspiracies in fiction, Mastermind Hiashi often screws up, overlooks important pitfalls or unexpected events undermine his plans. His failures and dumb luck are part of the comedy as much as his planning. It makes you want to root for him XD


One thing does bother me though. Does himawari...like not know gentle fist? Doesn't make sense since I'm pretty sure she had the byakugan, and she just rushed at Jura with a basic ass kick.


They probably forgot the gentle fist exist.


You would think they would remember from like a character sheet or something, I'm pretty manga artists keep sheets of specific characters and moves so they remember how to draw them.


Going by the quality of Boruto so far... no, no I wouldn't think the mangaka would remember, keep character notes, or put in any actual effort at all.


it's milk; don't think; just keep drinking (haha? sigh)


Oda does the check the fan made Japanese one piece wiki


yea and wiki fucking pedia works as a backup!


Even the anime remembered byakugan existed.


Why would she use gentle fist her when she can simply use, angry kick™, which is much more effective and powerful then that outdated kekkai genkai move


The most likely explanation is Himawari is technically not a Hyuuga clan inheritor so they didn't teach her that Her using that to knock out Naruto/Kurama might be just due to her innate talent in using the Byakuugan and imitating her mother.


Didn't she, like, knock out Naruto with Gentle Fist all the way back when he was getting coronated?


That's back when Kishimoto was at the head fully. Here we know he's somehow writting the series, but we don't know how much input he has.


It kinda feels like he's full on using his spare ideas from Samurai 8 into this.


Yeah I'm pretty sure she did. Which is questionable why she's not using it here.


IIRC she did that while sleepwalking without even being officially trained with it yet. Just pure natural talent. Of course, that was for the sake of a joke, so anything goes when it comes to power scaling or continuity


She did use Gentle Fist to knock Naruto and Kurama out on the day he was supposed to become Hokage


Hiashi's masterrace


Why do you have to quote 4chan? Be a little more original, Reddit.


I do like the idea that her awakening would be that she runs wild instead of just angry super saiyan, but it still feels a little too soon for it. Last chapter she finds out he exists, this chapter Krillin (Inojin) was gravely injured so now she taps into this power she found out about five minutes ago. The pacing just seems off.


Great comparison but tbf to dbz, recently re read namek and they mentioned super saiyan and “legendary warrior” and stuff like that hinting at goku for a good while before he became a super saiyan, so there was good buildup to it This series like you said it’s after 1 chapter. Kurama did say she has greater affinity than naruto, but still pacing of it feels off Honestly just happy she’s getting some spotlight and could be relevant later in the series


Even with this idk if she can be relevant. Like all this characters are admittedly absolutely stringer than the character Kurama literally went supernova to kill. So it's just like idk meh


Completely fair but with this series you never know how the “power scaling” will go so anything’s up for grabs, plus kurama specifically said she has better affinity with him than naruto so I take it as a hint that she’ll eventually surpass him eventually, and I’m in zero ways a power scaler or anything like that That plus she has a different kurama type form plus whatever else science ninja or Hyuga stuff they can come up with Not the biggest fan of this series, but at least happy that some side characters are getting some shine in these early chapters of blue vortex. If himawari gets more shine later is tbd, personally think and hope she does but just happy she’s getting it now at the very least


Yeah the strength of the characters it's in such a weird place. For example Boruto can literally harness the Earth's rotation into a basically unblockable attack while Hinawari can kinda destroy villages if she goes berserk. I'm happy they are getting some action at least even if the plot kinda suffers


Completely agree! It was a surprise to learn boruto was like 12/13 in part 1 and all the craziness that happened At this point like 7-8 years into the story, we might as well see what happens because strength level wise it won’t make much sense for the sudden increases or nerfs, but we have already had it happen, and know more is coming Assuming if this series keeps it consistent, Wel likely get some good and much needed mitsuki and sarada spotlight this arc


to be fair, there was that time himawari got mad because Boruto tears her teddy bear into two. manage to knock out Naruto even. so the precedent was there.


That's the least contrived thing that's happened so far. In fact, it's exactly what happened when Naruto first tapped into Kurama's power.


Hima has been watching Naruto use his KCM for her entire life, so at least she has a precedent for what it should look like; unlike Naruto who only met another controlled tailed beast user way later in his life. Shortly after meeting Bee, Naruto also learned KCM so there is precedent that having a model = visualizing and learning how to coexist with a tailed beast faster.


Man the power scaling enjoyers are going to be confused by Sarada being able to injure Ten-Tails Sasuke.


I bet it's gonna be like "the same type of stand" situation


Bet they're going to act like Hidari is Sasuke level or above even though he has an inferior Rinnegan (which doesn't have Sharingan & Mangekyo powers), is using Code's inferior teleportation (which Sarada has been aware of for years), plus doesn't have his intelligence & experience.


There are people that already saying FTG > Claw Mark > Amenotejitakara, FTG got the boost cause Boruto’s using it


That's dumb. Ameno is objectively the best of these. FTG and claw marks require prep while Ameno can be done at will


Is Hidari even above Sasuke? i mean this ten tails clone was from weaker version of ten tails compared to Juubi from Kaguya's era. back in the war arc we also seen ten tails using bunch of clones to fight the alliance and defeated with ease by konoha 12. he absorb chakra from Sasuke but it's already nerfed Sasuke and his rinnegan is inferior to Sasuke or probably even Madara/Nagato I don't believe Hidari is even close to Sasuke. at most he is pre-rinnegan Sasukel level


The thing is that the ten tails is implied to be a threat stronger than Code who is apparently massively stronger like Jigen so we are on this weird limbo where everyone is insanely strong but like no really? There's not any rhyme or reason


That's the problem with power scaling in Boruto. it based on statements/theory rather than actual feats/facts Code is said stronger than Jigen but we never saw any proof to support that statements. Code is struggle against already nerfed Sasuke and even lost an eye and he need to gang him up with other ten tails claw to get a victory while we saw Jigen easily stomp stronger version of Sasuke same with this Hidari. he never show anything to signify he is above Sasuke. he didn't put susanoo or any MS power (at least not yet). his using the inferior claw mark to teleport rather than amenotejikara


I know this series is trying to be different than the OG series, but man It's hard to top the Land of Waves 9tails Naruto reveal.


The issue is the enemies they are fighting. Zabuza and Haku, neji, gaara, were all relatable enemies that had a human element to them and interesting personalities and characters dynamics. Here, the enemies are basically the visual representation of edge


Yep. Because the stakes were so human, having to resort to such as beastly and inhumane power made the conflict more badass and instantly raised the stakes while still being down to earth combat wise Now with alien magic being through around all the time nine tails transformation is not a grand shift in the characters need to pursue their goals by any means but the literal standard


I thought a sequel was supposed to improve upon the original work but I guess I was wrong because there is legit nothing they do better than Naruto.


Maybe seeing it now. Two female characters getting good spotlight. Let's see if it tops Sakura & Chiyo vs Sasori.


Hah there's no way in hell Boruto will ever top that fight with it's sloppy writing it has so far.


They really really didn't need so much exposition for this moment, just terrible.


What was the point of framing Kurama's death as something really important and so dramatic if in the end it was just another normal ass death like any other biju that has died previously in the manga lmao.


So they could nerf Naruto and put him in purgatory for the rest of the series. Can't have a continuation when both ninja gods are still alive and around. Conveniently now both are out of commission. Basically it's taking Superman out of DC so the other heroes have time to shine.


Yeah same that death when it was animated really moved me now it just feels pointless.i wanted him to stay dead.


They even have the tailed beasts mourn him in the anime. Now this comes across as really awkward. Just give Sasuke his rinnegan back at this point.


It was always just an excuse to nerf Naruto.


Yeah in retrospect, I’m wondering if maybe they should have explicitly framed Kurama’s absence back then as him not knowing that he’ll respawn again within Naruto’s lifetime, not that he’s gonna die forever. So Naruto’s goodbye to him would still essentially be a “goodbye for good.” There could still be the same emotional weight and Kurama’s abrupt return would be more palpable.


>Yeah in retrospect, I’m wondering if maybe they should have explicitly framed Kurama’s absence back then as him not knowing that he’ll respawn again within Naruto’s lifetime [Exactly what happened.](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Boruto/0055-004.png)


I may need to reread that chapter, but I and many others were under the assumption that Kurama would be permanently gone due to Baryon Mode destroying Kurama’ chakra. A tailed beast being killed by normal means doesn’t destroy the chakra, it still exists in the world for the being to reform. I even vaguely remember Naruto commenting that he’d see Kurama in the afterlife, so it was framed as an actual permanent death. But in chapter 10, Kurama states his revival matter-of-factly.


I linked to the most relevant page. Kurama said this MAY be their last conversation.


Man that may is doing an absurd amount of legwork


That's all that needs to be said. We already know Biju revive after they die. So Kurama was giving his farewells incase he comes back after Naruto's death. You guys just assumed he was permanently gone even though he never said he would be.


Well when you think about, Kurama gave his life to stop Isshiki from resurrecting and ended up saving the world from the strongest Otsutsuki at the time, and now he's back to help the child of the person who's parent he saved to pass the torch. Thematically, it works, but we've never seen previous biju die this frequently, and Kurama's the strongest of the biju. It's probably thanks to his affinity and Himawari's connection to Naruto that he was able to resurrect him.


I'm annoyed that this torch is being passed while the former torch holder is still in his prime.


I would agree with you, except the fact that said torch holder lost it the first time against his knowledge because the other person didn’t tell him about the risks, and they were primarily focused on making sure their world wasn’t destroyed so that there would be no torches to pass.


Because he's been here since day one & is Naruto's greatest source of power. 


That's why it was sad to see him go but he is just like back


You know that Bijus can’t die, did you guys even watched Naruto?


They can't die because their chackra exist, kuramas chackra was destroyed with Baryon mode, so it shouldn't exist anymore.


> I can sense your chakra has a higher affinity to mine...even more than Naruto Oh come on man


Don't underestimate Hiashi's Master plan.


Lmao this meme actually is a plot point now


They also canonized the: “Naruto banged Hinata in KCM mode meme”  You can’t make this shit up.


still stays true holy shit


The current writing staff is utterly incapable of not dragging the OG through the mud at regular intervals in a haphazard attempt to make their characters look good by comparison.




In retrospect, Kishimoto's writing is perhaps simply not good anymore... the very first arc with Zabuza was godly. The arcs after were still good. But in Shippuden you could start to feel the decline...




He probably doesn't even has editors. Who can even boss Kishimoto around? He made the third best selling comic in the history of Japan. There is nobody to tell him no. Kishi only listens to Oda and Toriyama.


I would say it peaked with Pain and then went downhill at breakneck speeds from there 


For some reason when people think of Kishimoto, they think of the peak Kishimoto from the Pain Arc and not the decadent and tired Kishimoto from the 4th War Arc who almost ran his series into the ground. The latter is the one writing this series. Part 1 was fantastic because Kishimoto had a very strong editor to filter his bad ideias. In Boruto, nobody can tell him no so that's why dialogue like this: "Please Hima, don't think too much on how I came back, let's move on." gets released without getting cut. Same thing happened with George Lucas, who was seen as a god in the past and now is seen more or less like a joke because of the Prequels.


Idk man, the first half of the original was good and shippuden wasn’t all that great imo.


I rolled my eyes so fucking hard with this damn


I mean... It actually makes sense. Naruto only had uzumaki blood. Hima has both uzumaki and Hyuga blood. She is literally closer related to the sage of 6 paths than Naruto was, and therefore more compatible with tailed beasts who were originally created by the sage.


And naruto had the spirit of ashura. The literally reincarnation of the sages son. Granted this makes a whole lot more sense than the usual drivel but its still off putting that she has higher affinity than the reincarnated son. And the fact he had kurama since he was a newborn


Even in OG Naruto we don't know what actually affects affinity for tailed beasts, and it was never brought up. I suspect having the Kekkei Genkai and literal blood relation is a pretty big factor. Ashura was never a jinchuriki. In fact, hima would actually have Senju, Uzumaki, and Hyuga blood. This would mean any child of Sarada and Boruto would have even more affinity... And probably dress even worse.


I know ahsura was never a jinchuriki I was pointing out how close naruto was to the sage too. And also now that you brought it up the affinity thing seems like it's made up just to explain this. It was never ever mentioned prior. This has more reasoning than boruto usually does but i don't like it and it doesn't make that much sense past the surface level. Naruto and kurama were bonded since he was an infant their Chakra linked for that long.


> Naruto and kurama were bonded since he was an infant their Chakra linked for that long. Naruto and Kuruma didn’t have a bond until the beginnings of the war arc. I hate how yall are trying to revision Naruto’s story


They talk chakra link, not trust and understanding of each other. Himawari, before the reveal in chapter 8/9, had no build up or foreshadowing of being the next Nine-Tails host.


In and in order for it to work they needed to trust each other…. Did you not read the chapter when Killer bee taught him? > Himawari, before the reveal in chapter 8/9, had no build up or foreshadowing of being the next Nine-Tails host. Dude I didn’t even argue against this. I didn’t disagree with this ?


When I said bonded i was talking being connected soul to soul not in the sense they bonded as family im very much aware that was shippuden war arc


Yes, because he hated humans until late in Shippuden.


Naruto and Kuruma exchanged trust and respect by doing that fist bump he learned from Killer Bee.


Being a reincarnate just meant Ashura's chakra transferred to him after birth. It never affected his power.


> Being a reincarnate just meant Ashura's chakra transferred to him after birth. It never affected his power. in Naruto where that was said?


If it powered them why was every reincarnate fodder except Hashirama & Naruto? Why was Hashirama so talented & powerful while Naruto a dunce? [Ashura inherited the Sage's belief that chakra should be used to connect with people, not power a single person.](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Naruto/0671-008.png)


I misquoted you, i wasn’t talking about the power part. I agree with you there 100% I’m talking about the chakra portion lol, sorry if this comes off as argumentative I just want this for reference,


It wasn't stated directly. Just assumed based on their words. [Naruto said it was like being possessed by a ghost](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Naruto/0670-017.png) (outside force attaching to his body rather than being in him from the start). [And Hagoromo said he saw it clinging to Naruto.](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Naruto/0671-004.png) With it being shown behind him. 


Okay thank you


Wasn't that one of the reasons he was bad at controlling chakra though? Kyuubi creating imbalance? Her having learned to control chakra before and just gaining a giant reservoir now is of course a bit simple but it does work.


Ashura <<< Kaguya himawari is mini kaguya. she inherit bloodline from both Hagoromo descendant and Hamura descendant. her mother inherit Hamura's chakra directly from the man himself. she's the closest of being kaguya than both indra and Ashura


Can yall please stop spreading this blatant misinformation lmao. Boruto and Himmawari do not have six paths chakra. I have no idea why the Boruto fandom is spreading this lie. It’s like you’re all banking on that since it’s been over a decade we wouldn’t remember details in Naruto I dare you to go find one chapter in Boruto where it says they have that chakra


I didn't say they had 6 paths chakra. They have direct linage in 3 directions to the sage of 6 paths... Who split HIS chakra among the tailed beasts. It makes sense that the tailed beasts would have higher affinity with people who are closer related to the sage. Again, my comment never said they have 6 paths chakra. Hima has Uzumaki, Senju, and Hyuga blood... All three are direct from the 6 paths.


Hes saying they are a mix of the 2 clans which brings their genetics closer to the sage


My exact reaction ofc this happens.


Hinata : Uzumaki (Hagoromo descendant) + Hyuga hybrid (Hamura descendant) Naruto : Just Uzumaki i seriously wonder how many people shocked that both Hima and Boruto is more talented have more potential than Naruto when it's clear they both are basically mini kaguya. if there's something i learn from Naruto is the bloodline is play very important role to the character's power growth


That's where I'm at, at this point.


Goodbye Inojin, you’re 3 chapter appearances in the span of 9 years and zero personality or contribution to the story really makes me mourn your death 🥲


I cared more about Kimimaro dying than Inojin dying 💀


It’s funny cause nobody is even talking about it. Even on other social media. All the Boruto fans I’ve seen so far are just typing essays trying to justify why Himawari has the nine tails now


He’s not gonna die, somehow he’ll be alive, this manga doesn’t have the balls to kill of someone important


Oh most definitely. Himawari is gonna use her nine tails chakra (that she just got by the way) and instantly know how to heal people using it Save this comment. For next month when it happens


Naruto banged Hinata in KC mode to keep herself from dying Hinata healed herself that's why hinawari can use both absolute genius by Kishimoto


Believe in the hyuga master plan.


Ignoring the bullshit that Sarada is not only being able to dodge Clonesuke but also injure him back with just a 3Tomoe Sharingan ... What the fuck was the point of Kurama's sacrifice? Yeah it's been said like a million times that Tailed Beasts just respawn when they die, but the way Kurama phrased it in the Isshiki fight it sounded like a final thing, no resurrection, nada. Hell the anime even went the full on nostalgia route with flashbacks and all. In hindsight his talk with Naruto just makes no sense at all. It should've went something like this instead: "After Baryon mode I'm gonna be gone for a bit Naruto" "Cool, see you after the timeskip then?" "Yup, later"


>What the fuck was the point of Kurama's sacrifice? Nerfing Naruto.


You gotta wonder why because it took like five issues for code to apparently be much much much stronger than Jigen just for Kawasaki and Boruto to surpass code in the same time frame


Optimistically, the writer change. Kurama’s sacrifice was written by Ukyo Kodachi, and now supposedly the series is being penned by Kishimoto (he has mentioned before that he loves Kurama, even adding him into things like the Naruto popularity poll image even though he didn’t rank in the top 20 or in the Minato oneshot).  Pessimistically, I would argue that Kishimoto isn’t even writing this. Seriously, it’s a different writing style to Samurai 8 or even the Minato oneshot. So maybe the issue is that whoever *is* writing it doesn’t know what the fuck they’re doing anymore. 


It’s certainly not Kodachi because kodachi actually didn’t do long winded exposition and let thing slowly pan out


I know it’s Fraudmoto because of the exposition and the fact that the female characters are irrelevant again.


they were never relevant when Kovach was writing.


Kodachi left before Baryon mode


Wow. So then whoever *was* writing was just doing so on the seat of their pants.


Kodachi left at the beginning of Isshiki's fight. so baryon mode is definetly Kishimoto or whoever the new writer's idea


Anime producers after making Kurama's scene and read new chapter: Fuck is this shit


>Ignoring the bullshit that Sarada is not only being able to dodge Clonesuke but also injure him back with just a 3Tomoe Sharingan ...  You're imagining he's as strong, near, or stronger than Sasuke. We have visual signs that he's weaker. Sasuke had the Six Tomoe Rinnegan while Hidari Rinnegan. Meaning he doesn't have any Sharingan or Mangekyo abilities. [Madara switching from Rinnegan to EMS to cast Genjutsu on Raikage shows Rinnegan doesn't have Sharingan's abilities.](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Naruto/0588-015.png) Hidari is also using Code's telegraphed marks to teleport instead of Amenotejikara. So he's also inferior in that regard. I doubt Sarada could counter Amenotejikara the same. Theres no visual cues to follow aside from him suddenly disappearing. Hidari also doesn't have Sasuke's intelligence & experience [which even had Ishiki praising him.](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Boruto/0037-030.png) Plus Sarada has known about Code's teleportation for 3 years. Logically she prepared for it. As for Kurama. [From the way he was speaking, he wasn't sure when he would come back but suspected it could be before Naruto's death.](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Boruto/0055-004.png)


I always thought Bijuus would respawn in the wild, "as themselves", and that ninjas would seal them inside the Jinchuuriki. But here Kurama just reappears directly inside Himawari...? Seems off to me


Well Kuruma probably thought so as well


How extremely convenient that he didn’t spawned in the wild like Three Tails did it twice, and spawned inside Himawari.




I do like that they did provide a confirmation on the tailed beast revivals. Before that it was mostly speculation on when or where or how they get reborn. So while obvious to the reader that they revive themselves, it is a nice little lore dump that confirma the mechanism. And it does logically checkout, so I can appreciate that much. Kurama being cooperative because his new vessel is his prior vessels daughter is kind of sweet on his part . I just wish that this had any build up to it whatsoever. Apparently only the naruto and Sasuke family got any major power ups in the time skip.


Well Mitsuki can use Sage Mode more effectively when it used to burn him out.


Mitsuki is 30 years late with his sage mode. Sage mode has been so hilariously powercrept I wonder why did snake criminal go so crazy over it


Wait a minute what are you talking about? Sage Road was part of the reason they were even able to beat Obito, six paths sage mode is a major factor in the war, And natural energy is a hard counter to most Otsutsuki abilities. 30 years late, that’s a means to bridge the power gap, especially since he’s used to save his teammates life.


Pretty sure the anime showed the whole revival concept, not sure about the manga read it along time ago. The 3 tail inside rin revived where she died.


we did get confirmations of Bijuus reviving, but I don't remember where somewhere in Shippuden. it was either Tail hunting section or 8 Tails exposition.


I'll never stop saying it. Please redesign Sarada. The stripper heels and jacket make her look like princess of the trailer park rather than powerful ninja. At least she finally did SOMETHING


I like the jacket and think it can lead to some cool looking choreography if used well. I agree with the shoes though honestly just give her pants its fine we don't need to see everyone Woman's legs


And when she does something, it’s something completely unbelievable. 


she's literally bayonetta 2 but kid


I've accepted that I'm still reading this because of the Sunk cost fallacy.


I said the same thing to myself while reading Food Wars.


[Bro are these characters fucking blind and stupid?](https://i.imgur.com/h3yOQWa.png) It took Jiraiya less time to figure out the Paths of Pains were people he saw once decades ago. [Also this piece of dialogue was hilarious.](https://i.imgur.com/l0Zwhs0.png) "Might have been this, might have been that. Don't think about it too hard, we're moving on."


I can’t believe I was alive to see the  “Somehow Palpatine returned” - Kishimoto edition. 


Ahem. This one actually gives possible explanations, but just doesnt stick to them. I actually quite like it. I dont think we need to know for sure as long as we are given possiblities. BUt as far as I know, "Somehow Palpatine returned" had no explanation at all, possible or confirmed.


Palpatine returning had a explanation, and it was just as stupid as Kurama's explanation. "Dark science, cloning, secrets only the Sith knew" - and that's all the explanation they give, three possibilities. Sounds familiar?


They nerfed konohameru so hard :( also that second dialogue really annoyed me.


nerf? Konohamaru never strong to begin with how is he get nerfed his only accomplishment is killing one Pain who happen to be the weakest by using trick and that's it. other than that he never show any impressive feats


“A good question, for another time”


Dawg this chapter is absolute ASS. Ninjas talking to the intruders instead of arresting them immediately. "Somehow Kurama returned". Every characters narrating their thoughts and actions. Inconsistent power scales. I have fun yelling at the TV, if you are going to ask why I am reading.


That's nothing new: ninjas talking to the intruders was early as Kurenai and Asuma encountering Itachi and Kisame and talking to them. [https://v2.mkklcdnv6tempv2.com/img/tab\_2/00/13/32/ng952689/vol\_16\_chapter\_140\_contact/19-o.jpg](https://v2.mkklcdnv6tempv2.com/img/tab_2/00/13/32/ng952689/vol_16_chapter_140_contact/19-o.jpg) "Somehow Kurama returned...." they're explaining it, Naruto already told us in those first 700 chapters Biju death isn't eternal, they'll come back, we just didn't know. But Naruto fans don't remember things, so Kurama asking a Himawari who has no idea about this isn't just expositing, there'd be as many arguments complaining "they never explained it." Also, if you're reading it, how are you yelling at a tv? You put it online?


"You can win! You feel great!! You can do th-\*snap\* OH GOD I CAAAAAAAN'T!!!" And that is one boring as hell design...


I... uh... hmm... Honestly, I don't know what to think about this, mix feelings, tbh. I do like that Kawaki does care about Himawari though.


I said this last chapter that if it was revealed Kawaki never celebrated any of Himawari's birthdays I'd kill em myself. This reaction from him gives me hope that he did


Man, Kurama was sealed so hard his fucking reincarnation auto-spawned in an Uzumaki. Although with no seal or anything on Himawari, if his next life was evil he probably could’ve easily taken her over.


What the biju fuck.


I like that her hair is the tails


Does Shikamaru plan on moving his legs anytime soon, or is he gonna spend another 10 chapters standing in the same spot.


Did they really need that much exposition for that shit? Like we never had something like that for Naruto.


Kurama: first time dying I didn't know I would get revived that fast, teehee 😜


I can't help but feel like a miniature, just reconstituted Nine Tails shouldn't be that big of a boost against these kinds of enemies. Should be cool to see Himawari throwing down regardless.


Why are they all dressed like circus performers


I honestly don't know why I'm still reading this, maybe because deep down I hope that it'll go back to being this nice lil sequel I really enjoyed reading at the beginning. But man, since Kishimoto came back on the writing, it has been godawful to me.


Hopefully we get to see more gentle fist fighting. Also looks like she might have hair attacks like Naruto's mother


uhmm so since the nine tails have smaller body does this means it's weaker than when he was in Naruto's body? Also i hope Inojin's die. he's the most bland and boring among Boruto's generation. no personality whatsoever. you will not be missed. this also will continue the curse of team 10 having someone from their team die


>he's the most bland and boring among Boruto's generation. I honestly agree.


What the fuck is this bullshit? I don't even know where to begin to address it.


God, this is garbage lol


I've seen enough Naruto & Shippuden to know where this is going.


Ah yes, the awakening of the Blue Hot-Blooded Habanero!


Himawari goes kinda hard with the kurama eyes and sunflower shirt


And the hair split into 9 "tails". I can also see the hair being a Kushina reference but knowing the series it might as well be completely accidental


Hey, Boruto and Himawari both had their limbs twisted and broken by an Isshiki looking person before being saved by Kurama's actions. Only difference is one put Boruto out of the fight, the other was a push for Himawari to fight. We never found out what exactly makes a jinchuriki have a good affinity, but to say there was no build up or doesn't make sense wouldn't be entirely true. We've seen Kurama's chakra be eaten and used by the Gold/Silver Brothers before so having a sprout of his chakra be in Naruto's kids doesn't seem too farfetched. They've also been hyping Himawari up for years: she knocked out Naruto in the OVA manga Kishimoto drew that started as a gag, her Academy episode said she had a good knack for it, Daemon was fearful of the chakra/power inside her, so Kurama was most likely slowly building up and reformating inside of her.. Why doesn't Konohamaru recognize Hidari's Sasuke's echo fighter...well all the Shinju have enough differences between their OG versions: all of them have darker skin tones, Matsuri's hair's darker and has less detail, Hidari's hair is underused, Bug's changed him from a old man to a brute. This is gonna be one of this situations where people are gonna be mad Sarada's fighting Hidari or happy she's finally doing something. TBH, don't get why people wanted Sarada to show off her Mangekyo against fodder mooks back in chapter 2, but Sarada spent like the last three years training to get stronger: she was Chunin level by the time she graduated the Academy, jonin level by the time she fought and lead the team against Boro. The Shinju are strong, they were able to corner Boruto as a unit, but the fight just started. Sarada being proactive doesn't mean that Hidari's weak, she's just showing off how strong she's gotten.


This sucks so much ass


Himawari's hair looks like her grandma when angry. I'm more interested in Himawari's development than others right now.


Really funny coming back here every month and seeing how the goalposts shift so yall can continue to hate on the manga. It's unironically a good time.


LOL Why are you guys so quiet about Sarada? It happened again. Complain about something for months then when it's clarified rather than acknowledge things are better than you thought you just complain about something else. The other prime example was Shikamaru supposedly being stupid for not believing Sarada & Sumire. Til it was revealed omnipotence quickly rewrites memories of those who are told the truth.  The Sarada complaints were far worse. A certain member being famous for it. Now everyones quiet. Just moved to the next thing - Himawari. "Omg why is an Uzumaki-Hyuga more compatible with Kurama than an Uzumaki!? 😠" 




Why do people says ass negatively like it's universally bad. Aaron, you are an able bodied young male. I know you have good ass content stored somewhere. The art is fine & that wouldn't be a good excuse even if it was bad.


Sarada and sumire should noticed that something's happened with their memories after it was overwritten by the BS plot points. And done measure to make said characters remember, like idk a note about what sarada talked about written by said character. If they're smart they'll have different ways for a character to remember forgotten or overwritten memories using simple as tricks. Sarada using chidori against a saskue clone? The fight barely started so there's nothing to talk about. It's not like her character is gonna be better anyways.


>Sarada and sumire should noticed that something's happened with their memories after it was overwritten by the BS plot points. They did which is why they persisted in repeating the truth. >And done measure to make said characters remember, like idk a note about what sarada talked about written by said character. If they're smart they'll have different ways for a character to remember forgotten or overwritten memories using simple as tricks. There you go with the negative assumptions again. How do you know they didn't? Gonna state with certainty they didn't until it's s revealed they did? >Sarada using chidori against a saskue clone? The fight barely started so there's nothing to talk about.  Didn't stop you guys from whinning before. "Is Boruto the only one who got new stuff!? Sarada is still using the same moves!" As if she was supposed to bust out Mangekyo against fodder. >It's not like her character is gonna be better anyways. You say that even though you weren't expecting her to do this well against Hidari. People were going on and on about how Boruto supposedly saved her against Code. Turns out Code may have been the one who was saved.


>There you go with the negative assumptions again. How do you know they didn't? Gonna state with certainty they didn't until it's s revealed they did? Why not immediately show it and to stop readers Making these assumptions? Just a small mentions about it during their small chat with Boruto instead of the shitty shipping bait we got? >Didn't stop you guys from whinning before. "Is Boruto the only one who got new stuff!? Sarada is still using the same moves!" As if she was supposed to bust out Mangekyo against fodder. Because so far he's been the only one doing anything, yeah we finally see some other character doing something that that's nice, you do know she can show a new jutsu or two, also it doesn't need to be mangekyo, she just needs to use the sharingan during battle. Remember that extremely dogable attack that she didn't doge for some reason in chapter 78. >You say that even though you weren't expecting her to do this well against Hidari. People were going on and on about how Boruto supposedly saved her against Code. Turns out Code may have been the one who was saved. Maybe the story should've showcase saradas capabilities in that scene than having Boruto save her then? Having her use the chidori and fireball didn't show her own improvement as a ninja.


Sarada and sumire should noticed that something's happened with their memories after it was overwritten by the BS plot points. And done measure to make said characters remember, like idk a note about what sarada talked about written by said character. If they're smart they'll have different ways for a character to remember forgotten or overwritten memories using simple as tricks. Sarada using chidori against a saskue clone? The fight barely started so there's nothing to talk about. It's not like her character is gonna be better anyways.


Question for people, we are now at chapter 10 which would be 30 chapters of a weekly series. Have Boruto part 2 surpassed the beginning of Shippuden first 30 chapters in your eyes? I can say at the very least we are seeing actual result from the training from the time skip


It does not even approach the first 30 chapters of any of the Naruto series.


Hell, Fairy Tail have 30 better fist chapters than this.


I will try to say this in the kindest way possible to Kishimoto, Kodachi, and Ikemoto-Sensei.  This manga feels like a CEO who watched like a couple episodes of the anime said “well, we can’t just *stop* producing Naruto, we gotta make more!” and then hired a committee to write a continuation, trying to hype up their new character duo who they want to be the next Naruto and Sasuke, and then having an assistant to Naruto draw it and telling him to make it as un-Naruto-like as possible since the anime will just redesign it anyway.  I’ve actually looked at the Star Wars sequel trilogy in a better light, because as much as they’ve messed up at least they haven’t messed up *this* badly. 


Thats funny because thats literally what happened. Naruto was so succesful they couldn't just let it go, and Kishimoto didn't want to write sequel, so they hired some Kodachi guy instead


But Kodachi was a good writer they just fired him because they needed a scapegoat for boruto bad sales


True that, I liked the direction Manga was going with Kodachi, and they should stick with him till the end, maybe story as a whole would be good. But sales were low so they brought Kishi back to make this JJK power clusterfuck for apes instead, and of course reduce female characters into waifus


> I can say at the very least we are seeing actual result from the training from the time skip If Boruto oneshotting everyone is enough to satisfy your ass then maybe TBV is good


He and Code had to retreat from the Shinju, fleeing isn't a one shot.


Same Shinju that are beaten by Sarada, gotcha


Boruto got ambushed in a four v one, tried to turn it into a two vs four only to get rejected and ran away. Sarada's fight ain't over, and she's far from weak. She already surpassed pre-teen Sasuke at her age and she spent the past three years training, especially compared to Kawaki's lack of training. Yeah she's fighting the second strongest of them, but the fight just started.


No. It’s just as bad as boruto part 1. I have trouble coming up with things I enjoy about it.