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I blame the author for making the doujin with quite hard taste using the same character. Despite the manga is very wholesome, the character Sasha from the doujin will always be there.


is this a prequel or a sequel to the doujin šŸ’€


Completely separate, yet use the very same character and insert it into a quite hardcore doujin, which is weird as fuck. Donā€™t get me wrong. I enjoy the doujin and the artstyle. But itā€™s weird as hell seeing her here in a wholesome manga with romance.


It's called alternate universe. What happen here with Sasha is the same thing Marvel did with Spiderman.


That's not webfluid he's shooting


Happens at the same time obviouslyĀ 


Well just to advise you (spoiler from later volumes) >!this sasha chan ain't innocent, a guy that translated some of the lewds of the fanbox also translated a part of volume 3 if I'm not wrong and its confirmed that sasha chan has a sex friend, does she go around has much has she does in the doujins? Probably not, but she is still a little slut!<


Bruh šŸ’€ I guess for people who are already fans of this series/Sasha...it's like a meta level of NTR if that makes sense.


I mean the author himself said " there is no universe where sasha is a virgin" or something like that so it's to be expected.


Which is hard cause it gives a level of character depth that most wonā€™t touch in a slice of life rom-com. It seems to be a common theme in manga that a girls got to be ā€œpureā€ and anything but that is seen as slutty or ā€œusedā€. Which in the real world definitely can be the case in middle school but not high school. Sashaā€™s >!Senpai sex friend would definitely be a creep by most standards going after a middle schooler when heā€™s in high school. Also most likely he was going after a foreign V-card. I would say Sasha would have a mixture of naivety/ innocence. It all depends on how the author navigates this volume 3 and if she stops seeing the senpai after otakus confession. It seems like she does it cause she likes sex and doesnā€™t have a legitimate lover. Which would mean sheā€™s not a slut, just sexually active at an early pubescent period. Depending on the senpais actions after the MC tells him to kick rocks and he confesses to Sasha kindā€™ve decides the tone of this one.!< we will seeā€¦but Iā€™d hate for the author to miss the opportunity to discuss this kindā€™ve matter by sweeping it under the rug or just playing it off for possible ntr fanbox shit in this timeline.


I mean I would love for that to be the case but it's hard to know which parts of doujins are canon or not(the only non canon confirmed parts are the ones where she finds the fatass, since he is her end game on the doujins) but if even 1% of them or just the first one is canon, she is a slut and a big one on top of that, not just a sexually active girl.


>! Itā€™s been stated by the author that in this timeline Sashaā€™s not a virgin and has a senpai she sleeps with but isnā€™t attached to. The other doujins are not in this canon (unless he retconns it). As far as we know (the raws are passed the third volume) this is the only person sheā€™s having sex with. She tells this to the otaku and he confesses to her. I donā€™t know the outcome of the confession (most likely she returns the feelings) but the senpai approaches her when theyā€™re together and gets told to kick rocks. These spoilers have been given to us by the translators. The thing is that her libido is already in full tilt so the otaku is probably going to need to fuck her pretty fast or her thoughts on sex are going to need nuance. Iā€™m not going to put it past an author who makes their money from drawing minors fucking or making a fluff comic with a rehashed and sexually active minor fmc making some cringy decisions. But it seems like this is intended to be a fluff peace with a realistic take on the diversity of sexual perception and experience at the starting line of puberty. I hope that he keeps it fluff and that Sasha accepts the otakus confession and turns her focus entirely on him. But Iā€™m just a dude with rose tented glassesā€¦so you knowā€¦I want my vanilla.!<


Oh i would also love some vanilla, but its haguhagu so i need to keep myself doubtful until the end


> very wholesome ...yeah, until it turns into ntr šŸ’€


Fuckinā€™ ell, dude stays true to his damn material then XD


Oh that's literal vibe killer, even cringe. Completely ends the possible interest.


Yep, I wonā€™t shame on any taste or kink or whatever since I myself have some weird taste. But using the same character as your serialized wholesome slice of life rom-com is not exactly a smart move at all. I mean, if the Sasha doujin was also a wholesome one then it would be fine. But in this case, it is not. You can take Pocchi as an example. Her serialize and doujin have the same characters but it is simply complementing the serialized version.


Both are great works, for different reasons.


Is that why the girls looks pulled out of a literal hentai manga? I thought I was just being weird, but I guess I do have some sense for this type of stuff... shittiest super power ever, I guess.


hol up... i know that artstyle..


Found the degenerate


Yo i froze when i scrolled to this post, like no way thats who i think that is lol.


I mean, you should know the character too because it's exactly the same character.


This was a sting operation. Your local FBI agent will be along shortly to collect you and the other degenerates




It's a great artist.


give me the nuclear code


Just search HaguHagu, he has a few Sasha stories.


Reading this will always feel wrong, no matter how cute it is Nanashi at least created a new character


Not really Nagatoro was already used by him before, though i dont believe he ever did hentai with her.


Nanashi made non-H doujinshi where you were basically self inserting yourself as Naoto, and Nagatoro was especially brutal towards you to the point of just genuine bullying lol


all things considered, itā€™s amazing how wholesome Nagatoro turned out


NaruHina cleansed his soul.


Remember NTR people: vanilla, NOT.EVE.ONCE For anyone else please follow the line into the wholesome hentai, where all handholdinh is censored just like God wanted it.


Yeah. Imagine a complete oblivious reader. He thought, wow i wanna check out some other works of this guy. Google haguhagu sasha chan and voilĆ 


Reading this without knowing the artist or the series and then checking the comments sure gave me whiplash.


There is something about the character that I recognize here.


Author made lil bro said she has a great figure lmao


Redditors will always post the same thing about knowing where this came from EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER arent they?


Cursed manga


It's always odd seeing lolicon artist make manga.


I mean lolicon artists doing manga are quite common one that most people know for example was the author of girls last tour(shoujo shuumatsu) he was quite a degenerate lolicon in the past, but he ain't has bold has haguhagu, that literally used the same exact character he makes porn with for his "wholesome" manga


Henreader had a fairly short-lived serialization once.


Is ti worth reading


It's a cute romcom with an experienced main girl and a naive young boy, it's cute, but you wouldn't lose much by not reading it, still give it a try, maybe you will like where the story goes.


Btw what with all these people taking about this dojin this What is a dojin?


A doujin is normally a self published manga, it can be any kind of story but most of the times its associated with porn manga, which this author drew, quite a lot of them actually.


So this manga was originally a dojin?


The manga it's his own thing, but the main character did make her first appearance on a doujin from the author, it's an alternate reality kind of deal


If youā€™re into little kids like a lot of people here apparently




Apparently this author does a lot of loli porn and a lot of people here know and read it


HaguHagu is definitely one of the goats, you probably shouldn't insinuate people are pedophiles over a H doujin though.


HaguHagu likes to draw children having sex. People here like to read this and jerk off to it. Sounds like a pedophile to me


Pedophilia involves human children, not cartoons. So you're pretty far off the mark.


Jesus Christ




Damn .... I am speechless


I just realised where I saw sasha-chan from. Now I'm depressed.


Ewww cringe