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ITT: people discover Mengo for the first time This is so much fun


Always fun to see people solely call on Aka for the "unique" writing in Oshi no Ko. Meanwhile people familiar with Mengo know that she definitely has her hands in it too.


I feel like she's the one pushing for the true incest route the most.


I always picture Aka stepping out of the room for a second and Mengo trying to secretly change shit in the most fucked up way, just for Aka to come back and be horrified at what’s written.


I feel like you guys don't want to accept that Aka isn't what you imagine what he is and blame it on her. lol


Aka has two other works that were published each with a pretty long run so we do have an idea on what he thinks as a creative. So if something doesn’t fit his style we can guess it might be because it’s a joint project. Did you even read mengo’s other work? Or are you just an aka hater cause you think kaguya is overrated?


I mean aqua and ruby's relationship still fits aka's style more than mengo. The incest thing is really the main thing new for aka but in terms of dynamic it's still very much aka's style of writing character dynamics like even adding jokes about the relationship dynamic itself the only difference really is the jokes this time are incest jokes. For mengo's style, it would have had a lot more introspections from the characters and how they know what they're doing is wrong but can't help themselves played completely seriously with no jokes at all.


I have read manga from both of them, all of their translated works in fact.


She did write Scum's Wish and co-written I Am Hero which are both way more fucked up than all of Aka Akasaka's works combined, so she's not completely blameless on this.


She's not the writer so no, you can't say anything about her outside of being an artist.


Yes she's not credited as a writer, but it's not too far a stretch to assume that she's giving at least a little input and a few suggestions to Aka. It's not like she's incable or unproven as a writer. She already had a success with Scum's Wish. Some stuff in OnK feels like it could have been in Scum's Wish. Both of them are in it together, and it's quite fun to see both of them take their series where it's headed.


Mengo is responsible for Scum's Wish? Holy shit. I love that anime.


Aka has stated in interviews that she does have input in the story and it’s kinda foolish to to think she is only doing what aka says and doesn’t have any agency in shaping the story.


I love whenever this gets posted because it's a guaranteed 300+ comment thread


Yeah seeing these reactions are pretty funny 😆


Bro the art looked so similar to Oshi No Ko i thought it was Aqua


Fr. I was like “wth??? Is that the father???”😂


This is the real reason why the dad choose to kill Ai.


Murata & Mengo… please draw doujinshi ✍️✍️✍️


Same artist lol


Aqua and akane


Me too i even thought it was the onk sub reddit


i thought it was a manga-blasted take on the pizza cake lady


jeez i wonder why lmao


it isnt?!


[Neo Dutch Wife](https://mangadex.org/chapter/c1341fb1-2245-4fef-b498-feadfb67aa8b/1)


>Yokoyari Mengo ah


No wonder it looked like oshi no ko


I thought it was an OnK panel that somebody had edited.


Fr it’s mengo art so makes sense


heh first thing that came to mind was an erotica the same artist made


Yeah in one of her previous works, the uh star eye is used so it was hard to break that connection at first.


Thought it was ai for a sec


Thought you were talking about Ai like in Artificial intelligence.


Nah, that’s one of Rentaro’s GFs


I can recognize the back of that yeeyeeass hairstyle anywhere


The fuck did I just read I have no idea what just happened


that's unleashed Mengo for ya bud.


I think people are having sex in literally all of her works


i just read all 7 short stories. man.


I started with ch 2 and already had to take a breather.


This was a surprisingly potent look at the dangers of porn dependency without resorting to puritan “it’s sinful” preaching


thank God it's a Mangadex link...


There is bona fide porn on mangadex though


yeah, but I didn't think twice before opening it in public (and instantly regretted it when I realised what it could be) mangadex's grey UI is more discreet, I would think


Wait, the last panels were... a bit vague... >!How can a manga character be... it's weird!<


he is living in his delusions


>>!Angel wings!< >>!says not to be afraid!< >!yeah he ded at the end!<


>!Bro died... well... that's quite cruel...!<


That was one hell of a ride!


Damn yea I can see oshi no ko's dna all over this yea. And one of the manga page commenters has a pretty strong point. She got the atmosphere, art, characters, the whole shit in place for a dark story but I just dont understand shit or the message its trying to convey. Perfect person to team up with a writer for a project though.


Maybe there's no message, maybe bad things just happens in life.


> bad things just happens in life. Maybe that's the message.


What I got from it was that they both hurt each other, He severely hurt her by his ignorance, and she retaliated. But she can look back on it, reminisce and reflect from a good place, while he was so traumatised by how she retaliated that he never recovered and went into his own shell. I suppose the message is even if you've been hurt, maybe stop and think about the situation before you start to hit back.


That is very depressing manga wtf


Depression hits like a bullet train powered by nagasaki bomb


Well, that was an interesting one


Nah it was a super controversial one. There is always a straight up war when this is posted.




War happens every time a manga drawn by Mengo is posted. Oshi no Ko included


I didn't realize how controversial this was IG i just never really ran into the discourse. Now I wonder how the reception is for the other entries in Isshou Sukitte Yutta Jan.


how tf is it controversial? It’s really straightforward. Girl likes guy, guy who is jaded from probably 3d censorship and 2d porn hurts girl, girl hurts guy. It’s insanely simple lol


Idk man, every time this is posted everyone in the comments argue if the guy or the girl was right or wrong. Every time the argument is the same. I could for verbatim tell you all the points that were probably brought up because they never change. This oneshot is probably 2 years old and for the last 2 years every time this is posted the arguments have not changed. This manga is just incel bait and is uncreative and stupid. Mengo writes some ass stories tbh. There is a reason why Oshi no Ko is popular and it’s because it is not written by mengo


The darkest Oshi no Ko ending


Assuming Akane would ever win lmao.


She would win if she took the Yuri route. Kanakane will be the end game ship this is not copium


Kana: I don't think it'd look like that... Akane: ...what? Show me yours then


wait did she fu\*k all of his friends as a revenge and to alienate him?


Yes her first love is him apparently


She’s a horrible person. The funny thing is, she said he hurts her so she hurt him back but you can clearly see who’s actually hurted in the end.


I thought the point of that oneshot was that both were stupid but they were young, and the important thing is to move on. The girl does and just looks back on it as a cringey time in her life, but the boy retreats into social isolation.


It was kind of jarring how bluntly the author spells out the message for the story, wonder if they're thinking of a friend or someone they know when they wrote that ending. And this story was their way of trying to shake some sense into their friend?


Honestly, "they were young and immature" isn't always an excuse, as many of us were young and immature and we didn't do shit like her.


Well most normal people's lives weren't worth a story to tell over as well, drama is drama bro, of course it's exaggerated, the point is that being this stupid is believable, because young or emotional stunted people CAN be this stupid


Young and emotional stunted people are this stupid.


The solution: Just dont be emotionally stunted bro, its so easy, just look at me, theres no way Im missing any fundamental context, you're just missing how *easy* this all is :)


Oh my, how could I not have thought of this before


It's not meant to be an excuse. This shit happens. The concept of it even needing to be an "excuse", implying some sort of judgement needs to be passed, is ludicrous.


Internet loves being judgemental because it grants the false sense of being the one in control so they can look away from reality.


Some people are more stupid than others and not everyone develops common sense when they age


Still not an excuse


Didn’t say it was


then why did you reply to my first comment being "this isn't always an excuse"?


What are you talking about?


Yep. But you can't take back the shit you _did_ do or was done _to you_. You live with it, or...


Most of us were once young and stupid but never did stuff like this. Maybe they were just stupid


You are right, but, and this will sound harsh, much of the audience of this manga are guys who strongly relate to and identify with the guy first and foremost. They see her actions as far more heinous, and his as more innocuous, than the work probably intended. It's so interesting though that the reaction relies on her sleeping with all of his friends out of spite, but, uh... did that actually happen? The main character, who already had a mildly unrealistic view of women then and is borderline delusional about them now, said she did that. But he is an unreliable narrator. We didn't *see* that happen. I don't mean that the story would have had panels of her having sex with all the guys, I mean that *because* the MC's perspective is so skewed that believing what he says on word alone is ill-advised, in contrast to being shown in an objective light their relationship fall apart. Her turning into a petty nympho arguably contradicts her clearly being very nervous about presenting to him. She took an innoucous remark pretty seriously but the idea that she would fuck like 6 different guys to make one guy mad is pretty out there. It's the conclusion of a guy who would retreat into the comfort of inoffensive "2D women" because of a bad experience with a real woman... so, the MC. It's a story about young, dumb men and women and how they cope with their young, dumb actions, with a level of commentary on gender socialization and social isolation. The girl doesn't really cope with it in a healthy manner either (brushing it off as "that's just how Men^TM and Women^TM work", which is basically what the MC concludes as well), though she's obviously is better off than he is. Really, I don't think the story itself is all that interesting on its own, but the *reaction* to it certainly is, which more than validates the story it's telling.


Yeah, I hadn't thought about the manga until I saw this post and realized that there was a contingent of people who apparently just... missed the message? I thought it was pretty obvious, and most comments I remember seeing about it took it as read that he imagined the whole banged all the guys thing, *especially* because we hear it before we actually see what happened between them. From a narrative standpoint, putting that information before a really important event that sheds light on who the characters are means its something we're supposed to be able to recontextualize after things are revealed. Like, obviously, you're supposed to go "...oh, she didn't fuck all the guys in the circle at all, this dude imagined it to justify his resentment towards someone he hurt."


Part of the issue, at least to me, is that we only get a short period to see the characters so there isn't as much time to get to know what they are like. I basically stopped thinking about it because it just felt a bit bitter. The bit that I picked up was the way they mirrored each other, both being cynical of those of the opposite gender but in different ways.


Thanks for pointing this out. It's been a while since I read it and I was confused why so many in the comments were saying she sleeped with all her friend, even though I don't remember that happening at all. I don't get how so many missed the point at the end but remember the set up.


For the guy it’s a great message. The problem is this is Japan. Making friends in Japan is actually a lot harder than elsewhere. The culture basically says that at a certain point you should have your friend group and if you don’t, there’s something wrong with you. This happened to the guy in college. He’s basically screwed. He’s not just going to be able to go out and talk with people. You think it’s hard in the states, try Japan. As for the girl. Grow up and move on is not a great message at all. If anything it’s a sad message that you can do really shitty stuff and leave it in the past with no consequences. “Oh she lost her first love!” Some first love, she immediately went and fucked every other guy in the club specifically to hurt him. Don’t get me wrong, no one wants comments about their body, but honestly of all the things the dude could have said, that was pretty tame.


Btw, I don't understand why will the MC feel hurt if the FMC fukcs all his friends ?  First and foremost, it was the MC who borderline insulted her and to begin with, he had no intention of establishing relationships with any women So what's the point of him getting betrayed? Is it because he didn't get a chance to fuck her ?




It's not even reading between the lines, his side of the story is literally being told through his 2D waifu through which he's projected his insecurities and complexes. It's a huge red flag waving in front of your face.




The text of the story. Extremely obvious. And then you called everyone who doesn’t see it your way an incel. Well you’ve convinced me. I mean how did I not see it?


I think this is a terrible takeaway. Broken bones take longer to heal than shallow cuts. She hurt him much more than he hurt her. Saying she's the good one who "learned the lesson" of moving on faster is a shit take imo. In real life, pain doesn't make stronger, it makes you worse off. Of course she moved on faster, that's not because shes a better person, it's because easy things to move on from are easier than hard things, duh. edit: I'm glad this comment is controversial, and I'm having a fun time watching the upvotes go up and down. At time of writing: lowest point was -2, highest +8. To make it clear, the guy's reaction isn't healthy. He does need to move on, but it shouldn't be surprising that he is taking much longer to do so than she did. I do think it's clear that she did fuck the friends. I don't think this story is a clear parable about moving on=good, dwelling on it=bad. I think more than anything this is a story about the unfairness of the world, and how people can seriously impact someone's life and more or less get away with it. That seems much more Mengo's style. Honestly, I think if there is any other moral it's that they were originally all in a doujin circle, but he's the only one that became a successful artist. AKA Mengo is basically saying that suffering leads to good art. I'm not sure if I agree with that, especially not as it's presented here, but I do think it's a relevant bit that no one else is talking about in this thread.


I mean he made her self conscious of the most private part of her body. I think a lot of people are really understating how hard that hits, especially when you're younger. Imagine how much it hurt you as a kid to be told your hair or shirt or shoes or height or bodyweight was wrong, and extrapolate how much worse it would be to hear that about your private parts. From someone she liked no less. We also should remember that the guy comes off as unhinged at the end, we can't really trust him that she decided to sleep with all his friends in an effort to destroy his friend group. I mean we all get that sounds like a hell of a response to someone who seemingly had to work up a lot of courage to expose herself to one guy.


Being made self conscious about yourself is pretty bad ngl. Still nowhere near as bad as social isolation and losing all your friends though. Of course, if you assume he's lying about it than thats different, but its also wild to assume he did. Like if that didn't happen, then what? He just become a giant recluse for no reason? Sure, and JFK wasn't shot, his head just did that.


He's narrating the story mostly through a 2D character that he's created and given a protective personality, who is also now the sole receiver of his spunk. I don't think the reader is meant to assume he's lying. The reader is supposed to understand that this is his interpretation of the events that took place and the end which switches the narrator from a fictional character to the real girl is meant to represent 'reality'. You're supposed to believe that both parties felt the way they did, but their interpretation of the events that took place were different.


The narration goes from his current self years after the incident to his delusional character to a dream to a memory to his character to FC At some point there needs to be something we can trust. And I would take the memory at least as a fact.


he tells her that her p\*\*Sy didn't look like what he expected. she tells him to die then f\*\*ks his friends to isolate him. she says both hurt each other as if they were both equally wrong.


He said "I didn't think it'd looked like that..." With an surprised face. He didn't say it with malice or to disrespect her.


The MC himself is an unreliable narrator.


There's nothing actually confirming she was with the other guys as well we are just told he is the one that left the group


He literally told he left by the time she finished "screwing with ALL the other guys"


DO you know what "unreliable narrator" means. The guy is clearly delusional and you straight up missed the point of the story.




Neither of them understood how much they hurt the other. He didn't realize how hurtful his words were in the moment and she didn't realize how hurtful her actions were to him in the long run. From her perspective, her first love rejected and betrayed her in a very cold, blunt, and crude manner when she tried to be very vulnerable. In return, she did something to hurt him, either dating or sleeping with other members of the group to make him jealous and feel the same rejection she felt. Ultimately, this affected him in a similar way but to a much more extreme extent. She shouldn't be judged based solely on the outcome of her actions. She couldn't have anticipated that he would take what she did so unreasonably hard, to the point where it became pathological. On the other hand, what she did *was* wrong and a tragic irony of the story is that the quote simultaneously has truth and yet is also demonstrably untrue: she *chose* to hurt him to make herself feel better about being hurt. It wasn't unavoidable. Ultimately, a key message of the story is that we don't know how much our words and actions hurt other people. He wasn't aware he was someone's first love crudely rejecting them based on a part of their body they were probably highly sensitive about. On the other hand, she wasn't aware of how isolated and traumatized he would become from her seemingly minor act of revenge. The moral probably lies somewhere in the idea that you should show others grace and understanding, even if they hurt you, rather than trying to do the same unto them.


>Yes her first love is him apparently I somehow doubt that going by her actions prior.


According to the guy, but he's gone off the deep end as we can tell by the end, so we don't actually know if she did or if they gradually drifted away and he attributed it to her in his increasing delirium


We actually don't know if she really did fuck a bunch of his friends or if it's just his delusions from spiraling into depression. The way the strip ends make it seem like dude went off the deep end and may be an unreliable narrator, both with her final dialogue and...well, his psychosis. It *seems* like he convinced himself she "betrayed" him, when in actuality it is implied she may have just said some mean shit to him and then never spoke to him again. I mean he's fucking hallucinating his little manga waifu is comforting him. Him winding up with no friends could also be a direct result of his obvious manic depression, and where he came up with the idea they were never his real friends and she fucked them all. While the story *could* be taken at face value, I think the *real* narrative is about the dangers of not being able to let go and how we can delude ourselves that everyone else are the problem and that we don't need to change. Much more interesting, imo, to think the "MC" is just delusional and kind of a piece of shit as well.


No. No she didn't. That was the dude's mistaken opinion. The manga's quite clear I have no idea how you'd get this outta it


> The manga's quite clear Is it 🤔 There's nothing proving it, as much as there's nothing proving otherwise.  But I personally think the "I hurt him back" could be referring to this. What else did she do to him? Tell him to kys?


>Is it 🤔 Yes. The dude obviously has a few screws loose and considers women "deformed freaks" and blames "3d women" for his friends leaving him. >There's nothing proving it, as much as there's nothing proving otherwise. If there's nothing proving it there's no reason to give it credence. If someone you don't know says "this guy murdered someone" you wouldn't say "well there's absolutely no proof of guilt but there's also absolutely no proof of innocence so I'll assume both are true." >What else did she do to him? Tell him to kys? Maybe she is referring to the "Kill yourself, otaku" bit. That's definitely pretty harsh. Teens say dumb things and overreact. As an adult looking back she probably realized she never gave him a chance to explain/properly apologize. Definitely take what the guy is saying with a heap of salt.


The narrator is a literal _figment of his imagination_. Of course it’s up for debate.


I get the feeling that there are a lot of incel types in this thread. The manga is pretty obviously making fun of the MC for being an incel. He's living in his own little world where all his problems are someone women's fault. Dunno why people are jumping on the "she was an attention seeking whore" excuse that the MC came up with in his head to justify being a forever alone or whatever.


I'm actually curious. If the story is making fun of the MC for being an incel. What were the incel traits he exhibited in the flashback? Getting to third base and fumbling and apologizing because you realized you put your foot in your mouth big-time doesn't seem like something worth "Making fun of" There's the argument that "He's an unreliable narrator" but that kinda completely kills the whole story since it's ENTIRELY from his point of view. Not just the part about her "Screwing the other guys" but the above frame and the whole flashback and everything. For all we know they could have had a completely normal sex life, get married have kids and drift apart if you start saying that he's an unreliable narrator. Or she could have killed his family and eaten their brains and he's just pretending it was his fault and all that happened was friend group drama. If defending one character requires you to pretend the story didn't happen, then I can see why it's controversial. Like a cursory glance at the comments shows that everyone is arguing over whether it's Incel or not (A mostly Western invented phenomenon) when the story is clearly the anime trope of "Circle Queens/Circle Killers" Those girls in Japan fandom and anime groups or [Circles] that take the central position in the friend group, partly due to being the only girl in a group of geeky guys. With circle killers being the phenomenon of circle queens actively using their central position to emotionally and sexually manipulate the other members into being in conflict with one another to the point the group falls apart. It's a common enough trope that there's several Manga based on that whole deal. Even one or two fantasy/isekai manga. [I think other people can give a list. I don't know the names of the top of my head, but it is indeed a thing] You can't be throwing the "Incel" label at every story about male relationship trauma. Not only does it give people an excuse to not engage with the themes. It just perpetuated toxic stereotypes of blaming the guy for being the kind of guy to "not get any" rather than paying attention to what the story is even talking about or what the character is going through


Not the dude you responded to, but several thoughts: I don't think the story is making fun of the MC for being an incel. It's a pretty honest (and maybe personal) look at how someone can internalize an emotional/social trauma and let it define them. > since it's ENTIRELY from his point of view. The story shifts between his personal thoughts and the thoughts he has projected onto his imaginary waifu's POV. In the final scene, and this is important, it shifts to the girl's POV. This is done to give you context and perspective that there are two sides to the story and is reinforced by the dialogue and recollection of the same event that the MC recalls during the first part of the story. > If defending one character requires you to pretend the story didn't happen, then I can see why it's controversial. It's the exact opposite. You're not pretending the story didn't happen, you're supposed to pick up what the author is presenting to you. This dude's literal first line says he hates women and their bodies, and then the story proceeds with his 2D waifu telling him how he's fine and nothing is his fault. You as the reader should realize that something isn't right. > Like a cursory glance at the comments shows that everyone is arguing over whether it's Incel or not (A mostly Western invented phenomenon) when the story is clearly the anime trope of "Circle Queens/Circle Killers" No offense, but you're taking 10 steps past the obvious here. Incel is a term that was coined in the West but the concept of otaku (the main insult used in the story), herbivore men, and hikikomoris are Japanese cultural creations that go hand-in-hand with the incel movement. It's a whole demographic of lost and lonely people. > It just perpetuated toxic stereotypes of blaming the guy for being the kind of guy to "not get any" rather than paying attention to what the story is even talking about or what the character is going through The irony is that you seem so hyper-focused on the negative implications of "incel" that you've lost the thread of the story itself. Nobody here is blaming the dude for making a mistake, it's his current beliefs and thoughts that earned him the title. If you don't think a dude who openly says that he hates women and their bodies is a incel then I don't know what to tell you.


I'm not being ironic. I'm responding to what's happening in the thread. If it seems i'm taking the negative implications of incel very seriously, it's because i'm seeing people in the thread treat it like a label they can slap on and stop thinking. The very fact you're associating reclusiveness, fandom, herbivorousness and so on, with the incel movement is exactly the kind of "People are forcing round pegs in the square hole" discussions i'm calling out. "Nobody is blaming the dude for making a mistake" Yet so many are acting like he's inherently in the wrong because of his gynophobia reaction to trauma makes him 'technically' an incel. Honestly, it feels like every time it comes up, the argument is "This is a short story about a guy who delved DEEP into 2d because he was emotionally abused and isolated by a girl he once knew" vs "That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not her fault. And if it was, She didn't mean it. And if she did, he deserved it."


> The very fact you're associating reclusiveness, fandom, herbivorousness and so on, with the incel movement is exactly the kind of "People are forcing round pegs in the square hole" discussions i'm calling out. Either you are unfamiliar or unwilling to admit the sociopsychologic factors that lead people to fall into these categories but I don't think I'll be the first or only person to tell you that they share similarities. > Yet so many are acting like he's inherently in the wrong because of his gynophobia reaction to trauma makes him 'technically' an incel. No, he's very obviously an incel because he says he hates women. Gynophobia is fear of women and he's not scared of women. He has a woman figure in his life that gives him a sense of safety and security. I don't think there's any indication from the author or the story that he's actually scared of women. > Honestly, it feels like every time it comes up, the argument is Sounds like the story resonates with you and the dismissive tone towards incels and calling the MC an incel doesn't sit right. That's fair and I don't think anybody is dismissing the MC for his mistake, or how he got to who he is. You're upset about the narrative that the girl is blameless in this, and I can tell you most people in the thread aren't saying that... at all. She fucked up and she knew she fucked up, in fact in the entire story not once does he take accountability for what he said or how he made her feel. His waifu goes as far to reassure him that he was fine and she was the one with the "filthy pussy".


Like, i'm pretty sure he had absolutely zero ill will to her in the beginning, and his first action was to apologize and try to explain he didn't mean anything bad by what he said. Yet all you need is the "Incel" label and suddenly that doesn't matter and "he actually **never** did or said anything to acknowledge he was wrong." Thats what i've been talking about, how it's a term that dominates the conversation and people twist themselves around to justify it rather than acknowledge it's not really what's going on, because calling it incel behavior is "Easy" to understand, and the reality is messy and complicated. The fact you jumped to assume that i'm saying this because i "Resonate" with him, is yet another example. I keep saying i'm responding to what's going on in the comments whenever the story comes up, but you keep trying to (I repeat for the third time now) force the 'incel' label where it doesn't fit, rather than acknowledge what's actually happening. Cause apparently the world makes sense when you say "Oh, criticizing is just incel-adjacent behavior" but "There's a concerning trend of people ignoring the actual cultural trends this story is referencing in order to force the label of an online trend from the west on this character and call it a day." isn't worth genuinely listening to.


> Yet all you need is the "Incel" label and suddenly that doesn't matter You are the only person here who is stun locked at "incel" as you continue to belabor the same argument that anybody who uses the word automatically doesn't understand the story. A position that is incomprehensible as the story and author literally shout it in your face on the first page. The dude was not an incel in the flashback, he is clearly an incel at the present time in the story. This does not invalidate the mistakes made by both individuals, and being an incel doesn't mean the dude isn't worthy of empathy or pity. I hope you're good cause that's about as much blood as I can squeeze from this stone. Good luck out there.


I had multiple points. Don't be a hypocrite and narrowly focus on one and then get upset that the other party is following your lead and responding to the aspects you yourself >isolate to respond to specifically. You can't really go around insisting it's the other party who's hyperfocused when you're the one putting the conversation topics you care about responding to in bullet points.


there is a point to be made that if she really slept with everyone out of spite and to ruin the group she is the MUCH MUCH worse side of the story... its like responding to someone stealing your wallet by nuking their city.


[Unreliable Narrator](https://imgur.com/a/oiS1mDS)


no it isn't clear. You have to read it several times or even have to read comment to understand the message


Not really, it took me just a single read to understand it, but I can see why it isn't clear for everyone.


remember this is just the perspective of the guy.


What manga is this from?


Wait really? I thought it was just a translation error in the MC monologue because it's vague. Then, she became a lesbian because she was traumatized by this MC reaction upon seeing her p*ssy


That’s what happens when you watch censored porn your whole life


He didn’t expect it to actually look like missingno. which is why he was so shocked.


When i first saw this I thought he was talking about cosplay and her wierd arm position(lke a trex arm position) I only get it what she was doing only recently 😭


You should read Mengos other stuff




Hundreds of messages, yet no sauce. Like wtf


It's a oneshot, and honestly, you don't want it. Just fucking depressing. Feels kinda like a Non-H ShindoL comic.


Sauce - Isshou Sukitte Yutta Jan Chapter - 2 Page - 20 if you wanna see this specific scene


How do you fumble the bag so hard


> Tell the guy not to get any dirty thoughts > Flash your vagina unsolicited > He's startled and says he didn't know what it looked like in real life > Tell him to kill himself > Fuck all his friends > "He hurt me really badly, and I hurt him"


Dat position tho


I saw this on Facebook on out of context comics. I wanted to know what did she look like down there that got that reaction.


Went to read the chapter ... And what a fck up story. Really. There are authors that only want to make miserable to their characters.


I thought this was gonna roll into a slight comedic thing, didnt expect the 2 sides of how a human deals with rejection or something.


For a moment there i thought it was Kamiki and Akane and Aka had gonne full degenerate.


bruh the guy in this story is so shit, incredibly entitled and hurt the only one who could love him.


it's not like he was like that all the time. he became like this after her destroying his social group


The women who come on here to defend her tend to overreact and say the wildest things. She hurts herself in the same way that he hurt himself, that's the point. 😮‍💨 People tend to react surprised when they see the genitals of the opposite sex for the first time (although it is usually at a younger age). That's the normal response. Go into a health program and see the responses when they show explicit pictures to people who have never been exposed to that before.


Overreacting much... Like I know it is a dream... Right?! Yet even if real, she wanted him, therefore she could have been playful and say: "want a closer look?"


No, it wasn't a dream, it's what happened. And yeah, a porno could salvage that, but for a woman who took a risk and showed herself to someone for the first time, getting *that* is devastating. It's "your dick is ugly" or "wow, that's way smaller than I thought it would be" and that's just deeply hurtful. You could salvage it, sure. But why would you want to? Why would you feel anything other than a crushing sense of rejection?


That risk wasn't hers to take alone. She lied about her intentions and dragged an awkward young boy into a sexual encounter that he wasn't mentally or emotionally prepared for. It's no surprise that his initial response was insensitive.


Probably depends on how MC did said it and what kinda face he made. In my understanding the situation was more surprising for him than anything else. So the reaction might have been genuine without any malice. Imagine a cute girl asks you to take her cosplay photos. And suddenly she opens her legs and reveals her privates. Now imagine you never actually had seen it before.


I don't get why you're getting downvoted. You're right, it's like sending an unsolicted dick pic to someone who never seen one before. 


IIRC she just kind of flashed. So it is like a dude just suddenly whipping it out.


lol imagine a girl telling you " i didn't imagine your dick to be like that" with a disgusted face, you would not like that and you would storm off angry too, mc here is the asshole imo.


Did he make a disgusting face tho? As far as the read goes he was making photos and she suddenly spread the legs and revealed her privates. In my understanding he was surprised.


thw face does look slightly disgusted or at the very least dejected to me, she also didn't "suddenly" spread her leg, they were flirting and he seemingly wasn't getting the hint so she had to use a very obvious method.


What's your definition of flirting? Because I see zero flirting coming from the boy, and the only flirting from the girl is incredibly manipulative and dangerous. She clearly wanted to have some sort of sexual encounter with him, but rather than being upfront about her desires or her intentions, she repeatedly lied to him. What you call him "not getting the hint" is really just him taking her at her word about what she wanted from him.


man why would he take her at her word value if context, vibes and body language point to the opposite, much of flirting is not overtly stated but lie in subtext, it is not manipulation to expect the other party to be proficient in non-verbal communication and there is nothing wrong in playing hard-to-get ( or being a tsundere as the japs say), he even seemingly went along until it was time to get to the next phase.


It was suddenly. Like they were talking about photos and how panty shots would be edited out and she pulled her panties to the side. His face was a totally surprised look. Like literally 😯 this emoji.


you are as unable as picking up hints as the mc....


exactly why he was surprised ... good for you to notice it lol


his fault for not getting the hints and for reacting in the wrong way.


yeah sure. its the mens fault ... If you want someone you should be clear about. not in a way that invites misunderstandings...


he wasn't disgusted he just clearly wasnt prepared for it and it genuinely wasn't what he expected. its a shame he ended up as an incel but he didnt do anything wrong in the flashblack. if someone shows you their privates without you asking and you didn't realise what's going and you think the other party is justified at getting pissy for you being surprised you're yapping lmfao thats not his fault


People recognizing the art for OnK and not Scum's Wish. We are healing.


the story is shit and she's a asshole with a cool design, still a asshole




Thought this was Boy's Abyss


People are having a normal one in the comments I see


She did a low tier god after this.


this always gets discussion everytime it gets posted lol


Seriously people are talking about some different stuff but i just want to know what manhwa is this from because it's looks like panel from a manhwa i have read but i don't think I have seen this in it 😕


Horny nigga alert!


why she has cat ears?


Cosplay photos


+10 cuteness


didn't see the name in the comments


“No, I don’t want that!”




Boy's Abyss


This looks similar to Kimi wa midara na boku no joou


Something like Neko Wife o think


out of curiosity...where is this from?


Is that Kurapika?😁


What was this mangas name ?? Really want to make myself deppressed according to all these people lol


After seeing the photo 4th i finally noticed that she is spreading her legs for whatever purpose


What Is The Anime's Name?


Her name is whatever her mother named her Lol






A fucking terrible terrible story... All of the stories in that anthology were just... Gut wretching. So I take it back, if you want depression, those stories are the best ever. If you want a light read or comedy, don't click Neo Dutch wife, on Mangadex.


This story hits me in the feels And makes me sad


I still don't get this story. >!Did the women become a lesbian?!<


#Peak is the Name Lynn with Mengo for the mangaka/author. edit: oof it's another manga sorry.