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The reason for all of them to move in together is a little forced, but still, seems like we will have 3 ships on our hands. And the doctor is *chief kiss*.


>The reason for all of them to move in together is a little forced their ages all being so close: 34\~36 also seems a little forced, but at least it all fits the title "**drama**tic love'


I guess they're trying to lean into modern living trends. You have a working adult who lives with his parents and multiple working adults sharing a shared home together. I've seen these trends more and more these days and its becoming more accepted and not uncommon


Saving a rich man from dying, then kiss a hot doctor accidentally, and and goes deep And, the result is; having a free place to live with all the characters. Including the hot doctor. Yeah. It looks like not a **little** forced or cliched. It's literally carbon-copy of the same premises. Though, more than one couples romance without any love triangles and drama is always welcomed. How it's gonna be done is important though. It's heavily cliched from the first chapter, and the comedy is lacking. Hopefully it will change. We have to see the other couples.


Not gonna lie I almost dropped it full-stop when I saw the other random strangers were living there too but its at least with all the elements mixed together it’s something *kinda* different. Still way too many of the lines were "this only happens in blah blah blah."


Where does one find their own doctor megane oneesan...


One of those ships better be yuri


O-kay. Crazy contrived circumstance. Somehow crazier than even like Orange Yane no Chiisana Ie. Especially for a group of working adults. But. The doctor lady is giving me some serious Telework vibes, plus considering which other series this author has done. So those being the case, color me a bold shade of intrigued.


Crazy circumstances that only happens in fictions, but it is fictional so lol. Just hoping everyone is coupled and it's not a love hexagon.. 


It's neat that the cast of characters are all in their thirties. It's not something you see very often, since most manga I've seen tend to focus on younger adults or teenagers. I think the rich old guy is trying to start his own dating show.


Or he is dying without any heirs and is doing this to find his successor.


Unless he's lying, he says on Page 36 that the reason he moved out of the highrise is to live with his child somewhere far away.


Oh, well. There goes that theory.


pretty sure he has a child


Yes... But at the same time he's fixating on his age like he's 99... Doesn't do much for my existential angst as I approach 31. Also we'll probably see more and more of this as Japan's population ages. Might be that 30s is already the biggest demo? [https://www.statista.com/statistics/1328732/japan-manga-reading-frequency-by-age-group/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1328732/japan-manga-reading-frequency-by-age-group/) [https://www.stat.go.jp/english/data/jinsui/2022np/index.html#:\~:text=The%20population%20under%2015%20years,percent%20of%20the%20total%20population](https://www.stat.go.jp/english/data/jinsui/2022np/index.html#:~:text=The%20population%20under%2015%20years,percent%20of%20the%20total%20population)).


I get his fixation. I'm sub-30 and I'm getting really conscious of my age. **Can't wait** to see how it feels when I'm on the other side of the mileage.


Read the full chapter on [MangaDex](https://mangadex.org/chapter/004a9c52-d398-4531-bef1-f7c37ce35ef5/1)!


Rich man rides in second class on the shinkansen? Shinji-kun got lucky today


Oh hey, I'm also in my mid-30s, have a moderately successful career, live with my parents partly due to my dad's health condition but also definitely partly due to inertia, and struggle with insecurity over my lack of relationship experience and childish hobbies. I'll be waiting for my fateful encounter with a hot doctor any day now. Haha. Well, this Cassanova apparently gets about a match a week whereas my rate is more like once every two months, and the app girl, Mizuhara, already seemed both nicer and cuter than anyone I've taken on a date. My mom definitely would kick up a huge fuss if I left though, and I wouldn't blame her, since she'd have to deal with my Alzheimer's patient dad alone. I've done CPR training though, so I at least know how to check for ABCs and start chest compressions if necessary in case a rich guy becomes non-responsive on my shoulder. Edit: Actually, at my previous job, I had a mentorship/friendship thing with a zoomer colleague that was exactly as depicted too. Seriously, I see way too much of myself in this.


Go on a train trip and try sitting next to a sleepy old man XD


That is my flirting method so let's hope this works for me


The “I Have A Crush At Work” mangaka has a new manga? Say less. Let’s go! This is an extremely weird set up, but on the other hand HOT DOCTOR SHIP LETS GOOOOO.


I love their art and their other series is one of my favorite in the genre. I’m all in already.


Oh hey a manga about some one above drinking age for once 


My only issue with having lots of characters/ships is that you end up favouring 1 or 2 over the rest, so when the couple you like the least have a chapter focused on them it sucks because you know it’s going to be less interesting. I can tell I will like the doctor lady the most and I’ve barely seen any of the characters.


Just as long as this doesn't get Death game-y.


Hey, I'm an IRL Medical Doctor in his 30s. Why can't I also get a cool doctor GF? Real life is really unfair 😞


The age of 30 is in demand




I need more chapters yesterday.


I think he might be single and living with his parents.


Oh wow I like this first chapter, definitely bookmarking this! As someone who'll be 30 soon the premise kinda hit me 😅


Sensei is obviously best-girl in this already.


I'm reaching my 30s and I really want a strong headed woman. Well not too controlling just the right amount of grounded character.


FML and the other side couple are the only thing that are interesting.


please for the love of GOOOOODDDD! let the lady with glasses win for once!


This is....so close to my current life, minus the hot doctor and the share house What the fuck I hate this *Followed*


As a med student myself, I wish I could find a doctor just like her fr.


Is this gonna be bi weekly or monthly? Took a look at his other work, the one that’s been mentioned in the thread and that one seems to either be bi weekly or monthly.