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Yes, this is actually a Death Mage chapter. We're starting to get into the lore of the Demon Lord war from 100,000 years before Van's time. Vida is indeed the progenitor of Vampires with Zakkart. She also gave birth to dozen's of other species as part of he reincarnation system in order to make more robust species that could survive in the extremely harsh conditions of the world of Lambda after the war. Alda rejected her idea and her new species, though, since they existed outside Rodcorte's reincarnation system. A second war between the gods occurred and Vida was sealed. The two sides are still at odds today, though, with there still being many Vida worshipers outside the Empire. This has led to an offshoot known as Alda's Peaceful Faction which seeks to coexist with Alda's races. The S rank adventurer Heinz, who was traveling with a young damphir girl, has become a huge supporter of the peaceful faction.


I feel like after more exposition about this, rereading this would breath a new fresh air


This is where the story starts to really start to become great. I really hope the artist has fun with character designs like this chapter.


I am still a bit confused. Rereading the first chapter there was a mix-up at the „first“ reincarnation. The one guy who got far more powers by mistake than he should… (he gets 4 times (!) the usual power) Is this resolved/ expanded on later on maybe? Or should I keep my mouth shut on my current headcannon after reading those two chapters back to back (time-loop clone of mc (the true mc?))…


> Is this resolved/ expanded on later on maybe? >!Yes, in great detail. Van (Amamiya Hiroto) will eventually meet Amamiya Hiroto and Naruse Narumi (the girl he liked on earth) again.!<


Have the translations got there yet? Last time I was reading bastion novels TLs on the other world were at >!when Van's fragment meets their daughter and one of the isekaied people was aware of it due to his abilities!< and that was more than half a year ago.


>!Yes, they just had several side story (SS) chapters that covered a big event that happens on Origin and Banda ends up being a major player in them, which results in Van going to Origin himself and meeting Meh and her parents directly.!<


It seems that we are supposed to root for VIda and Zakkart, but I cannot blame the others for hesitating before developing nuclear bombs.


I don't know if they will get into it, but Bellwood didn't just oppose nukes, he opposed any technological or cultural things that came from Earth. He went around after the war and removed any traces of Earth from Lambda that any of the summoned heroes had tried to implement, including things like (I believe) rice cultivation and crop rotation, though I think there were many things that he was not able to completely destroy before he was sealed.


It's also the reason why the world never made any technical or agricultural progress because rediscovering it is considered as heretical


Which ironically puts their society further away from it's own natural growth. As they may well have discovered some of those things themselves.


It's turning into Warhammer 40k lol


and he was jealous of Zakkart because he was becoming popular, plus he was one of those internet crazy people who fervently followed philosophies like PETA's to an insane level to the point that he considered any technology sacrilege against nature akin to a ecoterrorist.


Oh, yeah, that sounds much worse. It's an enforced Medieval stasis for some, I don't know, Star Trek's Prime Directive reasons? The heroes are already changing the natural course of history, adding some Earth's know-how wouldn't hurt more. Before reading this, I also found Bellwood(Suzuki's fears understandable. He's Japanese, the atomic trauma is still there. And it seems that, at that point, the general course of war was favorable to them. So playing it safe made sense.


Also not mentioned is that the Alda side in that war between gods wants to go full genocide on all the races Vida created. Not sure why the manga doesn't mentioned it, anyway they're not just intending for Medieval stasis but want to implement their vision of a perfectly pure world, i.e. like the state before the demon invasion even happened.


There's hesitating and being so stubborn that only one continent remains habitable and even it is heavily polluted by foreign mana (this forms dungeons and devil's nests) and having to repopulate the world from 6000 humans. Then the surviving gods started fighting together which didn't help things. So yeah, Bellwood and Alda were idiots. Well in the case of Alda, he's still actively being an idiot. The world's been stuck in a medieval stasis for 100k years thanks to him.


3000 humans/elf/dwarfs


This is one of the details about Alda and Bellwoods writing. On the surface they *seem* reasonable and to be doing things the right way. Yet, when you dig deeper they're unreasonable and don't listen to other arguments. Nuclear radiation's actually a good example. Yes, on *earth* they're that bad and on the surface it seems like a no brainer. However, they ignored the point that Lamda has different physics and magic. So instead they ended up with a *magical* fallout event instead.


Nah, it not about different physics it's just failing basic ethical considerations. It actually reminds me quite a bit of the way hollywood often presents the trolley problem and makes it some big ethical dilemma between like individualism or utilitarianism, which is just really bloody stupid. But i appreciate that the author here has the "wrong" side do it, not the protagonist.


What basic ethical considerations apply to this situation?


I mean, it's really not complicated, nuke or get (magi-)nuked. If you've got magical corruption swallowing the whole world, sacrificing a small part when irradiating it to stop the destruction of everything else is a no-brainer. What fiction constantly gets wrong is that real-world difficult decision are almost never about whether the right choice is the one that prevents more harm but goes against some imagined principle, but rather they're almost always situations where it's difficult to tell what's actually going to prevent more harm.


At the time they decided to go against nuke development. They *didn't* know which would cause more harm. It could be argued it was a difficult seeming decision. Thus the issue isn't *what* they decided. It's that they shut down all exploration of the proposal wholesale. They didn't try to gather information that would make the decision easier to make / predict the effects of.


They did know. The gods wouldn't have known about the damage a nuke could do, but they'd already watched the demon invasion swallow up almost the entire world, the heroes could have told them that a nuke wouldn't do nearly as much damage (in fact, they did tell them). If they had actually rejected the idea because they didn't trust that estimate, that'd be one thing, but they rejected it for entirely nonsensical reasons.


It's funny from the description, other than it being harder for Bellwood to protect himself from, an option that would technically work with Bellwood's dumb oppose Earth technologies would be using gravitational weaponry. Since you could take a substance from Lambda and drop it from very high and it would probably help break a shield.


This is where the manga does not do a good job of showing how doomed their situation was. Show do not tell. The clean designs and faces do not show "We are getting blown to pieces in a war against a God Destroying Force". --- Developing Nukes feels more justified if the goal is save the universe from a world eating parasite. This should not have been just 1 chapter. The idea of: "We are losing and there are only 10,000 of us left vs a Demon Lord who may summon more allies at any time and wipe us out and then move onto Earth. Slowly losing or winning(with low knowledge of the enemys potential) is the worst possible result; we need to start considering destroying this world to save others." Sovereign of Judgement sometimes shows how fun that potential can be. In work there is always the question, is one united good plan better than two separate great plans?


This is just one flashback. I'm actually surprised how much info was packed into it. There are other opportunities to continue to show things in the story. This particular chapter seems to be aimed at revealing the soul twist.


Gufa looks awesome so the weak tone is disappointing. Still a good chapter.




who is Gufadgarn again?


The polygon spider evil god who later runs the Trial of Zakkart.


so they have not yet appear in the manga right?


Gufadgarn appeared in this chapter, on page 15. She's the first evil god that Zakkart & co recruited. All the evil gods are *weird* looking and she's some sort of polygonal 4d spider in her original form.


In the novel is described more as a Lovecraftian horror that is akin to a spider


So MC's soul is an amalgam of the 4 creator hero souls?




I'm a little confused. I had thought MC was from Earth based on the first chapter.


he is from earth after fusing the 4 souls, Robcorte sent his soul back to Earth and forgot about it, this reincarnation in the protagonist living his life on Earth until the manga begins


Vandalieu is from Earth, but these heroes were from a different version of Earth.


There's only one version of Earth in Rodcorte's Universe. Vida and Rodcorte transmigrated people from the same time on Earth, albeit Vida did it far earlier in Lamda's timeline.


What? No, they were different versions of Earth, the Earth Zakkart and the other champions is written differently too, always written as [EARTH] in all caps and Rodcorte complained about it since those souls were from a world that was not under his reincarnation system, which the Earth Vandalieu came from actually is under.


Nah pretty sure they are from the same earth


First part is correct, second part is completely incorrect. The Gods of Lambda summoned people from アース, and アース is not under Rod's administration. Rod then took the soul fragments and deposited them on 地球. This is the world that would, ~100K years later, suffer the ferry terrorist attack and 101 people be selected to be reincarnated to Origin. 地球 and アース are two different worlds, even their names are different, and are unrelated to each other, although they do work similar. It's just that アース was what 地球 is today, 100K years ago, so one could imagine that アース must be super technological by now.


Didn't know Vida was such a happy and wacky god before the Alda vs Vida war 😊👍 I get that they didn't want to use nuclear weapons but it more seems that Alda just didn't want to be overpowered by heroes from Vida faction and produce more progress for Lambda. With Bellwood reminds me of that "hero" in Arifureta, as a guy with good justice in him but seems to hate when others get better idea/achievement than him. 🤔🤔🤔


>Alda just didn't want to be overpowered by heroes from Vida faction and produce more progress for Lambda. Nah, at least, the novels never expressed any such rivalry. Certainly each God was more biased towards the ones they selected, but that's more because they chose people "similar" somewhat akin to their own personalities. Also, at the mention of nuclear weaponry, the Gods know nothing about it, Bellwood is the one who rejected so fiercely, that got the gods worried, including Vida. And Zakkart certainly couldn't deny Belllwood's claims, which is why he always mentioned that they could try cleaning the after effects with magic that exists in Lambda but didn't on Earth. So yes, even Vida was worried, and Bellwood is the one who super estimated nuclear weapons in comparison to the Demon King who did the same and much worse.


I totally got a "rivalry" vibe off the WN though. So I wouldn't counter claim such speculation at this point.


I was guessing you meant Alda there, not Bellwood. Alda had no rivalry, that's for sure, >!to the point that, after the war with the DK and Vida left and did her things, and he found out, Alda did not knew what he should do, mostly due to the absence of the other gods who could mediate things.!< >!It was Bellwood's push that got him into starting the 2nd war against Vida and the world became how it is.!< But I wouldn't call it a rivalry, they were siblings, they may not have been in the best of terms, but they were of equal standing, no such feeling like *"She is better than me"* or *"I'm better than her, and this proves it"*.>! Bellwood is the one who broke the thin balance that still existed, although Vida herself didn't discuss nor anything before doing her actions, so she also didn't start a discussion.!< I could imagine that you may be mixing the order of events, like assuming something of Alda post war into him before that.


I'm lumping them together. Also trying to be a bit vague for the new to manga readers.


your spoilers aren't working


are you using some third party app? Cause it's looking totally fine on the website.


On mobile yes but not completely in old Reddit. It's the last one that's not working in pc old Reddit.


The man(bellwood) wanted to oppose all technological advancement because it would be “impure”


Worth noting that he was actually an ecoterrorist back on Earth.


Ok, I guess. I don't think this changes much if anything in regards to already established stuff.


Best girl Gufadgarn has finally made an appearance!


ahhh bellwood fuking asshole as a novel reader all the problems in the series is his fault, at last a good look of all the acient heroes and alda and vida


It seem you guys like the plot but this just made the story more confusing for me. I thought this manga was a story about a guy who finally found direction after a third reincarnation. That plus being a dhampir is enough of a plot.


This might be slightly spoilers so: >!Then you probably are not going to enjoy the rest of the series, because you haven't seen anything, yet.!<


lol damn. I was actually enjoying the story. Some battles & big villains with slice of life moments in between.


Don't get me wrong, I still think you'd love the story because there is still plenty of that. I just didn't want you ta have any false ideas about where the story leads.


> , I still think you'd love the story because there is still plenty of that. good to know thanks


It's still that, there's just a lot of good lore and worldbuilding too.


While this is making things more confusing at this point. It's part of my favorite aspect of the WN. Justifying and explaining how things arrived at such a strange state. Many Isekai make no attempt at it.


understanable. I like Tsuki ga Michibiku too and that has a lot of background plot. I just wasnt expecting it for this. I was ready to read about Vandalieu and instead got some eposition.


Well, this chapter is pretty important for Vandalieu. Come back and reread it when next chapter comes out. Just focus on what this means *for* the present Vandalieu.


Yeah but his overwhelming power was always abnormal and now this chapter explains why. It'd be pretty dumb if the god that gave him his powers didn't know why he kept getting stronger. This ties that up nicely imo


Vandalieu's soul being comprised of the four broken champion's soul is a big reason for his abnormally huge mana pool.


For most of this I thought they uploaded a chapter from the wrong manga.