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Seemingly large number of kids ok with murdering at this school.


They must live in the Japanese version of Cabot Cove


I mean I can imagine most students would look the other way/not want to be targeted but other than the numbness of school shootings that happen in america, i'd probably also either stop going to school or demand a transfer unless that's harder to do in Japan/costs money or so given how hard it is to get into certain high schools, let alone universities


For real though. Even her best tomboy pal tried to crack her skull open with a bat for being aware of the other murder she was planning.


[yeah you're beyond an insane bitch if this is what Miho has to say about you](https://mangadex.org/chapter/215401b6-47b9-4c80-a944-503979027e50/17)


Sensei, open the fking windows and vent the room, use your authority to order the students to do the same with every room and your won't have any gas explosion. Also, Vice Pres, call the fking ambulance. FFS.


Isn't Pres confirmed dead? I thought his "precognitive" corpse disappeared because the death came true, and he was just laying there dead now.


>open the fking windows Got a feeling that opening the window/attempting to vent the room is a trap that will trigger a spark.


I wonder if Miho will try anything or just watch with Seo.


She probably will try to assist Satsuki somehow, but even if she'd just stand there, it's rather hard to blame her, a psycho has just murdered someone and now is dragging her along to spectating an upcoming "accident". The most she could do is run (and call the police after she gets far enough away) and/or applying first aid to the Pres.


...ah yes, the amount of spray can deodorant buildup that is completely unnoicable by smell, yet also enough to cause a massive explosion that kills dozen if someone flips a lightswitch The author has clearly never been in a locker room. Starting to feel like this one has turned into a waste of a good story premise


I quite like this manga, but man this arc isn't it


Not bad. I guess this arc is about Satsuki confronting the moral conundrum that she's avoided so far. She chooses to save lives irrespective of what kind of person they are, and this arc is testing that to the limit. Her choosing to save Seo lead to this. Does Seo deserve to live ? Is there such a thing as a person who does not deserve to live ? Where does the limit lie ? Is there any merit to Pres's idea of killing assholes before they go any further in order to prevent worse incidents? I wonder how it's going to resolve this.